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Random Info About You

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Fact: My kitty is adorable
Info: She jumped into the window pane to try and chase snowflakes today and then meowed until I picked her up so she could press her paws on the glass and watch them again.
Fact: Just bought most of the stuff for my son's upcoming birthday party.
Fact: His party is Thor themed.
Info: My son is a big fan of Thor... huge, actually.
Fact: Party favors and decorations are expensive.
Fact: The cake is going to be $65 because my friend is a professional cake maker/designer and is making me a Thor cake.
Info: The $65 I'm paying for the cake is actually a discount.... >.<
Fact: My daughter told me she wants a Rapunzel themed birthday when hers comes up in late April.
Info: Between her cake, movie tickets, decorations and other items I spent $600 on my sister's bday party. It totalled to $900 for what others added. The happiness of children is year I'm just injecting her with morphine.
Info: A child at work, no more then five, just told me that she didn't want just clothes for her birthday, no, she wants fashionable clothes. Seriously? And a hair straightener.
What happened to the $10 My Little Pony dolls or puppy dogs kids usually want?
Fact: We did secret-santa this year, 'cus we have such a big family; Me [youngest sibling], parents, six brothers, sister. I got my second-youngest brother, ten years older than me and..well ten years; Looks like me, acts like me, talks like me, video-game and RPG nerd like me. Just extremely straight.-- Anyway, bought him a very nice [and may I add fudging expensive watch], some shiny [and expensive] cuff-links..see the pattern here? And a saints-row game.

Fact: The person buying me a secret santa was my eldest brother who has three cars and a big-ass house. His six-year-old son has more tech than anyone else in the fudging family. Basically, they're all spoiled. Guess what he got me? Go ooon..yep, nothin'. Ah well, reinforces why I dislike him. Pompous douche.

Fact: I realised I spent at least a good 3K on presents just for XMas. I hate having money! I keep trying to give it away or something, feels like I don't deserve it.

Fact: My two favorite [Okay, only..nice family, right?] gifts this year where my parents; They got me a comfy robe and quilt-pillow set. It's like sleeping on a friggen cloud.

Fact: The people of BMR are the nicest forumers I've ever met and I wub you all. GROUP HUG! *Holds arms out*

Fact: Oh. And. A bunch of my friends, my siblings, their friends all came round and we played a massive game of pass the parcel. It was a rather whorish parcel and was filled with numerous sexualised toys and such. It was odd. I was a little scared actually. We also played an innocent game of word the third rotation it had turned into innuendo association.

Fact: I realise that not only are my family the most insane people ever born, we are in fact the most perverted also. -- Should realised from the eight kids thing shouldn't I?

Question: Just for lulz. What is the best and worst present you've gotten for christmas?
Info: Have to redye my hair tomorrow since some of the color didn't take. Meeeeeeeh. D;
Info: Will be signing the lease to my new apartment on Friday. <3
Info: I reduce post size and still waaaaaiiiittttt

Info: Met cute girl..who's disinterested in me because I'm not Jewish :(

Info:I'm so bored
Info: Woke up due to a nosebleed.
Info: At least it wasn't one of my bad ones.
Info: It's stopped bleeding now.
Info: Have a bit of a headache thus will be taking meds shortly.
Info: Have a new book to write... can't wait.
Info: I somehow sliced my finger while I slept...its the pointer finger, of the samehand I slicedmy thumb on but on the opposite side...I think I cut it on my phone.
Info: I get the chance to see my family for the first time in a long time. I'm excited.
*hugs Pony*
The joys of pregnancy.... second trimester is the best though. It really is. Are you going to find out the gender?

Info: Soooo damned tired.
Info: Am going to take a nap after my kids go down for naps b/c I can barely keep my eyes open.
Info: Watching my daughter dance to The Wiggles is entertaining and amusing... *loves on her*
Info: Had two drinks at some bar in Worcester and got drunk. Like really drunk.
Info: Watched some local Black Metal bands. Surprisingly, most of them were attractive people.
Info: Had fun. <3
Info: A friend pointed out that even when I cut down severely on posts my partners hardly reply. It was then suggested I quit rping and work on short stories. I wonder if she was right.
Info: Got to listen to a car alarm just as I was about to fall asleep last night. Ugh.
Info: Saw a couple movies last night. Loved The Help. Black Swan was weird but interesting.
Info: Going to be hanging out with friends later tonight.
Info: Wondering if I should get a FWB just to destress and have fun. Decisions, decisions.
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