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Info: My surgery starts tomorrow morning (and I work tonight) so there will be a lac of replies from me until further notice.
Info: This day is going to go reeeeaaaaallllllyyyyy slow.
fact: I'm so tired, but satisfied, I helped run a tournament -and- participated on it, in one moment I was carrying chairs, tables, being judge, coach, and the next minute changing into my uniform and participating @.@

the event lasted from 7am until 9pm on sunday, no break, I spent every spare moment i had on monday sleeping to recover but it was worth it

ps, I got second place, yey~~
FACT: Akuma has become a proponent of super late term abortions up to the 500th trimester now as a safeguard against stupidity.
Fact: I didn't lose my last baby tooth until I was seventeen. Dad was paying twenty dollars a tooth by the end of it, to encourage me to pull them on my own.
Vivid Fizz said:
Fact: I didn't lose my last baby tooth until I was seventeen. Dad was paying twenty dollars a tooth by the end of it, to encourage me to pull them on my own.

wisdom tooth count...? if so, I had the last of them removed just last year so x3
Nope. Only the teeth you get when you are in single digits count. Though I am having a bear with my wisdom teeth. They are growing really slow and they're impacted. Makes giving head such a pain in the ass.
Vivid Fizz said:
Nope. Only the teeth you get when you are in single digits count. Though I am having a bear with my wisdom teeth. They are growing really slow and they're impacted. Makes giving head such a pain in the ass.
Tragic. D:
Eh, well it's not THAT bad... assuming you have a vehicle. & money. The only semi-interesting town I came across in the whole damn state [aside from KCMO & St. Louis] was Jefferson City. Mmm. <3 October Fest.
The pain with the impacted wisdom teeth kinda resonates throughout my entire mouth.

I have been told by most of the guys I've been with that I give some stellar blow jobs, so I don't think I am doing it wrong XD
Mr Master said:
Vivid Fizz said:
Ah! Okay *feels dense* well nevermind then.

<snugs tightly> Hey, as long as you get it NOW. Plus, invaluable knowledge of lovely Fizzy's, er, habits. I count it a win.
Fact: It's not how fast you get there, it's the fact that you DID get there.
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