RP: The 100: May We Meet Again: One-on-One with Horror_Show

Naively, Bellamy hoped Octavia would have been happy for her brother. Instead, the brunette was furious. It was understandable to Bellamy at a certain extent. Octavia had never dealt with Bellamy and his feelings for another girl. She had known about him becoming quite active with a few females, having sex without an emotional attachment applied. This was different. Octavia was forced to share her brother’s love with a girl that she hated. Even though Bellamy loved them both in different contexts, Octavia could not help but feel slightly jealous that she was not the center of his universe anymore. It did not mean Bellamy was ignoring Octavia now, but that was how the poor girl saw it so far.


Bellamy was in pain: both physical and mental. His nose was throbbing but he figured it was not broken. The sweat dripping down his face slithered in the cuts and bruises, causing a burning sensation. His eyes threatened to brim with tears, even. However, the male kept a neutral face through everything once he assured Clarke was safe and that nobody was stopping Octavia. His chest rose and fell rapidly and his hands were even shaking quite noticeably. It was a combination of anger, sadness, and some fear. It was honestly a plethora of emotions thrown at the leader all at once. It was overstimulating him in the worst way possible.

“Do whatever you need, O. It won’t change anything. What I have with Clarke… that doesn’t change anything between us, either.”

“Bullshit, Bell! Yes, it does! You hurt me more than you could imagine!”

It did not help that Vanessa and Octavia were practically best friends. They met in the Sky Box through various activities the juveniles completed such as classes and meals. She would have been singing a different tune had Bellamy chosen to be with Vanessa instead of Clarke.

“You must get used to it, Octavia. Clarke’s not going anywhere.”

“Then, you have to make a choice, Bellamy! Either her or me. If you choose Clarke, then I won’t have anything to do with you. I’ll hate you forever!”

Emphatically, the fiery girl shoved her brother one more time into the metal wall. Looking downwards at his boots, Bellamy listened to Octavia stomp away from the scene, deeper into the dropship. Bellamy reached down to grab a tissue and press it against his bloody nose and lip, mulling over everything Octavia said. She certainly did not make this easy for Bellamy. If Octavia hated him, so be it. That did not change how he felt about her. Regardless, Bellamy was here to protect Octavia even if she did not want him anywhere near her.

Clarke watched in desperation as Octavia acted out, expressing her jealously and rage at her older brother. You could feel her angst and it left everyone speechless. With one last shove, she stormed off, people got out of her way as she went deeper into the dropship. The only noise was mother nature shouting out herself between the lightening, thunder and strong winds, it was still a downpour. The young brunette’s words stung Clarke. It took her back to the ark, to her parents, which made her roll through her father’s death, being put into prison. She felt her head racing. Her eyes zoned in on Bellamy as he was on the ground in pain, a hot mess of blood, bruises and cuts. His sister had a hell of a throw, it must have been in their genetics. He was too perfect to be true, this was too perfect, fairy tales didn’t exist and this was proof. People couldn’t live happily ever after. She heard some other guy say “damn” in a low voice at the situation.


Clarke saw as Bellamy pulled himself up. His dark hues met hers and for some reason it was a trigger, fight or flight. She stumbled but was caught by the hands that were still on her. Lightening flashed once again illuminating everything, they had direct eye contact. His whole face was covered in red. Clarke used her upper arm strength and pushed both people off her and turned her body, using it as a weight to push through the crowd. Some parted not expecting it. In seconds, she was off the ramp in the downpour, in the waterfall of thick rain. She kept running. She could hear barking and screams from everyone in the dropship, some warnings, some telling her to come back but she didn’t bother. Her feet stomped through the slush of dirt, mud and grass. She used the thick trees to hold her balance. The storm fueled her adrenalin. She kept running further into the forest, lightening giving her the lead. She was drenched, soaking wet.


Bellamy didn’t waste any time. He took a few moments to compose himself but not before knowing she was going to fleet. “Shit….” Was all people heard him breathe before taking off after her, not before giving orders to not let Octavia out of their sight. Bellamy had to be quick as she had a minute or so lead. He didn’t bother calling out to her, he knew her mind was on a different level. Words wouldn’t do anything, only actions could speak. Bellamy was running as fast as he could, almost slipping in the mud. It only took a few minutes to catch up, she had stopped, being memorized by the rain. She would look as he was only a small distance away. Lightening lit up the meadow and time seemed to slow. Bellamy stood, breathing hard, rain soaking his clothes, running down him, it had washed away most of the blood, but you could still see some.



Oh, I'm in the jungle now
You've been seeking, I've been hiding out
Use your love, it scares me so deep down
You may find me, cause my heart beats loud, so loud
It beats fast
In the places where you touched me last
I can feel the burn my skin, it has
But the return of your beloved hands, hands

It was becoming difficult to breathe. Not only was Bellamy’s heart rapidly pounding in his chest, but the downpour of the rain made him feel claustrophobic. Although he had never told anyone, Bellamy had a massive fear of drowning stemming from a nightmare he had consecutively as a child. If he closed his eyes, it almost felt like he was underwater and he felt weightless. Though he loved the prospect of watching a storm, he wanted to watch from the inside. Never once did he think about staying inside when Clarke ran away, though. They stood five feet away from each other but it felt like she was back on the Ark and he was stuck on the ground. Bellamy licked his lips, his throat feeling dry despite the immense amount of water near them. He felt dirty. The clothes stuck to his body and the mud and grim was everywhere. Inside that mind of his, Bellamy tried to rationalize everything. It made sense why Clarke ran away. Bellamy was practically beaten to a pulp by his own blood and Octavia blamed Clarke and Clarke’s mother for everything that went wrong with her family.


Clarke ran away from the stirring emotions and Bellamy was not upset. Instead, he only sought to comfort her. In the pouring rain, Bellamy wanted to help Clarke find peace. He took one step forward and he could not see If Clarke stepped towards him, away from him, or to the side, but she lost footing and collapsed towards the ground. Time had also slowed down for Bellamy and Clarke was tumbling towards the ground in slow motion. When he tried to reach for her, he caught the girl in his arms but lost his own footing and down to the ground they went. He lay on top of her, their faces inches away. With the water pouring down, the rain smacked Clarke in the face and probably felt uncomfortable with her nose and mouth turned upwards. With his jacket, Bellamy blocked the rain from Clarke’s face. His body was a shield, basically.


Without saying a word, Bellamy closed his eyes and leaned down, pressing his lips against Clarke’s. When their lips connected, Bellamy felt an electricity with more voltage than the lightning bolts above them. Time did not slow, it stopped. The rain became secondary to Bellamy as he focused on kissing Clarke. He did not even waste time with deepening the kiss, immediately sliding his tongue into her mouth, his head tilting to the opposite way of hers. Their clothes were absolutely drenched in mud and water, but that did not matter to Bellamy either. His teeth pulled gently on her lower lip and his free hand wrapped around Clarke’s right cheek, cupping her face.

“I love you. I love you. You don’t have to run.”


That was all Bellamy said. Despite it all, he loved Clarke and this did not change anything. She did not have to run from him, unless she was running somewhere to get into his arms. Bellamy wanted to make sure that was clear.
Clarke was captivated by Bellamy and memorized by mother nature. She lost her footing and collapsed trying to step forward, Bellamy caught her but they both went down. The rain was falling so thickly that there was a constant covering throughout the forest. No visibility in the downpour except when it lightened. Ferocious winds swept through the forest littering the forest with a mess of its own debris. The canopy swayed, leaves tumbled, insufficient to fend off the onslaught. The howl and beating rain was almost as loud as the two lovers beating heart. Clarke clenched her eyes shut but repeatedly tried to look up at Bellamy through the raging storm. Bellay sheltered her the best he could with his body and jacket. Clarke didn’t have to worry about that as Bellamy leaned down, slowly letting his lips meet hers. His lip was busted, and she could vaguely between the rain taste what must have been his own blood. He tilted his head deepening kiss, letting her have as much of him as he could. After a good moment, he pulled away just enough to cup her face. The lightening illuminating his beaten face.


“I love you. I love you. You don’t have to run.”

Once again this man had taken her by surprise. He had unconditional love and he hadn’t known her but less than a few days, had taken a brutal beating from his own sibling and was confessing his love. Clarke nodded, her face in his hand. It’s all she needed to do, he would understand she felt the same. They kissed briefly again before Bellamy pulled her up into his arms in a sitting position. The water was cool but the weather was still hot and humid. Clarke seemed to be needy, clingy and was clutching onto him as herself her against him. Her arms wrapped around his midsection, underneath his jacket. She could feel his clothes soaked sticking to his skin as well as her own.
The storm ferocity increased just as the passionate kiss increased with fervor. Despite all the sensations around himself and Clarke, Bellamy could only think about the blonde. Their clothing was soaked and stuck to their skin uncomfortable. Instead of feeling discomforted, Bellamy felt incredible. It was the most exhilarating moment of his life, arguably. Even if it was not, the top five moments of his life all happened within the past week with Clarke Griffin. The rain fell at such an angle where Bellamy felt the water making it difficult to breathe. The oxygen hitched in his lungs, not just from the rain, but also from the intense feelings and sensation from Clarke.


Finally, Bellamy just hugged Clarke tightly to his body. His strong arms wrapped around the girl’s body. His nose nuzzled against Clarke’s before nuzzling his nose against her lips, reaching down to capture her lower lip between his teeth, pulling on the flesh ever so slightly. The young man was so caught in the moment, a feeling of euphoria rushing through his entire body. Lightning and thunder continued to roar and flash in the sky above. Leaves were scattered around and somewhere deeper inside the forest, some branches were tossed about.

Readjusting to the present moment, Bellamy locked eyes with Clarke and realized how unsafe it was to be outside in the middle of his crazy storm. They needed to get back inside. Clarke looked like she was alright now and Bellamy had successfully reassured her of his love. Then, Bellamy carried the blonde in a bridal style carry from the ground. One arm was underneath her neck, one arm was underneath her knees, and Clarke’s head rested underneath his chin. The jacket on his back was wrapped over Clarke’s upper body and face to keep the rain out of her face. The walk back to the dropship took ten minutes and the storm had not calmed down one bit. They entered through the front door, walking inside with the others. They smelled horrible and looked even worse but that didn’t matter.


“Are you okay, Clarke?” He asked softly, his lips pressing against her ears.
Clarke let Bellamy carry her back to the drop ship out of the storm. It still wasn’t dying down and it had been over an hour or more. Most of the other young prisoners parted ways so Bellamy could get through with Clark. His younger sibling was somewhere on the top level, not wanting to deal with anybody else. Someone verified Octavia was safe and he just gave a simple nod. He carried Clarke into the back of the ship where some of the seats were and set her down in one. She was breathing slow but heavy and felt Bellamy press his forehead to hers, he was crouched to be eye level with her in the seat. Some of the inmates had solar paneled lanterns on in various places giving some minimum light aiding the lightening you could see from the opened bay door. Clarke was soaking wet and she wish she had clean towels, a hot shower with soap and clothes but that hadn’t happened since she was on the ark and even then it had been months prior since she was in her own quarters. That was all a huge sacrifice to witness the beautiful storm, to witness Bellamy and life and love itself.


Clarke was once again quiet, she didn’t need to speak. Bellamy had spoken enough words for the both of them. She was so exhausted she was falling asleep and Bellamy would lift her off the uncomfortable chairs sliding to the floor in a corner. He would let him lean back, with her on his lap, her back to his front as she was lying with her head beside the crook of his neck. His arms would be wrapped around her, protective. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. He wouldn’t ever be satisfied without her being near. His cheek would graze against her forehead now and then. He would stay awake just a little while watching the others settle down in the drop-ship. Now and then she would see one of the three girls Vanessa was with eye him but they would always leave. Bellamy would eventually fall asleep as the storm faded out as the sun started to rise, but clouds still cluttered the sky, preventing the sun from shining through down to the forest ground.

Clarke would have slept a total of six hours, not nearly enough but enough for a small boost. The drop ship would have more light thanks to the gloomy hot humid morning. She would open her eyes, drooling on Bellamy. She would see he was still asleep. She didn’t want to dare move knowing he would stir. She would feel his lips gently pressing on her temple, letting her know he already was. She looked up at him. He looked fucking horrible. His lip was busted, his nose wasn’t broken but it was fractured maybe? Both of his eyes were pretty bruised, one being a black eye, bruises decorated certain parts of his face. He had some sort of laceration on his left shoulder blade from her throwing him against a wall in the drop-ship.


Clarke eyes were wide and concerned looking at him but he seemed perfectly calm. She was scared to even kiss him but apparently that wasn’t going to stop him. He met her lips gently, she could feel the dried blood on his lips. She wanted to moan out but didn’t. She kept deadly silent with her eyes closed as he pulled away. There was something horribly attractive about how vulnerable he was physically, with how brutally Octavia decorated his facial features. Clarke also wouldn’t realize the rain helped a little, as they were no longer white but there was large stains on her pants and shirt and her underwear from him the previous night.
Rested, but not well rested, Bellamy woke minutes before Clarke. They both looked beaten down from the rain while Bellamy’s rugged look was only increased thanks to the work of his lovely sister, Octavia. No grudges were held, though, at least not by Bellamy. Octavia could have threatened his life with a gun but he would not have even fought back. Thankfully, the weather and the mood around camp appeared calmer than the previous night. For a few minutes, Bellamy and his girlfriend enjoyed cuddling and kissing to greet the morning together. They smelled horrible and their clothes were ruined. It was uncomfortable.

The dropship was full of the delinquents and it made Bellamy feel claustrophobic. If the packed ship impacted the male in such a way, he only imagined the feeling as being worse for Clarke. They needed to get fresh air and examine the damage. As the leader of these teenagers, Bellamy felt motivated to take note of whatever needed repair. The howling wind last night must have destroyed something.


“We’re taking a walk together, Clarke. We’ll grab a couple breakfast bars and some water then we’ll just enjoy nature.”

That was the plan and Bellamy finally stood to his feet, helping the blonde into a standing position as well. Greeting the love of his life with a bright smile, the young man wanted to give Clarke a firm peck on the lips before moving out. Near the exit, a bag containing various energy bars were situated on a table. The remaining bars were blueberry granola bars so Bellamy grabbed one for himself and Clarke along with a bottle of water in an adjacent cooler. Bellamy peeled the wrapper back and started chowing down on his small breakfast. They really needed to find animals in the woods they could hunt. The rations remaining from the dropship were significantly lowering only days after landing.


With his right hand in Clarke’s left, Bellamy carried the bottle of water and granola bar in his left hand. The couple strolled out of the camp and past the gate that was halfway completed. It was the next important objective to complete on their agenda. Some of the fence around the camp was damaged and setback the progress but Bellamy chose not to feel discouraged. Besides the damage to the outskirts of the camp, everything else remained relatively untouched. Trees were down in the forest, though. It might have been dangerous in some areas.

Bellamy had concealed a map in his pocket and removed it to glance through their surroundings. They passed a fresh body of water and nearly two hundred yards west in an unexplored territory, Bellamy lost his footing, released Clarke’s hand, and toppled to the ground. A flurry of swear words left his lips before recovering and sitting back upright, noticing a protrusion from inside the ground. After clearing some foliage away, he found there was a hatch. It took both himself and Clarke exerting every ounce of strength and power before the hatch was yanked open. Bellamy shone a flashlight inside.


“This must have been an underground bunker someone built before the radiation hit. It doesn’t look like they made it.”

Nothing was heard from inside but Bellamy was curious and decided to descend first. Once inside, Bellamy tapped on the metal walls before entering, deciding that was the best tactic to draw whoever or whatever was down here if anything at all. It remained silent so he called for Clarke to join him and close the hatch. By the time Clarke reached the bottom of the ladder, Bellamy was laughing in disbelief when he flicked the light switch and the lights actually flared on, illuminating a picturesque underground bunker.
Clarke had struggled but closed the hatch and was climbing down. It was dark and she was trying not to lose her own footing, the last thing she needed was to get injured down here. Bellamy was shining a flashlight to give her some sight. By the time she hit the bottom step of the latter and her feet met the concrete flooring, Bellamy was laughing. He flicked a huge switch on the wall and the lights flickered and remained on. You could hear a light buzzing. The lights were very minimum in light but enough. She knew this bunker had to have been dedicates old. She wondered if they would find corpses, by now it would be skeletons. They followed a tunnel with the lights flickering now and then to another door. Bellamy pulled it open, it looked like the equivalent of a hatch door you would see on a naval ship. They opened the door and you had to step over it to get to the next section. It was cooler down here, not freezing but definitely a good decrease from being beneath the ground. It also smelled very abandoned.

Once through the second hatch door you could see a whole living quarters. It looked like something out of a sc-fi movie. What was even more awkward is the style of it. It now no longer looked like a bunker but some half converted little old house, with a living area and dining area and small kitchen. You could tell it must have been dates back from the early twentieth century or before. The both of them stood there a little shocked. Clarke walked forward and looking around the living room. Bellamy had crossed the path toward the kitchen and started checking cabinets. The lights were on but so far other appliances wasn’t, it least not yet. The kitchen cabinets were empty as the was turned off fridge. It was as if it was built, maybe lived in temporarily, but then abandoned. Clarke left Bellamy in the kitchen and living area and went through another door that led to a large pantry.

It was fully stocked but what caught her breath was that all the stored food was in special pressurized storage containers, all the containers had wires hooked up going into the walls. She walked up to one and observed, the lights were green and the date on the digital screens read way into the future. This food must have been sustainable for hundreds of years from when it was stored in 1999. She pushed a button and went wide eyes as it decompressed, smoke could be seen and it clicked. She opened the container and inside was what looked like dried food, vegetables of all sorts. Bellamy was behind her now, seeing all of it.

Bellamy there's like enough food here for a long time….especially if all these containers are filled….we have to let the others----“ She saw his face serious, his eyes showing a side she hadn’t seen but not deviant. His facial expression told her he didn’t plan to tell any of the others. She got quiet and looked back into the container pulling out more packages of food.


“We can’t keep this from them….that’s not fair or right?” She asked looking up at him. He was opening other containers from another storage shelf, he didn’t say anything. “Bellamy…” She said and he kept looking away momentarily before facing her.

“I have to teach them to fend for themselves, survival of the fittest. We need to hunt, we found fresh water, we build….we still try to see if all that supplies is at the base on the mountain. We build up…we keep this between us. This is yours. My main concern is you and Octavia and I can’t tell her right now.” He said closing the container.

"The others will find out eventually?”She reasoned.


“Not if we do it the right way, every time we come here we can bring natural supplies back….were gonna have to start sending people out to do tasks soon anyway. By the time this is discovered, the others will fill at home above ground….I promise you that.”
Observantly, Bellamy watched Clarke’s facial expression. Apparently she was the more moral between the two. These supplies almost helped ensure survival of everyone inside the camp. Fear was the most powerful emotion. Well, it was either fear or love. Fear made people do astronomical things and accomplish incredible feats. With fear of dying of exposure or running out of supplies, the wall should be constructed quicker. More delinquents should volunteer for hunting groups and search parties to explore the world around them. They needed it in order to survive. Yes, Bellamy was lying to 97 other people, including his sister, about this place.

Well, he saw it as an omission of certain details. Either way he cut it, this could get ugly. Nonetheless, Bellamy was more interested in exploring the entire bunker instead of talking about what was right and what was wrong. There were two bedrooms. Each bedroom had a bathroom inside with a shower. Curious, Bellamy turned the warm water knob inside the larger bedroom and heard a few sputtering before the water began pouring out of the shower head. This was unbelievable and Bellamy called out to Clarke, telling her that they had running water here. Not wanting to waste a drop, Bellamy turned it off promptly afterwards.


Since he had been beaten, Bellamy noticed a few things with Clarke. It seemed she almost felt entranced with these injuries. It was nothing concrete but Bellamy wondered if she had a secret fetish or like of him being battered and beaten. That was why he decided to keep quiet about the first aid kits he found and allow the bruises and cuts show on his face. If she liked that rugged look, Bellamy figured she could get plenty of chances to see that. He wondered about taking a shower with her but decided to leave the dirty and grime around longer as well.

Beyond the bedrooms, Bellamy found a generator room where different water and air filtration systems for them to use. This place was incredible. The luckily had lines upon lines of full gasoline cans that were filled with the fuel that ran these generators. They could keep this going for a while and he hoped they found more gasoline somewhere. Everything was looking up right now and Bellamy felt ecstatic. This was going to be an amazing find for them and he felt no hurry to return to camp.


After exploring this area, the last major room of the bunker was some kind of game room or relaxation room. Books, old television sets, record players, and other items Bellamy was unfamiliar with. He grinned, imagining this bunker as a nice getaway for himself and for the girl he loved. It was their escape from each day that was stressful back at camp. They were dealing with so much already and Bellamy wanted to make sure that Clarke was always relaxed and well rested, keeping her anxiety controlled. After exploring this area, he decided to pull Clarke towards one of the larger bedrooms.

“I know you didn’t sleep that much last night. We don’t exactly have fancy beds. I think we should try this out. Maybe we can shower together, too.” Sure, it might was away the dirt, sweat, and grime from the past few days but his nicks, cuts, busted lip, and other bruises would persist. It might feel nice getting cleaned up. Plus, he wanted to see Clarke’s body again and he felt like if he got her nude again, he could convince her to have sex with him and have a fun time together on this bed.

“Make up your mind. I’m going to start some of the water now. I saw some clothing in the closets. You can pick out something for me if you want.” Bellamy told her his sizes and wondered if she wanted to see him wearing anything specific. After stripping off his dirty, wet shirt, Bellamy dropped it onto the ground and leaned into the shower, turning on the warm water again before kicking off his shoes and his socks next, testing out the water with his hand, adding the cooler water when it was needed.

Clark heard Bellamy say he was going to take a quick shower, his voice lingered down the hall as if blindly inviting her to join. She hadn’t seen him completely naked and the thought of that made her flush bright red. No man had ever seen her naked, her father as he raised her. She deliberately avoided the bathroom and headed into one of the bedrooms. This bedroom looked like it must have belonged to parents as the other room was decorated with child like decor. She took a few minutes to browse the medium sized bedroom and looked into the closet and saw clothing, it was old and smelled a little weird but it was better than what they had on. She skimmed through it and pulled out some clothing for Bellamy, jeans and a black t-shirt. She observed the clothing and got lost in doing such a trivial activity. These clothing once belonged to somebody down here, they told a story, everything did. What happened to them? We're they alive? We're they old, did they survive? She decided on something comfortable and not to exposing.

She walked down the hall back to the bathroom and saw steam, she hadn’t seen steam or had hot water since being back on the ark. She stood there watching the steam and light reflect out into the hallway as everything else was dimly lit. She leaned her shoulder against the door, not showing herself, getting lost in her own thoughts, watching the steam rise.


“Clarke….is that you? You alright?” She heard his voice, so soft but warm. She pushed up and poked her head in and saw him in the shower, scrubbing himself down. He had soap suds everywhere and the room smelled different, like cologne possibly? They never got a lot of scented things back on the ark, everything was limited. She loved the smell, it had tones of what seemed like wood and musk? He poked his head out giving her that famous gorgeous smile. In the bright light of the bathroom she could see how bad he had taken a beating and cringed slightly.

“I’m rushing so you can have hot water….come on.” He said scrubbing his thick hair with soap and shaking it underneath the stream.

Clarke smiled faintly, he would sense her hesitance and she just stood there awkwardly. She didn’t undress and instead plopped on the toilet and sat there, just soaking up the steam. It made her clothes which was already in dirt and grime stick to her body.
Completely engrossed with Clarke, Bellamy shut the water off. Clearly, she needed a gentle nudge forward. Stepping out of the shower and dropping a towel onto the ground, he faced Clarke, his nude body muscular and sculpted showing with those bruises and marks from his experience on the ground. Crouching down beside of Clarke, he first removed any shoes and socks she wore. “You can join me in the shower, Clarke, it’s okay. Don’t just sit out here.” Something told Bellamy that she wanted to join him but even his vocal invitation was not good enough for her. She might have still been doubtful in her mind.

Because he already knew her so well, he understood this and decided to help Clarke take the next step forward. The next item of clothing he removed was whatever pants or shorts she sported from the closet, neatly placing her disposed clothing onto the sink, folding them neatly. Next, the male worked on removing Clarke’s shirt, giving her a kiss on the lips before touching her body. Whatever underwear she wore underneath her clothing, that was removed last. Soon enough, Bellamy had stripped Clarke down fully. He also knew to keep a monitor on her breathing and anxiety. When she started breathing harder before her shirt was removed, he stopped touching her shirt and held her hand instead, kissing the girl’s palm, hoping to keep her calm.


Whenever she showed these signs, he stopped and whispered that he loved her and that she had nothing to worry about. When she finally sat nude, Bellamy admiringly looked at her body, not with this crazy stare, but his eyes looked at Clarke like she was the most precious thing in the world. It was light-hearted, sweet, and loving. Everything was calm for Bellamy, his chest falling and rising at a slowed rate though it did increase once Clarke was nude simply because her natural beauty was overwhelming. Did he really have her in his life? How did the most beautiful girl in the world love him? Bellamy was thankful.

Gracefully, he pulled Clarke into the shower, holding both of her hands. “If you will allow me, I’d love to wash your body. I just want you to stand there, relax, and close your eyes if you want. You’re my Princess and I want to treat you like one. I want to touch every inch of your body because every inch of you is beautiful. I love you more than words could express and I think this is an intimate, loving moment we’re sharing. I want to make the most of it with you.”
Clarke held Bellamy’s strong hands as she stepped carefully into he porcelain tub. He pulled the curtains back isolating them in the small area. Her eyes freely wandered over Bellamy, his toes, his feet all the way up his muscular legs and thighs. She quickly passed over his junk and up to his beautiful injured face. It looked horrible but somehow he was still gorgeous, like a warrior would be in battle. She could almost day dream and picture what Bellamy would have looked like as a native in battle dedicates ago. Then her thoughts went south so quickly, about his sister. What if she continued to rebel against the thought of them? Her eyes closed as the shower was turned on and hot purified water started cascading down Clarke, she opened her eyes wide as Bellamy was smiling. She let the water consume her for a few minutes before Bellamy grabbed another bar of soap, this one smelled different than his….it smelled of a garden in the spring. He held it underneath the rain of water lathering it until it got soapy. Already some of the sweat, grime was washing off. The water was a dirty light brown going down the drain.


Bellamy started washing her arms, taking delicate time to make sure every inch of her body was in suds. He used his hands and the suds to gently message and scrub her perfect body. He had seen many girls over recent years, most of them were flawless in their own ways but Clarke was different. She seemed more natural, slightly more curvier in places, just a tiny bit bigger in places that was normal like her thighs and behind. She wasn’t what would even be considered beautiful on the ark but she was her own and that’s all that mattered. Bellamy couldn’t believed he had laid eyes on her in the ark, if it would have mattered? He could still picture her running, panicking and him catching her into his chest. That moment replayed over and over.

After a few minutes her body was rinsing of all the suds and the small bathroom smelled of thick flowers, but Bellamy grabbed a bottle and squirt some into his hand and Clarke slightly bent down as he worked his hands carefully through her hair. He did it so well, like a parent would. She imagined he took care of Octavia.
Every inch of Clarke’s body had been caressed by Bellamy’s large, calloused hands. From Clarke’s head down to her feet, her skin was covered with soap suds. Even with a neutral expression on her face, Bellamy thought Clarke’s aura shined brightly like an angel descending from heaven. The sight of Clarke Griffin in the shower was one of the major wonders of the world. Before making another move, the dark-haired male ensured Clarke’s body was rinsed thoroughly. A wash cloth was needed in between her thighs and legs for washing the suds away. It had been a delicate process, something Bellamy took pride in doing. Her soft skin glowed and felt velvety to the touch. Crouching in front of Clarke, Bellamy’s warm lips kissed across both thighs and above her belly button, across her abdomen. Once he stood upright again, Bellamy placed his hands onto her waist, his palms caressing the crest of her hipbone.

It was Bellamy’s turn. Slipping underneath the full blast of water, he felt a warmth of water with just a touch of cool drenching his body. The water soothed whatever ache clawed at Bellamy’s muscles, no longer tense. Understanding that Clarke might not wash his body on her own volition, the ambitious leader devised a plan. Taking the more masculine bar of soap in Clarke’s right palm, Bellamy wrapped his own hand around her wrist, helping her begin. From both sides of his neck, down his shoulders, and down his arms, Bellamy guided Clarke in the same manner he washed her body minutes before. The next area he guided Clarke’s hand was onto his chest and down his abdomen, showing her it was enjoyable for him. In fact, he condoned her hands on his body, wanting the blonde to ‘let loose’ and explore.


“It’s up to you, now.” Bellamy whispered, turning away from Clarke. His guidance ended with the back of his body. Everything led up to this moment where Clarke would explore his body without his help guiding her hand. However long it took, Bellamy’s palms and fingers remained splayed against the shower wall until she finished. Returning the bar of soap onto the proper shelf, Bellamy turned and arched his body in various positions until the soap had been rinsed away. The dirt and grime washed down the drain but the rugged look, bruises and marks on his body remained. He wrapped one hand around the metal knob and turned off the hot and cold water. Soon, the only remaining evidence of the shower was a periodic drip falling from the metal shower head. “Are you interested in showering together again in the future?” The male asked, handing Clarke a towel to dry herself. It was simple, but an intimate moment in the shower nonetheless. Bellamy foresaw many more showers with Clarke in the future.
Clarke welcomed the warm to hot pebbles of water caressing her skin. Water had always made Clarke feel peaceful, even if it was just limited pressures and time frames to shower on the Ark. She had once in her adolescent years secretly devises a cleansing technique. It was taught from endless nights of researching mediation and spiritual religions that once used to be practiced on earth. She would always silently ask the water to dissolve all the thoughts and emotions stressing her. She would envision the water extinguishing the inflamed emotions. In this case she didn’t want Bellamy extinguished, she still couldn’t quite believe he was real and so open, so raw in his desire for her.


She followed Bellamy’s lead and watched as he guided her own hands to do his bidding. He turned and she finally used her own will to let her body gently scrub his muscular build. His skin was so dark compared to hers but it was beautifully tanned. She had no idea what ancestry he held but she was betting a combination of Australian and Filipino. As every part of his body was washed but his private she peeked up at him but knew he wouldn’t want her to be shy, to be embarrassed. She had made him cum last night and though Bellamy was one to have his adventures, that didn't happen often.

She let the soapy rag carefully slide down his lower abdomen until she was able to grasp it with the soapy washcloth, she watched in awe as the suds coated his member and then let the washcloth fall so it was just her hand now messaging him clean. He seemed to enjoy it and she felt his busted lips ever so slightly peck her forehead lovingly. She continued to stroke and clean him until she felt he was clean and looked up as they shared a soft kiss. By that time he rinsed off. He turned off the water, she watched as the water dripped off of him. The water now was clear meaning they were probably cleaner than all the other prisoners.


Clarke used a towel and it felt a little stiff but did the job, she imagined nothing had been washed down here in ages. Her mind once again got distracted as she dried off mindlessly thinking about the bunker. She wrapped the towel around her and tied it quickly and followed Bellamy into the bedroom. He on the other hand roamed freely, not shy about exposing his body in front of Clarke.
Behind Clarke, Bellamy reached down towards the knot in the bath towel and released the grip. Once it had fallen to the ground, he wrapped his arms gently around her waist, wanting to quell Clarke’s fears.

“Clarke, I understand you’ve never been like this with any guy before. I know you must feel nervous and anxious. I know I can’t change that but I want you to know a few things. I love you so much. Regardless of what my sister does or what anyone else thinks, that will never change. I no longer see a life for myself without you. I’m happy that we’re together. Your body is perfect from head to toe. I love every inch of your body. I want you to become comfortable like this around me. I will never judge you. I will never hurt you.”

Pausing, Bellamy slipped in front of Clarke so their eyes locked together and his hands gently cupped her face, slowly stroking her cheek with the pads of his thumbs.


“I wish it did not take me almost 24 years to meet you. I wish we could have met sooner. I’m just happy we’re together now and I want to make the most of everything. I love you so much, Clarke Griffin. If you can do anything, I want you to let loose and relax.”

Pulling the blonde onto the bed, he gently tugged Clarke down onto her stomach where he climbed on top of the girl, straddling over her thighs. Both of his large hands began massaging her shoulders, moving down her arms, and finally down to her waist.


“I want to make love to you tonight, Clarke. If not tonight, then soon. I want to make you feel better than you ever have. We explored one another already, made each other cum. I think we should take the next step together. If you’re willing, I do have a few deep fantasies I want to share with you, things I’ve never done with any girl I’ve been with before.”

Clarke might not be his absolute first, but she could be his first for something. That made it all the more intimate. Finally, Bellamy removed himself from Clarke and flipped the blonde onto her back so the massage continued on the front of her shoulders, down her abdomen, hoping to relax and ease those muscles in her body. The love was shining in his eyes and the dark-haired male kept their eyes locked together, unwilling to look away, enjoying this intimate moment regardless of what happened.
Clarke was gently laid upon the back on her stomach, Bellamy had grabbed a pillow for her to place underneath her breast and chest to hold. She rested her head on some of the pillow and her eyes widened as she felt him crawl over and straddle her, it was sudden and she felt his erection. Hard, soft and warm against her moist skin but as he messaged her shoulders it distracted her mind, it felt good as he worked the tension out of her shoulders. She was silent and for the moment Bellamy let her be silent, he knew she wasn’t much of a talker as she was a thinker. His hands worked around her shoulders, to her neck and back down her arms. Minutes passed and he had messaged every part of her body putting her into a sleepy relaxed state.
Bellamy had leaned forward, his massive body hovering as he kissed her cheek and noticed her eyes were closed.


His princess had fallen asleep on him. That had not escalated the way he had hoped but it didn’t matter. He knew the young woman he had fallen in love with was psychically and mentally exhausted. He knew in time he would get to show her what it was like to make love, she had to be willing and ready. It was kind of funny to think how he was with the girl of his dreams and he had yet to fuck her. Most other girls it was always quick, easy….sometimes fun but right now it was different. It wasn’t about a release or just fun, all that mattered was Clarke.

Bellamy got dressed into the clean clothes Clarke had sat out for him and took time to really observe the bunker. He had found where the generators were that kept the bunker running. He also found the water and air purifiers, pipes were installed and he imagined the water really came from a water scarce above. He checked the maintenance and he would need to study them more but they were running for now. He came back into the main bunker and saw Clarke was still out and peacefully sleeping. She was so normal, so peaceful snuggled under the blankets he had placed over her.


He didn't want to leave her but he did have others to command for now. She was safe here, she was safer down here than she was above ground. She had more access to things to survive than the rest of the prisoners. He couldn’t even tell Octavia until she was calm enough. So instead he hid a couple of snacks in his pockets from the pantry, he took very small things wanting to let Clarke figure out how the pantry systems worked. He found paper and a pen laying around in the entertainment area and wrote her a quick note. That he would return, to not stay safe and get rest. He would lie to the others and tell them she had taken off to look for supplies her self. He barely kissed her forehead, bent down to watch her sleeping. She was precious, maybe it was selfish, out of all the prisoners who was relying on him to keep them alive, to lead him, he just worried about one.

Before leaving, something caught Bellamy’s eye. In the corner of the living room area, he found a gigantic notebook pad with colored pencils, markers, and other art utensils. It was perfect! The young man knew about Clarke’s love for art. She did not talk much but art was something she seemed more than willing to talk about. Bringing the instruments onto the table, he sat everything beside the note he left. Adding to the note, Bellamy told her that he found these in the living room and thought she might like them. It brought a smile to his face, just imagining her drawing and creating art again. With the anxiety she had, maybe that could help calm her in times of stress. Of course, at the end of the note, he wrote an “I love you” and signed his name beneath it. Taking one last glance into the bedroom, he made sure that Clarke was peaceful and safe before climbing up the ladder and out of the ground.


Once he was outside, Bellamy shut the hatch and locked it, holding tightly onto the key. Nobody from the outside was getting in. Lastly, he covered the hatch with the same thick grass as before and jotted down a note on the map of where it was though his memory was pure and he should not have any trouble. Walking back to camp, Bellamy took notice of everything. The walls were slowly constructed and Bellamy pitched in. In a stark contrast from the first day on the ground, most of the delinquents were getting serious and acting how they should. Once, his eyes caught Octavia in and around the camp but he knew better than to approach her. She needed space. Returning to the present, Bellamy continued building the walls.


Another thirty minutes later, one of the delinquents called Bellamy’s name in a panic. It was a girl and one of her friends had gone missing since last night. Of course, Bellamy dismissed the claims as the guy could have merely been exploring and there was nothing to worry about, but the girl was hysterical. Finally, Bellamy took three of his most trusted allies in camp to form a search party. The last they knew of, the missing juvenile had gone out into the nearest water source but did not return. They reached the pond without any trace. They had been looking through the woods for five minutes when they found some evidence.


Blood. There was a trail. Following the trail, they ended up finding a body. It was the delinquent. There was a spear in his chest. The delinquents did not have these weapons on the dropship. They were not alone on the planet. It was impossible, but the proof was in front of their eyes. Yanking the spear out of the chest cavity, Bellamy inspected it, deciding they should keep it. Who would use this weapon, though? Did these people not have any technology. Finally, Bellamy ordered that they bring the body back and bury him outside of camp respectfully. Meanwhile, they needed to quickly accelerate the construction of the walls. Even though he should have told the camp about the threat, he kept that to himself, swearing the others to secrecy because panic was not something they needed in camp right now.
Clarke had slept for hours. She wasn’t even sure what time it was when she stirred. She jolted upwards in panic until she realized where she was, still safe in the bunker under layers of blankets. She looked around and could hear the background noise of the HVAC systems...possibly the air purifier? She sat up and realized she was still completely bare from head to toe. Her hair was soft, silky and very wavy, naturally. She smelled good from the shower last night. It all felt like dream, everything. It was hard to grasp reality when everything felt surreal, her life on the Ark, her father dying, being a prisoner and then being sent here and they survived. Then last but not least, Bellamy Blake; he had happened. He was happening. She remembered the night before and closed her eyes in self defeat. She had denied him of making love and felt horrible. She had fallen asleep but everything felt so good, she was so relaxed. Her eyes watered at the thought of him possibly being upset, abandoning her but she had to get control of those distorted thoughts. She would be ok no matter what, right? He must have tucked her in, but he left? Her first thought was to get dressed and head back to the camp.


She got dressed and decided to look more through the unused clothes that were left. She found some old worn jeans, these jeans would have been to die for items on the Ark. She was a little insecure so she still pulled on tight black leggings underneath and then pulled on the ripped jeans. She was a little curvier so it was a little hard but she got them both on. She had found a normal bra, it wasn’t anything to fancy but it was better than the ragged dirtied one she had worn for the past week. She then pulled on a striped long sleeve shirt and pulled a sweater over it. It was a little colder underground and the temperature was controlled so it felt good to be in layered clothes. She wasn't one to flaunt herself anyway, she wasn't raised like that. She was still gorgeous in just simple clothing. She could of modeled in another life, another reality, like when the earth was at its brink of technology before things went to hell.


She had grabbed socks but hadn’t put them on and was looking for shoes, if any were left. That’s when she went into the main living area and saw the note from Bellamy. She grabbed the notepad holding it up. He instructed her to not leave bunker which she knew was coming. He went to go check on the group and wanted her to rest. She wouldn’t realize it was the next day and she had slept through a whole day and half a night. Then her eyes went wide when she saw lots of arts supplies. She hadn’t seen art supplies since being younger on the Ark, but even then it as limited, not much color to work with. She laughed out in shock, going back and forth from his note to the art supplies.

She wanted badly to leave and go to the bunker and normally she wasn’t very good at listening and followed her own heart but she somehow was able to listen to the instructions of Bellamy. She sighed sitting on an old couch in the bunker. The thought of keeping this place and the supplies to themselves seemed selfish. Did Bellamy just want them to live here off and on? She wondered if anyone was worried about her above, probably not besides the asshole that turned her father in. She really needed to be easier on him and forgive, her mind was always racing. She leaned back closing her eyes. She rested her eyes almost falling back to sleep but woke up pushing off the couch.

She headed back to the pantry and tried to study the systems that kept the food fresh and preserved. What they were yet to discover is the bunker went further underground and there were more living quarters, an underground indoor greenhouse to grow food, and a place to irrigate through it. The bunker they were in now was just the hidden entrance, where a family would stay to guard the city. It wasn’t a city, not close but big enough. That would be discovered in time. The prisoners alone would fit in the bunkers, but it be a little cramped. For now Bellamy was helping them survive above ground which was a skill they all needed to learn.

Clarke was starving and selfishly depressurized a couple food pods and took out dried food, a couple bottles of flavored made drinks. She sat down on the concrete floor cross-legged eating dried jerky, chugging the orange carbonated bottled drink. She was curious and there was a food pod next to her and it was labeled sweets and she opened it and pulled out a white wrapped candy bar and was grinning ear to ear as she tore into it; it was actual chocolate with almonds. She took huge bites making noises enjoying the taste. She leaned back as if she was experiencing some sort of high.

After eating until she was more than just full she got up and decided to mess with some of the art supplies they had found. She was unaware there were even more supplies, even ones undiscovered in the levels unknown. She used the simple notebook and used colored pencils and markers to just doodle. Even her doodles were something spectacular; they weren’t as good as her artwork that was still in a prison cell miles above the earth.


She was able to not worry about her mother and family above. How the wrist bands were being taken off the prisoners slowly without her knowledge. Above, the council would believe prisoners were dying because the earth was possibly not safe. Clarke filled up half the notebook before sneaking in more snacks and went to the bedroom to explore, she ended up typing and fell asleep in the children's room on the bottom bunk. She went into a deep sleep thinking of everything, all thoughts found their way back to Bellamy, dark in her imagination.



There's something in the look you give
I can’t help myself I fall
I can’t help myself at all
There's something in your touch when we kiss
I scream god forgive me please
‘Cause I want you on your knee


Meanwhile the day turned into night as Clarke’s body and mind were resting and getting nourished, hence why she was able to get more hours of sleep. It was her mind's way of coping with what was happening. Bellamy late in the night, under the secrecy and shadows of the thick forest would make his way back to the bunker. He would climb down, trying to be discrete and silent. Clarke was out like a kid taking a power nap. Bellamy would have secured the doors and expected to possibly see her awake and anxious, but instead he saw art supplies covering the tables and floor, saw some of her small work in the basic lined notepad paper. He also peeked in and saw she had done exactly what he hoped, eat some of food, more than he thought. She had forgotten to clean up the mess of hers and he smirked.


He decided to get cleaned up and not wake her as he was pretty dirty; he didn't want her to see the stains of his own blood and someone else's. He trashed the clothes and took a quick shower, getting dressed in another plain white t-shirt and black jeans.


He didn’t want to bother her and used his time quietly to explore more of the bunker they were in. He found some reading glasses and tried them, they made things just a tad bit bigger which was helpful. He had gotten out some of the old maps which he wondered if they were maps of the area.
Lying to the masses was not something Bellamy did lightly. If there were 97 delinquents running around, panicked about the possibility that they were indeed not alone in this world, things could get ugly. Not only were they alone, but these other humans looked ferocious and attacked savagely. People would ask about the delinquent they buried but Bellamy and his close-knit group of soldiers he recruited to keep guard over the camp would tell everyone that it was merely a wild animal. It was likely, too. Animals were mutated now thanks to the radiation. In fact, they spotted one of these animals on the walk back to camp. It was a deer, mutated with two faces. It was not aggressive, though. It ran away from the group but one could only imagine with other genetic mutations because of the radiation, some animals were monsters. Of course, Bellamy had to hide the spear somewhere it would not be found by anyone. It could prove as a useful weapon and even teach the 100 about this new threat. Once they returned to camp, Bellamy helped dig the grave, saddened that they already were burying one of their own.


Thankfully, the news of wild animals that were more aggressive than what they learned about in history books frightened the teenagers. The prospect of rabid animals scared them but not enough to make them panic and forget their work. If anything, they worked on the wall faster. After Bellamy helped put the delinquent to rest, they covered his grave and respectfully marked it with a wooden cross. A couple of Bellamy’s close workers went to seek out anyone that was close to him and give them closure. The older male moved back inside of the camp and continued helping with an agenda of his own. He knew when the Ark landed, if it did, they would surely persecute him for his crimes. First of all, he highly doubted that these delinquents were going to be forgiven of their crimes. Secondly, he KNEW that his crime of murdering the Chancellor was not a forgivable crime under any circumstance. Therefore, Bellamy had to make sure the Ark stayed in space. He got lucky since the crash knocked out direct radio communication from the dropship and the Ark but some of the tech savvy members of the criminals were using some wristbands that were snapped off someone’s wrist, redoing the wiring in hopes of making contact.


Bellamy grabbed all the spare wristbands and burned them behind the camp so they were no longer of use. People were suspicious about Bellamy but he convinced a decent amount of his peers that the Ark was not going to forgive them. They should remove their wristbands so it looks like they are dead and the planet was not safe. If they did this completely, the leaders of the Ark would not chance by landing on the ground because they do think they were the last of humanity. Now that Bellamy pondered it, the idea seemed ridiculous that nobody survived the blast. Shaking his head, that was a problem for another day. Back inside the camp, he went to find Octavia but she was giving him a cold shoulder. All he did was ensure that she was eating well and staying hydrated. As much as he wanted to stay and keep an eye on her all night long, he waited until he saw her retire into her tent for sleep. Only a few workers remained on the wall at night while some were on guard duty.


Bellamy told one of the guards that he was going to make sure Clarke was alright since she had not returned. As far as anyone else in cap knew, Clarke just went to search herself for medical supplies that could be produced by plants and other natural mechanisms. With the new knowledge he had about other humans existing already, he just prayed that Clarke did stay put in the bunker. When the male arrived, he saw that the hatch was covered exactly how he left it. Crawling down, he sneaked through the bunker, took a shower, changed clothes, and admired Clarke’s artwork. Talent did not even come close to accurately describing it. She was the best artist in the world if someone asked him. Bellamy fell in love with her drawings immediately despite never being an art fanatic. Another hour passed by and Bellamy found himself something to eat. It was meager compared to what Clarke had, but he wanted Clarke to eat the most anyways to keep her energy up. Their supplies were limited back in camp. These supplies were for Clarke. This was not how a good leader should act but Bellamy refused to put anyone’s health above Clarke’s. Yes, he was clouded by love and he was not ashamed.


After ditching the glasses and dimming the lights and candles, Bellamy returned into the bedroom where Clarke was looking so peaceful. It made him smile wide. As much as he wanted to lay in bed with her, there was no room and she looked beautiful like this. Finally, he decided to take a look at the plush carpet and realized it was soft and probably comfortable. Needing to be close with the blonde, he just allowed himself to lower his body down onto the ground beside of the bed. Whenever Clarke woke up, she could see him lying down beside her. After stealing one final glance, Bellamy whispered a soft “I love you” to Clarke before grabbing a pillow off the top bunk bed and made sure that Clarke was tucked in nicely before allowing his own eyes to close so he could drift off to sleep. Honestly, he had no idea what could be happening tomorrow but he just knew that whatever hardship they faced, things were going to be alright. This place was a godsend. Bellamy got lucky for tripping over this hatch in the first place. Otherwise, he would have never found it.

It took him a few minutes but he finally fell asleep. Of course, his dreams were peaceful. Not everything in his life was peaceful but his dreams were consistent with having Clarke in his arms as they explored their bunker. He imagined being a model for her to draw. He imagined running through the grassy meadows on Earth, the kinds of meadows their generation had only dreamed about seeing one day. There was no chance that they could have this moment until last week when they were sent here. It was not entirely peaceful nor was it entirely safe. Still, Bellamy knew it was better than whatever they had on the Ark. If they were still there, Clarke would have been floated soon and so would have Bellamy’s sister. Even if she hated him for this, he was still here and watching over her despite how angry it made Octavia and how annoyed she felt. Nonetheless, the only activity inside his brain during this slumber was peaceful and he slept incredibly well.
Clark stayed in a steady sleep, her body was slowly healing from the emotional and psychical trauma brought on from being a prisoner on the ark and being banished to Earth. Her mind had peaceful residual images, memories until her subconscious fell into a deeper sleep. With that deeper sleep came more prominent powerful memories, memories that would haunt her to the day she died. She could remember trying to reason with her father, begging him to let her help, standing her ground. She felt his warm secure embrace and in those exact moments is when the cops came to take him away to his death. Her mind had replayed the memory so many times, envisioning what would of happen if she had just done one thing differently.


She breathed out a little heavier than normal and her eyes jolted open, her body remaining laying down. She gulped and slowly exhaled as she realized where she was. Her eyes stung from tears, the memories could be so vivid. She clenched her fists underneath the blankets and rose up silently holding a fist to her mouth, she didn’t want to cry out. She was always strong, always hiding her emotions, her faults, her anxiety. She bit her knuckles as silent tears trickled down her hot cheeks. She was about to push off the covers and scoot out from underneath the child’s bunk bed, as she peered through the makeshift curtains she noticed Bellamy asleep. She wasn’t expecting him to be there and a small gasp came out in a weird noise. She. Sucked in a breath looking down at him, in awe, he must have came back and didn’t want to disturb her. She noticed he had glasses and was clean. She had no idea of what was happening above at the camp.


She pushed the curtains back and let her but sit on the edge of the bed so she could peer down admiring him. She let the curtain fall back but lay on her stomach so she was hovering over him, her hair slightly brushing. His head turned so she had a better view of his face. She sniffled smiling, he hadn’t left her, hadn’t abandoned her even though he could have multiple times. She knew he had his own agenda, that she didn’t know who he was, but that she was falling for him. The only man she had ever let in, besides her father. She bit her lip smiling as more tears silently trickled down, she let her hand hover, using her finger to barely trace over his face, her fingertips barely touching his skin.

She knew he wanted her, she was a virgin. Reproduction on the Ark was monitored. Most females were restricted from any sort of sexual acts until of legal age and paired with somebody once approval. Of course teenagers didn’t listen, even younger kids but punishment wasn’t merciful on the ark. Most females were given reproduction management shots, to help regulate their growth. In short birth control. Luckily that stayed active for awhile….but eventually in would wear off and the prisoners would start pro-creating. So far the planet seemed habitable enough. Clark’s fear on the Ark wasn’t every normal girls fear of finding someone and having a life on the ark, it was wondering what her true purpose was, what her species purpose was. She would take the risk, it would be scary enough to get pregnant on a planet they were still learning about, there were dangers, so many…..but what else could they do?

Clarke rolled her eyes, she had just woke up from a nightmare about her fathers death and now was worrying over conceiving. She should have been more concerned with the prisoners, this bunker and what it had to offer. Clarke was going to push herself back up but noticed Bellamy move his head a little. It made her balance uneven and she almost tumbled head first off the bed over Bellamy. He caught her, she looked at him a little surprised with a half weird smile. He was somewhat awake, she could tell by his eyes.

“Hey…..” She breathed.

“Your awake I see…..” She said swallowing a mouthful of spit as he let his wrists relax around her, letting her complete weight sit on him.

In comparison, Bellamy had a similar night as Clarke did. He might not have witnessed any extreme nightmare, but the worrisome thoughts were present. First, he worried about Clarke. Yes, he loved her with all his heart and wanted to keep her safe. It was just that anyone he had ever loved before was taken from him: his mother and his sister, namely. The male just feared something might happen to Clarke because this planet was dangerous and so unknown. He would do anything to keep his Princess safe for as long as he was able and as long as she would have him around.

Secondly, he worried about Octavia. She was so pissed at him and he knew it. She must hate him now for being with Clarke. It was unfair and he could not rationalize anything to her. It would become much more difficult to take care of her now that she did not even want him near. Despite this, Bellamy would never turn his back on Octavia. He would always make sure that she was safe as well. If not him being by her side or near her, there were a handful of people he started to trust to watch after his younger sister.

Lastly, Bellamy feared for himself. The thing he did to board this drop ship was unforgivable. He killed the Chancellor of the Ark. Well, he did not kill him but Bellamy had no way of knowing that. Instead, he held himself each day knowing that he was a murderer. What would Clarke or even Octavia think if they knew that? It was sad to think that if the adults and other citizens of the Ark landed that it would mean his death. Surely they could survive without the Ark landing, right? It was still important he fried the other wristbands. So far, he had a nice start but the majority of the delinquents still had those metal wristbands. After spending a few hours mulling over different outcomes and possibilities, Bellamy fell into a dreamless sleep. Now, he did toss and turn all night long and he would feel exhausted even when he woke but at least his body was physically at rest even if he was sleeping on the floor. The carpet was not that uncomfortable, though. If it meant he was beside Clarke, he would tolerate it. He did stay asleep until there was some rustling overhead.

He was not entirely awake until Clarke Griffin straddled him and let all her weight sink down. He opened his eyes and saw the smile on her face and that was the first thing he found this morning. God, that was a beautiful sight.

“I am. I see that you have found your rightful place.” Bellamy teased playfully, flirting with her as saying her rightful spot was on his lap. Well, it was. Bellamy would give anything to have this level of closeness with Clarke each and every second of the day. When the male further inspected her face, he did see puffy cheeks and red eyes that showed him she had been tearful not long ago. She had been through so much and she had told him just about everything. He understood.


“Did you have a bad dream, my Princess?” He asked quietly, leaning up to kiss right underneath her eyes. After doing that, he stole a kiss from her lips and remained flat on his back. He had no idea where this would lead but he was enjoying his time this early morning just spent holding Clarke. His hands both rested around her waist and he looked deep into her gorgeous, blue eyes. He would never tire of them.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Bellamy whispered once she affirmed that she had a nightmare. If he could fend off every horrible thought that threatened to enter her pretty head, he would, but he could not. So, the most he could offer right now was helping her however else he might be able to. He could help her forget about those scary thoughts. Honestly, he needed to forget as well. There was so much to do now that they were almost a week into their time on the ground. Despite that, being with Clarke always made time slow down and everything outside of her ceased to exist.
Clark simply nodded, letting out a soft breath, slowly opening her bright eyes to look into his. She didn’t want to let her thoughts consume her….she just wanted to feel, love. What's the worse that could happen? Maybe pregnancy, maybe the fear Bellamy would abandoned her at some point, her mind was her worst enemy. Clark bent over letting her lips softly meet his in a tender kiss, she let her lips hover until she turned her head putting her right hand on his neck as she deepened the kiss. Bellamy without a doubt returned the kiss, he lifted back with elbows into a half sitting position giving Clark better balance. They continued to kiss until she broke it to take a quiet but heavy breath, licking her lips. She could smell his aftershave he must have uses? The strong tones of the old soap that was in the bathroom, maybe she smelled hints of the forest branding him. It was pleasant and forever imprinted into her mind. She wanted to remember his image so he never faded from her mind. It had only been months but slowly the memories were all she had left of her father. Clarke smiled admiring him as he looked up at her so thoughtfully.


“Funny I only met you a few days ago….” She teased letting her finger adjust his glasses. “You normally wear them?” She asked figuring they were ones he found around the bunker, maybe reading. She leaned to scoot up while straddling him and felt friction, she felt his body reacting to her presence.

“So….how many women have you wooed, how many have you pleased…..how do I know it won’t be a hit and run?” She teased with a smirk. It be a little bit of a surprise to hear her talking about it. The past few days they had connected merely on physical contact, and emotions. She slowly took off his glasses observing him and felt him shift bringing her more upright, so she was straddling his lap, feeling his erection, even in his tight pants. She just smiled vaguely, eyeing him not being surprised.


“You said you wanted to try something…..something about shit you’ve never done with anyone other girl.” As she said this the hand on his neck slid into his thick curly hair and grabbed a fistful of it. She tugged pulling his head back hard, very hard so he was forced to look her directly in the eyes as she hovered over him. He would be picking up a lot of vibes from her. He didn’t seem phased. Her fingers clenched tightening her hold, She liked the control, the feel of his thick soft hair in between her fingers, his body close.
“Only when I have to read something.” Bellamy answered Clarke after she removed the glasses from his face. The male chuckled next when Clarke was starting to tease him about knowing if this was a hit and run or not.

“Oh, I think you know, Clarke Griffin. You are too irresistible to leave. Besides, the most beautiful girl on planet Earth is my girlfriend. I could want nothing more.” He pointed out even though she was only teasing, he did want to take this chance to reassure her that he loved her even if they only met a few days ago. Some might think that was illogical, but honestly, it was unreasonable they were even on the ground again so he figured old societal norms about relationships might not exactly apply anymore.

Regardless, he could not care less what others thought about him. When she tugged on his hair and straddled him, he felt her crotch rubbing perfectly against his own. It almost made him moan but he managed to remain silent. She asked him about something he wanted to try with her that he had never used with a girl before. Well, there were many things but there was something in specific. Since she seemed in the mood, he figured this might be a good time to explore with Clarke while her emotional state seemed rather upbeat. He knew that could change in an instant though, so he would be gentle with her and not do anything that would make her entirely uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Bellamy sat upright and placed his hands firmly onto her ass. It felt so thick and perfectly shaped in his hand. He could feel her warm breath against his lips and that alone turned him on, knowing that they were close. By now, he hardly noticed that his heartbeat was moving faster than normal since he was so used to the rapid pace as his heart always thumped like this when she was near. That was another reason why she should know this was not a hit and run.

“I guess actions speak louder than words. If you really want to know… what if I just show you instead of tell you?” Now, Bellamy used his own smirk and suddenly stood upright, carrying Clarke as his hands remained on her ass not just because it felt nice but because it provided a nice grip for him to support her while carrying her. They needed more room, so he carried the blonde into the master bedroom and gently placed her down onto the bed before releasing his grasp. Bellamy had seen a length of rope earlier so he grabbed it from a random box in the floor and returned to the bed, dropping it in Clarke’s lap to judge her reaction at first.

Clarke was placed gently on the bed, she grinned….curious to what Bellamy was talking. He freely dropped a length of old rope on her lap. His face was gorgeous even without smiling. He was studying, gauging her own reaction. She wasn’t stupid and knew he wanted to use this with her sexually. The thought didn’t bother her, she picked up the rope avoiding his eyes as she examined it and tugged it with two hands, her eyes finally finding his. Her eyes which still had a glint from crying earlier and was a little red, looked deeper into his.


“Bellamy Blake wants to tie me up, does he? Hmmm….guessing girls crawl to you so you’ve never had to keep them in one place.” She said grinning at him, almost challenging him. She wagged her finger scooting to the edge of the bed.

“Your have to catch me first….I won’t submit so easily. Your have to fight to get me Bellamy.” She said in a playful gentle tone standing up, she swayed walking over with the rope, letting it dangle in one hand. Bellamy had that sly smirk across his face as she stood beneath him. Clarke pulled off the thick old knitted sweater letting it fall to the floor, now just being in a long sleeve striped shirt with jeans. She acted like she might pull off the second shirt but let go shrugging smiling. Clark out of nowhere used all her forced to push Bellamy across the room until he slammed hard against the concrete wall. Later she might freak out over being a little rough, considered he already looked like wounded solider. Somehow that oddly made her more aroused, that this was raw and real. That they were on earth struggling to survive, that he had already endured pain to keep her safe. Soon as his back met the wall harshly, she leaned up extra hard on her toes to grip his neck and aggressively kissed him. Soon as she started and felt him deepening the kiss she used her hands and legs to trip, making him fall down on his side.


“Your have to catch your princess…..” She sneered, already skidding out of the room on her bear feet. She took off down the hallway back into the main living area, her eyes scanned it. She purposely stood in the middle of the room, her back to the hallway, listening, waiting.
Call it paranoid, but the handsome Bellamy Blake feared how Clarke might react. What if she hated the idea and thought he was a monster? It was a risk doing this. It was the reason he had never suggested it to a girl before. Likewise, it was also the reason that he had never quite enjoyed sex to the fullest until he met Clarke. He loved her and cared about her. Combine that with using bondage and Bellamy knew he would have the most powerful orgasm any man has ever felt. It would not even be close. For now, he just waited for Clarke to react and he listened to what she said.


He grinned when she challenged him. He did wish to explain to her why he thought it was attractive but there was no time for that right now. He liked the idea of making her submit to him, of her giving him a difficult time. That played along with one of his fantasies where he wanted a willing girl to pretend to fight him off, to scream for help, to try and escape while he tied her up. This might not be exactly what he imagined but it sure as hell was close. Plus, it already seemed that Clarke was into this idea of bondage.

It was a great start and he suddenly found himself pushed against the wall, being kissed roughly. When they pulled back, he thought about how she had never kissed him like that before until he found himself toppling on the ground. Then, his Princess ran and Bellamy jumped to his feet. With a smirk, he found a white cloth nearby. It was clean and it would play the most important role in his bondage fetish. The male tied a tight knot in the center of the cloth and held it while exiting the bedroom, heading towards the living room.


The next thing on Bellamy’s agenda was catching Clarke. He approached her with a smirk, loving how she looked already. “You’re such a bad girl, Clarke. When I catch you, you’re going to be tied up for a while.” He added before winking at her. The male suddenly reached forward and lunged after her, chasing her through the living room. Purposely, he let her have a little distance in front of him so they could really feel the essence of the chase as it was feeling extraordinary already, loving to watch as her ass shook when she ran in front of him.
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