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Aaaah I have to get in on page 100!

Ruby was here

....... 101 is 1 better then 100, right?
What did you do?! Fuckin'... what the fuckin' fuck! Who the fuck, fucked this fuckin'? fuck. How did you two fuckin', fucks?......... FUCK!!!

Hmm not quite but sufficiently describes the sate of things
I frequent another board (which also runs phpbb now, so my time here was preparation for navigating the new format), and there are some doozy conversations. Every so often, I just want to share.

For example:

"...but what happens if a werewolf bites a vampire?"

"Ed Asner, oddly enough."


"In other news, I was never cool enough to play D&D"

"Frankly, I'm not sure that's possible."

"And yet I achieved it. :cry: "
Fact: I feel out of place in the chat. I am not very well liked around here, or rather not very popular, and the chat has more of a 'cool kids' feel to me.
*cuddles kiki* no problem
I've been horny or hungry all day.....and I just ate...
FACT: The fact that Akuma's chances of having twins if she had children just pretty much tripled has made Akuma decide against children.

FACT: It's currently looking like both of her biological brother's may have had twins at one point instead of being just the middle one.
Info: I r depressed.
Info: I literally cried myself to sleep last night.
Admitting that makes me that much MORE pitiful.
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