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Yugioh - Designer Souls (OOC Chat)

Heh, well, Vegas is definitely one of those places you can visit just 'cause.

In any event, hope you're having a blast, wiki! And that it's not TOO hot over there, haha.
The first time we got out of the car it was cold as hell and I think I was the only one wearing shorts.

Yeah, don't know what else to say to that xD
Yeah, I've seen it.

Maybe they sold the shop to someone else? I dunno, but it definitely would have been cool to see them, I agree.
Dark world is pretty interesting. Certainly a fun concept, but I imagine you're only making use of some of the cards for 'support', as you said.

Man, this OOC thread got so off topic, it's insane. Sort of like a sun burn, and your psychotic elephant of a cousin thinks it's just the funniest thing ever to slap people with sun burns, on the burn, as hard as possible. He called it a "Five star". Because his goal was to leave red marks that almost looked like a mal-shaped star on your back with five points. Of course, his meaty, short fingered mits never left anything of the sort, but it certainly hurt like hell.

-Pretty much like that.

I'll get around to posting soon. Between editing my YT channel and uploading some gameplay vids, and finding out I have two spambots on it that came out of no where that automatically posts positive messages on all of my videos even though the statistics clearly state they don't watch any of it... Well, that was surprising.

If it weren't for feeling completely dead, or wanting to be, I could have cranked my post out a day or two ago. My bad, I hope y'all forgive me.
We only get off topic because we love you Vik, also spambots with positive messages? Weird...

What's your YouTube channel..?
My poor analogy was a thing that really happened.
Hate my cousins, for the most part...

I don't wanna share my youtube here XD The content is kinda meh on purpose, really. Maybe if I recorded gameplay of a better variety of games and did quality voice recording, I'd feel confident sharing it around in hopes of lighting up someone's day. As it stands, I'd rather keep it pseudo-private. The videos are out there, but I don't wanna help them get seen any XD lol.

They just say 'Liked the video, I enjoyed it.' or 'Can not wait for the next one, I liked it.'
I only have four comments like those. But Youtube is auto-targeting them for spam and I can tell by my channel statistics that I'm the only one watching the videos they comment on. lol. (Normally, when someone comments, I have it set to just show up. Youtube is holding these two user's comments until I approve them. The review system is telling me Youtube is suggesting these are spam.
I can describe it meaningfully enough that you get the idea without having to take a link XP
>three videos of league games, two of them were full games of me playing.
>One video I recently private-ed. It was me playing about ten minutes or so of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon red team. I miss being confident in my voice XD

that's about it.
Viktoff Samson said:
Dark world is pretty interesting. Certainly a fun concept, but I imagine you're only making use of some of the cards for 'support', as you said.


If it weren't for feeling completely dead, or wanting to be, I could have cranked my post out a day or two ago. My bad, I hope y'all forgive me.
Yeah...I mean, Fabled worked how it was intended, but I found myself dead drawing a lot more than with Dark World cards. At least with DW, now I have an element of field control added to my Deck.

And no worries, bro; you post whenever you feel good and ready. We'll still be here.
I was finally having a good morning.

Now I'm having a deflating afternoon.

Don't worry, Kaybee. I'm responding today/tomorrow.
I felt crazy guilty this morning when I woke up and remembered I wasn't waiting on you guys... You were waiting on me.

And I went to find this thread, saw the date and misread my last post as being from over a week ago. (Reality: It's only been three days.)
Ah, I see.

It's all good, man. Whenever you do get a chance to post, we'll still be here to get the ball rolling.

Hope things are going alright though.
In regards to my participation in the roleplay?
Not so well, really. My motivation is dwindling and I'm flatly not reading certain aspects of the roleplay since, in a way, it helps keep me focused on getting my posts in. And other things.

Not to mention: I'm dealing with my arrogant little brother who has been in desperate need of being kicked into a corner over and over for about ten years now. But, I can't do it as successfully doing so would only serve to place in me in an even worse place.

In all other aspects of my life? Better. I'm feeling good, health-wise and I wake up relatively pain free. I have hours and hours to look up at the morning sky, enjoy the moon, go for walks and such.
I dunno... Hours and hours, especially when dealing with depressive episodes, can actually really wear you down. Days of doing nothing become tedious and painful.

But yeah, what Raz said, we'll be here when you're ready.
I have a few things I could do besides lay around and pretend like I'm admiring things (I have an imagination that leans heavily toward humor and it's almost an inside... inside-inside joke for me at this point. Don't ask me to explain it, I really can't.) There are number of games I could get into, but on the usual: I don't have access to the internet on anything other than my phone. (This being a rare exception this weekend. And sometimes, a super odd weekday.)

I'd really be happier if I could help you guys into a position where waiting on me isn't a thing. Sincerely, this roleplay could go to lots of places and my own personal hangups on a few INCREDIBLY MINOR details shouldn't be holding everyone back.
Well I can't help you there... there usually aren't many things that can keep me from posting if I sill ant to play something...
With the power of music, I've rediscovered at least some inspiration and I'm certain that this roleplay has something massively entertaining for me, yet!

Christ you guys have waited for me this long?! I'm in awe. After a nap, my immediate next task, before the basics, will be to respond. I thank you all, those who are still in this with me, for your patience. A better lot than I am, that's for sure.
There, Galan posted his reply to Mr. Fisher and we can just skip that scene. Now to laze about.
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