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The Walking Dead. Vail x randomname


Jul 16, 2016


Vivian eyes widen as she watched the 6 men leave their small camp and driving off. ' What idiots...' she whispered to herself noticing that they left boxes and bags full of the things they scavenged during the day. Waiting till she no longer heard their vehicles. she gave it just a few moments before pulling her black hood covering her red hair. With a deep self calming sigh, she ran to their camp.

'Remember, just what you need' Vivian thought to herself, feeling almost over whelmed by how much they had. it was almost enough to feed and stock a small army. Only taking a few cans of food and a few bottles of water she started to walk away. Till she noticed a hand gun just sitting there. Vivian's hand shook as she reached for it picking it up. Looking at the handle running her thumb over an engraved bat with something wrapped around in the wood of its hilt. sticking it in the back of her pants she started off into the darkness.
Smiling to herself feeling proud she hears a voice. ' Where are you going, sweet cheeks?' She looked up to see a tall thin man with a pedo stash step from behind a tree. 'You done fucked up girly' He said with a smirk, before knocking her out with the butt of his gun.

'I'm the idiot, I didn't count them as the left.' Vivian thought as she started coming to. Her head was throbbing, and she was...moving...Her dark green eyes slowly opened. She was in the back of a car. Her eyes looking up to the window she could see that day was breaking. ' I was out all night?!' She thought as she tried to move, her hands were zipped tied behind her back.

The car came to a stop, the creep that knocked her out opened to door. 'Ah, wanna be ninja girl woke up! Good, Good! Someone wants to meet you! ' Although she was a little scared, it didn't stop her from trying to crack jokes ' Nah, I'm good. I have plenty of friends' she said with a small laugh. The man just reached in pulling her out from under her arms and started dragging her away from the car forcing her to her knees.




Maggie gave a soft groan as was carried in to Hilltop. Since the death of her best friend Glenn and Abraham she felt as if her body was falling apart. Thinking is was just he morning their deaths, soon she found herself burning up, not eating. The final cause to make them seek help was she then started to vomit blood. The fear of possibly turning in to a walker brought her to tears.

'Don't let me become one of them! Please...don't ...let...' She cried to Rick as he laid her on the medical bed. 'She is sick! She might be dying, You have to help!' Rick pleaded to the doctor.​

At the Sanctuary, Negan was enjoying himself. The night before, he gained control over the community of Alexandria, bashing in the skulls of two members of the group. Thinking that Rick had gotten the point, Negan relaxed in his quarters with a couple of his wives. They made him a nice lunch and they shared a little lunch date together before Dwight knocked on his door. Now, Dwight knew he never bothered Negan unless it was important, especially if he was spending time with his wives. The male with half his face burnt explained the situation. Seven of their men were out scavenging and they caught someone stealing from them.

Better yet, it was an attractive redhead and that intrigued Negan. Not only was she supposedly attractive, but she had some balls to steal from a group of seven men. Negan asked to be fetched when the woman was brought in. Meanwhile, the Savior dragging Vivian out the car pulled her by the wrists towards their holding cells for prisoners. Choosing an empty cell, the Savior shoved Vivian inside and smirked, taking one glance at her. “Maybe we’ll have some more alone time together.” With that smirk still on his face, the savior slammed the door shut and locked it tight before finding Dwight.

In turn, Dwight returned to Negan’s room. It was after dark and Negan was sleeping in his bed but that mattered little. The issue was pressing. Waking up, he pulled on his jeans, white t-shirt, leather jacket, and grabbed Lucille before venturing down. The saviors that found her informed Negan of everything that specifically happened. Taking in everything, Negan went to her cell and stood outside. With the top of Lucille, he knocked on the door as if he had to knock. “Hey you in there! Damn, I’ve wanted to meet you since I heard about you a few hours ago.”

Using the key, Negan unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open, standing in the doorway, locking eyes with the woman immediately. “Phew. Aren’t you a little too hot to be a badass? I don’t take it lightly when people try to steal from me. Explain to me something. Tell me your name. Why did you try to steal from my people?” Negan questioned, leaving her hands tied behind her back while flaunting Lucille around, his charm overshadowing his intimidation though both were showing.


Jake Lynch

Before the outbreak, Doctor Jake Lynch was a highly successful doctor. It made him a hot commodity during the apocalypse. Thankfully, he loved helping people so when a beautiful woman was brought into their community, he was ready to help. Looking at the woman he knew as Maggie, he assured Rick that she was going to be fine. It took him a few seconds to fly back down from his high. God, this woman was stunning. Even in her sickly state, she looked like a goddess and that was even more reason to save her and help her.

“Don’t you worry, Maggie. My name is Jake. I’m going to take care of you.” Looking to Rick, he asked for him to move out the way so he could start working. “Talk to me, Maggie. What have you been feeling?” He questioned, taking her temperature and checking vital signs while preparing an IV as well, working at a fast pace without seeming hurried or flustered.

Hearing a voice come across the yard she see a man with a scared up face' Simon! Put her in a cell! Boss will deal with her later!' Before she knew it she was being pulled again. ' Whoa! All this over a few cans of food?!' She said as she saw the empty cell. Stumbling in she looks back to Simon, leaving her with his last comment before shutting the door.

'Ew...' She said softly. She realized that this room pitch black. She waited for her eyes to adjust. But it was too damn dark. Slowly Vivian walk back till she felt a wall. Sliding down till she was sitting on the cold damp ground. 'All this over a few cans of food....?' she sighed to her self.

Her eyes snapped open as the sound of the banging echoed in the tiny room. She winced as the bright light blinded for a moment. Only to have it blocked by a mountain of a man. Listening her eyes follow the bat for a moment before looking to his face. 'And aren't you too old to be wearing leather? I was Starving! I only took what I needed for the day....' purposely skipping giving him her name. 'Look, I'm sorry dude. Just...Just let me go, and you will never see me again.'



Maggie as hardly conscious as she heard the most kindest voice reassuring her that everything was going to be alright. Her eyes could barely stay open. This man speaking to her was only but a shadow of a man as he moved about her. ' I'm...just so tired...' she whispered so Jake weakly. Maggie's pain seemed to have dulled, just this man being near her have her a sense of calm.

Rick chimed in across the room. The look of worry painted on his face. ' We cant get her to drink, or eat. Even when she does! It Just comes back up!' Rick was stressed, he has already lost so much.

Maggie sighed as Jake cool hands touched her hot face. 'That feels nice...' she said just before passing out from exhaustion.​
Chuckling, Negan listened to Vivian reason with him and even joke with him. Yeah, he liked her. “Damn. You do have jokes. They told me you were a comedian. That’s good. I like to laugh because there’s not much funny shit going on these days.” Negan mused, continuing tapping on the door, looking deep into the woman’s eyes. “I get it. You’re trying to survive. Hell, we all are. But I want you to think about it. Those cans of food and bottles of water you tried to steal could save someone’s life here. There are kids, women… we have a good thing here.”

Sighing quietly, he crouched beside of the woman, letting the barbed wire bat drop dangerously close to her shoes. “See, I can’t just forget and let you go. I can’t do that. The world doesn’t work like that anymore, sweetheart. The penalty for stealing from me is usually murder. But I’m willing to listen. You have some major balls to do this. And if you want to survive in this world, you need a large set of balls. Tell me why you shouldn’t have your skull bashed in. By the way, have I introduced you to Lucille? This is my pride and joy. She’s hungry and you’re looking like fresh meat to her. Tell Lucille why you two shouldn’t meet just yet.”


Days passed. Maggie had become better. Jake used his expertise and through medication, proper nutrition, and rest, Jake helped Maggie. She was on the verge of death at the beginning but the second she entered the Hilltop, she was on the road to recovery thanks to the good doctor. During this time, he spent a long time with Maggie in the medical examination room where she was kept. Jake told her all about himself, his life before the outbreak as a doctor, his time in the military as a medic, his love of nature and sports, and his love of guns.

Jake and Maggie did have much in common. They grew close together over the past few days. Smiles, flirting, and even light touches here and there when Jake checked on the beautiful woman. She was doing well and should be fully recovered in another few days but he hated to think that she had to leave. It was the middle of the day and Jake decided to surprise Maggie with some lunch. It was nothing special but they had various fruits and vegetables that were grown from the garden, some chicken, and a surprise of a chocolate bar that Jake sneaked into her plate along with a bottle of water. Entering her room, he smiled at her upon entering, setting the tray beside of her. “You must be hungry. I think your appetite and body is ready to handle a meal like this now. You need to eat, get your strength back up.”
Vivian gave a nervous laugh. 'I have to agree, its nice to see there are people still out here who like a good laugh.' in a way she had a feeling he was not being all that honest by his comments. He came across as the kind of guy who doesn't like to be in the receiving end of a joke. She tilted her head some at the mention on children. For that moment she felt slight better about this situation. To have kids around, maybe he isn't all that bad.

Her eyes never left him as he walked over to her, getting down next her. As the bat came inches from her feet her eye darted from him to it, slowly tucking her knees to her chest. As Negan started speaking to her. ' Is this guy for real? ' she thought to her self. Trying desperately not to panic. With a deep shaken sigh she looked him dead in the eye. 'Look, I fucked up, ' Vivian said with a shrug ' I get it. And I understand rules need to be up held. You seem like a fair guy. How about, just a second chance? I mean you have made your point very clear.' She gave him a sweet smile. ' And if it does happen again, feel free to kill me on sight. But trust me, it wont because once you let me go. I'll just be a memory' Vivian watched him for a moment ' How about it Gramps?'


Maggie laid in bed looking out the window. It was such a beautiful day. It seems so long since she felt that way, with the world being a now living hell. With out even know it she was smiling from ear to ear. Was it just the fact the sun was shining, or something, or someone more. It was just a nice break to be away from her group. These new faces seemed to breath a fresh life back into her that she had almost forgotten. She didn't want to leave. Maggie laughed to her self as a brief thought of something Jake said to her crossed her mind.

Her head moved to the door as she heard it open. 'Well speak of the devil' She thought to her self. Her smile widened pushing her self on her elbows. 'Well if isn't my knight in shining armor!' Maggie said with a small laugh 'Ya know, I was just thinking about you.' Looking at the tray of food then back to him. ' If you keep spoiling me like this I might not want to leave.' Maggie gave him a playful wink as sat the rest of the way up. Reaching over and picked up the chocolate, taking a small bite.' It would break my heart to make you regret saving me.'​
Negan’s patience was being tested. No, he was not letting her go without any reprimanding. Shaking his head back and forth, the male almost looked disappointed. “That was fucking pitiful.” He snarled, standing up. “You need to understand something. I am not just letting you walk out of here. What the fuck do you think this is? You wouldn’t steal from someone before the outbreak, get taken into jail, and walk out free. Shit, I don’t think you believe I am serious. You better be lucky that I don’t know anyone you care about. I guarantee something, girl, if I find out about anyone you have outside of these walls… a friend, a boyfriend, a parent… I am going to kill them right in front of you.”

After his rant, Negan switched gears and let out a chuckle. “I must sound mean, but you’re the thief. We would have minded our own business. Why didn’t you just ask? We’re reasonable people. I’m a reasonable guy. I shouldn’t give you so much shit. I tell you what, I can compromise with you. The first thing I want to know is your name. Tell me your name. Then, I might be willing to let you stay here and work for us. You’ll start out with a shitty job with shitty benefits but you can work your way up. I do see potential in you. It’d be a shame to waste it.”


“I would never regret saving you. Besides, I’ve never had the pleasure of helping the most beautiful woman in the entire world. It was nice. I’m glad you’re doing better. If you wanted to stay, then I’m certainly not stopping you.” Jake reminded her with a soft chuckle. Now, the doctor thought she was being playful and teasing. Never did he think she might actually want to stay here and be with him but he could not help but fantasize about it, starting a relationship with her. He was married once but his wife died at the beginning and he had not been with anyone since then.

Deciding to flirt a little more, Jake grabbed the fork from her plate and stuck it into a piece of the chicken, holding the food to her lips and fed her a few bites, offering another charming smile in return. “In all honesty, I’m happy that you’re doing better. Just a few more days and you’ll be back to your old self. I will miss you, though. Hopefully you’ll be back around to visit.” Jake continued teasing, feeding her one more bite of food before sitting back and relaxing in his chair. Thankfully, he had no other patients to deal with at this time so he could use all this time with Maggie.
Vivian felt all the blood drain from her face, her smile fading as he threatened to kill anyone she knew in front of her. This man was crazy, evil, and heartless. she swallowed hard. Even when he was trying to seem 'nice' Vivian now knew better. She honestly thought that was just some tough guy act. Now she knows her situation was serious. But, she had hope. If she could just play along and bite her tongue the she might get out of this alive.

For a moment she drew a blank, almost forgetting her name. 'I'm...I'm...Vivian...' She whispered looking to bat at her feet, making her recoil her self more away from it. She nodded, how badly she wanted to cry. Biting her lip to fight back the tears. With a deep breath she looked to him and more clearly she said with out fear in her voice. ' My name is Vivian. And I agree. I will work for you.' Took ass Vivian had to keep her eyes locked with his.


Maggie had few joys left in her life.
But spending time with Jake, made it almost feel like life was normal. She had already made up her mind that when she saw Rick she was going to tell him she wanted to stay. She tried to convince that is wasn't just because of him. That is was a chance to start over. These people lived in such peace. She needed that...and Jake in her life.

Maggie gave a small laugh as Jake started to feed her. After a few bites she reached up taking his hand that was holding the fork. Moving it away she leaned closer to him.' So its settled, I'm staying?' she smiled, hoping that he meant what he said. And that all this wasn't an act to make her feel better, or out of pity. ' If your as serious as I am, Then I want to stay.' She paused for a moment '...with you..' this was a risk that Maggie normally would have never taken. Putting herself out there like that. But the way she felt with him, she wasn't ready to let that go.​
“Vivian. It took you all of five god damn minutes to say a word six letters long? Jesus Christ. You’re going to have to work on listening. See, if you live here and if you work here, you’ll be ordered around. I like you because I see the fire in you but be careful because that can get you in trouble. I don’t think you’re the type of girl that takes any shit so I won’t waste your time. If you work, if you listen, you’ll be alright. If you don’t, then you die. It’s that simple.”

After ending this rant, he held Lucille close to her face. “Look at her. Take a nice, long look. I’ll give you some time to think about this shit you gotten in. When I come back next, I expect a better fucking apology from you. Don’t waste my time. If I come back and you still haven’t come to your senses, I will waste you right here. Do you understand me?”


Looking down at their hands, Jake realized how serious she was. “Oh… you’re not joking.” He breathed out and chuckled, lacing their fingers together. “I am serious. I didn’t think you were. Just so you know, I would love for you to stay here but I know you have your friends and everything back at Alexandria. I’m starting to care for you so much already. I don’t care if we just met. I don’t care how unrealistic that might have seemed but these past three days for me have been amazing since you’ve been here. I haven’t enjoyed talking with anyone as much as I do with you.”

Taking a breath, he squeezed her hand. “I could never ask you to leave your people, but if you decide on your own that you want to stay, I will welcome you with open arms. You can even stay in my trailer. It’s not anything special but we could share it, together. I don’t mind. You’ll fit in great here.” Gregory was the “leader” but he was worthless. Everyone looked to Jake anyways.
Vivian gritted her teeth as Negan mocked her. The way he spoke to her as if she was an idiot, She had a full ride to U.N.C! She was so far from dumb. Not that would hold any stock in the world today. How badly she wanted to giving him a piece of her mind. But again, she was no dummy. Vivian knew the best thing she could do what just feed this mans ego, and keep her mouth shut. Only say what he wants to hear. She could hear her heart beating in her ears, her blood boiled. Must be easy to act like a tough guy to a girl tied up on the ground like her self.

Suddenly she snapped back from her cursing him out in her head as Negan pointed Lucille right in her face. Her body stiffened slowly back her head back till it met the wall behind her. Taking in every word he said. This was no act, there was a good chance that this man would kill her with out a second though or loss of sleep. Vivian agreed, she has gotten herself in to some shit. Once he was don't talking she looked to his face and nodded slowly. '..Yes sir...'

Maggie held on to his hand, her heart raced. Her cheeks became warm as she blushed softly. This felt so right, she thought. ' I know, I just cant be around them right now. I need a fresh start. I need to make new friends.' She laughed lightly ' And in a world where the dead walk around. I don't think its at all unrealistic.' she pulled their intertwined hand to her face. Putting the back of his hand to her cheek. ' Right now, I cant imagine anyone other than you I would rather spend my time with.'

Again she laughed, ' I was so worried you have been so nice to me because you felt bad.' She sighted still home his hand to her cheek, she looked from his gaze. ' Rick wont care that I stay. But I worry about him.' Her smile faded ' This...Negan...Rick needs t just leave it alone.' Maggie tighten her grip on his hand slightly. ' I feel I can be a great help around here. Once I'm off bed rest Doc I would like to look around.' Her smile came back as she looked back at him, their eye meeting again. '...Thank you. For giving me a chance to be happy again. For being that reason...' A single tear of pure joy fell from her eye and on to his hand that she still held close.​
This one might be difficult to break. Negan understood it. However, he liked a challenge. She might have said “yes sir” but he knew better than to think she submitted to him yet. “Good girl. Like I said, I will let you think about things. I’ll come back soon. Don’t miss me too much, Vivian.” Winking and laughing dryly afterwards, Negan slammed her cell door shut and locked it before leaving her alone. While away from Vivian, Negan thought in-depth about the events that have occurred. It might be a tough thing to do, breaking this woman into submission, but Negan was determined.

Additionally, he had to figure out how long he was leaving her alone. The room was dark and Vivian had no idea how to tell how long it was inside the room so he waited about 12 hours, hoping she lost track of time and thought it might have been days. It was part of the psychological torment that he planned for the woman. Reaching her door again, Negan knocked with Lucille. “Oh Vivian. It’s me again.” He called out in a sing-song voice.


Jake smiled softly at Maggie when the tear fell from her eye. Using one finger, he swiped that tear away. Everything she said made immediate sense. The dead were walking. Those old societal expectations about relationships probably did not apply anymore. “You’re giving me a chance at happiness again, too. I should be thanking you. Honestly, if you left the Hilltop, I don’t know what I would do. I think we already have such a great connection. I’d love to see where this takes us.” After saying that, Jake decided to push back any fear or uncertainty. He had met the woman that he thought was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was doing well after being sick, she was feeling happy thanks to him, and she showed pure emotion with him.

What did he have to lose? Leaning down, Jake delicately pressed their lips together in a kiss, holding their lips firmly against one another for five or six seconds. Then, in a sweet gesture, he kissed right where that tear had slid down her cheek, trying to kiss away all the worry and sadness she felt. Pulling back, a smile had graced his lips and his free hand started sliding through her hair. “I can’t lie. I don’t see myself without you anymore. This means so much to me. Thank you, Maggie.”
Vivian so badly wanted to beg him not to leave her in the cell. This man was no joke with the sickest mind that she has ever come across. She was sure she hasn't seen the worst of it. She watched him walk away, hold back her pleas. as the door slammed and the hear the God awful sound of the door locking she yelled to him. 'I'll just wait here then....Kay?!' then..silence... and haunting silence the like she had never know. After about an hour of this, she felt it was safe to have this one moment. Vivian cried, she cried in a way she hadn't don't in what felt like years. She didn't this for about fifteen minutes.

After about 5 hours she started to call out. There had to be a guard. 'Hello?! Please! Anyone!' Only silence answered. 8 hours she again called out but it came out a dry whisper '..water...please...anyone...' Vivian laughed recalling that she told the man that she stole because she was starving...never has been so in need nourishment. The rest of the time she sang, she truly had a good voice. Before all this, she had dreams of being on Broadway. Dozing in and out of what felt like days. To her what sounded like a bomb going off at the door caused her to panic. It was him...


Hearing Jake returning his feeling for her as she felt for him caused her to cry a little more. Crying because she was happy. In away she joked in her mind that she must have died and this was her heaven. But no, that was so much better. After all the anguish she has been though, this happiness was something she had longed for so a very long time. Yes she would miss her friends. But it wasn't like she was never going to see them again. Maggie laughed nodding to him in understanding of how he felt about her.

As Jake leaned in, Maggie met his lips half way. What only lasted seconds felt like hours. Her free hand reaching up holding the back of head. As Jake pulled away she gave a shaken breath. 'You have no idea how much I needed to hear that Jake.' Leaning back pulling their hands from her face to her lap she looked t him with a playful grin. ' Doesn't this break some sort of Doctor patient code of some kind?' She said with a laugh. Trying to lighten mood.​
Well, Negan was helping her. He had food, but it was the same food that all prisoners were given. It was two pieces of old, stale bread with dog food in between the bread pieces. Thankfully for Vivian, Negan did provide her with a bottle of water. Opening the door, Negan was freshly showered, rested, and had a clean change of clothes from yesterday. “There she is. The star of the hour. You made quite the impression with some of the fellas. You’re the talk of my town.” His voice was indifferent and he dropped the paper plate in front of the woman along with the full bottle of water.

“I know what you’re thinking. This isn’t luxurious. I promise you all kinds of shit but you get dog food and a bottle of water. I also told you that you had to work in order to get that shit you deserve and want. I’m going to give you a choice. Either work for me and live a life of luxury or you can oppose me and live your life here, in a cell, every day while working your ass off doing dangerous shit that nobody should do. So make your case. What do you want here, Vivian? Should I untie you and let you have something to eat and drink or should I leave you alone again?”


It was settled. Maggie was staying at the Hilltop. Chuckling at her joke about a doctor-patient relationship, Jake shook his head back and forth. “I think these are extenuating circumstances. I’ll gladly forego the ethics if it means being with you.” Smirking, Jake pushed the plate of food back into her lap and returned to his job of feeding her more of the food. “I meant it, though. You need to eat and get your strength up.” Jake commented, ensuring that she was going to eat her food like she was told as he watched with this bright smile on his face.

“So, you’re staying here. Are you going to stay in my trailer with me?” He asked, just wanting to make sure. He understood that she intended to stay at the settlement but he was unsure if she meant she would stay with him in a literal sense, too. He sure hoped so. “There’s plenty of room. I think you’ll love it.” He teased, leaning down to kiss her hand, hoping that the woman was on board with the idea.
Vivian had not idea how long she had be locked in that cell. The noise, light and Negan's booming voice all at once made her body ache. Took her a moment for her adjust to all of this. She flinched as the paper plate and bottle of water was dropped in front of her Vivian tried to pull her self up, but only to give up only after a moment. How she fought to keep her fighting sprit alive, not to make him think he won. But she was too much torment to even bother with her normal jokes.

This time, even though she knew it would show weakness, she broke. Shaking her head she pleaded. ' I-I'll work..promises...p-please, don't leave me.' she looked up to him, her eye tearing from the pain on the light, sounds and her situation. ' Just don't leave me again!' she cried to him. 'I'm sorry!' Vivian sobbed. She was just so hungry and thirsty, her body ached for being tied up for god who knows how long. That she would have done anything to make it stop.


When Maggie hear him laugh are her playful joke, she laughed a little harder and more tears flowed. She couldn't help it. She was just so happy that things might be looking up for her for once in a really long time. She nodded as she picked up her fork and picked at the vegetables.' Who times this I would find a reason to live.' she looked back to Jake, rubbing her eyes with her free hand.

With a deep breath to calm her self she took a bite, chewing a swallowing it before speaking. ' I mean, if you're place only one accenting new room mates. Then I guess there are worse places I could be. That's for sure.' She said just looking at her food, playing with it with her fork. Maggie almost felt silly by the way she was acting with Jake. She couldn't even look at him right now with out feeling she was going to burst out in tears again. But crying because she was happy? Not the worst thing, 'So, just heads up. I'm sort of a bed hog.' It was a good thing she wasn't looking at him because as the words left her she felt so silly saying them. her face turning a deep red.​
“Shit. Is that real? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Negan barked, following by this horrendous laugh. Clearly, he felt amused from making this woman cry. Shaking his head back and forth, Negan pulled out a knife from his pocket. “I could be a dick and toss this onto the ground and make you free yourself, but I won’t. I can be a nice guy. You’ll learn that. This is my show of good faith. I’ll release you, you’ll eat and drink right now, and then I’ll give you a tour and you can get to work.”

After explaining to her what was happening, he pressed the knife to her throat, almost touching her skin. “But one wrong move and…” Negan paused, making a clicking sound with his tongue, slicing his thumb across his own throat. “You’re done.” Pulling back from that, he sliced the zipties right down the middle and stood back to his feet, pocketing the knife into his jeans and grabbing Lucille, waiting to see how obedient Vivian might be.


“I wouldn’t have it any other way. You can hog the bed all you want. It just means I get to hold you in my arms when I sleep and that is going to be an incredible feeling.” Jake countered with a smirk, truly not caring if she hogged the bed. He found it adorable, actually. “You can use my arm for a pillow or my chest if you want. Stretch out as far as you like.” He added, already picturing it, placing one hand onto her knee. Clearly, the male was happy. He had not been this happy since before the outbreak and it was all thanks to Maggie.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, now shifting gears, wanting to make sure that she was indeed doing better. He was worried about her more than just her being his patient. If it was not clear yet, Jake cared deeply for Maggie already and the desire to ensure her safety and well-being was strong. “You finish eating and I’ll take care of the dish. I’ll be back soon to check on you and talk.” He added, leaning down to kiss her free hand again, unable to get enough of her touch or of her at all.
The sound of Negan's laugh sent chills though Vivian. She has seen and met some ass holes in her time, before and after the outbreak. But this man was a special kind. He was honestly the most twisted person she has have had the unfortunately had to cross paths with. She watched him, each word he spoke mad her hate him more and more. Surly someone like him has got to have a target on his head. That thought gave Vivian hope that she wont have to 'work' For him for too long. Hate was just a strong word that she never like to use lightly, but him..she hated.

Took all Vivian had to not flinch a the knife was held to her throat. Keeping her eyes locked to Negan's. He seemed to like the idea of killing her. Already threating doing this a few times already. His show, an act? Is that was this was? Vivian wondered. If that was the case then she would out act him. This was her major in college. As he cut her free she was able to move her arms feely, which felt like days when she couldn't. They ached so badly." I understand.." Vivian said as she weakly reached to her food and water, eating and drinking all of it. Using the wall she stood to her feet. " I'm ready."


Jake was too kind, Maggie thought as she listened to him doodad about the idea of them sharing a bed together. Her cheeks turning a deep red 'Where has this man been all my life, and why this it take for the end of the world to happen?' She wondered granted she was all that sure if what she said was true. Her sleeping situation was never a good one. It was either sleeping in confined areas of by her self. But in case she was more than will to be as close to him and for as long as possible as she could. She wouldn't mind.

Hearing Jake ask her a question she looked at him. "Oh, I'm feeling great. Just waiting on this lousy Doctor to get me off bed rest." She joked in a flirtation way before being serious. " I'm just not used to sitting in one place for this long, I'm ready to get back out there. I'm useless just laying in bed all day in this room." She shook her head. " I never liked that, even before all..this." As /Maggie said that, it was almost as if she really did forget that the world was in chaos. Jake truly made if feel like the world was right again." Do you really have to leave so soon?" She asked talking a hold of his hand, gripping it tightly.​
“Good. Move your ass.” With a gesture while holding Lucille, he pointed the direction he wanted Vivian to walk. Moving right behind her, Negan introduced her to his home, her new home. “Welcome to the Sanctuary. In case you didn’t already know, you’re just outside of what used to be Washington D.C. I don’t know shit about this place before the walkers happened, other than that it was a factory.” That was the truth. Negan stumbled upon this place and now the Saviors ruled the factory and everyone served him. It was the Saviors’ headquarters but it was kept secret from the other communities they controlled. It was more than a simple base, however.

Negan took Vivian outside the factory away from where the prisoners were held. Workers labored in many gardens, chicken coops, and there was even a marketplace where the survivors bartered together along with having an official, stamped point system given to Negan. Everything cost a certain amount of points. The more and the better a person worked, the more points he or she was given. When they walked past everyone, the workers were seen kneeling before Negan when he walked by and only stood when he was out of sight. He wanted Vivian to see how they worshipped him, that not a soul in this place was going to help her escape because everyone was under his spell. “What do you think so far? Not what you expected, is it?” he asked, giving her a view of one of his favorite gardens.


Smiling widely, Jake realized that Maggie truly did not want him to leave her side. It was adorable. Squeezing her hand and lacing their fingers together, Jake reached down to kiss her again. Well, those other duties could wait. “You’re right. I can stay here longer. Regarding your bedrest, I know you don’t like it, but I will only make you do this. I want you to get better and get back up to speed. You’ll be an amazing addition to our community, I know it. I know you’ll love it but first and foremost, you have to get better.” Jake was serious about making Maggie listen to him.

Looking deep into her green eyes, he figured out something useful and comforting. She might not like bedrest because she was still in a hospital setting though this was far from what they had before the outbreak, it was the closest they had to a hospital now. Maybe he could make her feel more at home. “I tell you what, Maggie. Why don’t I take you to my trailer now? You don’t really need to be here, specifically. There’s nothing I can’t do at my trailer that I can only do here. You’re definitely out of the woods and all you need is rest. What if I take you to my trailer and you can get used to our home and our bed?” He asked, loving the use of the ownership word of “our” instead of “mine” as it used to be. He loved the idea of sharing this with Maggie.
Clearing her throat Vivian walked up to Negan. She knew he was tall man, but she thought that was more due to that up till now she only saw him from the ground. Vivian only being a little over 5 foot herself. She got a better grasp of how massive this his place was, and how many reside there. This kind of annoyed her, the food and water she took would have not made a bit of difference, and he had to have know that. Also, she learned that this was the reason no one has never stood up him. As long as she stayed behind these walls or always had a small army, how could they. How the people coward to him, amazed and disheartened her. Vivian was on her own in all this.

The fresh air hit Vivian's face, she took a breath. Genuinely, she was impressed. There was a real system here, it was almost, normal. Not a fair system by any means. She could only wonder if this had been a real community, it would have been perfect, and she would have loved to stay. Sadly that was not the case, and getting out was not going to happen anytime soon. Even if she did, she had no place to go and he would find her and kill her or just drag her back just to torment her more and maybe in worse ways. Looking up to him holding a hand above her eyes to block the sun as he asked for her input "...Who are you..?" She asked, realizing that he never gave his name, just the name of his bat.


Maggie glanced down as he returned her grasp. Looking back to him with a small smile. This man truly cared about her. Which was a strange thing now and days. She knew Rick and the others cared about her too. But that was after time, and many hardships did that come to rise and grow. With Jake, it was instant between them. She already loved being here, doubtful she would have this much if it wasn't for him. Nodding slowly to him as he explained how she still needed the rest. Trusting his every word.

Her eyes widen as he makes the offer of moving her to his trailer. It was a rather bold idea, seeing that they only just made the agreement that she was going to stay. Took Maggie a moment to adjust to the idea of sleeping with him as soon as tonight. But that thought only filled her with joy. It would be so much better than sleeping alone another night." I would love that." Leaning in to him, kissing Jakes lips softly then pushing their for head together. " Our home..." She whispered with her head still pressed to his. Maggie liked the sound of that.​
any members of the Sanctuary were ready for combat, walking around the premises with guns and keeping guard. However, there were noncombatant members such as gardeners, janitors, and doctors. Thinking about Vivian’s response, he thought about how to answer her question. “My name is Negan, but so is everyone else’s.” It might not make sense to her yet, but he was going to show his control even more. The next trip took Negan and Vivian to the chain-linked fence surrounding the factory. Walkers were impaled around the fences and used for security. Enslaved survivors from the sanctuary were dressed in rugged clothing with letters on the front of their shirt to differentiate them and these slaves handled the deadliest task of putting the walkers into place on the fence. Many of them died doing it but he did not care.

Taking Lucille and pointing her towards the fence, Negan leaned down close to Vivian and started whispering to her. “Do you see that shit? That is going to be your job, for now. Until you learn your lesson about not taking shit that isn’t yours, you will work here. You might die. You might not. The only way to get past this is show me that you truly understand our way and you can live a life of luxury. That’s all up to you, though.” Dragging Vivian back into the factory, he went towards the catwalk in the middle of the marketplace. This was where he made his announcements so everyone stopped what they were doing and bowed immediately as he dragged Vivian behind him. “I just want to commend all of you on a damn fine job so far today. I think everyone might get some free points for their efforts. But I have one question first.” After asking this, he looked to Vivian and asked the question. “Who are you?” And in unison, the entire crowd answered. “I am Negan.” And that was good enough for him, tapping Lucille on the railing and dismissing the meeting.


It was settled. Smiling, Jake lifted Maggie into his arms. One of his arms rested underneath her neck while the other rested underneath her knees. He carried her in a bridal style carry from the medical trailer, making the short journey to his home trailer. Logically, they were close. In fact, it was the next trailer down. The trailer was small and made of wood but it was home for Jake and had been since the outbreak. Everything he owned or really cared about was inside. After opening the door, he carried her from the entrance of the door towards the bed. After dropping Maggie onto his bed, Jake joined her.

It might not have been a huge bed, but it was perfect for two people especially since they would be close. His arms tightly wrapped around Maggie’s waist, pulling her back against his chest, lacing their legs together. “Is this more comfortable?” He asked softly, a wide smile spreading on his face before pressing his lips together with Maggie’s, stroking her abdomen with one of his hands, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. Jake could tell this was going to be perfect. He was so happy to have met Maggie. He wished it was under a different circumstance but he wanted to make the most of it.

[I'm a visual person so here's what I envision his trailer to be]
Oddly his name suited him Vivian thought to herself. Seemed that it held the same coldness that was in him. Her brows narrowed as she slightly tilted her head in confusion by what he said. Vivian couldn't help but notice how depressed to the workers look in comparison to the armed guards. they all look like they work so hard but for what? For Negan and his ego? Looking to the fence that he pointed to with Lucille, she saw the saddest sight of all. Poor people in rags, fighting with walkers. Trying to pin them to steaks along the fence. Feeling the heat of his breath she Immediately looked back to him. His face just inches from hers. Her eyes widened in disbelief of what he was trying to ask her to do. Her lips slightly parted as if she was about argue about his decision for her job. This had to be a sick joke.

Again she followed behind him as they made their way back into the factory. every pair of eyes that met her is just filled her with sadness and pity. How could one man have this much control over people. Looking down at all those taking a knee as Negan walk across the cat walk. Stopping in the middle he spoke, giving those people praise for working hard. As if they really had a choice. With out even know it she rolled her eyes hearing all of those below reply. Vivian was sicken by this.


Maggie wanted to protest being carried like that as Jake walked out of the room she had spent her past few days in. She felt as if she was well enough to walk. In fact she thought that was what she wanted. But resting her head on his shoulders, being held in Jake's strong arms. This was worth not saying anything about it. As they approach his trailer, Maggie was impressed by how nice it was. She didn't expect him to lay down next to her. But the feeling of their bodies this close, felt so right.

Maggie loved the feeling of his arm around her. She was never a sit in one place kind of person. But she could stay like this for the rest of her like and be happy. She returned his kiss, nodding her head. "I think I can live with it." She said with a smile before pressing her lips back to his. Maggie couldn't help but give a small giggle feeling Jake's hand stroke her stomach. Slightly tickling her as he did this. She rolled over so that she was facing him. Never letting her lips leave his. Slowly her lips moved down to his chin, then to under. Stopping on his neck, where she snugged in to his throat. "Jake, thank you for all this. You really didn't have to you know."​
The workers returned to their jobs and Negan walked Vivian back outside. “That’s what is expected of you, if you want to live a good life here. If not, you will spend your days out in the yard, catching walkers and putting them against the fence. Like I said, I see a shitload of potential in you, Vivian, but you have to put in the work.” Negan was going to be fair with Vivian, giving her a chance to say what he wanted to hear. If not, he would keep her in the cell and force her out into the yard, but it was not time yet. Just earlier that day, Dwight finished giving Daryl the talk about the cell and Negan had spent some time with his Daryl, too. Dixon was going to be difficult to break, probably the most difficult of them all. That’s why he had high hope for Vivian.

“Now, I am going to take you to Doctor Carlson’s office. This is standard procedure for everyone including regular members or enslaved members. You have to go through a physical examination. It’s a full body exam just to make sure I’m not putting my people at risk with you here. That’s because I care about my people and will provide for them. I could care about you and provide for you, too.” From there, Negan led her directly to the doctor’s quarters and informed him of what was going on. After the order was given, Negan decided to remain inside the office during the exam and Vivian was ordered to strip off all her clothes which was part of the exam.


Shrugging his shoulders, Jake leaned into Maggie’s kisses while listening to the brunette speak. “Actually, when I first laid eyes on you, I knew I had to do everything to save you. You are beautiful and I could tell that you had a kind, sweet soul. I could never let anything happen to you even when I did not know you. Now, I will take care of you forever, Maggie. I want to make you happy each day. I want to wake up with you in my arms each morning and have you fall asleep in my arms each night. I’ve been surviving for so long but I have forgotten how to live. That changes with you.”

The smile still growing, Jake gave her a kiss on the lips, holding it for a few seconds before pulling back. “Now, you should get some sleep. I will be right here. I won’t leave your side unless there is an emergency or I am needed to treat someone.” He promised her, stroking his fingers through her hair, placing her head back down onto his chest. “You can get comfortable, if you like.” He added, not wanting her to think that she had to remain fully clad if she did not like sleeping that way. This was a private area and she had nothing to worry about. Only Jake would see her right now.
Following behind Negan, Vivian studied how the people reacted to this man. It wasn't respect, it was pure fear. Back outside she looked to the slaves wrangling the walkers, Vivian had no idea how Negan thought that this was something she could do and survive a day. But maybe that was the point. Surly he was the type to get a kick out of seeing her torn apart by then or watch her rot away impaled on the fence. Negan spoke to her about her 'potential' when he didn't know shit about her, other than her name, and that she stole from his men. She noticed his pause, knowing that he was waiting for a reply. 'If you cant say something nice, don't say anything at all.' Vivian thought looking down from him. She knew things would get worse before they got better. And she wasn't ready to start kissing his ass anytime soon.

Knowing that her choice to not speak when Negan wanted her to in that moment before walking to the doctor may come back and bite her in the ass. As he talked about how he 'cares' almost made her chuckle, but only a small smile came to her lips. There was no way this man cares about anyone, maybe only in a way in how people care a bout things, Vivian was sure that's just how he saw her, and his other people.Walking into Doctor Carson's office, she couldn't help but be reminded by her childhood Doctor. He looked a lot like him. After he spoke to the Doctor about her then what she thought walk off. Never aware he was still in the room. She was so lost in thought taking her a moment to register that she was asked to remove her clothes by Carson. Vivian waited a moment to see if he was going to leave the room. It came clear that he wasn't. Slowly she removed her black hoodie, revealing a simple dark blue t-shirt. Kicking off her boots, then undoing her pants slowly pulling them down, glancing at Carson. Seeing he was busy getting the things he was going to need for her exam and not trying to creep while she undress. One her jeans were off and moved to the side, showing again, just a pair of light gray bikini underwear. Just as she was about to slip up her shirt it dawned on her that she never heard the door. Stopping she turn her head, looking over her shoulder. Negan was still there. It felt as if you could have seen her skin crawl. Releasing her shirt "I don't want to do this, no while you're here." Vivian said she reached for her jeans.


Maggie couldn't help but laugh as what Jake said. Not in a bad way, just in disbelief. "Well, for you to feel that way when I was at my worst must mean something." She paused. " You must have a thing for train wracks." She said still laughing. Sighing, she looked up him. " I think a lot of us has for gotten what its to live, and not just stay alive. I'm not sure if the world will ever be back to normal. But if this is the new normal, for us. then I'll be fine with this." Maggie was truly filled with joy. Her mind stated to wonder about all the 'what ifs' But she stopped herself. 'just be happy, you need this.'

Closing her eyes as their lips met once more in a sweet lightly kiss. She gave a peaceful sigh, her head now resting on his chest. She really wasn't even all that sleepy. But Jake worried about her and she knew that. Not by him saying so, but by the way he held and kissed her. The way he ran his fingers though her hair and the way he looked in her eyes. All this, meant so much to her. She laid there for a few seconds. "You know what I need more than rest right now? A shower." Maggie opened her eyes sitting up a little, placing her hand on his chest. " I think I would sleep so much better if I was clean." She gave a playful smile." Plus if I were you I wouldn't want someone as filthy as me laying in my bed." She said giving him a wink. " What do you say Doc?"​
While many people knew that Negan was an awful human being, he was not completely evil, really. One thing he did not stand for was rape or sexual assault. For example, he might have four wives and they might have been coerced. If they would have said “no” to being with him, he would have literally not forced himself onto them. Now, there was one caveat. They would have faced unimaginable psychological pain, being forced to work in the shittiest of conditions and everyone they loved or cared about would have probably died, but nonetheless, he would not have assaulted them. Just like now, he actually did not look at Vivian’s body that much. Sure, she was beautiful and he wanted to stare at her, but he did not stare too long because he knew it likely made her uncomfortable and that was not what he wanted. Especially when Vivian turned around to talk to Negan about wanting him to leave the room, he understood, he did, but he could not leave the room. However, Negan was not inflexible though. He could do something else to make things better for the woman and that was exactly what he intended to do.

“Very well, Vivian. I get it. You don’t want me to see that gorgeous body of yours. I understand. I hope one day you change your mind. However, I cannot leave the room. You stole from my people. I can’t trust you yet. You’ve done nothing to show me that you’re worthy of my trust. How do I know that if I leave the room, you won’t kill my doctor right here? How do I know that you won’t steal something else? I am not leaving the room. You are going to undress. There’s no way around it, Vivian. You’re shit out of luck. Maybe next time you want to make your own rules and be in charge, you can do that but you should have thought about that before stealing. That was so wrong of you. I’m a nice guy, though. I really am. I will turn my back. I won’t look at your body. But I am staying in here. That’s as good as it’s going to get.” The male ordered, his eyes locking onto hers for a minute afterwards before finally just turning his head and turning his back away from the woman, looking at the wall as he heard the doctor start the exam, taking things like height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, and even drawing some bloodwork before checking for bites or scratches. It took all of five minutes and she was done, being told that she could dress again.


Jake chuckled at what Maggie said, nodding his head afterwards. “Fine. A shower it is. However, this is only possible if I shower with you.” Jake winked, giving her another kiss. Was there anything more intimate than showering together? Jake thought only a few things were. He loved the idea of sharing that space with Maggie, touching her body and washing her body as she did the same for his. A smile on his face, Jake kissed her again, sitting up from the bed. The male reached for her hand, pulling her towards the middle of the trailer where his bathroom was located. He found himself some towels and wash cloths to use and started the water, making sure it got to a comfortable temperature. Once that was finished, Jake reached for Maggie’s body, pulling off her shirt and tossing it aside, following that with her jeans.

Now, he was unsure of what Maggie would feel with him undressing her, so he took it slow and kissed her, ensuring her that everything was okay and that her body was gorgeous, because it was. Soon enough, he stripped Maggie down to nothing at all and he soon joined her. Once they were both nude, he wrapped his arms around her, looking deep into her eyes. “I knew you were beautiful, baby, but wow… I have no words. You are easily the sexiest woman I have ever seen. Let’s take the shower.” He whispered softly, nuzzling their noses together, pressing a kiss to the corner of her lips before pulling her into the shower, closing the curtain once they were inside. “Now… may I wash you, Maggie?”
Vivian was completely taken off guard by Negan. Finding it also a little crude thinking that she would change her mind about allowing him to see her nude. But this did make her feel a little more comfortable. She watch him for a moment making sure e wasn't going to turn back around before removing the rest of her clothes. Vivian was pretty thin, not skin and bones. It was though apparent that she has not been eating all that well during her time out there Other and some bruises, she was healthy. During her exam Carson would have see a tattoo going across the top of her back, that read 'Those who bring you down, are already below you.' in a old English font. Feeling his hand move across it she couldn't help but laugh on the inside about the irony of it. Getting that done a few months before the outbreak. Once he was does, Vivian got dressed.

As she slipped her sweat shirt over her head she took a deep breath and said. "Okay, done.' Turning to him. "Thanks." Walking over to him as she pulled her long red hair from out of her shirt. "And Thanks for thinking I'm that much a bad ass That I would just kill someone. Might be a little shocking, but I have never killed anyone. Well, anyone who wasn't dead already." As they walked out she put her hands in her pockets. 'As for changing my mind. Over my dead body." Vivian paused looking to Negan." And before you say it 'That can be arranged.'" She said doing her best to sound like him giving a nervous laugh. Clearing her throat. " So, where to next big guy?"


Maggie thought Jake's offer was bold, and she liked that. Laughing she returned his kiss before getting up. Reaching for his hand as they made their way to the bathroom. It felt good, his hand in hers, though everything about him felt right. Maggie was a little surprised as she felt Jake sip off her shirt. She seemed nervous, but in a good way. She never attempted to stop him, in fact she assisted him as he pulled down her jean. Once they were both stripped down and Jake wrapped his arms around her, feeling their warm bodies pressed together like this gave Maggie a small shiver.

Maggie sighed feeling the warm water wash over her body before laughing out when he asked her if he could wash her. Without saying a word she took his hands, placing them on her breasts. Then leaned up to him. Pressing her lips to his. Parting her lips she slipping her tongue pushing it past his in a passionate kiss. It has been so long since she was with a man. Her needs were showing her longing for those needs to be met by him. With her hands still on his, she moved them down her torso and around to her rear. Letting his hands go, moving them up his strong arm till she had hers wrapped around his neck.​
Unamused with Vivian, Negan almost snorted in disgust at her pathetic attempts at joking with him. As expected, this fiery redheaded woman was a challenge. Negan must step up to home plate and swing for the fences with her. Honestly, the physical attraction was strong. The charming man secretly had “a thing” for redheads. Without uttering another word, Negan led the walk from the medical examination room through the factory. Over the years Negan had occupied the factory, he learned every nook and cranny like the back of his hand. A map of the factory had not been needed for well over two years. Passing through the hallways, he casually greeted a few workers. Whenever he passed, his constituents knelt before him and remained in the submissive pose until he cleared from their sight. The level of control Negan exerted over these people was astronomical.

Within minutes, Negan and Vivian stopped outside the same cell she was held inside earlier. The zip ties were still on the ground and the door remained cracked open. It was decision time, but it was not Negan’s decision. “You have been given the grand tour. You know what I expect of you. You see what everyone else does, how they live, and how they act. You will soon know your fate. I just want you to answer one question for me.” Pausing, Negan leaned eerily close to Vivian’s earlobe, his lips tickling the flesh when he spoke. “Who are you?” If she answered with the phrase, “I am Negan”, then she had freedom. If her answer was anything else, she was thrown back into the cell and plans for her to join the enslaved workers were made. Negan gave her the chance and now he waited for an answer.


Jake started washing Maggie’s arms, ensuring that every inch of her velvety, soft skin was covered with suds. Underneath the lighting of the bathroom and the cascading water, Maggie looked angelic. Taking his delicate time, Jake decided Maggie was the most beautiful woman to ever exist. His fingers clawed and gently massaged and scrubbed her perfect body. Maggie looked more natural than any woman he had ever seen before. His eyes remained wide the entire time, almost unsure if this moment existed. Before long, the entire bathroom smelled like shampoo and body wash. With Maggie’s entire body covered in soap, Jake placed his palms onto her hips, right onto the crest of her hipbone, pulling the brunette tight against his chest.

“This is perfect.” Jake whispered, touching their lips together, drinking in exactly how she tasted. A smile grew on his face and he could not get enough of her lips. “You are so fucking gorgeous.” He breathed out, hands sliding down onto her perky, frim backside. Jake squeezed her rear with a smile, sliding his tongue inside of her mouth. The male even released a soft moan of her name against her mouth, his fingers digging tighter into her ass. “After we shower, I don’t think we should get dressed.” Jake mused, moving both hands back onto her firm, large breasts, kneading the flesh with all fingers and palms. After they showered, Jake hoped to get dirty again.
Acknowledging Negans lack of amusement Vivian decided that maybe she shouldn't say anything else for awhile. Or until he said something to her. Walking the hall it was easy to notice that this place ran like a well oiled machine. Also putting two and two together, it wasn't just him that kept this place and its slave/worker under constant submission. Those people with guns help aid Negan in keeping those people under his rule. Sure it only took that one person to slip out of line or try to escape to be made and example of to remind everyone else that there is no real 'freedom', Not as long as Negan remains in control.

Makin their way down this very familiar hall to where she was tied and locked up, Vivian's heart raced. looking in the cell gave her a sense of uneasiness. She didn't want to go back, but she didn't want to cave to Negan. But the one thing she did want more than anything was to stay alive. Knowing that chance to see tomorrow would have been slim if she was made to work the fence. The feel of Negan's hot breath on her eat sent chills up her spin. She knew what she has to do. "...I am Negan..' Vivian said, her head hanging in shame. Those words coming threw her lips made feel sick. How much she hated herself in this moment.


Maggie gave soft moans as Jake caressed her body. Soothing her aches that she had almost forgotten about, she was just so used to being sore, or in some amount of pain. Her own hands moved over his chest and shoulders. She couldn't help but smile over the way he looked at her. Sure she knew Jake wanted her sexually, though she also knew that it was more than that. This wasn't some kind of grand plan to get her in his bed. Just being with her was enough. Maggie knew this because she felt the same about him. Right now though, all she could think about was pleasing him, and him pleasing her. How badly she needed a release.

The way Jake spoke about her, and the taste of his tongue made her knees weak. And when he groaned against her mouth, it was almost too much. " Mmhmm, I think that's a great idea" She said, her lips never leaving his. Maggie's breath became heavy with desire for more. Pressing her body firmly against him, feeling his manhood on her stomach, grinding against it, moaning softly to him she said " After you, Doc.." Kissing his for a moment longer, not wanting their lips to part. Pulling away she looked to him, her eyes begging for more of his attention before stepping out. Wrapping a towel around her torso. She looked back to him, giving a coy smile before walking back to the bed, waiting for him.​
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