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Random Info About You

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I'm mo'fuckin' exhausted. From being up late being bellige on last Thursday to going to bed at 6 am last Friday and Saturday and going to bed at 4am on Tuesday is totes kickin' my ass. And I'll probably be up hella late tonight and potentially Saturday. Fuuh. 6 more days.
Fact: Test time. Whatever happens, happens. And in the end it'll be okay, because everyone makes mistakes.
Fact: Kravin's GPS sucks balls.
Fact: Tako had to go find him and bring him to her apartment.
Fact: ...Kravin is shorter than she thought oo;
Fact: Kravin passed out in her chair xD;
TakodaVega said:
Fact: Kravin's GPS sucks balls.
Fact: Tako had to go find him and bring him to her apartment.
Fact: ...Kravin is shorter than she thought oo;
Fact: Kravin passed out in her chair xD;


And maybe it's not his GPS that sucks. Maybe Kravin's just horrible with direction. ;D
Psh well soooorry if I'm a little tired from being lost all day =P

Fact: trying to find stuff todo while I wait for tako to get off work xD
fact: just hope I wasn't taken advantage of while I was sleeping like someone else would e.e *coughcough*
Fact/Info/Nobodygivesashit: After watching the voyage of the dawn treader today, I am happy to realize that the actor playing Eustace Scrubb is 17 and as such, I don't have to feel like a total pedo.

Info: I know why i "have cooties" now.

Info: My foot effing hurts.

Info: 12days till my birthday~
Fact: Just recorded 5 different songs in less than 10 minutes.
Fact: Is VERY proud of above fact.
Fact: Really wants some medicine, and a cookie.
Conjecture: Whomever posts after me will have something funnier to say.
Fact: Got more snow today to replace the stuff that melted the other day.
Fact: Got the tree up and decorated too.
Info: It's a bit of an unruly looking tree, but I find it gives it character. Maybe I'll take a pic or something. At some point. XD
Fact: Gonna watch the new Resident Evil movie, even though it look to suck, but we will see
Fact: Might draw something random from the movie if i find it worthy enough
To quote Linux: "You look Dead."

Fun fact: I met someone today who looked like the guy who plays Eli Loker from Lie to Me.
Fact pt 2: I actually was able to enjoy a poke war with said person

Fact: For mental/health reasons I called out of work tomorrow.
Fact: Calculus and Physics finals, one after another tomorrow, I'm feeling pretty good about it.
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