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PadanFain said:
Fact: Ugh, I hate remembering that day. Trygon is still the Boogeyman to me and I cringe to remember how foolish I was...that day... *massages forehead* Rotted my brain with reading too much PvP.

Fact: Sometimes I think it would have been better if I'd just shut my mouth and never left the RP forums. -_-;
Ah, but if you didn't, we wouldn't have comics.

hey, you have any more drama Whores on grille? I got a new bottle of A1.
fact: Has out of extreme extreme extreme extreme boredom attempted to watch the twilight movie streamed online. Dear lord it was only fifteen minutes before I began to cringe with with utter disdain. (well aware the twilight bashing fad may have already disappeared this is just my late reaction.)

Fact: speaking of vampire media I place Buffy and Angel as the top two pieces of vampire media, or at least super natural tv series with a diverse supporting cast. Granted Torchwood is getting starting to climb up there.
Info: I've been busy from 11am till 7:08pm ^_^
Info: I'm really fucking tired
Info: Going to try and reply to my role-plays tonight if I can
FACT: I really fucking hate it when people lie to my face when I confront them about something they screwed up on. Co-worker submitted the wrong file and screwed up mine and she at first admitted "oh yeah I submitted that folder today, but the numbers all matched", come to find out from the lender "completely wrong file". When I explained to her what happened she tried saying she didn't send it. GRAH.

FACT: Akuma is a strong believer that if you fuck up, then fess up and move on.
Info: I wish people weren't so dumb on the interwebz.
Lulz, that'll never fucking happen.
Info: Is being good and not posting in PVP even though it's somewhat annoying..
Info: I'm making a Tuna Casarole ^_^
Info: I need to reply to my role-plays soon..just need some creativity >_>
FACT: Akuma is excited about moving soon....almost as much as she usually is for new costumes.
FACT: Akuma will not being getting/making any new costumes for a while due to moving. V.V
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