RP: The 100: May We Meet Again: One-on-One with Horror_Show

“Wow… can you believe it? Our first morning on the ground. We made it through the night. That’s a good start, right?” 

Clarke stayed wrapped in his arms, hiding in his embrace, she nodded letting out a faint adorable smile. He would be able to see it if he slightly gazed down. They stayed like this for minutes before Bellamy suggested they head back to camp to set up a tent. At this point she didn’t assumed he meant to share one with her. It was only logical to set up tents. Make sure the other prisoners were using the best of what supplies they had left until they headed for more supplies. Which Clarke had wanted to do yesterday but everything had drastically changed. She would have never thought on the Ark she would have such an attraction to somebody. She would have never thought anybody would have attraction back, would want her that badly. She was always independent, she had freaked out from the adventure of being sent to earth, they could have all been dead before even landing. She could so closely visualize yesterday, could see his sister throwing her hands up and everyone running out cheering. Could mentally feel her fascination and disbelief, she could see herself running and when she was caught my Bellamy. She could still feel the hard impact of her body crushing to his, meeting his eyes.


“I guess we should probably get up and get going. Or at least stand up for a while. I haven’t set up a tent, yet. You could help me.”

Bellamy had laughed out, this beautiful grin at knowing how hung over she was. She was pulled to her feet by his arms. It took him no effort to life her body. He told her she wouldn’t be hung over; it be better after today and they didn’t have enough alcohol to do it again. She nodded, as her head kept spinning. She took in deep breaths of the morning air of the green forest. As they made their way back to camp slowly, she let her hand intertwine with his. Going back to camp wasn’t the greatest, not everyone was awake but the ones that were, all eyes and ears were on them. Some would give smiles, while others looked disgusted. They made their way back to the drop ship. She was half paying attention, half in her own mind. Bellamy handed her supplies and chose a place not too far from the dropship to set up a tent. Clarke had manage to help him put it together but he did almost all of the work.

They placed down sleeping bags, blankets and pillows. It didn’t look too shabby; it wasn’t luxury but it was better than sleeping out in the open. The tents were made to handle severe weather and had insulation. Once they had put the blankets down, Clarke would be making everything as neat and tidy as it could be, some ticks Bellamy would smile at. She sat Indian style, could tell from the way she moved, she felt sickly and was suffering from her body trying to detox. Who knows how many bottles of beer she had downed from last night. He started talking about the tent, how it wasn’t spacious but his comment made her look up, with those gorgeous confused eyes. Even her hung-over eyes were something he could get lost in, as if he falling into them.


“But it is ours.” 


His placed their palms together inside of the tent and Clarke shyly looked away, gulping and let out a cute weird smile. She had remembered so much from last night, she heard the stories of when you got drunk you lost your memory, wasn’t the case as secretly things replayed in the forefront of her mind. She stayed quiet as usual but felt him squeeze her hands in his and leaned forward to kiss the side of her forehead on her temple.

“How are you feeling now? Still have a headache? Feel sick?”

She laughed out grabbing her head nodding, sighing. Bellamy gave her shoulder a tight squeeze with one hand as he pushed up and left the tent unzipped letting her have the fresh cool air blow in, it cool and strong. She could feel moisture in the air, could hear the leaves sway with it, she could hyper focus on the little details of the beauty of it even while feeling nauseated. It didn’t seem long before he returned with a crate of items. He handed her a little air sealed packet of what was medicine, a pain reliever. She opened it and popped the pills in her mouth as he gave her a fresh bottle of water. She took a few large sips nodding. He also handed her what was food given by the ark, but it was packaged to not expire. It was a breakfast bar of some sort, with all sorts of nutrients to be a full meal. She tore a piece off chewing it.
Bellamy gathered his own breakfast bar. It was blueberry flavored and considered a granola bar. The protein was enhanced for more energy. Something Bellamy needed to do was ensure that the food was rationed fairly. God only knew how many people would steal from the food ration, not caring about everyone else. His head was not quite feeling up to facing that problem yet, though. Instead, he bit into the food and slowly chewed his bite, savoring the taste because the bar was not so big and they had a limited supply. His own bottle of water was opened and he sipped on it slowly, the taste of alcohol still fresh in his mouth. The next few minutes passed in silence between Bellamy and Clarke, but he thought it was a comfortable silence and it was not awkward at all. The noise of a few delinquents rumbling around outside the tent was heard though most everyone was too hungover to do much of anything today. Probably over half the camp remained asleep even deep into the afternoon. The thought made Bellamy grin to himself but it did not last as he returned his gaze onto Clarke once his bar had been finished and the water was consumed.

The fresh air was relieving and Bellamy took a deep breath. It was nice not breathing the oxygen from the Ark. Something about the ground just smelled fresh and taste pure despite the simmering levels of radiation. The map from the Ark gave them an approximation of the most heavily radiated zones that were still on land. Bellamy hoped everything was going to last and none of the radiation spread. It was dangerous inhabiting a world after a nuclear apocalypse no matter how long it had been. They would have loved to wait another hundred years but for the sake of human’s survival, they had to act.


Bellamy watched the blonde with curious eyes and even when she turned to look at him, Bellamy did not hide that he was staring at her. Reaching down for her hand again, Bellamy pressed her palm to his lips. Then, he kissed along her wrist and down the bottom part of her forearm all the way to the crevice of her elbow. His lips traveled further along, upwards on her shoulder to the girl’s collarbone. When his lips arrived to her throat, Bellamy allowed his warm mouth to leave a small love bite on Clarke’s neck, wanting everyone to know that she belonged to him. His lips trailed upwards once again towards her cheek and her chin before reaching his final destination of her lips.

Ah, yes. Those sweet lips. Bellamy closed his eyes immediately upon making contact. They just tasted so damn good and it felt so damn right. His heart was beating loudly, threatening to jump out of his chest. Even from minimal contact and kissing, Bellamy felt his heart growing purer with love because of Clarke. His hands now both became wrapped up with her smaller ones but even then, it felt like Bellamy could not get close enough with the girl that he loved. By far, love was the best emotion he ever experienced. Last night was the most fun he had ever had, even over a fun one-night stand. There was such a difference with being with a girl for one night or wanting to be with her forever and Clarke showed that to him. Basically, Bellamy would rather be alone than be without Clarke. No girl would ever replace her no matter what. After pulling back from the kiss, his hands started tugging her towards the exit of the tent.


“I think some fresh air will do us well.”

Plus, Bellamy had an idea to look at that map from the Ark and get started on some things. They might not travel anywhere today but they could plan for tomorrow. However, his sister and other girls from the camp saw Bellamy and Clarke leaving the tent together. These same girls from last night, particularly Vanessa, had recruited Octavia’s help to see what the hell was going on. Bellamy was smiling when Octavia approached but he let that fade away because she did not look happy.

“Bellamy… can I talk to you…? Alone.”

The last word was directed right at Clarke and made him frown. Clarke simply said she would wait for him in the drop ship and allowed the siblings to be alone. When Clarke was out of earshot, Octavia let him have it.

“Bellamy, what is wrong with you? Out of all the girls here, why her? Just move on. You had your fun. I get it. She’s a nice looking girl but there are others. Plus, Vanessa really wants to get to know you. She’s a nice girl, Bell. You’d like her.”

Bellamy frowned slowly and placed his hands onto her shoulders.

“Octavia, please. Stop this. At least I didn’t fucking dance half naked in front of everyone last night and make out with everyone that came down with us.

Octavia was furious right now and glared at Bellamy but did not say anything.

“Besides, Clarke… she’s a special girl. I’m in love, Octavia. I’m happy. I’ve never felt that way with a girl before.”

Octavia looked so dumbfounded that he said the l word after one night. That had to be the alcohol talking but Bellamy knew it was not.


“Look, just tell Vanessa that I don’t want any trouble and I don’t mean any harm. I’m sure she’s a nice girl but she will stay away from myself and especially from Clarke. She can find someone else. Now if you’ll excuse me, Clarke is waiting for me.”
Even though they had shared a sensually hot night partying and being romantic. Every time he touched her it felt like the first. Her adrenaline would kick in. Right now, her chest felt tight, that funny feeling you gut with butterflies was in her chest. He had started staring at her. He wasn’t smiling, just a normal face as he bluntly showed admiring her. She felt shy against his dark intense eyes and breathed out stretching out trying to loosen her muscles. He took her outstretched hand and kissed her palm, she just smiled with raised eyes…. until he trailed kisses on her arm, her breathing stayed steady but was heavier. He let his lips travel up her arm, moving her t-shirt sleeve both ways, she let out a soft noise closing her eyes when he got to her collarbone. He had to of known the affect he had on her. Maybe he was conceited, maybe not but he was experienced and he knew Clarke wanted him, no one had ever rejected him. Clarke was different, he was damn happy she didn’t reject him, but she wasn’t like other girls.


After he finished with the kiss he tugged her towards the exit, though she was trying to catch her breath, and felt dizzy. She took in large inhales of the sweet moist air, enjoying the actual air. That was until Octavia was walking towards them but she looked pissed, you could see it in your young eyes, she almost had his eyes. She was a very beautiful girl. Clarke felt horrible about her life on the Ark. She wanted to speak to Bellamy alone and he looked like he was going to argue but Clarke just told him to go, she wasn’t about to interfere with family. Clarke walked a little way off, taking in all the scenery. It was like so many dreams or visions she had but so much better, almost unrealistic.

Meanwhile Octavia was thrown a curve ball. She didn’t understand what her brother was saying. He had been with quite a few girls and to just settle over night the first night in earth for one girl, the girl who wasn’t the loudest or sexiest? She didn’t say anything observing her brother. He started to leave but she darted in front of him being persistent.

“How damn hung over are you…. really Bellamy?” She said with that tone that would let him know how upset and pissed she was, almost even jealous or hurt. He gave her an annoyed looked, dodged and kept walking heading back towards Clarke.

“Keep close, stay out of trouble….” He warned, not even looking at her, this made her fue silently, she rolled her eyes throwing her hands up and stormed off again. She made sure to pace fast and was a few yards away from Clarke as she was examining the plant life. Her stomping through the underbrush made Clarke look up to see her. Bellamy was closing in from another direction.

Octavia….” He said, his voice showing irritation, almost a paternal tone. Octavia ignored him and shared eyes with the girl who had supposedly stolen her brothers heart.


“Your not his type…” She laughed out, almost confused and kept walking, leaving Clarke crouched on one knee, she was holding some roots, but looked a little stunned.
Bellamy crouched beside of Clarke while inspecting the same plant life. The outburst from Octavia was not something he could ignore. Judging by the look in Clarke’s eyes, she needed his reassurance. Bellamy was eager to offer his affection, keeping the fact that he loved her fresh in Clarke’s mind. Their hands touched again and he raised the back of her hand to his lips.


“Clarke, I am so sorry that Octavia has said these things to you. I’m sorry about what she did last night and about what she just did. I will talk to her, I promise. I want you to know something, though. No matter what she says, I love you. You are my type, by the way. She’s just having a hard time adjusting, I think. I would rather be alone than be without you, Clarke. I need you. I need you by my side and nothing is changing that. I meant it when I said I love you last night. I do. You have my heart and you have made me the happiest man in the world. We’re in this together.”

Unsure of anything else he could do to convince Clarke that Octavia was wrong, he leaned forward for a kiss. This kiss was not sloppy or hungry. Rather, the kiss was romantic and gentle in nature, just two lovers pressing their lips together and forgetting about everything else. Every kiss was sweet and Bellamy savored each second. When their lips were not touching, he craved for her taste again and needed to be close. She had no idea just how much of an impact she made in his life. Words alone did not do the girl justice.

Standing up together, Bellamy did not hold her hand. He went one step further. He draped his right arm around her shoulders, showing nothing but pride to be seen with Clarke. If he truly did not love her, he would avoid her and pretend she did not exist when others around. It was the opposite. He wanted everyone to know that Clarke Griffin was his and vice versa. Their love was going to outlast any hardship they faced and he knew it.

Together, as a team, they looked at the map. They had some discussion but Clarke was skilled with reading maps. They walked to the side of the dropship and checked out the terrain only to find that they were dropped onto the wrong mountain.


“It could have happened when we hit the atmosphere. The rockets didn’t fire. We landed twenty miles off our intended drop zone.”

Bellamy chewed on his lower lip and furrowed his eyebrows together in thought. Clarke was quick to point out a radiation-soaked forest in between the drop ship and Mount Weather. They would have to plot an alternate route to find the supplies but not today. It was a two-day trip anyways and there were only a few hours of sunlight left. They could get going in the morning.

After they had a plan for Mount Weather, Bellamy stuffed the map into his back pocket and took a seat onto one of the chairs before pulling Clarke down with him. This was some alone time he wanted since nobody else was in the drop ship.


“I want to give you something.” He murmured softly, reaching into his pocket and pulled out a bracelet.

“My mom gave this to me years ago, before she really lost her mind. I’d like you to have it. Even if I’m not around you, you’ll always have a piece of me.” Bellamy was disappointed that was the best gift he had to offer now but he thought it was a cute idea. Primarily, she might need something to remember him by if worse came to worse when the Ark landed but he did not plan on going anywhere by choice. He just simply thought she might like this necklace. “Can I put it on for you?”
Clarke looked up at Bellamy as soon as he started talking. It had been less than twenty-four hours that they had been together and she still couldn’t understand what was fully happening. In the back of her mind she didn’t understand why Bellamy wanted her that bad but he was honest, open and sincere. Plus, if he was dealing with his sister who he had protected all his life and managing with her, wasn’t that proof? Then he kept talking and her mind would try to focus on specific words or fragments. I love you, you are my type? Was she? You have my heart. Clarke’s grayish blue eye’s peered into his dark ones. Then she had a strong flash back of when they were being semi intimate, she had said she loved him and he said it right back. They hadn’t known each other a day then. She was quiet. While they were still crouched on the ground, he leaned in and kissed her, it was long, sweet and she savored his lips. She shyly smiled and he pulled her up and draped an arm around her shoulder pulling her into him, she laughed out looking as beautiful as the nature surrounding them.


They headed back to the drop ship as the others had abandoned it, although there wasn’t a whole lot left inside besides the malfunctioning machinery and left over pod seats. They discussed what the next course of plan was and Clarke was quick to point out where they needed to go and where the radiation was. Right not it was between them and their destination for supplies. Clarke wanted to start the journey today but Bellamy encouraged them to wait another day so she and everyone else had their head cleared and bodies had detoxed. Clarke had easily given in on that argument because of how badly her head throbbed and her stomach felt. It was awful.

Bellamy had sit down beside Clarke in one of the seats they had been restrained to. Clarke was observing the abandon ship when Belamy pulled something out of his pocket. It was a watch. As Clarke observed it wasn’t just any watch, it wasn’t made on the Ark. It had to been made when Earth was at its apex of technological progress. Maybe in the twenty first century even. Bellamy delicately took her wrist, letting his hands fastened it around, making it tight but not too tight.


“It hasn’t run in years….my Dad actually got it going before Octavia was born when my mother was pregnant. It stopped and from then on I was always too busy to mess with it.” He said, seeming a little concerned with what she thought. It may have looked like an old trinket that wasn’t worth anything but back then it was worth thousands. It was a gorgeous astronomical watch, it had the solar systems older kids use to make in school in the form of a beautiful watch. When in working condition, it makes telling regular time easy and whimsical, using a shooting star on the outermost face, in addition to the rotating planets, “the lucky day” feature added another layer of luxury, use the bezel to select any special day of the year to be your lucky day, and the earth will fall under the painted star on the watch crustal on the day every year. The watch showed both numerical time and rotation of five planets, each planet represented by a precious stone which rotate around the sun, a stone in the center in the actual time it takes for rotation.

It was breathtaking and Clarke almost wondered immediately why he hadn’t given this to Octavia, especially with the circumstances. “Its…. gorgeous…..it’s from earth long ago….” She said looking out the open door to the forest of the same planet, everything seemed completely surreal. “Shouldn’t Octavia have this….I mean…” She got quiet, her eyes lit up admiring it. He would be surprised to see she seemed fascinated by its stunning beauty.
Bellamy chuckled quietly when Clarke suggested this watch should have been given to Octavia. What she said made sense, but that was not true. Bellamy shook his head, grabbing the girl’s hand that the wristwatch was wrapped around her wrists and pressed a sweet kiss onto the palm of her hand.

“It’s not like that. I have given Octavia hundreds of gifts in her life whether it was old trinkets passed down in our family or something I bought. I am not creative like you. I can’t draw and I suck at making things with my hands. I had that on me and I really wanted to give you something. I know that might be cheesy but I thought it was a fun idea. I hope you like it.”


Bellamy was worried she talked about giving it to Octavia because she did not like it. However, she quickly assured him that was not the case. She did love it and that made Bellamy happy. Plus, it was the thought that counted, right? He wanted Clarke to have something of him. If he had to go on a supply run or a hunt and Clarke had to stay back with some patients, she could see that watch and feel some peace. Those situations seemed perfect to have something from him. If worse came to worse and Bellamy was executed when the Ark landed, then she would have something after he was gone to remember him by other than only memories. After this was made clear, Bellamy removed his lips from her hand but continued holding it against his own. They did have something they needed to talk about. Last night was one hell of a ride. Bellamy hoped she remembered as much as he did and they could have a coherent conversation about what they did and what they said the previous night.

“Last night was fun. I just wanted you to know a few things. We did too much to not at least acknowledge it today. As always, I am going to talk from the heart and talk sincerely to you.”

Bellamy whispered softly, his free hand stroking through her long, blonde hair. His fingers massaged her scalp and he leaned their foreheads together, nuzzling their noses, too. Bellamy could not get enough of Clarke. Her voice, her touch, and her smile was his entire world.

“I want you to know that everything I said, it was true. I truly love you and I truly see a future with you, Clarke. I have been happier in these past twenty-four hours than I have in my entire life. You make me feel like the luckiest man in the world. I never knew what to expect when I got onto the drop ship. I did not have a plan until I saw you and we started talking. You’re an incredible girl and I will never let anything tear us apart. I care so deeply for you.”


Bellamy smiled sweetly at the blonde girl, deciding to press one more kiss onto her lips. After the kiss ended, Bellamy pulled back and his eyes glanced over her lips again. It was like they were begging him for another kiss so how could he not? Yet again, Bellamy pressed another kiss onto Clarke’s lips. The feeling of her lips and knowing that he was kissing the girl he loved made him happy. It would not have given him the same effect if this were just some random girl. Clarke was special and Bellamy loved her so much.

“Talk to me, Clarke. I want you to feel open with me. You can say anything you want and I will not judge you nor will I get discouraged with you talking or asking questions. I know this is new for you and all I want to do is make you happy and make you comfortable.” Bellamy murmured, finally releasing her hair, having stroked it for the last five minutes. He lost track of time when he played with her hair, he loved feeling the soft strands against his fingers.
“Talk to me, Clarke. I want you to feel open with me. You can say anything you want and I will not judge you nor will I get discouraged with you talking or asking questions. I know this is new for you and all I want to do is make you happy and make you comfortable.” 


Clarke looked up at Bellamy smiling, tasting her lips. His saliva was thick and she could taste him. She had never been intimate with anybody before on the Ark, not even one play kiss when she was little. She was always on guard, always the good child, didn’t defy until her family was involved. She let her left hand hold her right wrist admiring the broken watch, it was still memorizing, like the art she would have drawn and in her own mind for a few seconds she envisioned the most beautiful piece of art of the old solar system taught to the children on earth. She always had this buried obsession with what life was life before the nuclear apocalypse. Last night despite the situation had been perfect, even if Bellamy hadn’t wanted her for more than just a one night stand…. he did. He kept her calm and made her loosen up and have fun, like all the kids might have experienced if they lived normal lives in the twenty first century or before.


“I’m so overwhelmed I don’t know what to say,” she breathed out with an adorable shy grin, “everything seems so unreal, for us to be down here. When I ran into you….I didn’t even know where I was going or what was happening. Then you caught me.” She let out another small breath and he would be able to tell it was very intense. “You said I’m your type….but, “ she laughed shrugging, “don’t think I really am but I can see how your somehow unconditionally,” she gulped as he moved closer purposely as she spoke, “in love…..” he finished not giving her a chance to continue talking. She kissed him and couldn’t help letting out a muffled noise, she felt her lower parts ache and this was completely new. He kissed her harder, pulling away grinning. He knew she was aroused, so many of her body’s reactions would tell him. “You do this to all your girls…..” she said sarcastically eyeing him with a glint in her eye. He bit his lip, kissing her forehead. “Just you princess…..your stuck with me,” he said suddenly biting on the other side of her neck, making her yelp and crush into his front, all she could do was clutch onto him. Her neck was a weak spot and he had figured that out last night. He sucked and traveled all the way up to her ear, leaving hickies now visible on both sides of her neck.

Someone walked into the ship, a kid with greasy slick oily hair and a pale face. He interrupted them but Bellamy didn’t pull away, making the situation awkward, but just looked at him. The kid just nodded and Bellamy nodded back, the kid smirked at the both and left. Clarke breathed out, her chest rising and falling as she sunk into Bellamy.


“Not shy are you….” She got out.
“I wouldn’t consider myself shy. I think I’m the outgoing type. It doesn’t matter, though. My personality has nothing to do with it. I just simply enjoy showing off that the most beautiful girl in the entire world is mine.”

Again, Bellamy tried to flatter and compliment Clarke. It truly had nothing to do with him not being shy. He just felt so much love for her that it felt like a crime against himself if he was not touching her or kissing her. Plus, she always seemed to enjoy these touches and kisses and that trend continued. Even when somebody saw them or tried to talk with Bellamy, he was not pulling back. He knew in some relationships, some guys liked to make their girl jealous by flirting with other girls. Well, Bellamy liked making the others jealous because Clarke had him and they did not. Even with Clarke’s shy demeanor, he figured every human would enjoy being shown off so proudly. If Clarke never said she did not like it, then Bellamy would never stop showing her off. He was proud to be in love with her.


Taking her hand, he nodded towards the doorway. They had spent the past few hours talking and working on the map to Mount Weather though he hoped to convince Clarke to not go. Let the others do something while the stayed back at camp. There were so many jobs to do anyways. But that was a topic for tomorrow. He figured they both could use some rest so he started leading the love of his life towards their tent. Ah. Their tent. Owning it with Clarke was so fulfilling. It felt like a step in the right direction. He would never sleep alone at night again if Clarke was nearby. He missed the feeling of her in his arms despite still holding her hand. It just felt like it was impossible to get close enough to this wonderful girl.

They reached the tent and slipped inside before Bellamy zipped up the entrance. His dark brown eyes turned towards Clarke again and he smiled. His pupils dilated and he looked starstruck. He looked at Clarke just like he had seen the most valuable, beautiful thing in the world. He looked at Clarke like she was the most important thing to him in the entire world. Well, she was all of those things.

“I know I’ve told you a few times already but… I think you should hear that I love you.” Bellamy teased again, pushing her down onto her back. He had a plan for tonight on what they would do but he was not in a rush. Instead, he let both hands rest inside of her shirt, slowly stroking the girl’s abdomen while his lips became busy with hers again. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the marks on Clarke’s neck and smiled. He loved marking her. It was not so much as an animalistic thing to do as it was romantic in his mind. Everyone could see that Clarke was taken. Somebody loved her very much and vice versa. The only lips to ever touch her beautiful skin was Bellamy’s.


“By the way… you were so hot last night. I can’t stop thinking about the way you moan…”

They both headed back to the tent after they had conversed over what was to come the next day. Clarke was the first to crawl inside sitting down comfortably as he zipped it back up, he left one layer open, the screen so fresh cool air could blow in. Clarke sat there blowing her bangs out of her face. She needed a shower and she knew that wasn’t going to happen, she also missed the basic clothing she got as being a prisoner. She kept her thoughts to herself as she caught him looking at her. It caught her off guard. He looked memorized and she had to look around the tent making him laugh before he pushed her down, holding her to make sure her impact was light as a feather, cradling her head. He let both of his rough coursed hands slide underneath her shirt across her abs, his hands were burning up as his lips caught hers.

“By the way… you were so hot last night. I can’t stop thinking about the way you moan…” 


He removed his hands hoisting himself to hover over her. She was captivated by his presence, his breathing, his dark gorgeous eyes, that smile that she was positive had secluded more than a few. She had remembered quite a lot and flushed bright crimson, she was pale so it was easy to see. Her head throbbed and she breathed out pushing up just a little on her elbows, she made a face.


“Yeah sure….just wait till you hear me throwing up, I’m sure that will be even hotter…” She said rolling her eyes. Bellamy kissed her quickly and bent over grabbing all the pillows they had, which was three and fluffed them up over another rolled sleeping back. Supplies was scarce but he had taken probably more than he should have but he wanted to make sure he, Octavia and Clarke was as comfortable as possible. He would give Octavia her supplies tonight. He had her tent not far from theirs, not super close, but far enough he could keep an eye on her but give her some privacy. He propped Clarke up and handed her the last of his water bottle. She took it and sipped it.

“If you need to get sick…let me know. Ok…” he said with serious eyes, and she nodded.
A few seconds after sipping the water, Clarke showed signs of improvement. Her breathing steadied and her face returned to a safely pale state though that beautiful blush was still showing. It drove Bellamy wild, making him fall deeper in love with this girl. Just imagining seeing this girl in his arms every single morning when he woke up made his heart beat faster. Did it get any better? Bellamy doubted it. This was the future he saw for himself. Any future without Clarke was something he wanted to avoid and not even think about.


“Clarke, I just want you to try and relax. Do you remember those breathing techniques I showed you yesterday? Practice them for me. I want to take care of you tonight. I want to make you feel good, again. I want to explore you, again. I just you to trust me for a while longer and I can make you feel wonderful.”

After making his promise, Bellamy latched onto her lips one final time, slowly moving his mouth against hers slowly. The kiss remained quick and chaste though he teased her upper lip with a small touch of his tongue. Hovering in between the blonde’s legs, Bellamy slowly undid the button of her cargo pants and started pulling them down. However, he stopped when the waistband rested around her upper thighs. All he needed was a small window of room and this was perfect.

Without undressing her any further, Bellamy’s calloused hands placed onto her thighs. His fingertips lightly dug into the inner part of her leg and his lips kisses as close to her crotch as possible. The next thing Bellamy did was trap the waistband of her panties between his teeth. Without giving her any semblance of his body touching her, his hands rested in the sleeping bag beside of her legs. Then, the dark-haired male slowly pulled her panties down with his mouth until just enough of her pussy was revealed for him to enjoy. He released the underwear with a wink but finally grabbed her hand with one of his.


“How are you doing, Clarke? Are you alright?” Bellamy whispered, even stopping his actions to make sure she did not need anything else. He cared only about her enjoyment and well-being.
The day had slowly eased into the evening. They had a busy day planning for tomorrow and Bellamy had headed back to the camp site to check on how things were going. They were not the only ones recovering from the partying the night before. A lot of the prisoners were still just goofing around. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing, others in groups. The sun had just started to show it was time to start setting. It had stayed thick, humid with a cool breeze but the clouds above showed no signs of breaking loose, not yet. Bellamy had returned to the tent where Clarke had dozed off after feeling nauseated earlier. He had taken a little bit more food than he should of from the supplies but he knew Clarke needed it. She would stir but refuse food for the moment as she sat up rubbing her eyes.


“Clarke, I just want you to try and relax. Do you remember those breathing techniques I showed you yesterday? Practice them for me. I want to take care of you tonight. I want to make you feel good, again. I want to explore you, again. I just you to trust me for a while longer and I can make you feel wonderful.”

Clarke was quiet and then looked over, surprised by his words. Before she could respond she felt his lips against her own. It was quick, he pulled away leaving her eyes still closed, her mouth still ready. He had tugged on her lower lip and then dropped down unbuttoning her cargo pants, pulling them down. She was laying propped up back on the pillows and rolled up sleeping bag. She breathed out hard as she felt his digits knead on her exposed thighs, his lips teasing. He would already smell her, smell her new scent and the old scent from not being able to change into clean clothes. Clarke would almost feel ashamed, embarrassed her panties were soiled and disgusting from last night, but he didn’t seem to care. She made a shocked face as he pulled her dirtied underwear down just enough with his teeth. Did he realize how hot he was, she was wide eyed, as if her eyes might pop out as her chest was puffed out. He grabbed her hand with one of his.


“You’re going to give me a heart attack Bellamy Blake…” She said under a raspy breath, her eyes curious but taunting him. She stayed leaning back, looking up at the ceiling of the tent. There wasn’t much light but she could make out enough as the sun hadn’t set just yet. It was stormy and cloudy giving everything in the forest a shadow.
Bellamy paused long enough to look Clarke deep into her eyes and squeeze her hand before speaking.

“Nonsense, Princess. You won’t have a heart attack. Trust me, this is going to feel incredible. I will go slowly. Tell me if anything becomes too much.” He murmured softly, kissing the palm of her hand before releasing it and crawling back down in between her legs.

Now, the male placed both of his hands onto her thighs, holding them down gently against the bedroll. As he promised her, Bellamy was going slow. Even if she was not audible about her feelings, he would undoubtedly know if something was too much judging by her breathing and physical reactions. Now, his eyes were cast down towards her crotch, looking at those sweet pussy lips like they were the most desirable thing he had ever seen. Well, they were. It felt like a blessing to see Clarke like this. The most beautiful, most intelligent, and most perfect girl in the world was inside of his tent with her cargo pants and panties pulled down. He was touching her in the most intimate way, truly signifying that they belonged together.


“I love you.” He reminded her before leaning down and pursing his lips together, pressing a sweet kiss onto those lips he admired not long ago.

Then, he allowed his warm, wet tongue to slowly wrap around her outer folds, running his tongue around the entire outline of her wet sheath. Then, he took the index and middle finger from his left hand, firmly planting both onto her clitoris. He started slowly rubbing circles in a counter-clockwise motion. He already felt her clit throbbing, assuming that her sensitive bundle of nerves were already going to be rather sensitive. The pressure he applied was ample but not too much to overwhelm the girl. He knew exactly how much pressure to add.


His eyes remained locked onto hers the entire time, letting that connection with Clarke further and deepen. Plus, he wanted to see her facial reactions and just admire that beautiful face of hers while doing this. Finally, he slipped his warm tongue inside of her, letting it slowly slither to the deepest point. His teeth were lightly pressed against her outer folds, grazing her lips while his mouth started a gentle suckling action. His fingers on her clitoris changed directions, rubbing circles in a clockwise motion. His face was being pushed forward, trying to allow every inch of her crotch be touching his face. He was not afraid to get down and dirty with this girl, wanting to feel her entire body. A quiet moan left his mouth, exiting right against her sweet lips, hoping that the noise would reverberate throughout her core and add to her pleasure.
Clarke felt him squeeze her hand lovingly, his eyes still somewhat visible in the shade of the tent and the overcasting darkness of the forest as the sun set. They had a little camping light that was solar powered but it was turned off for now to preserve the energy. He reassured her this was going to feel incredible but his voice alone and how he was so willing to be intimate with her was enough. She had recovered most of the day but was still a little exerted from the eventful night before of drinking and partying. So far she hadn’t thrown up and Bellamy had kept her in the tent resting most of the day. He put both of his warm rough hands on her plump but petite thighs, she gulped, her eyes open in awe as he said the three words before placing a small kiss right on the swollen lips of her hidden flower. He would already smell her; she was already moist. He would know she was undoubtedly infatuated and attracted to him. The body didn’t lie even if the mind tried. His moist wet tongue painted over the outline, cleaning her of any leaked nectar, teasing her. It wasn’t long before she felt his fingers giving the needed ache of her rose bud just the right amount of stimulation it needed. His finger ever so delicately rubbing it, it throbbed, she felt his other fingers exploring. She breathed out, turning her head, biting her lip refusing to be loud. His sisters tent wasn’t close, and for all they knew she was or wasn’t in it but she wasn’t about to be the new girl screaming because of Bellamy Blake, even if her vocal chords begged too.


Though his eyes wouldn’t leave her face, he could be multitasking, her head would be turned as she zoned out, slowly falling to the sunken place he put her from the pleasure. It was only when he noticed she was zoning out that he decided to dive in and give her a taste of what he could do. She felt his fingers give him access, cool air hitting her aching insides before his tongue and face filled the void. She let her hands grasp some of the bedding, her body stiffening as she did her best not to move.
Sometimes, Bellamy gave his tongue a break. He would pull away and kiss those pretty lips of Clarke’s pussy while grazing his teeth against her folds. Two fingers continued to swirl over her clitoris with enough pressure to make Clarke feel pleasure withholding the amount needed for pain. When Bellamy decided to dive his tongue back into her sheath, Bellamy tilted his head over the left side of Clarke’s womanhood for a different angle and a different approach. Not wanting to overwhelm this perfect girl, Bellamy ceased rubbing her clitoris whenever her breathing became too heavy. He never allowed her breathing to become critically fast. Instead, when he noticed it was picking up consistently, he pulled those fingers away. Not only did he allow Clarke to calm down more, but he would leave her sensitive hood aching, craving his touch again since he had just denied that touch. As often as possible, Bellamy kept looking into her eyes, hoping that she enjoyed seeing that from this particular angle. Bellamy nibbled on Clarke’s labia with his lips while his tongue was continuing to swirl around inside of her. His tongue flicked the skin with enough pressure for him to savor her taste while taking it slow enough to let Clarke enjoy it, too.


He paid attention to her body. When she moaned, Bellamy thought about where he was touching her and what he was doing. It meant she liked that, obviously. Bellamy wanted Clarke to love everything he did. If she started breathing erratically, he knew that was another sweet spot but he also knew to take it slower over that area. Bellamy was cautious with his lover and understood the importance of tending to her needs and wants. He realized she was trying to hold in those moans but Bellamy wanted to make her feel so damn good that she could not. Honestly, he did not care who heard them. Finally, his hands placed onto her thighs and he slowly dragged his fingertips down her skin in a slow manner, letting her feel his passion with each stroke. His tongue continued to rub circles softly against her warm, tight skin. The young man also changed up the pressure he added, seeing which amount of pressure worked the best. Bellamy pulled away once to remind Clarke that she had his heart and that he loved her while that sweet nectar was already dripping from his tongue. After the quick reminder, Bellamy slowly maneuvered his tongue back inside of Clarke and continued to loving attack.
Clarke felt Bellamy’s tongue glide into places that no man had ever touched. Her own masturbation was limited, only being a small handful of times and nothing to erotic. In her mind, she was being teased in just the right way, slowly building her to what would be her second orgasm with Bellamy Blake, in less than forty eighty hours of being on the planet earth. By now the sun had set, leaving the forest dark, strong storm clouds were draped across the skies but had refused to release rain yet, but it was hot and muggy. Now and then lightening would light up the forest as if it was day for a split second. Bellamy was slow in savoring her taste and not giving to much stimulation. He seemed to be doing the right thing as he wet rose was pouring out nectar, giving him plenty. The fact he took it slow seemed to intensify how good it felt, putting her on a slow but steady ride.


For U ;)

He stopped long enough to let her see him, they couldn’t make out much in the dark tent but enough, they both knew the other was there. In the distance, you could hear strong winds going through the forest, and the other inmates still goofing off, just not to the escalated level of last night. She was going to breathe out some response but didn’t have a chance, a small gasp coming out of her mouth as he went back to loving her. Her head arched back, her rear slightly lifting off the sleeping bags as she let out a restrained moan. Bellamy would feel in sync with her every breath, every audible sound, there was a mental connection unspoken of that existed. Bellamy wasn’t shy, he had never once had a problem with showing off any of his previous prizes or nights of glory, and he would be damned if he would be ashamed or silent with Clarke, the girl who already had him wrapped around her fingers without knowing it. He pushed, letting his mouth take her to another realm, in this realm the only thing that matter was sensation.


It didn’t long as her gasp turned into short stifled moans until her body arched as she began to orgasm, as she arched. Bellamy used both of his hands to give her bottom support and used it to his advantage to bury his face deeper into flower. Some, just a little of his tongue would feel her insides contacting as more fluids seeped out.
Bellamy smiled, feeling a great sense of achievement. Well, Bellamy knew how to give women powerful orgasms. Clarke was not an exception. All at once, her juices filtered out and his tongue was granted the greatest gift he could have in that moment since he already had Clarke’s love. She tasted so sweet, sweeter than he anticipated or ever tasted before. Granted, he might have been biased but Bellamy thought Clarke was the sexiest girl alive. Undoubtedly, Bellamy knew that Clarke needed some time to recover from her orgasm, so he gave her time. When her breathing returned to normal, Bellamy felt like he needed to remind Clarke about something.


“I love you, Clarke.” He paused, flashing her the most charming smile possible. “I hope you liked that. We should do this more often. I’ve never felt better than I have just now. I want to make you feel amazing as often as I can.” Bellamy whispered.

Bellamy watched her closely, looking deep into her eyes. Once the love of his life was calmed down, Bellamy was keeping his eyes locked onto the blonde. Next, he viewed Clarke twitching her hand and fingers towards him and towards his jeans. She almost seemed unsure of what to do. It might have been a bold move but Bellamy wanted Clarke to explore him as well. He guided her fingers to the buttons of his jeans and undid them before moving her fingers to his zipper and pulling that down as well. With his jeans at his thighs, he watched Clarke take initiative and pull down his boxers to the same length.


“It’s okay Clarke, you’re doing so well already. You’re doing great.” He assured her, cupping her face gently, stroking her face.

Then, Bellamy wrapped her fingers around his thick, erect cock. Bellamy kept his eyes locked on Clarke the entire time, only deviating from her orbs to show her what to do.

“Just keep light pressure. Keep all fingers wrapped around me and slowly stroke up and down. From the very bottom to the very top. Go slow if you want. Take your time. You’ll make me feel good.” Bellamy whispered softly, wrapping his hand slowly around her wrist to get her started. Next, Bellamy released her wrist and just watched the female as she started stroking his girth. His eyes went wide a smile grew on his face, moaning quietly, not making a point to try to keep quiet.
Clarke had to take a small breather after her orgasm, her insides were still convulsing and still aching, how was she still aching after having one? She didn’t care, she felt good, better than she had felt her whole life living on the ark and Bellamy was the most gorgeous man she had ever had the pleasure of setting eyes upon. It just seemed to be a perfect miracle he thought the same thing and they were together for now. In her mind, she was still processing everything and she had negative thoughts and doubts but in time those would fade away as they grew stronger together as a unit, side by side on the beautiful planet they were trying to reclaim. After she was catching her breath and he spoke, he got on his knees and unzipped his jeans pulling them down. You couldn’t see much but shadows and silhouettes. You could feel the energy and tension, her own breathing with his. She sat up and slowly pulled down his boxers just enough to expose what she knew was his private parts. A small breath left as she sucked and smacked her lips together silently closing her eyes, as if readying herself.


“It’s okay Clarke, you’re doing so well already. You’re doing great.”

His voice soothed her as did his face, she turned her cheek to lean into his hand as he caressed her soft face. She felt him take her thin fingers and wrapped it around his thick erect cock, it was burning up, warm hot flesh. She gulped and squeezed exhaling. He showed her how to move her hand up and down, just below his head. It felt soft and hard all at once, like one of those old stress balls. She laughed out in a short breath which he would find attractive and cute. She did as he showed her and she was close, as he was on his knee’s she was sitting down in front of him. She heard him moan and her face was bright red. His moan made her let out a softer, barely audible laugh over another stronger breath.


It was only when Bellamy leaned over, now on both knees with his cock dangling, propped on one arm, in front of Clarke, he pressed his lips to hers and slowly let his hand find its way in-between her legs to cup her moist sex, by now it was once again covered in her nectar. He just rubbed his hand over her lips enough to get enough making her gasp. He then positioned himself so he was laying down on his back, as Clarke was and used his clean hand to pull her over him. She would feel his cock now covered in her nectar. She didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or turned on or both.
Clarke’s nectar soaked Bellamy’s length and provided sufficient lubrication. However, the male did not intend to actually enter Clarke tonight. Instead, he was simply allowing her tight, virgin womanhood to feel the head of his own sex. This lubrication should also allow her hand to glide around his length much easier than before and it helped Bellamy feel more pleasure this way as well. However, the dark-haired young man was mostly concerned about making this easier for Clarke. Even though he was the receiver of pleasure, all he focused on was making it simple and easy for Clarke so that she enjoyed it too. Hopefully, she liked giving him pleasure and she would want to explore with him further. While Clarke hovered over the male, he kept their eyes locked together and started kissing her, leaning up and deepening the kiss as much as possible, sliding his tongue inside of her mouth immediately, wanting to deepen the kiss as far as possible. In his mind, Bellamy felt their love growing with each stroke and with each kiss and with each drop of her fluid. His eyes did not show only lust, but they showed love, too. Bellamy intended to express that love in both words and actions.

The next few minutes were full of euphoria for Bellamy. From feeling Clarke stroking her small hand up and down his length to kissing her until his lungs screamed for oxygen, Bellamy was lost in the moment. It felt like his entire body was on fire from head to toe. His breathing had picked up again and his chest fell and expanded rapidly. His breathing sounded uneven, too. It almost sounded like gasps for air into the kiss though some of the noises were moans. Nonetheless, Bellamy did not want to pull away from the kiss, not even to fucking breathe.


After a few more strokes, Bellamy knew it was inevitable. His orgasm was getting close. Now, he thought about his plan of action. At this angle, he was going to get his semen all over her shirt, jeans, and even her panties. That did not sound like a bad idea. Bellamy felt like he knew Clarke already. She might not understand it at first but soon, he figured she would have appreciated this. His orgasm followed the longest moan yet and it sounded more like a cry of Clarke’s name as if he were begging for more. Then, the muscles in his hard cock all flexed and clenched simultaneously before reaching the peak of his climax. He felt four ropes of his hot, sticky, thick semen discharge from the tip of his hard cock. One spurt landed mostly on the bottom fo her shirt. Another spurt spread along the front and side of her jeans. The next spurt landed on her pants and went through to her panties since they were still pulled down. The last spurt was angled back up onto the lower part of her shirt while plenty of the semen made its way onto her thighs and abdomen since her shirt was rolled up slightly. “That was… amazing, Clarke. I have no words other than… I love you.”

Things started to pick up a rather quick pace and Clarke was slammed with more intimacy and passion than she knew how to exactly handle. Bellamy Blake was a ball of energy and consumed by Clarke’s essence. As she did her best to firmly and gently stroke his hard-engorged cock, Bellamy refuse to let his lips part from hers. His kissed her feverishly, not even stopping to breathe. The kissing so intense both would let out hard breaths and gasp into the other between kissing trying to get that air without wanting to stop. It was almost hard to multi-task because of how hot and surreal the moment was. She couldn’t see a damn thing in the dark tent but didn’t need to. She felt his hot lips, his taste, his thick saliva mixed with her own, him sweating when he was already dirty and smelled of them both. There was something hot about him lying down, clothes just dropped enough for her to explore him while they made out, he wasn’t keeping quiet.


She felt his breathing pick up a pace even as they kissed, she didn’t even think she was getting him off very well. That maybe he was one hell of a good actor since he had been with so many girls. She was only squeezing and stroking his length at a slow easy pace, but would squeeze his thickness tighter and tighter each time he made a sound. Then his head fell back slightly as he cried out, maybe a little too loud. Clarke breathed out, mouth ajar as he ejaculated. With the position, they were in there was no protection or shied and his semen squirted on her in different places, she felt some of it but didn’t even know all the places it went


Before she could panic or think to hard he pulled her down into his chest, it rises and fell as she felt him slightly laughing, in great spirits. Obviously, he wasn’t acting if that happened.

“That was… amazing, Clarke. I have no words other than… I love you.”

She just rested her head on his chest closing her eyes, in her mind she kept replaying his cry and moans in her mind, picturing what his face would have looked like in such a pleasured state. Ignoring his sticky residue that now stained her clothes.
Bellamy Blake was an absolute workhorse. If he tried, he would undoubtedly exceed at playing with Clarke for the rest of the night. However, he realized how new this was for the girl. The last thing he wanted was to exhaust that sexy body and mind of hers. This was a good stopping point for the night. After his breathing returned to normal and his body had reached a level of balance since his orgasm was so powerful, Bellamy helped Clarke by pulling up her panties and pants where they should be. His semen stains were obvious but neither of them could really tell in the dark. Clarke was in for one surprise in the morning with the sunlight.

Nonetheless, Bellamy pulled his own boxers and jeans upon his hips again. Once this was done, Bellamy kept his eyes locked with Clarke’s, nuzzling their noses together before talking to her again.


“You made me feel so good. In fact, I’ve never felt as good as I have these past couple days. That goes for my physical state and my emotional state. I know this has been a lot for you since you’re new to this. We can rest now, cuddle, and talk if you want. Or we can go to sleep if you want. We’ll do whatever you desire, Princess.”

Again, Bellamy kept it up with that pet name of Princess. It was definitely going to stick and Bellamy found it rather cute. Neither of them were entirely quiet tonight or the night before. The gossip around the camp heavily involved Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin, two polar opposites attracting. Of course, the same group of girls from last night along with others did not approve. Everyone wanted a shot with Bellamy but his eyes were focused on only one of them, and that was Clarke.


Last night, they fell asleep out in the open. Tonight, they were resting on the sleeping bags and pillows, making a much more comfortable bed than the hard ground. Still, Bellamy wrapped one arm around Clarke’s neck so she could use him as a pillow and the other wrapped around her waist as her back was pulled against his chest. To pass the time while he waited for Clarke to make up her mind, Bellamy started stroking his fingers through her hair again. She seemed to enjoy that earlier so Bellamy wanted to give her more of that enjoyment. Plus, it was fun for him, too.
Clarke curled up to Bellamy and rested on his chest, turned on her left side. He would let his right-hand play with her hair in a calming way. She seemed exhausted and as relaxed as she could be in the moment. It didn’t take her long to fall asleep in his arms. He would tell she was asleep by her slow breathing and the settle movement of her body lying in his. She needed the rest and would feel a little more refreshed when she awoke. Outside of the tent the other prisoners would be different things. Some would still be partying and goofing off even though there wasn’t any alcohol or substances to use to get them drunk or high. Others would be doing what they could to fend for themselves in the new habitat they were on. Others had strayed off from the group on their own. A couple of the more rebellious were finding ways to break the bracelets off. The bracelet was the only communication back to the Ark. In breaking them off it flat line making them believe that person was dead on earth.


Octavia would be purposely staying away from her tent and trying to get as much freedom as she could. She hated Bellamy now, she didn’t understand why he was so up the blonde girl’s ass. How could he betray her by dating one of the counselor’s daughter? They made her life a living hell. She used her anger and confusion to be slightly more rebellious. She knew secretly Bellamy had more than a few of the other inmates keeping tabs, she was sure some were ordered to intervene if she got out of hand. She was sitting on a log just staring around, when she heard a few coming in to the camp. A couple of guys who were laughing and mocking what was supposedly her brother being inanimate with Clarke, one guy was mocking his sounds and Octavia sighed looking disgusted and irritated. She tried to look at the canopy of the forest and focus on how she had more freedom than she ever did on the ark. The wind was strong; the sky keep teasing it was going to storm since early morning but it still hadn’t even though the sun had set.


There tent sat lonely by itself a good distance from a few others. Hours must have passed, maybe it was early in the morning. No one had the time, did time even exist here anymore? Clarke opened her eyes being still feeling the strong winds make the material of the tent move violently, and saw flashes of lightning. The oncomming storm looked aggressive, something they had been taught but never dealt with in space. Clarke had always listened to music of nature, sounds of the forest, or storms or the ocean to fall asleep or to study. She had study storms and climates in school and on her own time. Clarke was still very sleepy but she wanted to get out of the tent, plus she was dying of thirst and she knew they had to be low on supplies. She sat up rubbing her eyes as more wind hit the tent and lightening flashed.
Once his Princess had fallen asleep, Bellamy closed his eyes. The only thing he cared about was ensuring that Clarke was resting and sleeping well. Only once she had fallen asleep did the male allow himself to relax. A smile was on his lips when he fell asleep with Clarke wrapped up in his arms. Yeah, he could get used to this each night. The tent was the perfect size for two people and Bellamy had no problem sharing his living space. The male’s dreams were full of happiness again. That was nothing uncommon since he had been with Clarke Griffin. She was beautiful and she had a pure soul. His heart always thumped a little bit faster when they were together. His skin always glistened with sweat when she was close. His breathing always became heavy when they touched. Even with all of this, her presence calmed him down and helped his body relax at night when they were trying to sleep.


The slumber did not last until morning, though. Rather, it was early in the morning hours and it was dark outside. If Bellamy had to guess, it must have been three or four o’clock in the morning. It started with a light drizzle. Minutes later, it turned into a torrential downpour. Some of the delinquents were shouting in happiness, jumping around despite being woken from their slumber. Nobody had witnessed this kind of storm before. It was beautiful to everyone despite how severe it was becoming. Wind, lightening, and thunder accompanied the rain. Soon enough, the thunder followed immediately after the flashes of light in the night sky. Bellamy woke up after a particularly loud clap of noise. At first, he was startled, especially when the tent was flapping around. It might have been nailed down with two bodies inside, but it was becoming unsteady.


Bellamy calmed down immediately when his eyes landed on Clarke. “It’s getting pretty rough out there. We might have to go inside the dropship if it gets any worse.” Bellamy spoke loudly to Clarke. He was not meaning to yell at her but the wind and rain was creating so much noise, that was the only way to communicate. He sat up with her and unzipped the tent slightly so they could look outside. The rain was pouring down but they still had some level of visibility. The flashes of lightning actually looked rather beautiful despite how dangerous it was becoming. Suddenly, a couple tents were caught in the air and thrown a few yards away. At that time, Bellamy was not comfortable with his Princess being outside in this storm. Grabbing their bags, sleeping bags, and pillows, Bellamy shouted a quick order to Clarke. “Come on! Let’s get inside the dropship!” He shouted over everything, running out of the tent, grabbing Clarke by the hand. It was tough to see but he tried to guide Clarke towards the ship. It was difficult to miss the massive object sitting in the middle of the woods. It took an entire minute to reach the ship. Bellamy almost lost footing in the mud more than once but he kept upright long enough to reach the entrance in the dropship where others already started piling in as they watched through the open door. Everyone was gathered around, interested in how this storm happened.
Clarke ran with Bellamy through the forest as it was pouring. They had their limited supplies from the tent but a good portion of it got soaked. They entered the dropship, climbing up the ladder. The blast door was still wide open on the lower level. Clarke handed Bellamy the sleeping bags and pillows as he had climbed up first and grabbed her hands. She wanted to observe the rain but it was aggressive. Lightening came every so often, a brilliant shock of white above the canopy of the forest, thunderous booms following, shaking the ground. Bellamy had closed the hatch door but you could still hear the rain pounding on the abandon ship. Bellamy had laid out the sleeping bags, flipping them over and trying to let the air out. It was very unusual weather, very hot but also cool from the strong winds, inside the ship the temperature was comfortable.


Others were downstairs, coming in through the open blast door and Clarke decided to head down to that level, Bellamy was close behind. The ship was pitch black so they had to navigate with adapted eyesight. There were quite a few gathered at the door blocking the strong winds and rain blowing in. Everyone seemed memorized by what mother nature could do. Clarke had drawn and dreamed of so many kinds of weather, especially thunder storms. She somehow knew the speeds of the winds were above 50 mph. She wondered if it was a supercell or a multi cell storm, but it was impossible to know without equipment that was long gone from satellites that once rotated the earth and helped meteorologist.

Bellamy was right behind Clarke, she could now feel his presence, even before he wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her wet tousled hair. The others were trying to talk over the storm.
Outside, it was violent. Inside, it was peaceful. This ship would withstand a storm on Earth since it survived being launched from the Ark and hurled throughout the atmosphere. With his arms tight around Clarke’s waist, Bellamy admired the weather with his chin lightly pressed against her shoulder. A few of the delinquents managed to find the flashlights to prevent total darkness from encompassing them inside the dropship. Yards behind the happy couple was a steaming brunette. It was none other than Bellamy’s sister, Octavia Blake. This had all been so much but now Bellamy was holding Clarke right in front of her, almost taunting her. Fuck it. She had enough.

Bellamy felt soft, but strong hands grip onto his arm and yank him away from Clarke. When his eyes met Octavia’s, he opened his mouth to speak but just then, an open-handed slap landed across his left cheek. Not only was she trying to hurt Bellamy, but she was letting out her anger and causing a scene.


“I am sick of this, Bellamy! Why in the hell are you in the pants of a council member’s daughter? Do you realize what they did to me? To us? For fifteen years, you always talked about how much you hated the Chancellor. But now you’re with Clarke Griffin?!”

This followed another blow. This time, it was a closed fist.

“What is wrong with you? You have betrayed my trust, Bellamy! You should have stayed on the fucking Ark. I don’t need your help! Out of all the girls that are here, you choose this one? You’re a disgrace! Mom would be so disappointed!”


Now, it was a flurry of blows. Punches, slaps, and even a couple kicks. His face was scratched up and he was bleeding from the nose. His lip was slightly busted and there would be a small bruise on his abdomen from the kick. However, he did not fight his sister. He would never lay a hand on her. He just let her have it out for him, hoping to have some damage control soon.
Outside the forest was a wall of water, the trees offered no shelter, droplets the size of almonds smashed their way through the foliate above. More prisoners, the last stragglers were running in sodden. Luckily no one was cold because of how warm it was. Clarke stayed quiet, she wasn’t a vocal person. It least not upon being made a prisoner and being put back on this planet she had dreamed about for years. Somehow everything she had dreamed of was happening and more. She had two types of dreams, some that were logical and ones that were simply not. The dreams that were not logical were why dreams were called dreams. They felt so impossible except when you closed your eyes. Those secret dreams include many visions of earth and all it had to offer, all the beauty it had to give. What she hadn’t dream for was a boyfriend, a lover. That somehow just happened, if that was still real? She had doubts maybe it wasn’t real or it was just a matter of time before it fell apart. It had only been two days, right?

Lightening flashed and thunder made the ground shake and other inmates were cheering, some acting scared to add to the hype. Bellamy was pulled away from Clarke. They heard a familiar voice, his younger sibling. She vaguely remembered her from last night and being a prisoner on the ark for being born. She had slapped Bellamy and was pissed. Her emotions were boiling.

“I am sick of this, Bellamy! Why in the hell are you in the pants of a council member’s daughter? Do you realize what they did to me? To us? For fifteen years, you always talked about how much you hated the Chancellor. But now you’re with Clarke Griffin?!” 


More blows followed and Bellamy made no sounds, you couldn’t see much but enough that was illuminated by the lightening and dull flashlights held by the prisoners, shining on them. Clarke was in shock, standing in-between others. She wouldn’t realize Vanessa with the other women were watching with a smirk. It got worse and some tried to intervene but Bellamy barked for no one to touch them. He did bark at someone to watch Clarke. Clarke felt unknown hands gently on her shoulders, one was a female while the other was a male. Octavia was now throwing punches and kicks. The rain seemed to rush down even harder. Clarke didn’t know whether to run or try to help, she had no place. She felt like she was sinking in her own mind. Clarke saw glimpse of Bellamy’s face covered in blood. Her eyes were wide and dilated.


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