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The Walking Dead. Vail x randomname

Eyes full of disbelief, Negan had to replay the past few seconds over in his head again. Did she really say that? It was unexpected, but relieving. Releasing the most sinister chuckle, Negan flashed a charming smile towards Vivian and placed one hand onto her cheek, gently stroking the skin of her face. “That’s what I wanted to hear. It looks like you will not go back into this cell. You are not going into the yard to contain the walkers. Good for you. However, keep in mind that this can change at any point in time. Only you can keep yourself out of trouble.”

She was not finished, though. “You saw everyone else. Bow before me. Show me your true submissive side. I might even take you as my wife if you’re willing. After this, you can meet my wives and decide if you want to join them.” Of course, it was her “choice” if she wanted to marry him or not, but it should have already been obvious that if she chose not to become one of Negan’s wives, her life was a living hell. He might even put her out in the slavery yard if she does not accept his invitation.


Once the couple reached the bedroom again, Jake dropped his towel and approached Maggie, pulling down her towel immediately. Licking his lips, Jake crawled into the bed with her, climbing on top of the brunette. “I want you to know something. I don’t just want you like this. I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to have a relationship with you, emotional and physical. I hope you understand.” Of course, Maggie was sexy and Jake wanted to make love with her. However, that was not all he wanted. She was not disposable. A commitment was made but Jake wanted Maggie to hear it in words from himself so there was no confusion.

After that had been cleared, Jake pressed another kiss to her lips and started stroking his fingers through her long, brunette hair. His tongue reached inside of her mouth, playing and wrestling with her tongue, sometimes pinning it down underneath his own. His dominant side was showing now as he reached for Maggie’s hands in both of his, meshed their fingers together and pinned both arms down above her head onto the mattress, their palms touching together. His manhood was growing erect, now pressing strategically against her clitoris, every inch of their body now touching. “I’m going to give you the best ride of your life.” He whispered, showing his confidence in the bed. Not only was Jake very well-endowed, but he knew how to use each inch, too.
How Vivian despised him as he stood there laughing in victory. Negans touching of her have made her skin crawl. All she wanted was to stay alive as long as she could. And if that meant playing this ego game with Negan was her only way do so, then she would have to swallow her own pride for awhile. Bite her tongue, and let him think he has control over her. Vivian didn't want to be anywhere near him, she just had to buy her time till there was an opening to get away from his grasp and this place. Though she knew this was not going to be anytime soon.

Vivian hesitated, taking a moment to count to ten, looking down to her feet. She wanted to scream. Punch him face. Knowing that both would take from her progress and that she would find herself back in the cell. She was used to being alone. But she was free. That cell made her feel truly along and didn't want to go back. Shacking with fear of anger, she dropped to one knee at his feet. Avoiding looking up. " I just want to work. Not another wife." She wasn't sure if that was even an option for her. All she wanted was to become another face in the sea of people working. Any chance she could cloak herself from him the better. Oddly, she was not shocked that he had more than one 'wife'. Negan was a man who like to feel powerful and important.


Maggie couldn't but grin ear to ear as Jake climbed on top of her. He was so fit for a Doctor, unsure if this was how he always was, or if the world forced him to be this way. Either way, she was very please by his build. Jake didn't have to tell her those things, Maggie already knew this. Over the years she was sure that he must have tried not to get attached to patients, or that how she would have been in his shoes. " I know, I always knew Jake." She said just before he leaned into her giving her a passionate kiss.

Breathless, tats how he made her feel. Jakes body over hers, his hands running through her hair. Her own hands running down his back one time before he took them pinning them above her head to the mattress. Maggie was so in the moment that she didn't even notice that he was expressing a dominate tone. Her body trembled feeling his manhood pressing against her clit. Moaning softly into the kiss. There was not doubt that what he said was just him being cocky. Thus far all that Jake has done made her melt in his hands, and it was just getting started.​
“Now, that is a damn shame Vivian. I mean it. You were so fucking close to living a nice life here. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to. I’m not like that. Any man that tries to force himself onto a woman is disgusting. He is a pig. I would never do that and I would never make you marry me. It’s just sad that you’re going to go back into that cell now.” Negan spoke, shaking his head. “You can stand up.” He ordered, crossing his arms with Lucille still in one of his hands while looking down at the redhead.

“So, here’s what you’re going to do. Go back into your cell, strip off all your clothes and throw them out into the hallway. I’ll get them and put them into the marketplace. Later, someone will be back with the slave clothing you are going to wear.” Of course, she could still change the outcome of this. If she chose to be his wife, then she would not live like this. Things would be so much better for the young woman. It was entirely up to her though. Negan might not force her, but the alternative was essentially death.


Smiling, Jake pulled back from Maggie’s lips and looked deep into her green eyes. Keeping their eyes locked together while crawling down her body. Stopping once his face was in between her legs, Jake pressed a kiss onto Maggie’s clitoris, holding his lips there before parting them and allowing his tongue to peek out and trace a few circles onto her sensitive bundle of nerves. While doing this, two fingers slipped inside of Maggie’s tight sex, starting to massage the inner walls inside of her as Jake made sure that his fingers rubbed every inch they could reach inside of this amazing woman.

Soon, he started sucking on her clit, letting his teeth graze the flesh as his fingers kept thrusting in and out of her womanhood. After a few more minutes, Jake switched it up. This time, his fingers pressed onto her clit and began rubbing counter-clockwise circles with ample pressure before his tongue reached inside of Maggie’s wet sheath. While eating her out, Jake gripped her ass with his hands, squeezing the flesh firmly and bucking her hips up against his face while he moaned inside of her, hoping to drive her wild with pleasure. His tongue moved at an incredibly fast rate in and out of her, his teeth grazed her outer folds and Jake never lost eye contact with her.
Betrayal, anger, and hopelessness. This struck Vivian down to her core. This man manipulated her, broke her down narrowing her choices so that being his wife was the only 'fair' choice she had. Knowing that Negan played her. But she was done playing games. Sure life would have been better if she accepted his offer to be one of his wives. She wouldn't lay with him, or anything that he would ask for a 'wife' to do. Vivian was stubborn. She gave him the inch, but wont allow him the mile.

Vivian started to laugh as she stood. " Well played." She said looking him dead in the eye. Her will showing that it still had some fight in her. " But sadly, I'm still going to have to pass." A small smile crept on her lips as she walked passed Negan into the cell, as she moved she stripped on her hoodie, tossing it to his feet. " I know I said over my dead body, but since you pretty much sending me to my death, it doesn't matter now, does it?" She said with humor in her voice. kicking off her boots and slipping down her jeans. " Plus, you're not my type, I don't have daddy issues." Vivian stripped off the rest of her closed, now standing before Negan in all her glory. " Yeah, you said any man that tries to force himself onto a woman is disgusting. Because you fucked me..." Her dark green eye glared at him full of rage. " I'm Vivian....and I will never bow to you again."


Maggie soft green eyes followed Jake's as he moved his way down her body. though he was just getting started, she has never felt anything as amazing as his lips teasing her clit. She bit down on her lip as her back arched, bringing her hips up to him. As his fingers entered her hungry opening, touching every inch of her walls. It took all Maggie had to not climax. Everything Jake did made her weak for him, she want to please ad be pleased by him.

Maggie moaned softly " S-slow down, your...going to me make cum" She pleaded, her body quivering fighting the urge. The sensation was to much, and it had been so long. Maggie's heart raced as a flash of white blinded her vision. Her walls tightening on him and she released an orgasm so tense she screamed out. Anyone outside his trailer would have heard. Maggie reached out and grabbed the nearest pillow to cover her face as she cried out again, her juices gushing into Jake's face. For some reason she found that how fast she climaxed some what embarrassing. " I'm....I'm so sorry." she said into the pillow, her body still twitching, but still craving more. Maggie now dripping her pleaser, leaving a puddle on Jake's bed. "Please, don't stop" She begged, pulling the pillow off her face. Her body now coming from the high Jake brought her.. Maggie looked down to him, giving him a soft smile.​
Well, that was unexpected. Vivian was full of surprises, wasn’t she? Negan took all her clothing that she disposed and tossed them down the hallway. Despite attempting to main neutral, Negan could not hide the anger growing. Her humor was not making him happy at all. “Fine. You can have it your way. You can get ripped apart and live a life full of shit but I won’t lose any sleep. I hope you have fun here.” The male muttered, waiting for her to finish undressing before taking all her clothing, intending to do exactly what he said with it. Someone else that listened to him, that bowed to him deserved it.

Looking at the nude woman, Negan remained silent and slammed her cell door shut and locked it before leaving, stamping down the hallway, pissed off. He thought she was going to become his wife. This would have been amazing but not yet. Still, Negan loved a challenge and knew that he could still work on winning her over. When she actually felt what the life of a slave was, she should change her mind. He ordered Simon to go by her cell and give her the slave clothing. It consisted of a brown, baggy shirt and pants that had a letter on the front to differentiate her. That was it, though. Simon unlocked the door and threw the clothing at her, demanding she put them on, closing it immediately after.


Before continuing, Jake pulled back from Maggie’s dripping wet pussy. He reached towards the bedside table and removed a clean, white cloth. There was something he could do about the noise and something that turned him on. “Do you trust me, baby?” he whispered softly, licking his lips to capture every ounce of her nectar. “I can be a little kinky… there are so many things I want to do. The principal kink I want to explore is bondage, especially gags. How about I put this in between your lips and make a cleave gag? It can keep your noise down lower than normal and it will turn me on so much.” He whispered, showing his cock growing to Maggie as he only thought about gagging her. It showed how much he loved the idea.

Finally, he pressed the cloth in between her lips, tying a knot at the back of her head to make a cleave gag. “Gorgeous.” Jake whispered, kissing her over the gag and crawling back down. He did not miss a beat. He wanted to make her cum time after time tonight. His tongue slithered inside of her tight pussy lips again, stroking the inner part of her walls as deep as it could reach. He moaned against her sweet lips and returned his fingers to rubbing her clitoris, hoping to draw her over the edge, squeezing her ass again, forcing her hips up to his face, wanting to hear her moans now that there was a cloth in her mouth.
Even Vivian surprised herself by her actions and what she said. She was normally mild tempered and thought before she spoke. Negan brought this out of her, this man pissed her off like no other. At the same time, he terrified her. There was no backing down now after that, Vivian just had to play it through making sure she didn't buckle, standing her ground. This time she decided not to rebuttal, only because she felt that if she spoke her voice would waver.She refused to let Negan think he intimidated her in any way.

Her eyes watched his as they looked over her raw skin. How this made her uncomfortable, unknowing what was going through his mind. Luckily he did gaze for too long. The sound of the cell door slamming made her jump out of her skin. Standing there until she couldn't hear his foot steps. Finally, she broke down, tears falling from her eyes as swung her fist at the door, causing more damage to her hand than the door. Feeling a small amount of blood flowing from her knuckles. Holding her hand to her chest and backed away till her back hit a wall. Slouching down she sat on the cold ground. " What am I going to do?" She whimpered "Dad, I wish you were here..." Crying into her hands. Vivian stopped when she heard foot steps again, Drying her eyes and face to had the fact she had been crying. In away she was thankful it was Simon bringing her new slave clothes. She didn't waste time putting them on, just ready to get this over with.


Maggie couldn't help but laugh as his question. " Of course I do, silly" She smiled to him, glancing at the cloth as he explained his idea to her. Nodding to him, this was something that Maggie explored. But for Jake, she would do anything to make him happy. plus it was harmless enough. And she knew that Jake would never go out of his way to bring harm to her. So yes, she trusted him. Maybe a little more than she should only knowing him for less than a week. But she did with all her heart.

Maggie opened her mouth allowing him to place the cloth, her eyes gazing lovingly to his face. As he tied it and looked down at her laying under him, she couldn't help but blush when he told her that she was 'Gorgeous' her green eye slyly looking from him. Feeling him move back down her body, she was amazed how Jake found the right places to touch to make her weak for him. A soft muffled moan came from her as he worked her hole with his tongue. Jake finger rubbing her sanative clit. He had only just begun when she could feel her climax building once again. 'Damn, he is good' Maggie thought as her legs trembled, her breathing heavy as he once again caused a rush of pleasure to wash over her, crying out in bliss . Her body squirmed as this orgasm seemed to last for ever. Soon her body relaxed, her breathing slowed. Still she moaned out, she never wanted this to end.​
It was another complete 24 hours before Negan returned to Vivian’s cell. Again, with the total darkness and sensory deprivation, Negan hoped it felt like multiple days. Knowing she would need food, he brought a small plate with another two pieces of stale bread with a spoonful of dog food slapped onto the bread. For water, he had a small bottle that held about six ounces of water at most for her to drink. Not even announcing his presence, Negan just shoved the cell door open and stood in the doorway, silent at first. Wherever she stood or sat, Negan practically threw the food at her, landing right at her feet.

The bottle of water was tossed at her as well. “Here you go. Eat. Once you do that, I’m taking your pathetic, worthless self out for your first day on the job. I’m going to stand here and watch. Just know that all you have to do for escaping this lifestyle is tell me what you know I want to hear, to give yourself to me as a wife. It’ll be more fun than being in this shit, I promise you that. Otherwise, you’re going to live your life with the parasites of our community.”


After Maggie’s second orgasm ended, Jake pulled his face back to breathe. Once he had calmed down, Jake licked inside and around Maggie’s pussy lips, eagerly lapping up her sweet juices with his tongue, swallowing all that he could. When the woman had been cleaned, Jake pressed a kiss against her entrance, holding the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away from the gorgeous woman. Since he was also nude, it was obvious that his arousal had grown full. Just having Maggie gagged and hearing her muffled moans brought him to a full erection already without even being touched. Those noises that Maggie just made, they were the sexiest sounds he ever heard. Furthermore, Jake thought the gag in between her lips simply looked hot, loving how her upper and lower lips just hugged the white material and the look in her eyes became clearer.

Climbing up her body, Jake started kissing her neck, his hands starting to massage her breasts, fondling them and focusing on her nipples. Since Jake had given much attention to her sex, he figured it was time to give attention to her bust, loving those large breasts that he had been unable to look away from earlier. “I’m so glad that you’re mine. I know I’ve said it already but you’re so fucking sexy, Maggie Greene. I love everything about your body.” The male whispered lowly, kissing down her collarbone and then down to her breasts itself, wrapping his lips around her nipple while the other hand continued digging into the flesh of her other tit.
Vivian's eyes snapped open, the sound of heavy boots walking her way, or was it her heart beat? Again, she had no idea how long she had been there, days if felt. Locked away from the world again. Flinching as the door swung open, she held her had up to her eye, blocking the light. Tears rolled down her cheeks, seeing Negan at the door. Again she flinched, the food being tossed to her feet sounded like bowling balls. Vivian groaned, slowing pulling herself to her feet. Screaming out " Stop!" as this time the bottle felt like a jackhammer in her head. It was nice to see that he hasn't change since the last time she saw him.

This was no time to be weak, Vivian had to stand her ground and show that she cant be bullied by him. " Ya know, fuck you! You think I'm worthless?! Because I wont bow?!" Her voice horse and dry as she walked to Negan slowly pointing to him" Because I wont be your 'wife'?!" Vivian stumbled right at his feet, landing on her hands and knee. She could hardly walk five feet, and he wanted her to work the fence. "...fuck you..." She sighed, defeated. " You win, I can't do this anymore!" She sobbed, weak and helpless at his feet " I'll do anything, I'll....I'll be your wife..." In the back of her mind she was screaming at herself, to take it back, to keep fighting. Vivian didn't even want to look up at him. "I'm Negan...." She cried into her hands. " ..And I was wrong..."


Maggie closed her eyes as Jake's tongue cleaned her slit. Twitching lightly as hit tongue seemed to touch places that was still sensitive. It was all so soothing, and comforting. Lightly sighing, feeling Jake's lips kiss her sex. Slowly her eyes opened feeling him pull away. Her eyes meeting him as he was again looking at her they way he did. He didn't have to say a word. To him she was the most beautiful woman in the world, sexy, gorgeous. Reading that on his face she again blushed, looking from him. Sure, she has heard this before in her life, before and after the fall. With Jake, it meant the world to her.

Maggie tilted her head as Jakes lips kissed her neck. Sending shivers down her body, letting a small muffle moan out. Wrapping her arms around his neck, running her nails lightly down his back, then up. She loved how he called her 'his', if anyone tried to say this a year ago, it would have pissed her off. Jake on the other hand, she wanted to hear it more. She did belong to him, she loved it. His lips moving down her body, her breath getting heavy once more. Feeling so aroused by his touch, bring a new kind of high that no drug could ever compare. Maggie was addicted him, she couldn't get enough.​
That was simple enough. Negan found himself smirking when Vivian fell before his feet and gave into his wishes. Grabbing Lucille just beneath the barbed wire, he pressed the handle of the baseball bat underneath Vivian’s chin, raising her head upwards to face him, forcing his eyes onto hers while he spoke. “That’s a good girl. Keep in mind that words are only letters combined together. Actions speak louder. If you fuck up for any reason, I will put you back in here until you learn your lesson. I believe in you, though. I believe you can be a great addition to our camp and into my family. This is your second chance to do what is right.”

Finally, Negan pulled Lucille away from her chin and called for Dwight. “Dwighty-boy, come get this water and dog food. We can reuse it later for someone else. The fiery one came to her senses.” Obediently, Dwight entered and cleaned up everything for Negan, taking the trash back outside. When they were alone again, negan resumed talking to Vivian. “Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to take you up to my room. You’ll get to wear something nice. I’ll have the other wives cook us a nice meal. You can meet everyone. It’ll be fun. How does that sound?” Negan questioned, leaning in the doorway, just waiting for a reason to fuck with her again.


“Since we’ve met, I have been unable to stop thinking about you.” Jake admitted, maintaining eye contact with Maggie. “You are so fucking gorgeous. I knew I had to make love to you tonight when I saw you in the shower.” The man’s lips continued pressing kisses down his woman’s neck, his lips finding her collarbone again. Maggie turned Jake on so much, his thick cock was throbbing, the tip of his girth pressing against her clit, her wetness seeping onto his girth. They were making love tonight, but Jake wanted to take his time. Pulling back from her skin, the man decided he would introduce something else that he enjoyed with sex.

Sitting upwards on his knees, Jake gripped her ankles lightly, raising her foot towards his lips, the chapped skin pressing more kisses along the soles of her left foot. After each inch of her skin had been kissed on the bottom of her foot, Jake released it and started peppering his lips down the sole of her right foot. “I think your feet are so cute. I love them. I know not many people have this fetish so I hope you don’t mind.” The dark-haired male whispered, pressing both feet against his cock, her heels pressing into his balls. “How about you stroke my cock with your feet and get me hard?” He had teased Maggie and brought her to arousal so he wanted that as well.
Vivian didn't fight Negan as he used Lucile to make her look at him, although she wanted to. That smirk on his lips turn her stomach, regretting her choice. Despite the fact he left her very few. Every morning for the first few months after the outbreak she wished things would go back to the way they were. That all this was a bad dream. Seemed like forever since she had those thoughts. Looking at Negan's face, his cocky self righteous smile, him peering down at her like she was a prize. Vivian wanted this to be a bad dream, this time just wishing she woke up, alone, in some abandoned house or store.

As soon as Negan pulled Lucile from under her chin, Vivian looked back down to his feet. Jumping slightly as Negan called for Dwight. Glancing up to his scared face, Vivian wondered what happened, and even without the scar, this mans eyes looked defeated. Thanks to Negan, she was sure of that. Vivian could hear Negan was still smiling as he spoke to her. The thought of going to his room made her feel ill. She believed what he said about rape, and how he would never force himself on a woman. But turning him down was also a poor choice. Vivian nodded, 'One step at a time' she thought to herself, right now, she wanted to get out of this cell. Taking a deep unsound breath, choosing her next word wisely. "Yes sir. That would be nice."


Maggie understood and felt the same way. Even before she knew Jake had the same feelings for her. Laying in the hospital, daydreaming about him, what his arm would feel like around her, what his kiss would taste like. She was not disappointed. Sighing gently as his lips grazed her skin giving her goosebumps. Her clit quivering as the head of his member teased, begging to be filled. Maggie's eye meeting his as he pulled away, looking down at her. She adored the way he studied her body.

Took all Maggie had to not giggle as Jakes lips kissed her feet. She has never had anyone's mouth on her feet like this, she didn't hate it, in fact, she enjoyed it. Though Jake could do almost anything, and she would have been okay with it. Her toes curled as his lips caressed her soles. The feel of her feet being placed on his hard cock honestly felt amazing. Never doing this before she wanted to please him greatly. Wrapping her toes gently around his cock head, stroking it slowly. Watching his face to get any feedback on if he enjoyed this. Using the arch of her feet to move up and down his length. Loving the feel of him growing between her feet.​
“Good choice.” Negan mused, the smile growing wider on his face. “After you. I’ll give you the directions.” Bringing up the walkie-talkie, Negan spoke an order for Dwight. “Dwight. I need you again. Find all my wives. Bring them to my room. Tell them we are expecting a visitor.” Once that order had been spoken, Negan gave Vivian directions to his room hallway by hallway. In ten minutes, they had climbed some stairs and reached Negan’s quarters. It was like his own apartment. A kitchen, a dining room, a bedroom, an office, and even a game room with old video game systems, televisions, DVDs, and VCR tapes. There were plenty of books and board games, too. It was the ultimate leisure spot of the apocalypse.

Next, Negan walked her towards the kitchen where his four wives were cooking. Clearing his throat, they looked to him and bowed obediently, kneeling before him. “Stand. Keep the meal going. This is Vivian. She’s my new wife. We’re adding to the family.” He introduced all his wives: Sherry, Amber, Tanya, and Frankie. They obediently greeted Vivian and welcomed her. “Don’t worry, Vivian. They will open up more. Why don’t you get yourself cleaned up? We have a working shower. The washcloth, towels, and soap are inside. I’ll have a dress ready for you when you get out.” He would have to estimate her size but the dresses he had for his wives were fit for all sizes. After escorting her to the bathroom, he closed the door but left a crack, giving her some privacy.


Never before had a woman agreed to Jake’s foot fetish. Maggie was different and it turned him on so much. His cock was growing in between her feet and Jake moaned her name softly. It felt so fucking good. After a few seconds, Jake raised one of her feet to his mouth again, using his lips on her toes this time. He kissed each toe, lightly sliding his tongue against them before sucking on those toes of hers. Afterwards, Jake repeated the process with her other foot, setting it back down onto the bed. Now, Jake was ready to make love to Maggie. She had a couple orgasms already and was introduced into some of his kinks. It was a great start.

Winking at the brunette, Jake pressed both hands back onto her hips, raising them slightly. The first few inches of his cock slid inside of Maggie, giving her time to adjust before moving forward further. Softly, he moaned out her name as he kissed her, sliding his tongue against her gagged lips. He loved these gagged kisses. They were the best. The male’s hands kept fondling and squeezing her ass, making him thrust a little faster as time passed. The tip of his cock pressed against her cervix and he filled each inch of her tight walls.
This was as far from a 'Good choice' Vivian thought. Taking in a deep breath she pulled herself back up to her feet. Brushing her red hair from her face as she glanced at Negan, walking past him out the cell door, It killed her that he still had that victory grin on his lips. Vivian could feel his eyes on her, and bothered that she couldn't see him, although she was sure he still had that same look on his face. She was so out of it, the lack of a good nights sleep, food, water. Climbing the stairs seemed imposable. but with Negan on her heels she couldn't afford to slow down. Vivian though her heart was going to burst out of her chest as she walked into his place. Shit just got real, and it terrified her.

Of course his wives would bow to him, some reason she thought it would have been deferent. In away she wanted to see that they were 'happy', but no. They all looked just as unhappy as she way. Negan just so casually introduced. For a moment the corner of her lip curled up in an almost time. Thinking of a line from a song. ' And I don't even know my last name' Just as fast at it amused her, it brought the feeling of sadness. Her eyes found Amber, this girl looked younger than her! Vivian's heart broke for her, she looked so pitiful. Her attention was brought to Negan. Her eyes widened, they had running water? Walking with him to the bathroom giving the girls one last glance. She had so many questions for them, but that would have to wait till Negan wasn't around. As he closed the door she spoke up, knowing her silence might annoy him. "Thank you..." she said to him. Vivian undressed and looked at herself in the mirror, it was startling seeing herself. She was so skinny, her ribs and hip bones so prominent. She jumped in the shower. For the next 15 minutes, it was as if all the faded, washing away her worries along with over a year of dirt and grim. Wrapping a towel around her body she walked out, seeing a black dress laid out for her. It fit alright, not too short. The shoes were too big though. Walking back into the kitchen with them in hand.


Maggie loved the way Jake moaned her name. making her toy with his growing manhood more with her feet. She was honestly enjoying herself. The feeling of his large member against her small feet. Her toes wiggled slowly as he preceded to kiss and lick her. It still tickled, but she managed the urge to laugh. Although this tickled her, it also aroused here. Maggie never thought she would ever enjoy something like this. But she cared deeply for Jake, and wanted more than anything to keep him happy. It was just a bonus that she also felt pleasure.

The feeling of his cock stretching her hole gave Maggie both pain and pleasure. She arched her back letting out a deep groan. It hurt so good, she loved the feeling on him inside her so damn much, and the wetness that poured out of her pussy told Jake just that. Soon, the bliss over shadowed any pain she had. Just now enjoying the feeling of him filling her over and over. Taking every inch on him. She wrapped her leg around his waist pulling him in her. This was worth the wait. He fit like a glove, her sex tightening around his cock, her body tingled with lust. Maggie never knew sex felt so otherworldly. Almost drug like, and she was addicted.​
Negan’s wives were not forced into these roles necessarily. However, they were not freely desiring to be his wife, either. For the most part, they had someone they loved in the factory and to keep them save, they were Negan’s wife. Sherry, for example, was Negan’s wife so her sister could continue to get life saving treatment. After she died, Sherry had to stay with Negan because herself and her real husband would have been put out in the yard and forced to live like slaves. Amber was the same way. Her boyfriend was here and he got into trouble for stealing extra rations. In return, he was allowed to live and she became Negan’s wife. If any man was caught with his wife, they were punished and their face was burned. That happened to Dwight. Now, with Vivian, Negan held something over her head too. If she did not want to be with him, her life would have been miserable. With him? She would be protected, have good food, have good clothing, and so many other things that nobody in the apocalypse were afforded. It was the best thing for her.

The wives cooked a meal while Negan sat in his lounging room, just reading some books. The meal consisted of some kind of steak, steamed vegetables, fruit, canned pasta, and even some cake. It was a full course meal, something that was unheard of during the apocalypse. When Vivian showed herself and presented the large shoes, he went back into the closet and found her a set of shoes that were the correct size. The food was finished and Negan walked Vivian to the table, even being a gentleman and holding the chair out for her. Once that had been done, he joined the women at the table, one of the women said grace over their food, and they started eating. He could sense the tension but he wanted Vivian to talk. “Vivian, darling, why don’t you tell us all about yourself? We all should get to know you better and vice versa.”


Feeling utterly intoxicated, Jake became lost in this moment with Maggie. The feeling of her walls clamping down and clenching onto his cock drove him insane. He did fit her like a tight glove, his cock touching every single inch inside of Maggie as he moved backwards and forwards with his hips. The pace became increasingly powerful and fast with each passing thrust though Jake held himself together, not going too crazy just yet. It was their first time together. His lips continued to kiss her over the gag, his hands grabbing each of Maggie’s breasts, squeezing them with a firm touch.

He loved feeling her legs wrapping and hooking around his waist. It drove him even further inside of the brunette. “I’m getting so close, baby. I’m going to cum all inside of you. It’s going to feel so fucking good. This is amazing.” Jake purred lowly before resuming the kiss over her gagged lips. The feeling continued building in his stomach but soon enough after another rough thrust, the tip of his cock clenched together hard and the muscles tense before a few bursts of his hot, sticky semen released from his cock, filling her up. Jake moaned out her name loudly one final time as he came, insatiably kissing her over the cleave gag while riding out the orgasm.
Vivian's heart sank as Negan walked to her, taking the shoes from her hand, replacing them with a new pair. Placing a hand on the wall to balance herself, slipping them on. Her legs were already shaky, having to walk in heels didn't make it better. Not to mention, they hurt. There was a time when she could stay out all night in shoes like this. But that was another life. Slowly, carefully, trying not to stumble she allowed Negan to escort her to the table. Giving a weak smile to the other girls that sat around her. The food looked amazing, but her stomach ached. After the prayer she picked at the vegetables in silence.

The way Negan called her 'darling' made her cringe. She did her best to hide her disgust, clearing her throat. Thinking for a moment as she looked at all the faces that waited for her to speak, then to him. "Well, I grew up in Winchester, Virginia. I was finishing my first year at University of North Carolina. I was there happened. Noah and I were trying to get back to my family home. " She took a deep breath before continuing " We got separated, he ran off to help someone against a group of dead ones, I heard a gun shot, He didn't have a gun so I knew it wasn't him. And he never came back. I wait for two days before I knew he was gone." Vivian hung her head fighting back tears" I should have gone to look for him, I was a coward. And I just wanted to go home. We were so close. It was pointless, There was no home to go back too. So I have been wandering since." Again she cleared her throat. " Before all this, I wanted to sing, act, be in the movies." Brushing her hair from her face she looked at the girls then to Negan. giving him a shrug " I don't know what else to say..."


It was amazing how when Maggie though Jake couldn't get any deeper he managed to fill her more. His thrusts so powerful, yet passionate. Keeping her leg wrapped around him tightly she reach up taking hold of the back of his shoulders, digging her fingers into him. Loving the feeling of his power over her, she moaned out to him, saying something, perhaps calling out his name? Even with the gag at this point, anyone out side the trailer would have heard everything.

Maggie was so caught up in the moment, that the idea of him filling her with his seed, and what that would mean in the long run. She didn't care, Maggie wanted all of him. With that she cried out, driving him deeper inside her till she felt his cock throbbing, filling her with his hot cum. Jake was right, this was amazing. She moved her hands from his shoulders. Breaking his kiss on her gaged mouth, she wanted to kiss him badly. Pulling the cloth from her mouth, kissing him deeply. Her hips slowing moving, milking every drop of cum. " that.. was..oh Jake." She purred breathless to him as she ran her lips down his neck. "But why did you, inside me?" Her eyes looked over his face.​
Surprisingly, Negan did give Vivian undivided attention when she spoke: all of his attention was on her. He listened to the story about her and Noah, which he assumed him to be a brother or cousin since she talked about their family home. When she finished talking, Negan frowned softly and placed a hand onto her shoulder like he was truly consoling her. “Well, shit. That’s a sad story right there. I’m sorry about Noah, I really am. You’re lucky that you’re here now. Nothing like that will ever happen to you again. The protection you have here… it is unmatched. I will personally keep you safe, Vivian. You would have been a great singer or actor. You’re a beautiful woman.”

His hand gently touched her cheek and they started eating. Of course, his other wives were stiff but they made conversations just to appease Negan so he did not do anything irrational. Halfway through the meal, Negan stopped himself and turned to Vivian. He wanted to have some fun and always showing that he had authority over her was important. “Now, Vivian, you said that you wanted to sing, right? Why don’t you go ahead and sing us a song right now? Anything you want. Don’t hold back. Let’s hear that voice of yours.” Negan knew she might not like being put on the spot but he did not care. It just showed his power that he could do anything he wanted with her and if she fought back against his wishes, there was hell to pay.


After his orgasm ended and after Maggie removed the cloth from her lips, Jake kissed her passionately, holding their lips together for as long as possible. When she pulled away and asked him about why he came inside of her, Jake answered her with a smile. “Because it felt right. I think pulling out or even using a condom takes away from the intimacy. I want to be with you for a long time. I wanted to claim you, make you mine. I figured there was no better way to do that.” Jake admitted, stroking through her hair with his hand.

Judging by Maggie’s reaction, she must not have had a problem with it. “I wanted this to be perfect, to be special. I was not going to slight either of our enjoyment by pulling out at the last second.” He continued, kissing down her neck. “That was incredible. You’re right. I love having that gag in your mouth. Get used to it. It’ll be back in soon.” Chuckling, Jake found her lips again, keeping himself inside of Maggie. “We should probably get some rest now. It’s late.” Outside the window, the night sky was seen and the day had gone past. Jake smiled softly at the brunette and nuzzled his nose against her cheek, so excited about their new relationship.
Although Negan hung on to every word she said, Vivian had a feeling this was going to bite her in the ass. That being the main reason she kept her story short and sweet. Looking to the wives as he placed a hand on her shoulder. She badly wanted to recoil from his touch. The faces of warning from the ladies telling her 'don't'. A weary smile graced her lips as she looked to Negan, nodding slowly." I appreciate that. I know that it has been worse for others. I guess I'm pretty lucky." Vivian stiffened as his hand brushed her cheek. Why did he have to touch her? In a way she was an old soul. She didn't understand why this man wanted her for a 'wife' when he hardly knew anything about her. Not only that, but he looked old enough to be her father.

Vivian really though she was going to be able to eat lot more. After god knows how much time has past since she was able to eat a full meal. Her stomach did know how to handle this much food. Vivian dazed in and out listening to her fellow wives make idol chat with Negan. Her eye lids becoming heavy from pure exhaustion. Snapping out of her daze when she heard Negan say her name. Her eye darted to his, the it seemed she looked past him as she thought. Normally she jumped for the offer to sing, though now her mind drew a blank. All she wanted was a nights sleep. " I don't - I mean, I would love to." Her dark green eyes looking over the women then back to him. " I just don't think I can right now, I'm sorry." with that she looked to her lap.


Maggie cared deeply for Jake, but what he said, she was having a hard time understanding. Just the words he used, 'I wanted to claim you, make you mine.' She didn't know how to handle that. All she knew and felt was that she wanted him happy. She gave him a kind, sweet smile and nodded. She trusted him, he wouldn't do anything to hurt her, because he cared for her just as much. Her eyes closed, feeling soothed by his had running through her hair. What was about him that made her weak, if this was anyone else she would have been furious.

Maggie was wrapped around his finger. He head tilted giving him full access to her throat as he kissed down it. " I don't think there is a word for what that was." She said with a laugh in her tone. This man, He was just what Maggie needed.' Stop over thinking it! He is perfect!' She thought to her self as they curled up in each other arms. She couldn't remember the last time she was this comfortable. She loved him, so much. That scared her, it all happened so fast. Maggie buried her face in to his chest, breathing him in. He smelled so wonderful, soon she found herself falling asleep. Dreaming, peaceful, few hours in her dream she shot up screaming, sobbing, " NO! JAKE!" she cried out. Her body trembling.​
Now that was a damn disappointment. Negan looked into Vivian’s eyes and a frown showed on his face. The other wives eyes widened and shook their head at Vivian. Something she needed to learn was that she never said “no” to Negan. Even if he asked for something that seemed minute and unimportant, he was all about having control. Did he care if she was going to sing or not? No, not really. He just wanted to exert his control by making her doing something uncomfortable or even embarrassing. She was in front of five strangers, one that she hated, and he just wanted her to sing something for no apparent reason. “That’s unfortunate Vivian. I thought you would have a great voice.”

The male murmured softly and turned back to his food. “I’ll just get a private performance later. Vivian, you are dismissed.” He muttered now taking the plate away from her, not letting her eat since she denied something he wanted. “You remember where the bedroom is. Go in there and go ahead and take off your dress. We’ll get some rest.” Negan ordered, showing her that the alternative was being exposed to him like this. Just like that, she could deny him again and that would not bode well for her. Negan hardly gave her a second chance in the first place and she was not helping herself.


Jake slept peacefully and easily. It was so comfortable to feel a woman he cared so much about in his arms. Their foreheads were pressed close together and he had only woken up when Maggie did, hearing her sobbing and shouting his name. It was a bad dream and he had to wake her. “Maggie, baby.” He whispered and decided to wake her up with a kiss to her neck, slowly stroking her hair until her eyes opened. Once those gorgeous green robs did open, he looked into them and smiled, wiping away any tears that she had on her cheeks.

“Maggie, everything is okay. I am okay. Things are going to be alright. You don’t have to worry about anything.” The dark-haired male whispered into her ear and connected her lips. “Tell me what happened. Tell me about the dream. Just talk about it for me, Princess.” He cooed into her ear before moving down her neck, kissing her lips again. He was trying to ensure her that everything was okay, that there was nothing to worry about despite being rattled.
Damn her own ego, it wasn't that she 'Didnt' want to sing just to spite Negan. The last time she sang in front of people was the night before outbreak. Vivian took great pride in talent. Never wanting to half ass it, even if it was for him. She did her best to not react to his mentioning of her giving a 'privet performance' hoping that meant just singing for him. Vivian's blood ran cold as he ordered her to leave and return to his room, to remove her dress, and that they would get some rest. It was dense of her to think that Negan was just going to leave her be. Without saying a word Vivian stood up and walked out, how badly she want to argue with him. But she didn't have the energy.

Closing the door behind her, a few tears ran down her cheeks. Wiping them away taking in a calming breath, before slipping off her shoes she placed them neatly at the foot of the bed. Then letting the black dress slip off her shoulder and down to body, pooling around her ankles. stepping out. Vivian wrapped her arms across her chest, sitting with her back to the door on the foot of Negans bed. Just by sitting on it, she could feel how comfortable it was, not willing herself to lay in his bed on her own, she just sat, thinking. If this was how he acted when she didn't sing for him, what's going to happen when she is asked to 'Wifely' duties? How long could she deny him? Sure, he gave his point of view on rape. But if she said yes, and allowed him, it would only be an illusion of consent. Vivian knew he didn't care. She couldn't keep her eyes open, feeling it was better to just take a place over the covers, and not be immediately exposed for when he came in. Plus, maybe getting some rest before then would do her some good. It didn't take long for her to fall fast asleep.


Maggie's eyes found his, placing her hands on the sides of his face, almost like she was making for he was real. Holding him like that as he whispered, and kissed her. Tears still flowing from her eyes, body trembling as she pulled herself closer in to Jake. Maggie was truly terrified by what haunted her dreams. Pulling away from his kissed she buried her face into his chest and sobbed. Every time she tried, the images came flooding back. " Just hold me.." She whimpered to him. Maggie wasn't sure if she wanted to tell him, because she wanted to just forget.

After a few minute's, Maggie calmed herself. Keeping her face in his chest she spoke. " It was about that night, when Negan killed my friends. This time, it was you." Fighting back from bursting out in to sobs again she continued. " I was so real, I swear I could feel your blood on me." The thing she was wondering was why she was dreaming about this now. Was it because she cared for Jake so much, that the thought of losing him so terrifying. She knew that evil man had ties with Hilltop, he knew her. What if he found out? Maggie picked her head up and looked to him, a flash of the sight of his face bloody on the ground made her twinge. Why couldn't her dream about him, be as happy as she felt with him awake. " I can't let him take you from me." Her lips lightly pressed his, her tongue softly touching his lips. " We need to stop him."​
Acting like nothing was unusual, Negan allowed the rest of his wives to equally divide up the amount of food that was left uneaten by Vivian. He was not letting all that go to waste. If she did not want to eat, then that was her choice. After his wives ate the food and after Negan finished his own, he kissed them all and told them to leave once they finished the dishes. Of course, the obedient, subservient women complied, jumping onto the task immediately. Negan, before entering the bedroom, kicked off his shoes and hung his leather jacket just outside in the hallway. Once he stepped inside, he felt surprised to see his newest wife underneath the covers and fast asleep. She looked peaceful and it brought a smile to his sick face.

Before joining the woman, Negan removed his shirt and his jeans, leaving him clad in only his boxers. Just like that, he crawled into the bed beside of her, wrapping himself underneath the covers as well, both arms reaching around Vivian’s body. His legs wrapped around hers and pulled her close until her back was against his chest. Once that was done, he smirked to himself and secured Vivian close to him before closing his eyes. If she woke up, he might do something else but for now he planned on resting with her in his arms like she was his real wife and they were cuddling while they slept.


Jake listened sharply when Maggie began talking. It made him frown to hear what she dreamed about. However, if she dreamed about him being killed and it made her this sad and terrified, it meant she must have truly cared about him with such a deep passion already. This made Jake feel happy. He wiped away her tears when she finished and then pressed a kiss onto her lips, climbing on top of her and keeping his hands on her face as they kissed. Once he pulled back, Jake wiped the tears from her face again, offering her a soft smile, his charming eyes locked onto hers.

“Maggie, don’t you worry about that. It was just a dream. I am never, ever leaving you. I promise. We will stop Negan. The Saviors do come here and collect but we’ve never actually seen Negan. I promise you that we will fight and help. I don’t care what Gregory says. He is a coward. Everyone listens to me. I know this is important to you. We are going to fight back and nothing is going to happen to me. I promise.” He assured the brunette and leaned down to kiss her again. “Like it or not, you’re stuck with me for a long time.” Jake chuckled, trying to make her laugh and tease her, easing the tension.
For the first time in a long while, Vivian was sleeping deeply. So much so she dreamed, about being home. Nothing was strange about it, just a normal life. She got out of bed, went down stairs where her mother was cooking breakfast and her father sitting at the island bar reading the news paper and sipping his coffee. He looked up to Vivian and smiled. " Well, I thought you would still be sleeping. You must have came in late." As he said that her mother turned and looked to her, walking over and hugging her gently. " Good morning, princess." Her mother said before kissing her forehead. " How's Noah. Do you know if he made it back home?" Her father asked setting down his paper. " I Don't know, I haven't checked my phone." Vivian said with a shrug. Her mother said something, but she couldn't hear, everything was fading as Vivian was slowly waking.

The feeling of arms being wrapped around her, taking Vivian a moment to realize that Negan had joined her. He was holding her, her body stiffened as he pulled her effortlessly to him. How small she felt, causing her to tremble in his arms. Keeping her eyes closed, trying her best to fight the urge to pull away from him or to even move at all. It was almost like she was playing dead, her breathing slowed, though her beating heart was racing so fast and hard, she was sure he could feel it. ' Just. Don't. Move' she thought to her self, trying to remain clam. Vivian want so badly to go back to her dream, where she was happy, felt safe back at home with her parents. She kept those images in her mind, doing her best to block out the reality of laying nude with a man she hated.


In a way Jake was right and wrong. It was just a dream, but the threat was real. For now, Maggie just enjoyed that fact that Jake was there to reassure her that everything was fine for the time being. She knew she shouldn't worry about him or anything now. His comment about her being stuck with him caused her to let out a small laugh. " Oh yeah?" She said before nuzzling up in to him, lightly kissing his chest. Closing her eyes, she settled her self. No longer worked up from the dream. She loved how safe she felt with Jake, the safest she has felt in a long time.

For the rest of the night Maggie drifted in and out of slumber. Every time she felt herself start to doze off, the flashes of the dream came to her. The last time she woke up, she saw the pale light of the sun rising through the window. Looking to take, she smiled. He was sleeping so peacefully. Maggie knew in time all her fears and worries would be a thing of the past, as long as she had Jake beside her. Slowly she slipped out of bed, picking up Jakes shirt and putting it on before making her way to the bathroom. Looking at her self in the mirror, her eyes widened. 'Thank God I got up before him.' She thought, her hair a mess from last nights shower followed immediately by love making. Running her fingers through her hair to make herself looks halfway decent. quietly Maggie made her way to the kitchen where she started to make some coffee, as she waited she leaned against the window, looking over Hilltop, watching the sun rise. Bringing light to her new home.​
Negan was not fooled. He could tell that she was awake. Her breathing patterns changed and her body stiffened. That was the funny thing about the human body. Even when it was controlled, it was not so easy to make the body do what the person wanted. She might have tried to relax but the rigidity was easy to feel. His arms looped around her waist and his hands locked above her abdomen. Finally, he leaned down and started kissing her neck, her collarbone, and down her shoulder. He was being gentle, like this was a consensual relationship and this was just a man and his wife cuddling.

If she told him to stop, he would. He would stop and send her out to the yard. That was her option. “You are so beautiful, Vivian. I won’t tell the others this, but you are the most attractive wife I have. I want to consummate our marriage tonight. What do you say?” He whispered, nibbling lightly on her earlobe. “I know how to make a woman feel good. I can make you feel amazing. If you want this, we can have a fun night together.” He whispered against her skin, kissing and moaning again.

The young man stayed awake until Maggie fell asleep again. When she did fall asleep, Jake finally allowed himself to do the same, his chin resting on her shoulder as he pressed a kiss to her cheek one final time. He stayed asleep all night long, having beautiful dreams about himself and Maggie and their future. When he woke up the next morning, he could hear the roosters since the animal pen was not that far away from his trailer and he smelled some coffee brewing. With a smile, he got up from the bed and did not even bother to pull anything on his body.

Nude, he left the bedroom and went into the kitchen where he found the brunette sipping on the coffee. He took a cup as well before standing beside her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “Do you like my shirt? I like seeing you wearing it.” He admitted, finding it adorable when the woman wore the male’s clothing. It was so big on her since he was taller and more muscular. Keeping his arms around her, he pressed a kiss onto her lips and decided to check on her. “I know you had it rough last night. Are you feeling better this morning?”
At this point reality could no longer be ignored. If anything, hanging on to that moment in her dream only made it worse, false hope that one day life would ever be normal again. Vivian's eyes snapped open as Negan held her slightly tighter, his lips, now touching her bare skin. Sending a chill through her body like nothing she has felt before, causing her to squirm in his arm. Not in away where it felt she would be trying to escape, just in a reaction to kiss. But she did so badly want to pull away, beg Negan to stop and let her go. Knowing that would not end well for her if she did. Remembering the reaction of the wives when she didn’t sing for him, and his reaction. This was kind compared to what could have happened.

Vivian laid as still as she could in Negan arms, fighting her urge to pull away. A knot formed in her stomach, almost making her feel sick as Negan whispered in her ear about how beautiful she was, and what he wanted her to agree to. Vivian shivered, feeling his moan on her skin. Biting her lip, she fought back tears, her next words was going to crush her soul. 'Y-yes, Negan…' A small whimper slipped through her lips as a single tear fell from her eye.. Vivian was terrified of him, and of what he was going to do her. Never as she felt so small and hopeless as she did being in his arms, knowing she was at his mercy. Vivian only wish was for this to be over quick.


The sky looked like it was on fire, Maggie watched as the sky turned from a pale blue, to the lovely shade of orange and red. This was her favorite time of day. Watching the world wake and come to life. It has been awhile since she has been able to enjoy it. Sipping her coffee, thinking how all this felt normal. As if the world behind those was weren't falling apart. As the sun light made Hilltop more visible, she looked over the garden, She couldn't wait to be useful here, and she felt she would be a great asset to the people. And Jake, the thought of him made her smile, this feeling of giddiness was almost school girl like. Maggie laughed softly to her self.

So lost in thought, Maggie never heard Jake walk to the kitchen. Jumping slightly as his arms wrapped around her. Giggling she leaned back into him, meeting his kiss. To her, if felt like they knew each other their whole lives. As if, all struggle, pain, and sadness, lead her to him. Needless to say, she was head over heels for this man. " Good thing, because you might have to see me wearing them a lot till I can get my things back here." She laughing, laying her head on his shoulder, her gaze back out the window. " Like you said, it was just a dream. I don’t think my mind knows handle being happy." She smiled, tilting her head so she could look up at him. " I would ask how you slept, but I could tell you were sleeping really hard when I got up. Sorry for leaving you, I just had to stretch my legs."​
“Oh, don’t cry sweetheart.” Negan cooed like he actually gave a damn. The male wiped away one of her tears with his index finger and smirked at the redheaded beauty. Soon, he crawled on top of his new wife and removed the blanket from her body. Just inspecting her from head to toe, he realized that she was a true catch. Damn, she was good looking! Negan could not wait to actually have sex with her and make her moan his name. It was inevitable. Negan was too confident and cocky about how good he was in bed to expect her to react in any different way.

After pulling down his jeans and boxers in one swift motion, Negan revealed his long, thick cock. Right now, he was only flaccid and he was not sure exactly how to make Vivian make him hard. Then, the idea hit him and he decided to lay down beside her. “Let’s see how good you are. I want you to give me a blow job like a good wife would. Don’t make me cum, though. I’ll tell you when to stop. Remember that your job is to pleasure me and do as I ask. Think carefully before you do anything stupid.”

“Don’t apologize, Princess. I’m glad you stretched your legs and made yourself comfortable. I can definitely get used to having you in my bed each night… for more than just sex.” Jake reminded her with a smile because cuddling with Maggie was just as fun as having sex with her was. He was seriously in this relationship for the long haul. It was not a case of finding a pretty woman and just wanting to fuck and that was it. Jake was not that kind of guy, even before the apocalypse. That never changed. He knew that his wife that died would have wanted him to find happiness.

Keeping his arms around Maggie, he turned the brunette to face her. “Don’t worry about handling your happiness. There will be plenty of chances to practice that. Now, we could share a breakfast together and get back into the medical trailer because I need to run a few tests just to make sure your recovery is going well. If it is and you check out in the morning, you can get back to regular activity.” Jake explained, one hand resting against her cheek, unable to take his eyes off this beautiful woman right in front of him.
Negans so called attempt to comfort her only cause more tears to run down her cheeks. It took Vivian to not break out into a sob. Closing her eye tightly to regain control over her emotions. The feeling on the covers being pulled off and his weight now on top of her. Slowly she opened her eyes again, this was the first time she has seen him with out his jacket. Negan was a lot more fit then what Vivian originally thought. Her green eyes glanced over hid body, till they met his. He looked down at her smirking, like she was prey.

It was no surprise that Negan was ready for this. Just like that, Vivian got a glimpse of what was to come. Quickly looking away , her face now a bright red as she chewed on her lip. Shifting her self a little under him. Vivian was beyond embarrassed, she had only been involved with one guy in her life, and only going 'all the way' once with him. Negan, he was something else. Even though he wasn’t even hard, his cock was huge. It felt like she could finally breath again as he moved off of her, only to request her to give him oral. Slowly she moved, on her hand and knees between legs. Taking a hold of his limp member, closing her eyes as her soft lips touched his head. Pushing her mouth down. Vivian wanted to throw up. Negan discussed her, and now here she is sucking his dick. Rolling her tongue around his head. It was easy to see that she was either inexperienced, or not trying, or a little of both.


Maggie hated silly pet names, but when Jake called her Princess, she couldn’t help she smile widely. " I believe you Jake. " She said, closing her eye, enjoying the moment of being in his arms, the smell of him mixed with coffee. Everything about being with him made her feel she was in a cheesy love movie. Maggie loved every second. She sighed happily against him, feeling like she could fall asleep right there. Life was good for Maggie, and she felt that things would stay this way for long time.

Maggie opened her eyes as Jake turned her to face him. Starring at him, her face showed pure joy, and love for him. Leaning up she pressed her lips lightly to his. " You know that would be that we would have to put on a little more than what we have on, ya know?" She laughed, then sighed. Her head leaning in to his hand that touched her cheek, sighing. Turning her face so her lips lightly kissed his palm. Pulling away from him to the kitchen, pouring a little more coffee in her cup. Turning to face him she leaned back. Taking him in, looking him up and down. " How did I get so lucky to find a catch like you Doctor?" Maggie said giving him a wink.​
Negan moaned after Vivian pressed a kiss onto the head of his cock. Damn, that was a good start. He was so sensitive there and it caused a shiver to run through his spine. “Oh, fuck. That’s good, Vivian. Suck my cock hard, baby. I know you secretly want this. I bet you’re going to love it.” Negan smirked, just wanting to dehumanize her without actually saying anything outright evil to her. It felt nice when she rolled her tongue against the tip and drew another moan from him, titling his head backwards as she did this. She might not have been trying or experienced, but she was not doing a totally shitty job.

“Look, I know you got more in you than this. Even if you’ve never given a fucking blow job in your damn life, you should know what to do. Don’t test me, Vivian. I am going to get pissed off at you in a minute here. Take my cock into your mouth. Play with my balls. Don’t make me tell you what to do. If that’s what I wanted I would have read a damn erotic novel. Do what you’re told. Be a good wife.”


“I ask myself the same thing about you every single day.” Jake murmured, now taking in her body. “Look at you, with your perfect green eyes, your killer smile, your soft, perfect hair, your perky breasts, your thick ass, long legs, cute feet, soft lips… I could go on forever. Damn, you’re one fine lady.” Chuckling, Jake wrapped his arms around Maggie again and pressed a firm kiss to her lips, hugging her head against his chest. “Alright, sweetheart. Let’s do this: You can keep my shirt on and you can even grab some of my sweatpants if you want. Just get into something comfortable and we’ll head over to the medical trailer.”

Smiling, he finished his cup of coffee and waited for Maggie to do the same. After that, he walked with the brunette back towards the bedroom and found a pair of his sweatpants for her to wear. It would be larger on her but she could tie the drawstrings. After that, he handed her the boots she had worn here and that was really all she needed. No bra, no underwear, just a trip to the other trailer and back. “Are you good with this?” He asked, watching her with loving eyes.
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