Random Info About You

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Fact: I hope to get my flu shot this morning (heading out to the free clinic pretty soon)
Fact: Then it's play group (maybe) and an errand run. Wooo! XD
Info: Gotta love it, right? haha!
Fact: Fears needles..
Fact: Today am i supposed to do something, i just really don't know what.

Fact: My neighbors are blasting their music.
Fact: My neighbors are supposedly conservative folk with 3 little kids none of which are older than 4.
Fact: Wants to know WTFF is up with that shit?
Fact: The thumping bass is starting to piss me the fuck off.
Fact: Hates these neighbors and has since day 1 when she got interrogated by the weird wifey.
Question: Would it be wrong if I slashed their tires along with those of all their guests? (there's like 20 cars parked on the street! NO FUCKING JOKE!!!)
Fact: Would smite them all if she could.

GRRRRRR...... *glares at asshole neighbors*
Fact:Working in fast food is demoralizing and spirit breaking.
Fact: Cannot wait until he gets his nice little degree, and shoves said fast food place the finger. (well finger at the asshole customers. co-employees are rather nice people if not some of them are rather lazier then me. Which is amazing Because I consider my self a very bad slacker.)
Fact: Does appreciate though they are paying him and treating him kindly when he needs to take time off of certain days.
Mr Master said:
Anansi said:
TakodaVega said:
Fact: I just came up with this OMG idea
Fact: Said idea is a BM COOKBOOK :3

Fact: Its been done, twice



I think the other thread was...Padan Fain's..he might have merged the two I can't find it or be arsed to look harder.
No, I don't think they were merged, cause I'm pretty sure someone posted a cookie recipe in the second one.
I completed my breeder pair of Peruvian Boas today! I'm so excited about my next breeding season!


Hades is my new boy <3 Sybil is getting so big...her head is ginormous.
I was supposed to go on a date with a girl I like on friday. Her mother had a heart episode thursday night, and I haven't heard from the girl since friday. I'm worried about her and her mom. :/
Fact: If Altair was a man I'd be totally be moving to her >///>
Fact: But because she, to my knowledge, is straight and taken, I cannot haz her.
Fact; Good thing she showers with me presents xD
Anansi said:
Alex said:
No, I don't think they were merged, cause I'm pretty sure someone posted a cookie recipe in the second one.

You and your love of confections.
Hey, hey. I can't help it that I'm the dessert maker in the family. Why, just they other day I made lemon bars. Which were gone in about a day. >.>
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