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--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
StarlightKitten said:
Yea, let's list 'em.

4. Massachusetts drivers forget how to drive in the snow magically every damn year, and that irritates me to no end.

I love you.


As much as I love being a Masshole - it happens EVERY YEAR.

Right?! It's true. I don't understand it, and I was having this conversation with a friend of mine last night. If it were maybe one or two people, I'd understand. But the entirety of the state just up and decides to forget both etiquette and safety, and just drive like friggen idiots /rant.

And in the non-rant sector... Fact: I am DEFINITELY going to have too much fun at PAX East 2011.
We're pretty much required how to drive in ice/snow here; but there's still a few. Mostly it's out of staters that fuck everything up.
Fact: I went to the gay bar for the first time last night o_o;
Fact: I was groped by gay men more than my buddy Linux was
Fact: I ran into one of my high school classmates at said gay bar
Fact: My entire life works like a movie. Getting hit on my my 20-something teacher in high school, or the captain of the football team trying to get into the quiet, punk-nerd's pants (o hai, that's melol).

Fact: Continuing that trend, at my first real party last night (mind you I'm 24), I watched as two men, both fairly attractive, made out on the floor with each other. One was a hot Asian dude. It blew my drunken mind. I asked other people to make sure it was real.

Fact: My life rocks.
Fact: Today at the breakfast program I volunteer at I saw the had a new cleaver with a shiny white handle. I then noticed it had DEXTER engraved on the side. I almost had my head explode with awesome. I picked it up, its heavy but well weighted and the grip is perfect...
Anansi said:
Fact: Today at the breakfast program I volunteer at I saw the had a new cleaver with a shiny white handle. I then noticed it had DEXTER engraved on the side. I almost had my head explode with awesome. I picked it up, its heavy but well weighted and the grip is perfect...

...epic win
Fact: I just submitted a panel presentation request for Anime Boston on my psychological anthropology paper on Death Note as a critique of US culture.
Every time I see my Boston Red Sox stuff I'm reminded of just how badly I had it. Baaaaaad. Horribad. Terribad.
When I'm irritated, the last thing I want to be doing is adding curse words to the dictionary on my phone. Is there an app I can download to expedite the process?
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