RP: The 100: May We Meet Again: One-on-One with Horror_Show

Dec 22, 2014
United States
The year was 2149 CE, 97 years after a nuclear apocalypse had devastated the surface of Earth. The only known survivors were the residents of twelve space stations in Earth's orbit prior to the war. The space stations banded together to form a single massive station named "The Ark", where about 2,400 people live today. Resources were scarce and all crimes no matter their nature or severity were punishable by death unless the perpetrator was under 18 years of age. The form of execution was being floated and it occurred exactly as it sounded. The perpetrator stood near the outer doors while it opened, being sucked into space. Any criminals under 18 were sent to a special place called the “Sky Box”. Their crimes were reviewed on their eighteenth birthday. One of two outcomes would occur: The juvenile was either forgiven or they were floated. After the Ark's life support systems were found to be critically failing, one hundred juvenile prisoners were declared "expendable" and sent to the surface in a last ditch attempt to determine if Earth was habitable again. They were told it should take another 100 years for the planet to be survivable. It might take another space-locked century before they could make their way back to the planet where it all began. With the Ark systems failing, they hardly had one hundred days remaining, much less one hundred years. Extreme action was taken and an order for this mission was given directly from Chancellor Thelonious Jaha, the elected leader of the Ark.


Among these one hundred juveniles was a twenty-three-year-old male named Bellamy Blake.

A young Bellamy Blake watched his mother give birth to his sister. His life had never been the same. The Ark enforced a strict one child law. Octavia, the name Bellamy gave to his sister, was his responsibility to keep safe and love. Since Octavia was an illegal second child, she had to be kept hidden in their room. As a Guard Cadet, he smuggled Octavia from their room to the Unity Day Masquerade Party. That was last year. During a solar flare alert, everyone was required to show identification: something Octavia did not have. She was exposed, their mother was executed, and Octavia was imprisoned in lock-up. Bellamy was kicked out of the Guard because of his actions and was demoted to the position of janitor. He was alone. Being unable to see his sister took a toll on Bellamy. Alone and isolated, life was miserable. Each day was spent cleaning up someone else’s mess. Janitors were the lowest of the low on the Ark. Conditions were miserable until Commander Shumway, the same man that called him out at the party, made Bellamy and offer he could not refuse. Kill the Chancellor Thelonious Jaha and Bellamy could go to Earth and protect Octavia. One hundred prisoners were being sent to the ground and his sister was among them.


The male had an olive complexion and thick, dark brown, curly hair and brown eyes. His body was lean and muscular, clearly physically strong. At twenty-three years-old, the next oldest human on the ship was five years his younger. The young man intended to take charge of the group as soon as they reached Earth. His personality was dominant, demanding, and controlling. Bellamy could be a prude sometimes. Plenty of people thought Bellamy was a complete jerk and asshole. They might not be incorrect.


No matter how gruff and tough Bellamy might act, his one weak spot was glaringly clear. Octavia meant the entire world to him and he only wanted the best for her. A softer side to Mr. Blake existed but only Octavia had seen it. Aggression also primarily characterized Bellamy. A natural leader that could make tough decisions, he might have been exactly what the one hundred delinquents needed to survive. His age automatically would present with him an advantage. Besides, living on the Earth was something that intrigued Bellamy as it did everyone else. He was escaping the Ark and protecting his sister.

Shumway provided Bellamy with the weapon and shot the Chancellor. Promptly, secret access to the drop ship was granted and Bellamy became a stowaway. Upon impact, Bellamy was jolted across the floor but survived with a mere scratch. He attempted to open the drop ship while a female voice rang out from the back.


“Don’t open that door! We don’t know if the air is toxic!”

“If that were true. We would have been dead by the time we hit the atmosphere.” Retorted the dark-haired male.

Almost prying the door open, another female voice spoke. This time, it was familiar and she called his name. After turning around, he saw his sister approaching. They reunited in front of everyone, hugging it out because they have not seen each other for over one year.

“Hey! Isn’t that Octavia Blake? The one they found under the floor?” A man in the middle of the group chided this question.

It angered Octavia and she tried to attack. Bellamy held her back and offered an alternative.

“Give them something else to remember you for. You can be the first human on the ground in over one hundred years.” Bellamy suggested, watching excitement bubble inside of Octavia.

The door was pulled open and the delinquents experienced their first breath of fresh air. Not dead yet. Solely wanting Octavia to be first, Bellamy used his muscular build to block the entrance from everyone else.

“Hey, back the fuck up. Octavia is first.”

A hesitant Octavia jumped onto the ground and smiled when her feet landed. Throwing her fists into the air with excitement, the girl shouted.

“We’re back… Bitches!”


Promptly, the rest of the group smiled, shouted, and cheered as they raced out of the drop ship to explore the new world. After taking in the scene around the ship, Bellamy draped one arm over Octavia’s shoulder and started smiling. They were reunited and humans have returned home. Earth appeared survivable so far.
Her eye’s fluttered opened. Instantly she sat upwards and looked to her left to see a familiar face, a colored man. She leaned her head back, letting out a breath that looked like a sigh. Her eyes scanned, quickly gathering she was in fact strapped, on the dropship heading towards the earths atmosphere.

“Nice to see you too….welcome---“ He was cut off.

“You shouldn’t be here. Why are you…” The blonde looked irritated and confused. Her eyes still didn’t completely focus on the colored man, she was searching for something.

“As soon as I found out what was happening, I got myself arrested. I knew I would be chosen, to help you—“

The ship started malfunctioning as the ship hit the earth atmosphere. Things started breaking and electoral sparks were raining. Everyone began to panic, the lights started flickering. A flat screen monitor turned on showing the chancellor. Clarke swallowed spit while nervously holding onto the restraints that kept her strapped in as the man on the screen held everyone’s attention.

“Hello, it is your Chancellor Thelonious Jaha . Because of your crimes, the one hundred of you are expendable. Your mission is simple: Find out if Earth can be survivable at this time. Should you succeed and survive, the Ark will follow and land on the surface, too. All of you will be forgiven and your records will be expunged. Thank you. May peace be with you all. Good luck.”

There were chants and bullies to the man known as Wells as the man spoke, and he closed his eyes seeming more than annoyed. The chancellor was giving them a chance, a chance at survival, a chance at saving mankind and having a fresh start. A few delinquents decided it be a fun idea to unstrap themselves to float around in the gravity, not ideally understanding how dangerous it was. One floated by the blonde and the colored man, making faces and catcalling, she eyed him.

“You’re going to die, get back in your damn seat…” She said under her breath and that only encouraged the teen’s catcalling. The chancellor continued telling them it was vital for them to get to a certain mountain and that supplies were supposedly there; it was important for them to find the supplies to thrive on. The ship got more violent as the screen shut off just before the screen shut off.

It shifted and the boy flew harshly crashing to one wall as more sparks flew and the ride got rougher. Clarke held on and looked around. Finally, the ship landed, you could hear metal grinding and smoke was coming from some of the machines. There was a strong silence, besides the breaths of all the juvenile prisoners onboard. Then you would hear the noise of those same juveniles taking off the restraints. She quickly unfastened her own and got up running toward the same exact idiotic kid that had chosen to take off his to early and now he was unconsciousness if not dead on the floor.

“Shit…” She said under her breath, wiping her forehead with her forearm. She heard others talking about already opening the door and she looked around, alerted. She pushed up and ran to maneuver herself through the crowd of prisoners. “You can't just open the doors, it’s not safe! Are you all out of your damn minds.” She yelled pushing her way through. She emerged to the front where the oldest prisoner was, a tall olive complexion young male with strong dark features.

Before she could say anything, another person mentioned her same thoughts, that the air could be toxic. The male answered thoroughly with a reasonable comeback, that they’d be dead already and it didn’t matter. Clarke decided to keep her mouth shut and acknowledge that was true but her mind was distracted when someone called out that Octavia Blake was onboard. Clarke had heard the rumors, and she knew of the situation with her being hidden and then imprisoned but hadn’t personally known them.

The young dark hair woman walked forward and almost attacked but her brother caught her, grabbing her attention. Octavia grinned and watched as her brother opened the bay door. It opened loudly, sunlight blinding all the prisoners. They had never been exposed to the earth sunshine. Others prisoners tried to exit first but Blake quickly stopped them, wanting his sister to be first, giving her that after the years of hell she endured. Clarke was flabbergasted at everything. A strong wind blew past the young woman as she slowly descended. Everyone was silenced in excitement and in awe by the scenery of the deep thick forest.


She was quiet as her boots met the grass, in those seconds, there was even fear until she threw her hands up laughing out, letting out a snarky cheer. “We’re back…..bitches!” That lighten the mood, the prisoners laughed and rushed, pushing past each other, some jumping to be exposed to earth. In that moment, she also wasn’t far from Blake and saw his serious face, turn into a gorgeous laugh. It took her off guard from all the anxiety she had just experienced in the past twenty hours. She stayed onboard as people pushed past her, watching for some reason him descend in a slow stride, meeting his sister. She watched his grin, his younger sisters grin as she playfully pushed him and they continued.


Almost everyone was out of the ship, a good distance away, cheering as she finally jumped down, on her tennis shoes. The blonde was dressed in cargo pants and an old ragged t-shirt, she had tied her field jacket around her waist. She steadied herself and finally looked around, being the first step she had taken on earth, amazed by its pure beauty, something she had drawn for years. Her eyes slightly glossed over, thinking of her own father. She took a huge inhale and exhale of fresh forest air, trying to work through it. She didn’t even move far from the ship, her emotions having been a little too overwhelming, she had spent days inside of the cell wondering if she would live or die. Now she was on earth! She took a few steps, hearing the thick forest underbrush crunch, another strong wind blew. The others were a little way off.

Finally, she used her hands to wipe her eyes, and started pacing, trying to catch up to the other prisoners. She could still hear them but everyone was thriving off pure adrenaline. She started jogging, using her arms to pick up speed, almost building more anxiety from losing everybody. She could hear them, but not see them. She was jogging for what felt like minutes, downhill, gaining speed, a few big branches almost smacked her but she dodged them only getting a few scrapes. She then realized while running, she may have lost the others.


“Fuck….” She breathed out panting. She tried taking a slightly different path. She didn’t realize how steep the path was and was jogging, her jog had turned into a sprint because of the decline. Her breathing got more labored until she felt something grab her, a strong hand from a tree and pull her in, crushing her to their hard chest. She gaped, coughing out, mouth ajar out of shock. She breathed out, looking up to see Blake. His big dark eyes looking at her. Her chest was pumping out of her chest, she was sweating, possibly having a minor anxiety attack.

Now that the smoke's gone
And the air is all clear
Those who were right there
Got a new kind of fear
You'd fight and you were right
But they were just too strong
They'd stick it in your face
And let you smell what they consider wrong
Chaos. Pure chaos. Bellamy loved it. One hundred delinquents were running and shouting with free spirits throughout the forest. The sun was at its apex in the sky, proving there were still numerous hours remaining before the sun set over the horizon. It meant they were given hours to plan, organize, and strategize. Being a natural-born leader, Bellamy wanted to take charge and keep these people safe. But to his knowledge, there were only ninety-nine people on the entire planet and they were right here. The only true dangers were the weather, other surface elements, and possibly animals if any survived the radiation and the nuclear apocalypse. It was doubtful but Bellamy did not know. On the other hand, they were on the fucking ground. What the hell? Who thought that was possible yesterday? They should celebrate. Now, it might have appeared that the Council had sent them to their deaths on this drop ship. Somehow, they lived through the freefall. They were supposed to land on Mount Weather. Unbeknownst to anyone, they had not arrived on the correct location. That was a problem for tomorrow though. They had supplies and rations to last weeks, maybe an entire month if they were lucky and intelligent.

Bellamy stored himself inside the ship where those supplies were located. Food, water, and even alcohol. Yes, alcohol. These young people might need some release on the ground. Bellamy stood still, contemplating everything in his mind. Being the eldest, people already looked up to Bellamy. His aura simply radiated what a leader should do and be. Everyone had started gravitating towards Bellamy Blake. After talking with Octavia, he sent her away to explore and have fun. She was his entire world and protecting her was the only reason he boarded the drop ship. While she was running with excitement and joy, Bellamy kept his brown eyes closely on her figure, worrying that one step might cause a tragedy. He spent almost seventeen years protecting her, keeping her underneath the floor in his and his mother’s room. That was no life. That was no existence. He liked seeing Octavia running free with a beautiful smile on her face. That was important to the young man. Even his usually stoic demeanor turned into a crooked smile. He wanted to cut loose and relax today and tonight.


Aimlessly, Bellamy allowed himself to wander. Actually, he had an objective soon enough. He decided to find some firewood from the forest. They would need a decent fire going to cook all these food items anyways. Bellamy rounded up almost two dozen delinquents eager to help. It also established his authority over the others and all wood had been returned to the center of the camp. Bellamy just walked deeper into the forest, looking for some thick branches to use. His travels led him down a deep hill and into what looked like a ravine. He heard footsteps behind him but paid no attention at first. Then, the footfalls sounded hastened and panicky. When Bellamy turned, he saw a girl with blonde hair almost stumble and fall. Thankfully, he reached out with a strong grip and held her wrist, pulling her taut against his chest. Their eyes locked and it was almost like the world stopped moving. He looked into her eyes and he felt his heart skip so many beats. He almost forgot to talk because he was so engrossed by his emotions. This was so unlike Bellamy. It finally dawned on him that she must have a panic attack.

His sister had claustrophobia since she had spent so many years under the floor. She hated small spaces and had panic attacks whenever she was released from the space. The symptoms were obvious.


Both of his large, calloused, rough hands placed onto Clarke’s shoulders. He recognized her. Clarke Griffin. Her mother was on the Council. What did the daughter of a Council member do that was so bad to end up here? Nonetheless, he went into a a routine he developed with Octavia, regarding how to regulate one's breathing.

“Hey, hey. Look at me. Look in my eyes. Breathe with me. Follow my pattern. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Everything’s fine.”

She calmed down only slightly but her breathing remained rapid.

“Now close your eyes and count backwards from one hundred. Trust me. This works like a charm. It’s helped my sister so many times.” This was always his go-to strategy and after the blonde started counting, her breathing became calm. Bellamy kept a low voice while calming her down to a steady point. When she returned to a regular breathing pattern, Bellamy flashed her a smile that she had seen from earlier.

“Good. You’re calm now. Let’s get you back up to camp so you can relax.”

Almost immediately at the concept of relaxing, Clarke denied the possibility of enjoying herself. Instead, she rambled off about needing to find food, a water source, and set up shelter. They had no idea what was waiting for them. She might have been hitting a great point but it was only one day.


“You know, I agree with you. We have to do everything you said. Not today. We have no idea how many hours we have until sunset. Everyone here has waited their entire lives to see Earth. Can’t we just take one night to enjoy everything? I’ve been gathering some wood. Others, too. We have food to cook. We can party. First time humans have been on earth in almost an entire century. That's one hell of an occasion. I know you like the sound of that, hm?”

Of course, Bellamy was his usually convincing self. Being tall, handsome, and confident, the male was quite influential and had his way with women, especially. After a few minutes, Clarke finally agreed with Bellamy. They would have one night of fun as a group before getting serious. Nonetheless, the male kept his word and led Clarke back to camp. He could tell she was strong and independent but recovering from an anxiety attack was something he took with the utmost seriousness and caution. Bellamy wanted her to sit on one of the logs and help direct the locations of the fires and order the logs. He pointed out where the food and drinks were located on the ship. That way, she still held some usefulness and leadership, exhibiting her independence. In the mean time, Bellamy went back into the woods to help with gathering more wood though he certainly hoped their time spent together was not over for tonight.
Clarke let out loud course breaths as she felt his strong hands hold her shoulders, keeping her eye level even though he was taller. She could hear his thick voice trying to catch her attention and she nodded, over and over trying to control her breath. She was just breathing in and out of her mouth and her lungs were on fire from running. Not that she hadn’t exercised on the ark but it had been ages ago, she had been cooped in a prison cell for a while. The air hurt going down her throat, she had run a small marathon through the forest.

“I’m not fuckin counting….” She snapped, not meaning to but it just came out as her rapid breathing continued. She was overwhelmed by her attack and his presence. She didn’t even understand why he was here, where the others were, had she gotten that off course? He gave her an amused look, not even offended and that made her eyebrows widen. She calmed enough and he gave her a gorgeous breath taking smile. How was someone that damn handsome? She had never felt strong attraction towards anybody, always thinking that was some sort of flaw in human nature, growing up to be independent.

He mentioned going back to camp and she nodded, wiping her mouth and combed her already messy hair back. She went on a tangent, wanting to get supplies and to continue their mission to the mountain. She was cut off by Blake trying to convince her that they could all have one night of freedom, to celebrate being back on the planet form which they came from.

“You know, I agree with you. We have to do everything you said. Not today. We have no idea how many hours we have until sunset. Everyone here has waited their entire lives to see Earth. Can’t we just take one night to enjoy everything? I’ve been gathering some wood. Others, too. We have food to cook. We can party. First time humans have been on earth in almost an entire century. That's one hell of an occasion. I know you like the sound of that, hm?” 

She looked irritated and her eyes narrowed and she just kind of stood there, gawking. He laughed at her reaction and that perturbed her even more. “Yeah…whatever you say, you’re in charge.” She mumbled walking away, shaking her head. He did seem to have the others already doing task together. He tried to give her some sort of independence, trying to make her feel like she was doing something but soon as he left she found Wells. He seemed just as annoyed.


“See you’ve met our new leader…. he’s a charmer.” Wells said, he was looking at a map. She grabbed the map from him, and he knew better and just let her have it. She was sniffling from the after effects of her small attack. While the others prepped for the night, she studied the map, trying to figure out where they were and what natural resources and landmarks were around. She stay planted sitting on the ground, legs Indian style.

As the sun was slowly starting to set, she saw Blake returning with the others. He was smiling, laughing as he approached the camp sight. Clarke found herself, openly just staring at him, like a kid would look if they were zoning out on a specific tile in the floor. He was talking to others but caught her, he licked his lips and eventually just winked. That made her snap out of it and she glared at him. She absurdly pulled her eyes, looking elsewhere, red in the face. Then as she pushed up from the ground, wiping her dirty hands on her cargo pants.


She heard more cheering and then heard music? The hell….is that actual older music? It must have been ancient to when the humans lived on earth and was technology involved. How did they even get access to loud speakers? Did someone pull equipment off the drop ship and rig it.

Then she saw a group of prisoners laughing, shouting out. Then from another corner she saw Octavia appear on a pile of logs singing while shaking her body provocatively, which got the attention of half the male population. The song was about getting drunk in a club. Then she caught others already drinking what looked like cheap beer. Why would they send alcohol down with them? Her mind was racing, overthinking everything. Everyone was chanting, cheering, most were gravitating toward the Blakes younger sister who was singing out loud on top of the blaring music.


“Who wanna get fucked up!!! Who wanna get fucked up……”


Clarke avoided the mass of young prisoners and tried to stray away as far as she could. Blake was caught between trying to keep an eye on his sister whose own hormones and energy was on high levels and he noticed the blonde trying to leave the grounds. “Don’t any of you put a damn hand on her….” He said before heading off in a light jog to catch up to Clarke.
The next couple hours for Bellamy involved gathering more firewood and even locating a water source. A small pond was found nearly fifty yards south from the front of the drop ship. This provided water for the delinquents to boil. During that time, the male gained even more influence. Honestly, he did not exert much effort to do so. He let himself act naturally and people were gravitating towards him. The biggest problem he encountered so far was trying to contain Octavia. Being locked up for her entire life made her wild since she was now free. He insisted on protecting her but they got into an argument about her not wanting protection.

That was fine. Bellamy would rather his sister hate him for being here to protect her rather than loving him while he was still on the Ark. She was furious when he refused to tell her why he was wearing a Guard uniform or how he even managed to find his way on board. Only the juvenile delinquents at the age of eighteen or younger were allowed. If Bellamy had been arrested, he would have been floated. The burden of having murdered the Chancellor was something he had to live with for the rest of his life but the rules and laws of the Ark were strict and overbearing. It was Jaha’s fault that his mother was dead and his sister was arrested, after all.


It was rare a girl impacted Bellamy outrageously. That was the only word he felt he could use for Clarke. His feelings were outrageous because he felt the desire to talk to the blonde and find out about her life, what she likes, what she doesn’t like, and so forth. Believe it or not, Bellamy did not worry about keeping his bad boy persona going. Traditionally, Bellamy had been stone cold but his love for Octavia was a soft spot. Being on Earth already opened his eyes to new possibilities. It was a new beginning and he sought after something he lacked on the Ark. When Octavia started dancing, he practically had to beg and force her back onto the ground. Of course, this pissed the brunette off even further. A couple of the males, he trusted already since they spent the past hours with him on the firewood. He simply asked they look after his sister while he left to chase after Clarke.

“Hey there. I think you’re going the wrong way, Clarke.” Bellamy spoke, walking a few feet behind her, stopping his pace to a walk when they were side-by-side.


“Okay. So maybe the party scene is not your style. We can sit out here if you want. I’d like to talk with you for a while tonight. I’ll be honest with you. I really want to get to know you.”

Bellamy decided hiding his feelings was not an option. Instead of finding a mundane excuse to be here, Bellamy expressed his desire to share a conversation and a drink with Clarke.

“You look like you could use a drink. You’re making me feel stressed out and worried by just looking at me.” Of course, his tone was light and teasing no matter how sarcastic or how much of an attitude she might have gotten in response. He knew it was going to take some coaxing but after he expressed a genuine desire to become her friend and talk with her, Clarke finally agreed to it. Bellamy decided there was a nice, big rock for them to sit on and relax while they had their drinks. He left but came right back with the alcoholic beverages. He brought back a case of the bottles, unsure of how much she wanted or how much he wanted.

“I just wanted to make sure we had enough. I’d rather have too much than not enough.”

He placed the carton onto the ground and propped himself up against the rock. He handed her one of the bottles and shot her a smile.


“A toast. To new beginnings, to survivors, and a better life.” With a smile, he clinked their bottles together and took a sip first.

The alcohol made his throat tingle. Since he was of age already, Bellamy had his fair share of drinks in the past but none recently since he was kicked out of the Guard. Speaking of that, he wanted to ditch this guard uniform quickly. He brought extra changes of clothing.

Their conversation was starting but it was quickly interrupted. A girl from the camp walked up. She was tall with fiery red hair that ran along her back. Her chest was perky and she wore a low-cut tank top to show it off. Her rear was hugged tight in her jeans and her breath already smelled of alcohol. A sultry look was in her eyes while she completely ignored Clarke.

“Hey Bell. There you are. I was wondering where you went. You should come back and join us. I’ve already missed having you around. We should talk.”

She reached forward and placed a hand onto his cheek but it hardly touched his skin before Bellamy retracted his face.

“No… I don’t think I should. I’m perfectly happy right here.”

She wasn’t giving up easily, though. “Oh, come on. I’ve got my tent set up if you want some privacy.”

Again, Bellamy turned her down. “I’m sorry. I’m just not interested.” He found a way to turn her down but not destroy her or come off like a complete ass. When the girl conceded, she felt frustrated and looked at Clarke, giving her what could best be described as a death stare. Nonetheless, she left the pair alone but made sure her rear bounced perfectly when she walked away.

Immediately, Bellamy turned his attention back onto Clarke. “So… hopefully that’s over with. I’d rather spend my time here.” It was obvious but he felt the need to say those words for Clarke to hear. He showed no interest in the girl just now. His only interest was for Clarke.
“Hey there. I think you’re going the wrong way, Clarke.”

Clarke looked behind, eyeing him and face forward trying to pick up her pace but he was right beside her. “Excuse me?” She said in a shitty tone but you could tell she was frustrated.

“Okay. So maybe the party scene is not your style. We can sit out here if you want. I’d like to talk with you for a while tonight. I’ll be honest with you. I really want to get to know you.


That caught the young eighteen-year-old off guard, she stopped even as a strong night wind blew, making her messy hair go everywhere, she breathed out, her eyes wide looking at him. You could still hear the loud obnoxious old as hell club music playing. She saw Bellamy with a faint smile, an honest one. Her eyes looked back at the camp and craziness.

“That your idea of fun?” She said with her brows together. Which he completely ignored.

“You look like you could use a drink. You’re making me feel stressed out and worried by just looking at me.”

She laughed out a little sarcastically as if slightly offended. She hadn’t ever drunk alcohol, it wasn’t ever on her to do list, not even back on the Ark. Plus it was hard to get things like that on the Ark unless it was an important celebration and it was permitted. She didn’t say anything, once again he had that affect, she was stunned, lost in his honesty and awed by how gorgeous he was. She watched as he left quickly to grab some drinks, she rolled her eyes, starting to walk further as he rushed back. She didn’t even know why he was bothering her. She just looked at the six pack of bottles of beer. She had to try so hard not to act weird or laugh out from her anxiety. She climbed on top of the rock as he leaned against it. She knew he wasn’t going to leave her alone for whatever reason. He handed her a bottle after opening it, she was hesitant but took it while sitting on the rock. He would watch her amused, he would know she hadn’t ever drank before as she smelled it.

“A toast. To new beginnings, to survivors, and a better life.” 

He did a toast and she just raised her bottle weakly not seeming interested. She wiggled her nose and took a small sip, putting on an act to just get that sip down. He laughed, his laugh made her just look at him, almost with a comical face herself.


“You laughing at me?” She said, with a half-smile, it was cute, almost attractive to see her so defensive. He shrugged, putting his hands up. They started talking.


“This smells like ass….” She said and saw him raise an eye, he didn’t say anything for a minute.

“You know what---“ he stopped with her look and couldn’t help his face from smiling, it hurt.

Their conversation was cut short with one of the younger red heads, one of the most beautiful out of the group, came over strutting. She was already a little tipsy and had that seductive smile on. She looked a little offended Bellamy was even over here with Clarke. She gave Clarke a look of disgust and locked eyes with the tall handsome male.


“Hey Bell. There you are. I was wondering where you went. You should come back and join us. I’ve already missed having you around. We should talk.” 

Bellamy retracted he face letting her know he didn’t want to be touched, not by her. Clarke was sitting like a little duck, holding the bottle just watching, curious, fascinated almost. She was half expecting him to leave, half of her almost wanted him to go so she could be in peace and calm down from his presence, the other didn’t want him to go.


“No… I don’t think I should. I’m perfectly happy right here.”

Her eyes got beady and she shifted uncomfortably on the rock and the girl flashed her a shitty smirk. She couldn’t understand why Bellamy would want her, everyone knew Clarke wasn’t the type to please him, so they thought. The girl continued and he turned her down again until the girl walked off bouncing her ass to make sure he saw.

“So… hopefully that’s over with. I’d rather spend my time here.”


Clarke let out a loud breath, letting her tongue clean her teethe, another nervous habit. She shrugged and just looked at the bottle. “Why…” she laughed, as if not getting why he was so persistent to be with her when he could be fucking so many of the other young prisoners. She rolled her eyes and randomly started chugging the bottle. She got ¾ of it down before coughing, making faces because of the awful taste, it was dripping down her mouth onto her t-shirt. She wiped her mouth. She watched as Bellamy pushed back, scooting up to her level on the rock. She had spilled beer everywhere. He used his hand and reached out to wipe her chin, she flinched but let him. His touch sent chills and she finished the bottle, and let it drop to the ground.
“Well, I’m pretty sure you haven’t tasted alcohol before. Chugging it’s not going to be a fun experience.” Bellamy quirked, giving her a word of warning for the next time. He never thought she was going to take a drink, much less drink almost the entire bottle at once. Since this was her first time drinking, Bellamy thought Clarke was going to quickly feel the effects of the alcohol. She was much smaller than him, too. Everything added up into how her body was going to react from drinking. The last thing Bellamy wanted was for the girl to become too buzzed that she did not remember anything that happened. If everything went well, tonight was going to be memorable.


While wiping Clarke’s chin clear of the fluid, his finger brushed against her lower lips. The texture of how soft it felt made Bellamy wonder if it felt that soft against his own lips. Though he wanted to kiss her already, he did not intend for it to end so soon. It might have been irrational but Bellamy was already thinking about spending time with her every day and only being with her. In the past, Bellamy had his fair share of flings. What woman did not want him? The choices were limited on the Ark anyways but his body was phenomenal and his charming nature was a killer.


Yet, here he was with Clarke Griffin. Now, she was a beautiful girl in her own right. Not many people realized just how beautiful she was because she never flaunted herself or gave away her body to just anyone. These other girls around might have been shaking it and acting seductive and other people saw Clarke as a prude, not really the type of girl anyone would like. Everyone was so interested in just having a good night and nobody was even considering relationships at this point. Bellamy, though, he was going through something different.

“I’ve seen your drawings before. They were always on display in the art classroom.” Bellamy graduated from their obligatory schooling five years before Clarke. Even then, her artwork was highly praised. While she grew older, different portraits and creations popped up all around the Ark. “I honestly think you’re the most talented artist that was on the Ark. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ll have to find you some paper and drawing utensils. I bet that will make you happier.” Anyone could see that Clarke was anxious and on edge. Drawing was something she loved and he could tell by the smile that came to her face at the thought, he hit a high point. Clearly, he was interested in her as a person, wanting to get to know her and know what she likes. This was not how your stereotypical one night stand would start off. Bellamy did not want that. Hell, he did not even care if they touched tonight. All he wanted was to set a foundation with her.


He listened to the blonde talked about why she liked drawing and what stemmed her love for art. Watching her talk about something she was passionate about made Bellamy smile the entire time. Instead of seeing her irritated nature, she was acting more relaxed and calm. After a while, Clarke had finished the first bottle of alcohol while Bellamy was still only halfway through. Bellamy decided to tell her about himself, too. He talked about Octavia and how different his life was. The only thing he knew for so many years was keeping her safe. He told Clarke about the promise he made to his mother when his sister was born, that he would take care of her forever and that she was his responsibility. Octavia was so important to him even if she did not quite appreciate Bellamy like she should sometimes. That was fine. In the long run, it was worth it.

Bellamy decided to come up with a game to get to know each other better. One of them said a random word and the other said the first thing that popped into their mind. It was basically free association. So, if she said food, Bellamy might name a food and saw it was his least favorite. If a color was named, they would associate something from the past that made a big impact on them that held the same color. It brought a few laughs along with smiles and semblance of happiness.


However, Bellamy thought he recognized another emotion from Clarke. It seemed like she was apprehensive about something. She never quite fully relaxed. She fidgeted constantly and every time Bellamy moved to adjust himself, it appeared that Clarke thought he was finally going to leave her. They had been talking for hours at this point. The music died down back at the camp and the sun was starting to set.

“Wow… This is the first sunset we’ve ever seen from the ground. I think it looks truly beautiful. I have seen only one view that was more beautiful than this in my entire lifetime.”
Bellamy started asking her about her hobbies, he showed a love for her art which came to a big startling surprise. She knew a lot of people complimented her art but for it to be coincidentally someone she got sent to earth with, that was something else. She would smile, showing her hidden happiness, letting it peak through. They played a small game and they would both kind of laugh now and then at each other’s answers. Now and then she would slightly lean into him laughing, or he would her and she was flush red in the face.


She was pale as ever so it was easy to spot it. The alcohol was quickly starting to take effect, but she was only buzzed and not smashed, not yet anyway. She stayed interested when he spoke of everything about Octavia, she had heard rumors but didn’t know anything until it was too late, she was almost positive if her family had known, they would have helped even if it meant breaking the rules and putting their own lives at risk. No girl should have lived like she did. It really disturbed her and she could understand why he came to earth, why he risked everything for her. She wasn’t as sour about her shaking her ass now come to think of it.


“Your sister’s beautiful….you better keep an eye on her….” Clarke said, trying to be serious but it was a little humorous how it came out. He nodded, showing a handsome grin. Of course, his eyes would scan over the camp, everybody was still going strong. Some of the prisoners were dancing along with Octavia, some were in small groups just living it up, others were scattered, some were even making out while others were playing around.

The sun was starting to set, cascading beautiful colors upon the canopy of the forest. You could see so many stars starting to paint the sky. A strong cool wind kept everyone who was heated from the alcohol at a good temperature. It was summer from what climate they could tell, seasons and weather may be very different from what they learned in school. The earth was healing itself from the years of pollution from man.

“Wow… This is the first sunset we’ve ever seen from the ground. I think it looks truly beautiful. I have seen only one view that was more beautiful than this in my entire lifetime.”

Clarke was smiling at the scenery, enjoying the moment, even the sight of the others partying and the night sky, until she replayed his words and did a double take, she looked at him, quiet. She let her hand scratch her neck, another nervous habit of many. She saw him eyeing her, he licked his lips and knew she was a little slow but caught it. She adverted her eyes away, laughing out through a short breath. She slipped down to the ground. She rubbed her sweaty dirty hands on her knee’s. “What was that other beautiful thing…..?” She asked out of nowhere, not looking at him as he was up on the rock looking down. She couldn’t see him, but could feel his eyes drilling into her back, could feel his crooked smile.

“I’m looking at her….right now.” He said smoothly but openly. She was quiet, frozen watching the others party in the distance as another breeze swept over her. She bent over and grabbed another bottle, opening it clumsily. She started taking huge gulps, breathing out her nose hard. Bellamy slid off the rock, he turned her to face him. At the position, she was pressed back against the rock with him in front, peering down at her. She gulped, but wouldn’t look at him, her heart was racing, her blood rising. She tried to take another huge gulp of the second bottle, making it already half gone. He took the bottle in his own hand, pushing further, making her push harder against the wall.

“Can I….,” He used his own face to make her look at him, nuzzling her face, so they were not even inches apart, his forehead pressed against hers, she was breathing heavy. He would see she was nervous, maybe even confused, or doubting herself.


“Why….”She breathed as his lips was so close they almost brushed against hers. He would feel her shaking; he could smell the alcohol on her breath but he didn’t care.
Bellamy believed actions spoke louder than words. Clarke asked him, why? Why did he want to kiss her? Why was she the most beautiful girl he had ever seen? Hell, why was she the most beautiful thing he had ever seen when they just watched the damn sunset from the ground? She wanted to know why. Bellamy was going to tell her with a kiss. Instead of an auditory response, Bellamy nuzzled her nose against because of how it tickled and made him feel warm inside. His head tilted one way and his right hand gently caressed her neck. His left hand reached to hold hers.


It was a fight In Bellamy’s mind, but it was a good fight. Should he keep his eyes open and look at this girl or should he close them and just let his sensations show him everything? When he leaned forward and their lips touch, the world stopped spinning. They might as well have been the only two people remaining on the entire planet. Her lips were so soft against his own. The skin of her neck was warm and her palm was a mixture of soft and rugged since she spent so much time working in the medical station.

The best word he could describe for her, was perfection. Their lips touched for five or six seconds before Bellamy pulled back. His eyes were open for half the time and closed the other half. The heat radiating from her body made him sweat bullets. He noticed how she was breathing heavily again but he knew how to stop it.


“You already make me happy.” Bellamy whispered, explaining she had nothing to fear. That might be easier said than done for her to understand, though. Regardless, he watched for her reaction and was pleased to see that she did not seem too scared or even disgusted. The rosy color to her pale cheeks told the story. She must have enjoyed it and Bellamy did, too. He would dare say that was the best kiss of his life. It made him wish none of those other kisses happened. Bellamy always heard that in life, you could find one person that made you understand why you let the others go. Bellamy always hid from his feelings. Not anymore.

Their moment was interrupted again. It was a familiar redheaded girl. With her, she brought two more. One was a blonde and one was a brunette. The redheaded girl, Vanessa, looked to the blonde, Jessica and then to the brunette, Harper.

“Bellamy…” Vanessa chimed in a sing-song voice.

“We’re still waiting for you. The three of us are getting scared. It’s dark. Don’t you think you should come back and protect us?” Of course, she was just trying to be cute here.


“We can be fun, Bellamy. Everyone else here, they are boys. You’re a man, Bellamy That’s what we need. There’s plenty of room in one of our tents. You can have all three of us, tonight.” Jessica added, running her hand down her body. It looked like Clarke felt defeated. She must have thought she had nothing on these girls. They were ready to give Bellamy everything he wanted but she was not even sure why he was still with her. Bellamy realized that.

It was clear what was happening here. They were trying to be sexy for Bellamy, to make him leave Clarke. It was only logical, right? Three beautiful girls compared to just one? What guy would not take that opportunity. To be honest, Bellamy was growing mad now. He did not even consider taking up their offer. Instead, with a loud and clear voice, he looked to Clarke.

“There’s only one girl I want to spend time with tonight, or any other night. She’s been here from the start.” With that, Bellamy turned to Clarke and even lowered her down onto the ground, flat onto her back. His lips locked onto Clarke’s again but this time, he let his tongue become involved. Aware of her anxiety, Bellamy decided to stroke his fingers through her hair. That was calming, right? Maybe that would help.

The last thing he wanted was to upset her breathing, so he kept the kiss slow but made sure it was deep. His tongue only tickled the outline of her lips and his free hand cupped the side of Clarke’s beautiful face. He held the kiss for three times as long as the first kiss. The three girls finally gave up and left the pair alone but the main girl, Vanessa, she was not giving up yet. She would find a chance to strike again, but not now.

Even after they left, Bellamy kept kissing her to prove it was not just him wanting to make the others leave but he really wanted to be with Clarke and kiss her. After pulling back this time, he pulled the blonde to sit upright against the rock, his closest arm wrapping around her neck.

“I really love the way your lips feel. And when I kissed you, I have never felt happier.” He admitted, deciding to be open, even flashing her a smile.
It only took seconds before his rough hot lips met hers, there was no tongue, it was just pressing but it felt different, foreign but so inviting. Her mind was a ticking time bomb but the countdown was far from zero. Her eyes stayed opened as weird as it may have looked, she just wanted to see him and was in complete awe. When he pulled away, she didn’t even realize how badly she was rapidly breathing, her body shaking. She didn’t know if she should lean in for another kiss or run but her mind told her she would rather collapse in a mess than run.

“You already make me happy.”


She made him happy? Her mind while being buzzed but still quite coherent tried to analyze that, before anything else could happen the redheaded girl returned with two other young females, a blonde and brunette, they all looked like they could have been models, they were young and fresh and they knew it. Clarke didn’t personally know the girls but the prisoners would rarely let out of their room for anything. Vanessa was the name of the redheaded girl, her beautiful dark red head cascaded down to her shoulders, she bounced with a seductive gleam in her eyes as she called out to Bellamy with the other girls right behind her on either side, as if they were some trio. She offered him another opportunity to be with him. Already Clarke wasn’t even panicking, but felt her stomach drop, felt self-doubt kick in. She had never ever had to deal with these types of situations, even while in school. She always ignored any type of out casting or judgement, she didn’t care, now for the first time ever, she did. Why did it fucking matter anyway…. She exhaled and looked away, wanting to possible walk in the opposite direction, but hadn’t noticed his hand was locked into hers. She felt him squeeze it hard. She wasn’t totally sure she heard him getting shitty with the girls.


Her mind was pulled away from her consuming thoughts, she was being pushed to the ground, not pushed as he was laying her down with his own strength. It wasn’t that her back touched the ground, his lips crushed against hers, out of shock her mouth opened giving him access to explore, to make out with her. She closed her eyes, letting him do most of the work, just stunned and captivated by the moment. The three girls looked disappointed and annoyed, the other two left but Vanessa was glaring at them, she had already started the seed, she wasn’t giving up until she won. She’d be damned if some high up worthless blonde was going to get him all to herself.


Bellamy pulled away, just enough to make their lips part. Clarke breathed out, he could take she was in shock, but savoring it. He leaned back down giving her more, this time she made the weakest effort to kiss back but it still felt amazing, he knew how to kiss, did he know that was her first kiss? He pulled up, helping her sit up as they were both pressed against the rock, his shoulder around her neck, making her lean into his chest. She gladly took it, resting, trying to reel back from everything, her head was hot from the alcohol. She closed her eyes, taking in his scent, his warmth, was this lust, it was, more right?

“I really love the way your lips feel. And when I kissed you, I have never felt happier.”

She breathed out but in a smile, her eyes opening to peer up at his gorgeous smile. She was slowly relaxing, even if just a little, it was a start. She felt him squeeze her tighter against him and she loved it, she wanted more but didn’t know what or how to ask for it, she was so new at all of this.

“Your fucking gorgeous….” She said, it kind of came out randomly, he would stare down at her maybe even a little surprised himself. She licked her lips, as if wondering if she should have said that out loud, he had heard it so many times, so many compliments from women but for some reason, it meant something now. She was like a little kid having a crush on a grown up.

“Am I….?” He teased knowing damn well he was but it felt good to tease her, he loved it. She bit her lip laughing, hiding her face in his chest, it was adorable. His head would lean on her head, as the cool air blew he would get a whiff of her smell. She pulled away just a little and went for another bottle as the other one had fallen over. She saw him watch her curiously, he knew she was drinking for a couple of reasons, to deal with her emotions, to deal with her emotions for him. She fumbled trying to get it open and he did it with his free hand, watching the bottle steam. They both stared at it. He wasn’t going to stop her. She looked up at him and he took the bottle and chugged some of it, and gave it to her to finish. She grinned and downed all of it, coughing out, but it didn’t taste as bad since she was already somewhat drunk. They were laughing. They were on the fourth bottle of the pack. She was going to grab for another but he grabbed her hands, pulling her closer to him.


“Easy…pace yourself or your get sick….thats not fun.” He said into her head.
Bellamy decided to consume another bottle of the beverage. After all, he helped initiate idea. How wrong would it have been of him to not even get drunk? There were so many problems they were forced to face tomorrow and the days following. Problems that would haunt them for the entirety of their lives on the ground. But as of now, Bellamy thought they were the only humans on Earth. There was nothing for them to worry about. Not only did himself and Clarke share a couple kisses, but they were having a good time together, laughing, and smiling. Above all, Bellamy felt these emotions that were new. Throughout his entire live, the only love he felt was for his sister and mother. This sure felt like that strong of emotion. He knew that it was not lust. Did he find her attractive? Of course, but there was more than just physical attraction. The thought of Clarke holding hands or kissing anyone else made Bellamy sick. The thought of Clarke’s heart belonging to a man not named Bellamy Blake made him sad. Tonight was a giant step forward and it was not even finished. After all, didn’t everyone need someone along their side as they faced new adventures?

They could both be leaders of this place. It might take time for people to look at Clarke differently but it was possible. They talked, laughed, and cuddled longer. Clarke had eventually thrown her legs over his lap and continued to rest her head on his chest. If she was drinking too fast, Bellamy slowed her down, not wanting to wear herself out or make her not remember tonight. That was the last thing he wanted to happen. Soon, their conversation turned into something deep and rather intimate.


He knew how insecure she acted already but she finally posed a question.

“What is it about me? Why did you not head back to camp with the other girls?”

Bellamy thought about how to respond and the first thing he did was offer a smile.

“When you bumped into me today was the first time I saw you and noticed you were here. Our eyes locked and I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe, and I couldn’t move. All my life, I have only worried about surviving and keeping my sister safe. I never took a moment to think about what I want. I want to be happy. I don’t want to have any flings or something superficial. When I was a child before my sister was born, I remembered my mother and father being in love and having each other. That imprinted in my mind. That fell apart after Octavia was born because my father was too much of a coward to face this. I resent him but I know that I want to experience what they had experienced. I don’t want to be alone in this world. I want to feel vulnerable around someone else and know that they will accept me. Those girls didn’t want that. I’m not worried about one-night fun. I want to build my life down here on the ground. You caught my eye because I was immobilized. It was like magic even though that probably sounds silly. I can’t explain it very well. The only thing I know for certain is that I want to explore what’s possible here with you, for us. We’ve only gotten to know each other for a few hours but I feel like I’ve known you for my entire life. You make me happy.”

Bellamy paused after giving his speech and flashed another smile. Yet again, he was not simply telling Clarke something she wanted to hear. He did not make up superficial, mundane responses. He did not just want to have Clarke for one night and dispose of her. He thought about his future, he was chasing after a love that he used to think did not exist. After his mother and father fell apart, he thought love was a farce and there was no such thing. But Clarke Griffin bumped into him on the ground. Those two things were changing his mind. There was more to life than just surviving. Clarke might not even realize it yet, but she saved him. She made him believe in happiness again all through a few hours of talking.


That was something special. Bellamy was not normally an impressionable person and he never did well with feelings or words. The only constant was that he kept coming back, knowing that Clarke made him feel different: in a good way. He would have to be idiotic to ignore that.

“Considering you’re still here and you haven’t slapped me for kissing you, I’ll take that as a sign you’re having a fun time.” Bellamy teased, continuing to down that bottle of alcohol until it was done so he moved onto the next bottle.

Bellamy had thrown her legs over his lap as he was propped back against the large rock, holding her to his chest. She wasn’t quite prepared for his answer and as he spoke, she sat up just a little with her arm around his neck, to keep her planted on him without sliding off. He would see by her eyes she was overpowered by his speech. She just gawked at him, like a puppy would, fascinated by its owner, but in this case the owner had unconditional love.

“Considering you’re still here and you haven’t slapped me for kissing you, I’ll take that as a sign you’re having a fun time.

Clarke saw his grin, it was plain out right sexy, enough to make her stomach feel funny unless that was the alcohol, she laughed out. She watched him lean back finishing a bottle and getting another, they were down to one left. She could get the bottle out of his hands and once again, got a pretty good amount. Making almost making it two bottles in a half she had drank. She wasn’t the most talkative but there was still this strong connection, like Bellamy didn’t need words to understand, he could learn from observing her like he already had so much.

How she was very emotional like his sister, her emotions got the best of her. She was fragile but he could also see she was strong, so strong. She also had an attitude which he liked. She was perfect….he also could tell she had never been sexual with another man, it least he had picked up a few things to come to that conclusion. That alone was like a given gift. Not that he was a virgin but the fact she was, it meant she was completely his, a fresh start to be with somebody. He wanted to be the only person she was ever with. He might kill anybody who touched her beside himself, that or his sister which made him briefly wonder what was happening. He actually wanted to check on her, he trusted the two guys but only to an extent.


“Hey…I’m gonna go check on Octavia…she’s a little stir crazy….hold on.” He said, his lips pressed against her head hard, as he gently lifted her to sit beside him, she refused to let go, so he was crouched over holding her as she hung onto him like a money, he looked down. Her eyes told him everything, he grinned and lifted her in one swift motion making her ride on top of his back, her arms wrapped around his neck, her head resting on his, he was holding her legs, she was light as a feather. She was laughing uncontrollably which was a little refreshing even though he knew she was feeling the alcohol.


He started down the short path back to the camp ground, the music getting louder. Clarke hung close, resting her head on his shoulder, her face resting against his. It felt right, he had the biggest grin. Some of the other prisoners, even the males looked a little surprised, others cheered and made cat calls whistling at them both. His eyes searched for his sister, knowing god knows what she was doing. Someone randomly came by with more alcohol, a different kind of bottle and gave both Bellamy and Clarke one, she had one hand around his neck. Clarke seemed a little oblivious to his concern but it was better that way, she was more amazed with the party, now being drunk, her eyes lit up, smiling, laughing.

Octavia continued to dance and sing in the most provocative ways. At least none of the boys were touching her. If they looked, that was testing Bellamy but she was the center of attention and a ball of energy. A line was crossed if she was touched, however. Everything seemed fine for now. Besides, Bellamy had other pressing matters like this girl on his back. It was incredible, the feeling of her body against his own somehow elicited reactions that stemmed deeper than a physical level. His heart was beating so fast, Bellamy thought he ran a marathon moments before.

Nonetheless, they found a place to sit and enjoy the loud music and drinks. Bellamy thanked the other male for a new bottle of alcohol and they continued. Again, Clarke started to drink way too fast. She never learned but it was adorable. “Okay. Take it easy Clarke. You’re going to pass out soon enough.” Bellamy teased with a light, playful voice. The playful aura continued about him and he decided to do something else. His lips landed on her left cheek, then on her chin, then down to her collarbone before going back up to her other cheek, then across her nose, then her forehead, then down to her temple before finally kissing her lips.


Bellamy enjoyed this, kissing all over her face. He hoped it tickled and made her giggle and laugh because her smile gave him a reason to keep going. He realized that he needed her in his life more than he even needed the oxygen he breathed. She was that important to him and he made a secret, sacred promise to himself and to Clarke, all in his head. He was going to protect her and keep her safe for as long as he was able. No matter what happened in the future, it was going to be alright.

There was only one problem. If and when the Ark landed on the ground, it was likely Bellamy might be executed. After all, he did kill the Chancellor to get here. Even if Jaha was worthy of being killed, as many people thought, the Council members were strict about keeping the rules sacred. If the Ark made touchdown on the Earth, Bellamy would never be forgiven. That was the only looming fear he had so he drank to that fear, not wanting anything to cloud his time with Clarke. He hoped it did not end.


Bellamy sensed how inexperienced Clarke was. He knew to take things slow with her but smothering her face in kisses showed to be a good thing considering her reaction. To their right, twenty yards away the same group of girls looked on in confusion but not even they could burst Bellamy’s bubble. As far as he was concerned, nothing was taking them apart, especially not tonight.

“You know what? I really love your hair…” Bellamy spoke, the alcohol starting to impact him now. When he got drunk, he became one of those touchy-feely people as ironic as that was. His fingers started from her scalp and stroked downwards until reaching the end of her locks. He found it amusing how some strands were straight while some curled towards the end. It was the little things. Soon, he was massaging her hair on both sides, pressing random kisses all along her neck from time to time. He loved playing with her hair now. It was so silky soft and the golden locks curled perfectly around his fingertips. It brought him comfort and soon he was losing track of time. By this point, the music was repeating songs but that was alright. Nobody cared and everyone partied on accepted those that passed out already.

Bellamy had found a place for both him and Clarke to sit, side by side during the wild celebrating teenagers. Clarke would have no idea the thoughts going through the older male’s head, how he was already submitting himself to her completely. Hell, he would have already said yes to marriage as insane as that sounded, but he was only intoxicated the past few hours so all the others made up for it. He was falling in love with Clarke dramatically at a fast rate. Love at first sight did exist. Her laughing, giggling encouraged him along with the alcohol levels in his system to be touchy. He ravished her face in kisses, she laughed but her face turned so red, she would do little things to let him know she was getting turned on. He could tell by her reactions, her breathing, even the way she hiccuped and let out soft breaths masked as soft moans. She could just laugh and fall into him, chills running down her body which was burning up.


“You know what? I really love your hair…”

Then he started letting his fingers comb through her tousled hair, messaging and playing with it, his hands worked into her scalp and it gave her long brief moments of relief, it calmed her. He knew this. His kisses to her neck made her give out heavy hard breaths but she would try to cover them up with a laugh. She was mixed between slap happy and arousal. She pulled away and his eyes lit up watching her as she basically stumbled and fell right back into his arms making him fall back, they both laughed.


“Shit….I can do this….I can stand.” She mumbled making him hold back laughter, she tried to push off him and he helped, she whined she could have done it, but only in a playful way. The music was on repeat but only did Clarke start paying attention, she could pin point some names of the old songs from bored researching. A small crowd started gathering, dancing, somehow people were throwing cups and bottles. Luckily no one was getting smacked in the head or hurt. Elsewhere there was actual balloons, where in the hell did those come from? They lit up every time someone hit them. Someone hit it toward Clarke, she jumped up serving it like a volleyball, stumbling back as Bellamy caught her. There were a few idiotic teens who had climbed in the tree’s, they were screaming and cheering.


As the music started, Clarke could start to feel the beat. She started slowly moving her body, at first just jumping slightly throwing her hands out as she half sung the lyrics only knowing certain parts. Others males started catching notice, as did some other girls, Bellamy stayed close, so damn close like a body guard. Clarke would fall into him trying to keep balance. As the chorus broke out, she took a small breather leaning into Bellamy and bent down rolling up her cargo pants to her knee’s, and rolling up her sleeves of her shirt. She was burning up. She tied her shirt turning it into a belly shirt, exposing her stomach. She started dancing, enjoying the cool air against her legs, arms and stomach.


The middle part of the song playing and everybody was shouting the chant that was in the song. EVERYBODY TAKE IT OFF!!!! RIGHT NOW, TAKE IT OFF, RIGHT NOW….


Plenty of prisoners started undressing, some just taking off certain articles of clothing, quite a few teens decided to show their goods, making more cheers from the men. Bellamy sister would be one of the girls to undress, but just down to her bra and panties. Bellamy was eyeing everybody, trying to make sure no one touched her but he got distracted as Clarke was jumping and then started dancing against him, or adorably trying to. Her back to his front as she danced, pushing against him. She got more and more into it, proving she had that side all females had. He had seen it so many times with his sister, just he had never seen it with so many hormones like tonight. Bellamy pushed back, holding her to him letting her dance against him. She leaned up sloppily making out with him, pushing all her weight into him, he kept them from falling.

At first, Bellamy wanted to stand up and stop Octavia. However, he realized she was only dancing and not fully nude. Nobody was touching her. Everyone was so damn drunk that they likely might not remember this tomorrow. Plus, there was the most beautiful girl on the ground right now, trying to dance for him. He watched her body move and stood with her to start dancing, too. Bellamy tried to mimic her motions or just do whatever he could to stay close with the blonde. When she bent down to roll up the ends of her cargo pants, that gave him an incredible sight with the rear of her body facing him.

She was not only a beautiful soul, but she had a beautiful body. Bellamy hoped to memorize every inch. Even as non-sexual part of a body it might, be, he watched each inch of her skin exposed on her arms and legs. It looked soft and he imagined feeling that skin against his own, not only when making love but when sleeping. One thing Bellamy never did was fall asleep with someone he loved wrapped in his arms. That was an experience he was looking forward to.


Now, being a young man that was attracted to Clarke, Bellamy found it pretty damn easy to feel aroused by Clarke. Not only was she dancing in a sexy way, but she was dancing for him. That was a great feeling, to know that even as these other guys gawked at Clarke, he was the only man that could see her like this, to touch her. She clearly did not care about the others because their eyes never stopped being locked. This went on for five, maybe ten minutes. Bellamy felt Clarke incessantly rub her crotch against his leg. He felt her drag his hand over her chest at one point and the look in her eyes darkened.

“Come with me…” She whispered quietly, an eager look in her eyes.


Bellamy followed and she took him far enough for privacy behind a large tree but close enough to still hear the raging music and shouting. She basically slid down against the tree and pulled him on top of her. Bellamy obliged and started kissing Clarke but when she reached down to take off her shirt, Bellamy grabbed her wrists.

She looked scared, scared like she had screwed up and he saw that she was panicking again. He could tell by her breathing.

“No, don’t worry Clarke. Trust me, I want that as bad as you do, but I want to have our first time making love together to be when we’re sober and under a more romantic setting. I want it to be special. I don’t want to just have sex. You don’t have to do this for me tonight. Instead, I’d rather touch you. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’ve never done anything before. As a matter of fact, I would guess that this was your first kiss, too.”

Clarke did not say anything but she nodded her head and it looked like she might have been ashamed because she did not know what to do or how to pleasure him. But those other girls obviously did.

“That’s a good thing, Clarke. I’m happy to know that your body is sacred to me. But I also realize that it’s a big step for you and I want to walk you through everything. You have nothing to feel insecure about. I am right where I want to be and need to be. I never want to have another night, or day, without you in my arms. I don’t want to overwhelm you on your first time. The only thing I need right now is for you to trust me and let me do all the work. Besides, we can have just as much fun with our clothes on as we can with them off.”

Smiling, Bellamy pulled Clarke’s back against his chest while he lay on his side. This gave him the best angle of attack. All he did was unbutton the top of her pants before sliding his hand inside. He felt the material of her underwear and slowly pushed it out of the way from her sheath. He wondered if she already felt wet from rubbing her crotch against him.

“Now, just relax. Kiss me. Close your eyes. Focus on how this feels. Take it slow. Tell me if you get too overwhelmed and I will stop.” Here, he showed that he was looking out for her. He would stop if she started breathing to hard or needed a break. Finally, he took the pads of his index finger and his middle finger, pressing ever so slightly on her clitoris and started rubbing circles before connecting their lips.

Things hadn’t gotten a little wild and during the happy chaos of everyone partying and having a good time, the two young lovers started to get a little too heated to be in the public eye, though that didn’t mean other prisoners were not making out or doing other more provocative things right out in the open or in different areas around the campsite. By the time the two had gotten a good distance away deeper into the forest, behind a huge tree that had been alive for decades. Soon as they were out of the eye of the others, she laughed out and pulled him down against her as they started making out. Her kisses were now eager, a little sloppy as she was intoxicated, but it was adorable to see her trying too hard, how bad she wanted him. She was already sweating, her heart and blood racing. At this point the both was smashed. She clumsily reached for the hem of her shirt, it had unrolled and fallen back down over her stomach. Just as she was about to he grabbed her wrists, stopping her as she peered up at him, confused and startled.

It was then that her eyes watered just a little bit, not that she wasn’t an overly emotional person but the alcohol made it even more evident. Her breathing started picking back up but she kept it steady.

No, don’t worry Clarke. Trust me, I want that as bad as you do, but I want to have our first time making love together to be when we’re sober and under a more romantic setting. I want it to be special. I don’t want to just have sex. You don’t have to do this for me tonight. Instead, I’d rather touch you. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’ve never done anything before. As a matter of fact, I would guess that this was your first kiss, too.”


Clarke let out a large sigh of relief in a goofy smile, still slightly adverting her eyes at the bark of the tree in the night, the fires at the camp gave off a distant warm glow that flickered, you could see the fire sparks dancing off into the sky. Her chest still falling and rising underneath him, she nodded, feeling ashamed, all she had done was masturbate. That was only a handful of small times.

“That’s a good thing, Clarke. I’m happy to know that your body is sacred to me. But I also realize that it’s a big step for you and I want to walk you through everything. You have nothing to feel insecure about. I am right where I want to be and need to be. I never want to have another night, or day, without you in my arms. I don’t want to overwhelm you on your first time. The only thing I need right now is for you to trust me and let me do all the work. Besides, we can have just as much fun with our clothes on as we can with them off.” 

She looked back up at him, to see his eyes, they were dark but alive, lit up not just from being drunk but something much deeper. She had this gorgeous bad ass so to speak wanting to settle down with her, in the back of her mind she was scared maybe this was all an act to get in her pants but he wouldn’t have wasted his time, right? Any girl among the prisoners would have slept with him like the others. He pulled her up by her wrist, putting himself in front, her back to his chest as he was on his side. She breathed out licking her lips, tasting his saliva and her own. Bellamy would find that she was moist, moist wasn’t even a good description. Not only was everypart of her body sweating from the intoxication and activity from before, her sex was oozing with its own thick nectar. It was cover his fingers as soon as he felt her lips which were swollen.


The alcohol would make their senses a little more heightened. She gasped out pushing harder into his chest, “Now, just relax. Kiss me. Close your eyes. Focus on how this feels. Take it slow. Tell me if you get too overwhelmed and I will stop.”  His voice was sexy but compassionate. She tried to relax and her body slumped down closer to his head as her breath quivered. She felt him gently using his fingers to press on her little nub, rubbing circles, it made her ache and shift against him. She had her head turned back as he was angled over to kiss her, her moans were loud and muffled. The alcohol preventing her from being shy with her vocals. Bellamy would know these sensations were new but he would also know she was extremely fucking aroused because of him. He was almost certain, no girl had ever been this wet, even during partying before, and it would make him smile in the back of his mind, she was adorable and so innocent. It was like if some obsessed fan got to meet the celebrity of their dreams but in this case, it was happening.


She kissed him, trying to focus on his kiss even though the stimulation below felt amazing. She couldn’t help slightly moving her body. She would feel him move his fingers lower, exploring her. His hand would be coated in her fluids just from what access he had. She kissed him harder, sucking his tongue before letting go, letting out a soft breath, while gazing weakly into his eyes.
Bellamy felt himself experiencing sensory overload. However, all of his senses were consumed with Clarke. The loud music, the sweat, the screaming teenagers, and not even the slight breeze blowing through the air had a place in his mind. He tasted Clarke’s lips. Though he was unable to explain how her lips tasted, Bellamy recognized something distinct about it. It was sweet and savory, making his mouth water even when they were not kissing. His ears captured her breathing patterns and the moans of course. Consciously, he monitored her breathing and was thankful to hear that so far, she was doing well.


The smell of alcohol was strong but different than other alcoholic smells. No doubt, it had to do with Clarke. He already had an idea of what her scent smelled like and it was combining with the alcohol but it was desirable all the same. The sensation of touch was the most overloading. It felt like every literal inch of his body was touching Clarke in some way, shape, or form. Their legs were touching, his arms were both around her waist and neck. His head was buried in the crook of his neck. His fingers and hand inside of her pants felt the wetness, the throbbing, and the swelling. Each finger felt something different and he wanted to memorize every inch with his touch.

A smile was on his face when his eyes opened, taking in the final sensation of sight. His eyes locked right onto hers and God, her orbs were gorgeous. He noticed how much darker they were compared to earlier and knew his own eyes reflected the same shade. Have two people ever wanted each other more than these two people did right now? Bellamy liked to think not. Next, his eyes traveled to her chest. He watched it rise and fall at a reasonable pace. Bellamy hoped to soon see her entire body but he was taking it slow because that was not the most important thing.


The most important thing to Bellamy was making Clarke feel loved and needed. Bellamy needed her. He needed her more than anything. Being on the ground would not have been nearly as exhilarating without Clarke. Bellamy recognized that now. Only one finger penetrated her swollen sheath. He felt the interior of her lips gripping his finger like a tight vice. Bellamy tried paying close attention to how it felt. Meanwhile, his other hand was able to sneak around her waist and delve inside of her pants. He figured sliding a finger inside of her and rubbing her clit was going to be too much for her to handle. He just wanted his hand nearby so he could switch easily when ready. He was most concerned about taking it slow for her.


“Clarke, talk to me. How does this feel?”

He wanted to know if he should do something different, if he should change things up, or if he should simply keep this same pace going. After they finished talking, Bellamy started kissing the blonde again. One second not spent kissing Clarke felt like one second wasted. Their lips molded together perfectly again and while Clarke might have been the one he was pleasuring with his hand, Bellamy’s own sense of euphoria was growing. Clarke’s pleasure was his pleasure. Besides, those delectable moans and noises she made against his lips were driving him wild. Furthermore, Bellamy enjoyed seeing that smile on her face. If he was making her happy, then that was all he needed to know or to feel.

His entire body was on fire. It felt like sweat was dripping out of every pore. His fingers were moving at a slow, steady pace but that was the only thing about Bellamy that was steady. In fact, it sounded like he was breathing harder than Clarke. His rush of emotions and happiness was overwhelming and it made him reach a new high since all of this was combined with alcohol. The smile continued to grow and he slid his tongue slowly inside of Clarke’s mouth, allowing his tongue to lightly brush against hers. He felt how warm and wet Clarke’s tongue felt against his own. They reached an entirely different level of intimacy here and Bellamy loved it. His finger continued slowly thrusting in and out of her tight, wet lips, making sure to make a few circular motions so every inch of her walls were accounted for.
Clarke kept trying to arch herself harder against Bellamy, even as their lips savored each other. In her mind so many things were going haywire but at the forefront was the overwhelming feelings Bellamy was making her experience. She couldn’t believe this was even happening, that love and lust like this even existed. She was born and raised on the ark and though here and there other boys caught sight of her, no one ever caught her attention. Now and then she would see the beauty in everyone she met, every one of those being non-sexual but Clarke never had been attracted to anyone, not like Bellamy. She had the insight to find the good in everything, even bad. She got some of that from her own mother. Though there were always the typical stereotypes, even in her own schooling, she paid it no attention.


His finger penetrated her, when it first did she let out a soft hard noise, her eyes wide locking onto his. Even though she wasn’t nearly experiencing what sex would feel like it was a good start, it would sate her for now. Her lower body slightly lifted before toppling back into the ground, her back pressed as hard as it could be against him. Her head arching against the top of his shoulder as his face was smashed into her cheek as his breathing got heavy. She could feel his chest even through his clothes, each rise pressure against her back. It was like constant struggle for them to be closer even though they already were.

“Clarke, talk to me. How does this feel?”


Clarke huffed out as if trying to hold back more loud sounds, it least in the distance the noise was loud enough it didn’t matter. She nodded, or tried to, “g-g-goo-good….ughhh,” she said as if she was in dire need of something. She tossed her head, looking at him, his hot breaths felt on her face, his gorgeous eyes considering hers. “Can I please….have you……,” she closed her eyes as his finger slowly pushed deeper and she groaned, fluttering her eyes to look at him, “please…” she begged. He would feel her get more ready, she would see him laugh out in a hard breath, it was so erotically hot. He would kiss her, letting his hands do as much as they could.

“You can have all of me….Clarke, I promise.” He breathed, his own sweat trailing down the sides of his face. She grunted out in this cute desperate voice, her body still struggling. He would make sure his mouth was close to her ears, breathing into it hard, lightly sucking on it.


“I’m undressing you….your ready for me,” as he said the last part his finger would teasingly pull out but cup her whole sex, rubbing it, as if letting her feel how soaking wet she already was. “Clarke….” He panted, she moaned out just from his husky voice, everything was stimulating her, he wanted it too. “Talk to me…tell me,”

“Ughhhh,” she clenched her eyes as if she might be in pain but it was from pleasure. She roughly breathed out but he would know this was from pleasure, not an attack. “I I l-l-love you….” she cried out, it was totally random. She was so drunk; she wouldn’t really have any filters. The young blonde didn’t know how to talk dirty, didn’t know how to express how she wanted him to make love to her so badly, but she could only take all the sensory overload and her arousal and desire and put it into the words she could only think of. She would of hated herself if she knew sober she was saying this the first night, but she was to consumed in his essence to care. She would feel his head lean into hers, laughing, maybe possibly crying, she couldn’t tell but it was powerfully captivating.
“I love you, too.”

Bellamy answered Clarke within a millisecond. He did not hesitate and his voice did not falter. Honestly, the dark-haired male was thinking of those words all night long and this was not just the alcohol talking for him, either. Now, he was going to keep his promise to Clarke, sort of. She was going to get him, just not in the way she imagined.

Still, his hand cupped her wet sex and he rubbed his palm against her slick folds.


“Close your eyes, Princess. Focus on the sound of my voice. Imagine me taking your shirt off, slowly. After it’s gone, I can’t help but say how good you look. Your body is just like that of a goddess and it drives me wild. I unclasp your bra and my hand will brush over your breasts. I’ll squeeze them both gently at first and then I’ll kiss them both, making sure your nipples are nice and hard.”

When Bellamy talked about her breasts, he ran his free hand across her chest just to give her some stimulation and sensation there.

With that same free hand, Bellamy guided one of Clarke’s to touch his hard, muscular abdomen.

“Then, I will let you take off my shirt. You can run your hands across every inch of my chest and my back. You’ll probably get wet just thinking about them and seeing the muscles. You’ll know that I love you and you are the only girl that is ever going to touch me like this. You are mine as I am yours. After that, I’ll start pulling down your pants. I will kiss every inch of skin on the way down from your thigh down to your ankle. Once that is removed, I crawl back on top of you so I can kiss you because I can never go that long without your lips. They make me feel loved and safe. Even in this new world, I feel familiarity.”

Promptly, he leaned down for a soft kiss to Clarke’s lips. If she ever opened her eyes during this process, he reminded her to keep them closed.


“I will slowly take of my pants, too. You could see the bulge in my boxers already. I’ll let you touch it and feel me before we do anything else. You’ll know that soon, it’s going to be inside of you, but it’s more than that. You are the only girl that will ever touch my cock or have my cock. In fact, you can have it whenever you want. All we need is time and a safe spot. I will never deny that from you.”

Bellamy inhaled quickly, then exhaled before continuing after another kiss. Now, and throughout the rest of Bellamy’s speech, he kept rubbing his hand over her wet sex. Sometimes a finger would slip inside of her again, sometimes he would rub the outer layer with his palm.

“I will remove your panties next. Imagine my hands on your thighs, spreading them apart. Imagine my lips kissing your clitoris. Imagine my tongue sliding inside of your tight, wet pussy. You’re dripping at this point and begging me for release. But I don’t do that yet. I start eating out that sweet pussy of yours. I let all of your sweet nectar pool on my tongue. I make you moan louder than ever before, but I suddenly stop. I finally pull down my boxers and let you see my cock for the first time. I let you explore with your hands, maybe even your lips. You’ll feel how hard I am. You’ll see me throbbing with need for you. When I think you’ve had enough, I will be gentle and I will slowly glide inside of your tight pussy and give you what you need. Then, we will make love. My lips will never leave yours. My hands will never leave your body. I will moan your name and I will say that I love you over and over again. I will promise to be yours forever, Clarke. I will give you all of me.” He whispered, wrapping it up with showing when he said that she would get him, he meant that more than just a physical sense.

“I love you, too.”

She heard him say the words almost immediately after and it was such a shock to hear. She cried out, but he didn’t take long to aid her, rubbing her sex while starting to sexually do foreplay verbally.

this pic killed me lol damnet

“Close your eyes, Princess. Focus on the sound of my voice. Imagine me taking your shirt off, slowly. After it’s gone, I can’t help but say how good you look. Your body is just like that of a goddess and it drives me wild. I unclasp your bra and my hand will brush over your breasts. I’ll squeeze them both gently at first and then I’ll kiss them both, making sure your nipples are nice and hard.”

She couldn’t help but cry out in hard pants, especially when his hands forcefully ran his hand across her chest, over her t-shirt, by now both of their clothes were dirty and moist from their perspiration. What was even more of a turn on was his other hand guiding her hands across his abs, he put her hand underneath his shirt, to let her feel his actual hot moist skin.


“Then, I will let you take off my shirt. You can run your hands across every inch of my chest and my back. You’ll probably get wet just thinking about them and seeing the muscles. You’ll know that I love you and you are the only girl that is ever going to touch me like this. You are mine as I am yours. After that, I’ll start pulling down your pants. I will kiss every inch of skin on the way down from your thigh down to your ankle. Once that is removed, I crawl back on top of you so I can kiss you because I can never go that long without your lips. They make me feel loved and safe. Even in this new world, I feel familiarity.” 

His voice was one of the sexiest things she could have ever imagined. She had never been so psychically and emotionally attracted to somebody. It wasn’t just a crush; it was as if they had both quickly broken through all the barriers of just crushing. She kept her eyes closed, they opened to see him but he kissed her eyes shut making her pant harder. She wanted to flip over and let her body get even closer, he had a pretty good hold on her, she would never be able to overpower him.

“I will slowly take of my pants, too. You could see the bulge in my boxers already. I’ll let you touch it and feel me before we do anything else. You’ll know that soon, it’s going to be inside of you, but it’s more than that. You are the only girl that will ever touch my cock or have my cock. In fact, you can have it whenever you want. All we need is time and a safe spot. I will never deny that from you.” 

Clarke bit her lip, now pressed weakly against him, looking as if she was struggling, the best way to describe it was maybe even labor but Bellamy knew she was feeling good, he adored how no other girl had reacted like this, he loved it. She was his, she was pure and innocent and all her faults made her beautiful to him. His dirty words, even the use of the word cock, pussy, she had never ever heard those words spoken, ever. She got lost in his words, in the fact he was saying she would be the only girl to ever have him in any way and it was a little too much.

“I will remove your panties next. Imagine my hands on your thighs, spreading them apart. Imagine my lips kissing your clitoris. Imagine my tongue sliding inside of your tight, wet pussy. You’re dripping at this point and begging me for release. But I don’t do that yet. I start eating out that sweet pussy of yours. I let all of your sweet nectar pool on my tongue. I make you moan louder than ever before, but I suddenly stop. I finally pull down my boxers and let you see my cock for the first time. I let you explore with your hands, maybe even your lips. You’ll feel how hard I am. You’ll see me throbbing with need for you. When I think you’ve had enough, I will be gentle and I will slowly glide inside of your tight pussy and give you what you need. Then, we will make love. My lips will never leave yours. My hands will never leave your body. I will moan your name and I will say that I love you over and over again. I will promise to be yours forever, Clarke. I will give you all of me.”


As he kept talking, as if narrating a story but a seductive romantic one, her body stiffened, her legs clenching together, making his hand stuck, she opened her eyes to see his, her mouth slightly ajar.
Bellamy was not finished. Actually, he was only getting started. With his soft lips grazing the skin of her cheek, Bellamy continued talking dirty to Clarke while his hand remained over her tight entrance that was dripping with need.

“Once I get inside of you, then the real fun starts. My lips never leave yours while we make love. Sometimes I might use my teeth and pull on your lower lip, sometimes I might pin your tongue down underneath mine, or sometimes I might let you win the battle and let you control the kiss. I will keep one hand in between us so I can keep touching your clit and rubbing it in every direction. When you moan, I will kiss you harder. Soon, the only thing that you can hear will be our breathing, the sound of your sweet juices tossing around, and our lips smacking together. My other hand will do different things. I will play with your hair for a while then return it to your chest. Other times, I could slide it under your body and grab your rear and squeeze both of your cheeks. Just imagine my fingers on your flesh, touching every inch of you. I can feel your body heating up and I love it.”


The smile grew wider across his face and he watched closely. Something about her changed. Her eyes became much darker than before and she was spasming all throughout. Bellamy knew it only meant one thing and that was that his Princess was approaching her orgasm, her first orgasm given to her by Bellamy Blake. The first of many. Bellamy continued the story, though, right after giving her another kiss. Her breathing was getting too high and too dangerous for his liking so he wanted to calm her back down.

“I know this is a lot. I know you might have trouble with it. Whenever you start to panic, whenever you start to struggle with breathing, I want you to just think about how much I love you. I want you to think about how in one day, you made me think there was nobody in this world for me, to making me believe I have found the one girl I needed all along. I want you to think about how I would do anything in this world for you, if it meant keeping you happy. Think about me. Think about us. We can have a long life down here on the ground. The world is ours, Clarke. It’s you and me, together.”


This seemed to work because the blonde was starting to calm down, visualizing their future together. Hell, she already said that she loved him so she thought about marriage. She knew how her mother and father loved one another and how marriage was always seen as a wonderful thing to Clarke when she grew up. She wanted Bellamy to look at her the same way that her father looked at her mother and she was already seeing that, even now.

“That’s good. You’re okay. I’m right here. You’re safe. By now, you’re getting ready to cum. You feel a pit in your stomach, you feel your extremities on fire and burning. You know that you can’t hold on much longer. My cock is so deep inside of you, much deeper than you ever thought was possible. The pain of it being your first time does not even matter. You are just so overwhelmed that you are moaning again and again. But you need a little more help so I lean into your ear and I moan your name. I moan it with a voice full of ecstasy and love. I moan your name like I am begging for you to never leave because I could not live without you. After I do that, then you feel your orgasm hit and you soak my crotch with your juices as you ride out the feeling with me still kissing you.”

When he finished, Bellamy decided to give an example. With his lips onto hers, his tongue slipped deep into her mouth before he paused.

“Clarke…” He moaned. “Clarke…”

They were laced with passion and love. He was calling out for her, moaning her name because he loved her and needed her. His grip around her tightened like he told her, begging for her to never leave his arms.

“Clarke… I love you.”

He moaned yet again, still kissing her and rubbing her. His voice was thick and deep. It rumbled from his throat but it was still so clear and the laced emotion was easy to hear. Never had someone been so infatuated before. Finally, in her fantasy and in reality, Clarke felt the first orgasm she received from Bellamy reach right after he moaned her name.

Clarke couldn’t hold out any longer. She couldn’t take how overwhelming romantic and erotic Bellamy could be. She was almost positive he had never talked to any other girl the way he had, she just knew it in her gut and that made it so much more better. She started trembling and he knew she was close to having her first of many orgasms with her, he promised never to deny her if the moment was right. She had never had sex, but this was the closest thing and it was amazing, she wanted to make love to him as much as she possibly could. As he moaned her name she gasped out, loudly, very loudly, she couldn’t help it. His voice, right in her ear, she couldn’t handle it. How he was this way because of her. Then he moaned again, finishing with those three words making her fall so deep in waves of pleasure, he made sure his fingers were as far inside her, to feel her contracting and squirting. He would laugh as she did so, loving it, loving her.


He laughed, crushing his lips to her mouth, giving her a way to scream without it being too obvious. Her moans were muffled, as her body got limb he pulled back, she opened her eyes admiring him, in ecstasy still. She was afraid he wasn’t real, that this was some perfect dream of her first night back on earth. She weakly let her hand cup his neck. She was still slowly having her waves of pleasure linger, he didn’t move his hand, gently, barely brushing her clit, as she slowly exhaled.


“Yours….” Was the only word she said but it must have said a thousand as her hand slid over his moist shirt to his chest, over his left peck where his heart would be.
Bellamy felt his heart skip at least three beats when Clarke said that one word and placed her hand over his heart. It was only right for him to do the same thing. Bellamy took his own hand, placing it over Clarke’s chest where her heart was located. He took it a step further though. He even leaned down and kissed where her heart was located, holding it for a number of seconds.


That was it and Bellamy pulled back from her chest. His hand was dripping wet with her sweet nectar but he was not about to leave and clean it off. Instead, he decided to take his fingers and slowly lick them clean in front of Clarke’s face. Not only did her juices taste good, but it was another act of love. He found nothing distasteful about the blonde girl.


“I had so much fun tonight, Clarke. I hope you did, too. Just know that our fun will continue growing after tonight.” Bellamy promised, deciding to give her one final goodnight kiss on the lips. When that was settled, Bellamy turned so they were facing one another. His left arm was underneath her head, supporting it like a pillow. His right arm draped over Clarke’s waist, his hand resting in the crevice of her back, pulling her close. The last thing Bellamy remembered was seeing Clarke’s smile before closing his eyes and slowly drifting asleep.

Throughout his life his nights have been plagued with nightmares. They were nightmares of losing Octavia, of being floated, and of his mother after Octavia was found. But tonight, things were different. He saw Clarke and he felt Clarke. They kissed, they held hands, they walked through the greenest meadow Earth had to offer. There was no shortage of oxygen and no oppressive governing council. There was nothing to ruin their perfect life together. Marriage. Happiness. They were together and they were inseparable. They conquered the Earth together and built a substantial living place for everyone that landed with them. It was easily the most peaceful, most happy dream that Bellamy ever experienced. What made it even better/ Well, whenever he woke up, the girl was still going to be in his arms. Nothing was changing from one night to the next morning.

Well, he was not woken up to the most pleasant of things.

“Bellamy, what the hell!” A young, female voice croaked.

Bellamy opened his eye with a massive headache and groaned, seeing Octavia in the light, hovering over them.

“What are you doing with Clarke Griffin? You know she’s the daughter of Abby Griffin, a council member. Her mother is one of the reasons that I was arrested, that Mom was floated!”


Bellamy frowned slightly and protectively hugged Clarke.

“Octavia… please, don’t.”

“Whatever, Bell.” She rolled her eyes and walked away.

“Don’t worry, Clarke. She’ll come around. This doesn’t change anything… but you look like you have one hell of a hangover.” Bellamy mused quietly into Clarke’s ear. It was not quite sunrise yet. They had some more time and they were both hungover. Besides, Bellamy loved how Clarke felt against his body and did not want that to end.
Clarke was still wading through the fading waves of her orgasm. Her word only received back the same response. Bellamy let his free hand go to her heart and nodded, but he took it further leaned down kissing it, it didn’t matter she had her shirt on, it still meant the word as he repeated it looking at her slowly. “Yours.” He pulled back, slowly removing his hand from her pants. It was covered, he leaned back on his back legs, licking up every bit. Clarke just watched him in a daze, smiling, almost still embarrassed but it was cute. Most of the time after any sexual act people would go clean up, with the flings Bellamy did that was the case unless he passed out, but not yet, that’s not how this would go, not with her….she deserved so much.


“I had so much fun tonight, Clarke. I hope you did, too. Just know that our fun will continue growing after tonight.”  The smile he gave was breathtaking, she was still trying to catch back her normal breathing. She nodded just before he gave her one last passionate kiss, this was more passionate and tender than it was lustful. Bellamy turned her to face him and gave her his arm to sleep on, keeping her face near. His hand draped over her waist. Clarke had already fallen asleep from over exertion and the alcohol.

As the early morning turned into later, the party died down. The music stopped, the fires burnt out and everyone was passed out somewhere either alone, or with another person or several. The sun was just starting to peak out. Bellamy would have the perfect dream, of them both together, of everything being the ideal fairy tale down here. It wouldn’t be too far from it but it would be at a cost, sacrifices would be made to make him dreams come true. Clarke wouldn’t necessarily dream as Bellamy did, she just had different visions and memories, all leading somehow to this new light, him.

“Bellamy, what the hell!” 

Octavia hadn’t even gone to sleep; she had spent the night making out with quite a few people and just a little more but was smart enough to get away before she did anything she and her brother would regret. She was young, gorgeous, but she was smart and wasn’t like the other young girls that just wanted to waste their time. Not that she didn’t party but not to the extent Bellamy probably feared. She stumbled, tired through the campgrounds trying to find her brother. She wanted to talk to him, she had a feeling she would see him with an assortment of women. She didn’t mind, that was also because she had never expected him to settle down. That was how he was, he had other priorities and it always involved her safety. She found him curled up with Clarke Griffin and it blew her mind, she was hurt. She wanted to smack him but just yelled.

“What are you doing with Clarke Griffin? You know she’s the daughter of Abby Griffin, a council member. Her mother is one of the reasons that I was arrested, that Mom was floated!” 

Her brother stirred and he would already sense in his slowly waking mind what was happening, his younger sibling was freaking out. He was happy she was alright and had found him regardless. He was worried about Clarke, who had a hard time opening her eyes but managed too, she heard Octavia, her stomach got that bad gut feeling, which made her feel sick. Clarke didn’t even have time to think as Bellamy pulled her against him, cradling her in a warm strong hug. Her head buried into the crook of his neck. She heard him beg her not to start. Octavia rolled her eyes, clearly pissed and hurt.


“Whatever, Bell. Fucking bullshit!!!” She cried in a yell and rolled her eyes, walking away. Clarke breathed out, and she felt Bellamy messaging her back, felt him kiss her head. Everything to keep her relaxed and from freaking out. It worked as he felt her tense body melt into his. She looked up at Bellamy, her eyes red. Her head felt funny, it didn’t pound but she was lightheaded, her body now cold. She shivered and felt Bellamy comment on what happened, noting her condition with a cute muse. He put his warm arms underneath her shirt, locking his arms around her, half pulling her onto him in a bear hug, letting her sleep on his chest. He was so warm, so comforting, she was already fading back to sleep and he knew it. He would be thankful he brought her so much security.

Hours later, it least by three or four Clarke woke up. Bellamy was still asleep, or half asleep as he looked down knowing she was waking up. They were still in each other’s arms, but now Bellamy back was propped against the big tree, with her in his lap hoisted up so her head was still buried into his neck. He switched positioned an hour or so earlier to let her get better sleep off the ground, to keep her head leveled.


“Morning princess….” She felt him once again, his lips kiss her forehead, his lips lingered. She made noises and adjusted herself, but it only put her against him even more which made him smirk. Her head felt funny, her stomach empty. She could hear the rustling of others back at the campground but the best thing was the sounds of nature. A cool breeze blew, but the sky above the canopy was a weird stormy gray. The air was sweet as the winds was picking up. It was possibly going to storm which was making the temperature go higher. It was beautiful.
If someone were to tell Bellamy two days ago that today, he would wake up on the ground with the love of his life, Clarke Griffin, in his arms, he would laugh. Both of those things seemed impossible. All their life, their teachers and adults have told the children of the Ark that it was going to be another one hundred years before Earth was habitable again. They had no reason to believe different. There were people on the Ark that actually monitored the Earth from above, hoping one day things would clear. It had been that way since the beginning of the nuclear apocalypse. Desperate time called for desperate measures because within three months or maybe even less, everyone on board the Ark was going to die because of lack of oxygen. There was no choice but to see if Earth was survivable again. These delinquents here did not know that, though. Actually, the only two people that knew of the Ark’s condition was Clarke, since her father discovered it, and Bellamy since they were talking about everything last night. It did not seem that important now, but Bellamy felt for Clarke. He had everyone he needed down on Earth. Her mother was still in space. As much as he feared what would happen if the Ark landed, he wanted Clarke and her mother to reunite, even if it meant his demise. If this did happen, something told Bellamy that Clarke was not going to let him go that easily.


When the couple both had opened their eyes, Bellamy allowed himself to stare deeper into her orbs. Again, the time had stopped and his headache subsided for the time being. Love was radiating from Bellamy and his large smile showed exactly what he was feeling. He figured it was a good idea to start their morning with a kiss, so he leaned forward and found the familiar touch of the girl’s lips.

“Wow… can you believe it? Our first morning on the ground. We made it through the night. That’s a good start, right?” Bellamy whispered, still holding Clarke in his arms against her chest. Their bodies were so close together and Bellamy was enjoying the closeness. Regardless of what Octavia thought, Bellamy knew what he wanted. She would get over it when she realized how good Clarke was for him. Others in the group were confused, too. Nobody saw Bellamy as the kind to settle down, much less with a daughter from the Council. Now, it was not her fault but people already did hate Clarke because of that. She had no control over it, but these juveniles did not care. Nobody got it as bad as Wells Jaha though. His father was the main guy, the Chancellor. Talk about hate, some people literally wanted to kill Wells. Bellamy and Clarke were unaware at this time, but tension had been growing this morning between small groups of people.

“I guess we should probably get up and get going. Or at least stand up for a while. I haven’t set up a tent, yet. You could help me.” Bellamy offered, seeing how Clarke’s face showed she wanted that but she was also hungover. It was actually pretty damn cute and Bellamy placed a hand onto her shoulder.


“Don’t worry. This feeling will pass tomorrow or the next day. This is your first hangover. We don’t have nearly enough alcohol to do that again. You will be alright.” The dark-haired male stood tall before pulling Clarke to stand. Whenever she was oriented, the couple began walking back towards camp. When they reached the location, Clarke felt eyes on her because this was the big story going through camp right now. It made her reach for Bellamy’s hand for comfort and he happily accepted. Inside the drop ship, Bellamy found a large, dark blue tent. He directed Clarke to find them a couple sleeping bags and pillows as that was all they really needed for inside their tent. Bellamy found a spot about ten yards in front of the drop ship. It was not exactly in the center of the camp but it was not in the far corner, either. Bellamy wanted a place where he could hear mostly everything and keep an eye out.

Together, the pair took the stakes and hammered them into the ground wherever it was needed. In no time at all, their tent was fixed and the couple crawled inside together, placing down sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows.

“Well, it’s not exactly a big place like we might have on the Ark.” Even though the rooms in the Ark were considered small compared to the old time traditions of apartments and houses, the rooms in the Ark were considered huge and lavish by everyone.

“But it is ours.”


Bellamy emphasized the last word, reaching a hand down, placing their palms together with a smile. Bellamy showed that he wanted to share this tent with Clarke and wanted them to essentially live together. Clearly, the young man had no intentions of finding anyone else. Clarke was truly the girl he wanted to be with and the girl that he loved even with only knowing her one day. It might sound crazy to others but nobody else needed to understand them.

“How are you feeling now? Still have a headache? Feel sick?”
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