Random Info About You

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Info: Almost had a breakdown infront of my cell bio teacher during my final. Awesome.
Info: Managed to get through it at least. Grade? No fucking clue.
Fact: I am very wet right now.
Fact: It's monsoon season here in Diego.
Fact: Our bus drove away with out us and our group got to walk three miles in pouring rain.
*I burned the roof of my mouth yesterday and I can't stop tonguing the raw spot :/
As such, I can't get this quote out of my head - "Marla, like the scratch on the roof of your mouth that would get better if only you'd quit tonguing it."
*Since watching Fight Club the last time the quotes pop into my head with more frequency. I can't fly without Brad Pitt's voice saying, "As calm as Hindu cows."
Had my good laptop back for the weekend, but while it was getting the monitor cable replaced, they somehow disabled the wireless. It was all physical, too; I didn't give out my password or anything, they didn't need it for the repair, so it was something they manually did while the case was open.

So I'm taking it back in tomorrow. Damn it. Back to the slow dinosaur spare laptop that can't run IMs and needs a full reformatting. Gah.
Fact: Tako was very drunk last night.
Fact: Tako never gets hangovers
Fact: ... The only person who calls me Tako offline is now Linux. Lordy.
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