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Mr_Sir's birthday present arrived in the mail, can't wait to give it to him!

I am sooo much better than I have been lately. I'm replying to all those rp posts that are waiting on me >.o
Fact: Depression finally hit after a long time without it.
Fact: I did something I regret the other night.
Fact: I honestly just want to be held against someones chest.
Fact: This will not happen due to my isolated nature currently.
Fact: Mandatory fun night equals mandatory drunk night for me and my comrades in arms
Fact: I am going to miss my senior NCOs. SGM Werts; you will be missed most of all.
Fact: I am apparently the bomb at giving palm readings when completely smashed.
Misha Hiroki said:
Ilovegoatse said:
Fact: Farts, cake and farts.

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Fact: Yep, hence why I said cake farts. I just thought about it recently.

I'm extremely nervous about texting the guy I had a date with last night, even if he told me to do so.

Damn my antisocial-anxiety...
My game files also just corrupted. I think I'm just gonna.. go for a walk or something and cool down.
Fact: I am starving but have no monies or cooking ability. Curse my lack of motivation.
Fact: We got the flu shot instead of the flu mist at drill. This makes me a happy girl. The mist always gets me insanely sick.
Fact: I have found that there is some ramen.
FACT: Nihlly just left from his weekend in Hell.
FACT: He left welts and bruises from hitting Aku with the flogger.
FACT: Aku got Nihlly to cross dress.
FACT: Aku is currently running a high fever and is off to bed...Nihlly gave her da AIDS. XD
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