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*snuggles Misha*
FACT: The Akuma would have to pay to get the Misha here for said spoonings, but loves her for not making her pay extra. =^.^=
Fact: My managers suck.
They're also DUMBFUCKS.

Stupid bastards totally gave me a shift in an AREA I can't work, because I'll get sick, throw up, etc.
Dumb fucks.
Fact: Hates when guys don't give you a warning that the relationship is over
Fact: Really hates how girls can get to guys so much
Fact: Wants to know why Havoc is feeling so amazing but not going to ask
Info: I'm tired. And I wish I could be in Cali to go to bed with my boyfriend.
Fucking Mexicans, living to far away.
FACT: Zombieland was completely epic...and possibly one of the best zombie movies out there....
FACT: Sony had a make-up artist "kill" is a crappy cam shot after the show and after half the makeup was coming off.

fact: is having a pure romance party tomorrow night and hopes it goes over well, but i have a bad feeling that noone is going to show up.
Fact: Is wondering why some of the my favortie sites (, wiki ect...) aren't working
Fact: is getting a little ticked. Good lord Have I become such a bad internet addict....
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