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Random Info About You

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Info: I've noticed that I've started sleeping from sunrise to almost sunset. Am I turning into a vampire...? o.o

Info: on that note, 'tis bedtime.

Lastly Info: Happy be-lated birthday Pony! I would've said it on the actual date but I wasn't really on, because it's my boyfriend's birthday too.

Info: This is so fucked up!!
Info: I got over my cold them my parents got it and I got it again
Info: I hate my fucking weak immune system
Devils_girl said:
Info: This is so fucked up!!
Info: I got over my cold them my parents got it and I got it again
Info: I hate my fucking weak immune system
It's because you run around and will never rest. >.>'

Fact: I'm starving.
info: Anjeru's avatar gives me the wi-ll-ie-s. >.> <.<
Info: There's a lightning storm going on and I loves it.
Here in missouri we get 'em alot... Puts Oregon to shame that it does... Aaah, Oregon, how I miss thee. T_T
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