RP: The 100: May We Meet Again: One-on-One with Horror_Show

Clark sensed the moment Bellamy left the bedroom. She could hear his movements, see them in her mind, calculating the distance. She stayed with her back to him, slowly turning to see him. She didn’t move wanting to let him catch her….to a point. She wanted contact but didn’t want to be restrained, just yet. She felt Bellamy grab her from behind. Clarke eye’s lit up even though he couldn’t see, she laughed out in a hard breath and leaned forward using her mid section for leverage. She struggled to get out of his grasp and pushed off her feet with him holding her so they fell back into the couch. As they tumbled to the couch with Bellamy’s back flat, with him holding his princess she felt him lick, leaving his open mouth on her exposed jawline.


Clarke arched back letting her right hand grab a fistful of his thick hair forcing his face close. She turned her head so her mouth found his in a rough kiss. While they kissed she used the opportunity to roll off the couch falling on the floor but he followed suit. She couldn’t push him off and breathed out as he ravished her thick aggressive kisses.


Clarke rose as he let her so they were making out in a sitting position, in between the coffee table and the old couch. She let her free hand find the button and zipper on his black jeans but she laughed out struggling to get it undone. She felt Bellamy grab her wrist, eyeing her with a smirk. Clark yanked her hand back but he kept it in his grip making him smash into her as they kissed, or tried to kiss. He missed, purposely or not attacking other parts of her body. Her adrenaline was kicking in, her body was radiating heat.
Bellamy felt his heart rate increasing. There was increased blood flow to his manhood and the erection had already grown prominent against his jeans. The male almost felt dizzy with arousal. Whether from chasing Clarke or feeling aroused, Bellamy was starting to sweat. The rough kisses only turned him on more. While keeping one of her wrists held with one of his hands, Bellamy used his free hand to attack her jeans. He fumbled with the button for a few seconds but he finally completed the task of getting it undone. Then, he worked on starting to pull her jeans down until the waist of her jeans rested on her thighs.


Despite the blonde putting up another struggle while she was being held against Bellamy’s lap, the dark-haired male was holding on strong. With a sudden surge of his strength, Bellamy pushed Clarke down into the floor. She was now lying on her back and his hands wrapped around her wrists, pinning them down above her head, keeping them placed onto the floor. Their eyes locked and Bellamy licked his lips. His eyes were dark and full of passion and lust. Then, he caught wind of the white cloth he brought and he decided to use it now.


Within a second, he crossed Clarke’s wrists over one another before grabbing the white cloth. He held it up, the knot in the middle and offered his girlfriend a smirk. “I love you Princess and I love hearing you moan. I want to hear you moaning with this in your mouth, though.” He whispered, hoping she was open to it. While they were playing rough now, the last thing Bellamy wanted was to do something she did not approve of. He stopped their little game just to ask if she was alright with him gagging her. Besides, it would be so fun chasing her around with this gag in her mouth. It might not be a common desire, but Bellamy felt his arousal increase tenfold just thinking about this in her mouth.

Clarke groaned out, her tone would of showed both arousal and rebellion. She squirmed underneath his weight. She looked mouth watering with her jeans pulled down to her thighs exposing her basic cotton black underwear. She was still in a long sleeve striped shirt that was underneath her sweater. She eyed the white cloth he had in his hand. She had never done anything sexual, this was all new, especially kinks with sex. She grinned, but it was a relaxed smirk.


“Do whatever you want…..” She arched, using what small strength she could to raise up an inch or so glaring at him seductively, “just know I won’t submit so easily….” With that she used all her strength to try to break free from the hold he had, he only had her pinned with one hand so she was able to use her leverage to get her arms free. She tried to roll out but he was still sitting on her. She breathed out, her eyes getting wider as she felt him try to grab her hands again. She quickly grabbed one leg of the coffee table that was close, gripping it. Once that caught his attention she used her thigh to apply pressure in between his legs. She heard him laugh, for some reason she was able to freeze in time, in that very second and admire his laugh as if she had super powers. It was surprised, but soft, like he was happy and ready to comply.


She felt lips crushed against her own as she breathed out letting him, she was free inside her own hell with him right now. Then suddenly his hot breath and warm wet sensation of his lips was gone, he had pushed up looking down at her, smirking, as if allowing her to get up. She stared up at him longingly, accepting the challenge. Clark did the unexpected, and used her legs to slide hard to the left, tripping him. He fell hard to the concrete flooring, an old rug a poor padding. She grabbed the couch, struggling to get up, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Just as she was to her knee’s she felt his hand grab the back of her shirt aggressively pulled her back, she yelped thinking she might hit the coffee table or floor but fell back into him, hearing his breath rough.


In a blink of an eye she coughed out as she had quickly gagged her with the white piece of cloth, tying it securely underneath her long blond curls. She breathed out realizing she now had to use her nose for breathing in most of the air. It caught her so off guard she didn't realize he had bound her hands behind her back for now.
When applying the gag, Bellamy made sure that the cloth was woven underneath her blonde hair. Not only was he worried about the discomfort for Clarke, but it was aesthetically more attractive to him. He hated seeing something like a cleave gag that was wrapped around the girl’s hair. It was all too unappealing to him for some reason he could not place. All he knew was what he liked, not why he liked it. Clarke would learn those things tonight. Her hands were also bound behind her back and there was not much else she could do.


While she was surprised, Bellamy used the chance to secure her ankles as well. The ropes were tight enough that she could not escape but loose enough where he could fit two fingers in between the rope and her flesh. The last thing he wanted was cutting off her circulation. Even during their rough game, he still cared so deeply about her well-being and safely. She might be bound and helpless, but with Bellamy, she was never in any danger. He made certain of that, never wanting anything to happen to her because he would be unable to bear it.


“I know you wouldn’t submit easily, but now you don’t have a choice.” Well, she did have a choice. Bellamy expected her to squirm and struggle all she could. Despite that, the ropes were too tight. The knots on the ropes around her wrists were out of reach for her fingers and no amount of tugging could free her. Instead, he just watched his blonde beauty as he felt his heart soar. He loved this girl. This was romantic to him even as it was kinky. How was it romantic? Well, Bellamy had just show Clarke his deepest desires. Even if she was not his first, she was his last he would ever be with. However, no other girl had ever done this with him. It was intimate, personal, and it meant the world to Bellamy. All of that emotion and love poured together made this special. Even though she was currently gagged, the older male leaned forward to kiss Clarke, holding their lips together and sighing quietly against her mouth, his hands cupping her face in a romantic, caring way. His eyes were wide and his pupils were dilated, showing all the signs of attraction.

Clarke couldn't do much but squirm and struggle against the restraints. She wasn't expecting to be tied up this soon. Then again she wasn't much of a match against Bellamy and right now the only real battle was their raging hormones. All she could do was stand tall in order to keep her balance. Her ankles were bound, her hands tied together behind her back, her mouth gagged. They both were clothed, well Clark's jeans were still resting right above her knee's exposing her pale thighs and basic underwear, she was In a long sleeve striped shirt. Bellamy was still in his black tee and pants but his were undone and unzipped. Somehow It made it more surreal, Clarke was ready to be in some fetish magazine, the perfect victim in your cliché horror movie.


She closed her eyes as he turned her, holding most of her weight as he pressed his lips against, kissing, she could even feel his tongue against the fabric, touching parts of her own. Her eyes met his, her were bright, his were dark and primal. She was ready was to come undone before Bellamy. This in a sense was a game, a game only two could play. You had to know someone on a Intimate level of trust to do these kinks. Funny how they were back on earth, where their ancestors existence started. Clarke just looked at him, eyes eager. At this point she didn't know If she should just submit or keep up the game since her adrenaline was coursing through her small body.


She tried to move and her balance was so horrible she ended up yelping and falling back perfectly into the couch, splayed in front of him. Somehow in the seconds her ass met the old itchy material of the ancient couch strong images flashed in her mind, so erotic, so raw of fucking Bellamy on the couch in the exact position, gagged, half bound, her ankle bounds untied so her legs could be pushed apart, her pants and underwear now sitting in a pile beside her bare feet as they made love. She had never had such vivid images, her aching started. She eyed him, breathing out sexually frustrated.
This struggling was turning Bellamy on. The dark-haired male pulled himself onto the couch when Clarke fell down. The frustrated noise that left her lips nearly triggered an orgasm in that second. Well, maybe not literally, but if a male could orgasm without being touched and only being aroused by noise, then this would prove it. Unfortunately, that was the only sound she made so far. Bellamy hoped to change that. He wanted to hear all the sexy “Mmphs” from behind the gag that Clarke had to offer him. Much would have to change with her bondage before they make love but Bellamy was taking his time.


Wrapping his arms around Clarke’s abdomen, he pulled the blonde into his lap. He merely smiled at the girl he loved and started kissing her neck. Her bound hands behind her back rubbed against his crotch, just below his hips in this position so she could feel that erection growing in his boxers as he now had kicked off his jeans, boots, and socks. “Clarke, I love you so much. You are the most beautiful girl on the planet and you look even sexier like this. I promise you have nothing to worry about. You might be helpless now but you are never in any danger. I will always keep you safe. I will make love to you tonight like this is our last night here on Earth. I love you to the moon and back, Clarke. I want this to be perfect for both of us.” It meant a lot to Bellamy that Clarke was doing this. It was literally his most desired fantasy and she gave him what he wanted. Plus, she was even struggling for him and that made everything even hotter.


From this position, Bellamy wrapped his arms around her body and placed both hands onto her breasts. He squeezed the flesh firmly and continued peppering kisses on her neck. His fingers dug into the flesh of her bust against her shirt and bra that she wore. He even playfully slapped each breast of Clarke’s just to see how see reacted to such a move. He did hope she kept struggling for him. This was perfect with her ass against his girth, he would have the best seat to watch and feel her struggle in the ropes. Bellamy was so in love with Clarke and he was falling even deeper by the second.
Clarke didn't struggle for a minute, mainly out of shock of the moment. Bellamy had pulled Clark onto his lap in an awkward position. Not totally comfortable but not so discomforting this wouldn't be enjoyable. She was tied up, it wasn't supposed to be easy. He had taken off his jeans and was just clad In his boxers and black tee shirt. She could feel his erection hard against her ass. She moaned out as he messaged her breast painting kissing along her neck. She kept visually his eyes dilated, his nostrils flared just a little as she made noises after falling onto the couch. He liked it when she made noises, when she struggled, and she seemed to enjoy the thrill of it. Somehow between trying to squirm intermittent laughs came out, not killing the moment but almost made it more surreal. That this wasn't just some fetish mind game, that they both were romantically involved and loved each other. So the laughing against the gag could have been like music to Bellamy. She ended up in a weird position where her bound hands could feel his erection. The back of her neck was against his chest so his head was beside hers as she breathed out. He purposely pushed his hips forward so her hands could grasp his erection. She let out another sound between a heavy breath and a moan.


Her downstairs garden was already blossoming, aching, wanting attention from all the arousal. She almost visualized fucking him in every position, if that was a thing? That or she was a virgin so her mind was trying to rationalize every possible way. She pictured him continuing kissing, groping, easing down her underwear and pulling down his boxers just enough to position her on his manhood. Then again was that even possible? She didn't really study sex, or anything to do with it. Obviously there were several positions that were possible and so many fetishes good and bad, people use to abuse it, be obsessive and make videos out of it. That was part of their sexual education on the Ark but she didn't get quite a kick out of It as the other hormonal teenagers. She didn't care. Now here she was tied up, ass back against a beautiful creamy skinned male who loved her, getting ready to lose her virginity, and luckily enough to somebody who wasn’t going to leave her side.


Her arousal and thoughts were so scattered she just continued to be vocal. She purposely pressed her gagged face against his, just wanting the affection as much as the stimulation. She liked the feel of his skin, how it was soft but moist, his hands were a little rough but that’s because he used his hands a lot like any other man who had a hard days work. She wanted to scream for him to take her, fuck her….her arousal was getting a little ahead of her. Of course the first time having sex wasn't always pleasant. She had never been touched, had never been stretched, more than likely it was going to hurt. One thing for sure is she would be damn wet to try to make sure it was as comforting as it could be. Somehow, knowing it might hurt just a little didn't even bother her. Perhaps there was this darker park to Clark no one was discover but Bellamy. She whimpered and sighed in frustration, moving against him.
Wow. Just wow. Finally, Clarke was creating more noise from her soft giggles or her aroused moans. Every single sound that fell from her gagged lips turned Bellamy on more. When their faces touched, a shiver ran down his spine. If he thought that his breathing was ragged before, well, his chest was heaving harder. Both of his hands rested on her large, supple breasts as he squeezed the woman’s firm flesh roughly as he groped her sexy bust. When her face rested against his, Bellamy could not help kiss her lips again. There was something indescribably arousing about kissing the blonde with a white cloth between her lips. When they kissed, he could feel her soft lips and the soft cloth in between. Whenever he pulled back, their eyes locked and the blue stood out even more within her gorgeous orbs. It allowed him to focus more directly on her eyes but he indulged himself constantly by looking back down at her pink lips hugging the knotted cleave gag. With love bursting from his heart, Bellamy decided to help Clarke learn a few other of his fetishes. Since it was Clarke’s first time, he would untie her hands and ankles before they had sex.


Until then, she was his bound captive. Soon enough, Bellamy pushed Clarke down onto her back on the couch. He stood and slowly stripped off his shirt for the blonde, letting her get a good look at his toned chest and abdomen. He reached down to grab the hem of her shirt, slowly pulling it upwards until it reached above her chest. The only downfall about bondage was that the person doing the tying must undress the person being tied before adding any bondage since it was impossible to remove clothing when she was tied up. From there, Bellamy pulled her jeans all the way down. With the rope around her ankles, that was as far as her jeans would go. Now, her bra and underwear was exposed but Bellamy was happy to take his sweet time with her. “I love you so much, Clarke. You sound so sexy with that gag in your mouth. You are everything to me. I never want to live without you.” He whispered quietly, leaning down and placing his hands gently into her tied hands, squeezing them softly to give her more reassurance.


Looking down at her bound ankles, Bellamy took a bold move. Well, he loved Clarke and he wanted to spend every second of his life with her. It meant divulging deep secrets about one another. Since they were making love exclusively to one another, he found no reason to withhold any of his desires from his girlfriend. The male pulled her bound feet into his lap, pressing the heels of her feet against his balls while her toes were on either side of his manhood. The bulge was growing massive in his boxers and it increased when her feet touched his crotch. One of the loudest moans yet left Bellamy’s lips while his head tilted backwards. “I think your feet are so cute, Clarke. I would love to give you foot massages and play with your feet often.” It was something they could do even in the presence of others without giving anything away. Now, he just watched her face, looking for signs on whether she was enjoying this or not.
He pushed Clark onto her back, she just eyed him with a strong need, silent for now. She watched him dispose of his shirt being left in just his boxers. Bellamy was in top shape, he skin was creamy and tan, his muscles visible. He must have kept in shape on the Ark. He was apart of security. Her mind tried to distract itself about his life, his sister, his mother but Bellamy was to involved to let that happen. It was his words, even now he said he loved her and was never going to leave her. A few days ago she would had never thought this male would have anything to do with her after one night. She had gotten more clues to how he was because of how Octavia acted and the other female prisoners. She felt him lean over, admiring. She could feel his skin against her own, warm and soft. He let his hands slide underneath her back to gently squeeze her hands. She tried to smile and a half laugh, half grunt came out but he would see it in her eyes.


He couldn't completely undress her at this point but it didn't matter as her shirt was pulled up over her chest, her jeans down to her ankles, only her bra and underwear visible. It was nothing fancy, just old things she found down here that were cleaner than the clothes she had on. She felt him guide her bound ankles on his lap, his eyes never left hers but he pushed her heel against his balls. Her toes felt his erection, her eyes looked and she groaned out, squirming but just enough to press her heel harder….but not so hard It would hurt. She wasn't In the position to do anything she would want so she had to give hints and be as verbal as she could. So she bit down on the gag, making noises that would get to Bellamy. They were already learning each other from the inside out. Squirming she rolled back and forth just enough to pivot and strained but was to use her toes to slip into the slit of his boxers. Her big toe felt his erected member. She seemed frustrated because she had no control. She wanted her bare feet to touch his bare skin, especially if that was his thing.

Possibly the hottest, loudest moan of Bellamy’s life left his lips when Clarke managed to slip her big toe into his boxers and press against the head of his member. Yes, his bulge was already growing. When this happened, however, the male officially reached the peak of his desire for Clarke. One simple touch could make this grown man a puddle of need. “Clarke…” Her name was breathed out in a moan. It felt like his eyes were rolling back in his head. He felt dizzy with love and intoxicated with love. Everything that was going on right now was because of that emotion. Since he also wanted nothing more than to let Clarke’s bare feet touch his skin, he made quick work of his boxers. Assisting Clarke, he slipped his member in between her feet so it rested in the middle of each in-step in the most natural position. While Clarke explored him with her feet, Bellamy reached down with one hand, sliding it inside of her underwear. He felt for her clitoris and finally pressed his forefinger and middle finger onto her sensitive mound of flesh. Bellamy started rubbing slowly on her clit with clockwise circles as he did not want to receive all the pleasure.


“Clarke. Play with me using your feet. Touch me all you want. Don’t hold back. God, this feels so good. I love you and I never want this to end.” He groaned, looking deep into her eyes. His own hips started thrusting forward against her bound feet, loving the way her toes and the soles of her feet felt against his crotch. There was much to explore and this only gave him a taste of his foot fetish: they could explore further later. Bellamy gave Clarke a good three or four minutes with exploring his cock using her feet before he placed his hands around her ankles to stop her. He did want her to give him a foot job one day, but tonight was about making love. Bellamy crawled on top of Clarke again, straddling her at the waist while moving to unclasp her bra so her gorgeous set of tits were exposed. His pupils somehow grew even wider when they were exposed. His lips could not attach to one of her nipples soon enough. His left hand reached behind her back again to hold her hands while he did this, keeping his right hand in side of her panties. Bellamy was almost ready to make love to his sweet girlfriend, but he still wanted to take his time and explore thoroughly. It was their first time together so Bellamy thought that with their love, they should surely take their time and bask in each other’s body.
A muffled gasp escaped her mouth as he leaned over biting and sucking on her exposed breasts. She felt his one hand squeeze her hands as he did so and it was a turn on. Every part of what was happening was arousing. She moved, wanting so badly to be able to have free movement. She could feel his erection somewhat but wanted more. She kept making noises and rose her head up before letting it fall back. She closed her eyes enjoying the sensation of Bellamy on top of her, messaging both of her breast with his mouth. She let her hands squeeze his hand back as she bucked pitifully underneath his weight. She was ready and she felt the difference, she had got to experience the past couple of days what it was like to be turned on. She felt her blossom ready, it felt weird but this need to be touched, filled was strong. She struggled to strain, nuzzling against his head forcing him to look her dead in the eye. She felt him kiss her against the gag, she groaned out more feeling his tongue. It wasn't like a normal kiss but it was still enough for the brain to finish figuratively speaking. His hand that was still intertwined with both her hands would have the remnants of her thick nectar. Bellamy didn't seem to mind.


She wanted to run her ands through his hair, to aggressively make out with him and fuck him on the couch but her mind was calculating every possible scenario ever possible bound or not to be with Bellamy.
Whenever this kiss finished, Bellamy pulled back from Clarke with ragged breathing. Taking a few seconds to look into her eyes, he offered the blonde a sweet, genuine smile. As much as he enjoyed having Clarke tied up, he figured she would not want to be this restricted during her first time having sex. Since he cared more about her than he cared about feeling satisfied, Bellamy turned Clarke over onto her stomach and started to untie the knots. “Clarke, I love seeing you like this but I’m sure you would feel more at ease without being bound. I promise to tie you up again when we have sex but I figure for our first time, your hands and ankles should be unshackled.”

After responding, he continued working on the knots. His tight work was obvious because it was not that simple to untie her hands. It took him a few attempts to grip the knot and another minute or two before he could finally untie it. It just showed how meticulous and methodical he was. It would have not been the same for Bellamy had he thrown together some half-ass knot around her skin. The same was true for her ankles.


He started to untie them but it did not come undone so easily. Once her hands and ankles were free, Bellamy gave Clarke time to touch him until she was satisfied while he kissed her neck. “But I do think we can keep the gag in your mouth. That’s certainly not hurting anything. We can still kiss just the same.” He grinned, proving his point by kissing her gagged lips. Her clothes were nearly off her body already so it was quite easy to remove the remnants without an issue. When Clarke was left nude with Bellamy, he took one more glance deep into her eyes. “Are you ready, Princess? Are you ready to make love with me?” he asked, both his rough, bruised hands cupping her soft face.
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