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Random Info About You

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-Chuckles softly and tilts her head-

Everything: Biting, drawing blood, rough play and sex, along with a fight for control, makes for one happy person.
All those things equal a very, very fun night, pre'aps longer than just one night. I do not think sleep would be in the cards.*chuckling a bit*
Info: Fuckers canceled my surgery after I waited 3 hours....
So I go in tomorrow and get it done..
At least I better. Or I'm going to fucking punch someone out.
Nymphetamine said:
Info: Fuckers canceled my surgery after I waited 3 hours....
So I go in tomorrow and get it done..
At least I better. Or I'm going to fucking punch someone out.

hope the surgery goes well *hug*
Fact:I swear, My almost two month old kitten is on crack sometimes. He is running rapidly around My room for no apparent reason but to do it.
After feeling like shit yesterday with my throat hurting, I woke up feeling better. I then had two painful sneezes and coughed up infected mucus. I guess my body decided to fight back. xD
Fact: Reeses' cookies, Metallica in my ears, and BM make a decent start in the morning.....Although I wouldn't mind some eggs *doesn't normally eat cookies for breakfast* Eggs sound good...
Fact: Marshmellows! Eesh stickier, works better -nodnods-

Fact: even though I don't really know you, we love you Fizz, just in case that helps a little ^-^
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Note to self: Never visit Peru. D:
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