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Well, happy pre-birthday, Vet, from a 40 year old pervert narwhal on the internet. Take that to the bank! :)

Okay, so at work today, we got this email talking about continuing health benefits, and making special comment that the company's health expenses have been rising 10%-15% a year.

Which, you know, is only a set-up for telling us our health insurance rates are climbing again, like they do every year, with another reduction in service. That part, I don't blame the company for: they contract out for our medical insurance, and if the contractor raises its rates, they can't control that. What they CAN control is the proportion. You kids, you may not realize that the days when your employer would pay for your insurance are long gone. No, just about everyone I ever hear about has to pay a percentage of their own insurance rates. What the company CAN control is the percentage. They say their expenses have been rising 10%-15% a year? I can guaran-fucking-tee you they've been shifting the percentage they pay versus the percentage their workers pay by more than enough to make the increase manageable.

At the same time, while medical expenses have been climbing, they've been artificially suppressing our raises. They make us jump through hoops on the annual evaluations, and then some exec just goes through and downgrades everybody, regardless of actual performance, claiming the department can't afford to pay more than 1.5%. So yes, big motivational incentive to knock yourself out, just so you can get rated back down to "expected contribution" by a guy who's met you face to face maybe three times in two years, tops.

And then they raise your insurance rates, so yeah, you get a raise, but you actually take home less money every month, and your insurance doesn't cover you as well as it did last year, anyway.

Fuck corporate America. Fuck it right in the ear.
Fact: The Vega is seriously a workaholic
Fact: Boyfriend situation is NOT improving .____________.
Fact: Vega worked 9:30 AM - 9 PM
Fact: Chicken nuggets + Blue Cheese = Epic for some reason.
Fact: Tomorrow is my only day off
FACT: Going from 92 F to 48 F in the course of two weeks is uncool ._.;;;
MM: Without big corps, we wouldn't have a lot of things. But yes, essentially, they are also fucking us over. It sounds like back in the...what? 20s? 30s? When it was completely BIG CORP that was in charge? I'm not necessarily blaming the companies, I'm blaming the CEOs who think they need excess of 3 mil. a year to survive. I get that some of those people built their companies from the ground up, but do you really need 3 mil+ a year?

And medical insurance and other stuff- they don't have any real "rules" of regulation because they are their own businesses and their presidents and such control that. But lessening the cost of things by cutting the bigwig paychecks in half would help a lot of people. BUT. People are greedy fuckers.
Hel said:

        • Fact: I'm back. ;D

--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
MM: Without big corps, we wouldn't have a lot of things. But yes, essentially, they are also fucking us over. It sounds like back in the...what? 20s? 30s? When it was completely BIG CORP that was in charge? I'm not necessarily blaming the companies, I'm blaming the CEOs who think they need excess of 3 mil. a year to survive. I get that some of those people built their companies from the ground up, but do you really need 3 mil+ a year?

And medical insurance and other stuff- they don't have any real "rules" of regulation because they are their own businesses and their presidents and such control that. But lessening the cost of things by cutting the bigwig paychecks in half would help a lot of people. BUT. People are greedy fuckers.

We need business, yes. We need companies. However, there's nothing that megacorporations give us that smaller, competing companies can't. All the big corporations do is generate money and stock profits and make rich people richer and provide an excuse to reduce competition and raise prices.

Smaller companies can and used to bring us the same benefits as anything large. But money will out, and the explosion of megacoprorate profits in the '80s set the paradigm for businesses today. Thank you, Boomers, thank you so fucking much.

Mostly, it's the "profit uber alles" mentality that's completely out of control in this country. There's nothing wrong with big business, theoretically, but in practice it dehumanizes, separates the workers from the executives, and provides an excuse to treat the people who actually get the job done like disposable crap. You can talk theory and business ideals all you want, I'm just talking about what actually happens in the real world.

EDIT: Despite quoting Hahvy's post, this is not addressed specifically to her; she provided me with an impetus to get back up on my soapbox and address the crowd. Thanks for being a ringer for this street preacher, here, Hahvy! :)
Fact: I hate being emotional.
Fact; i hate on top of this knowing the only one who can make me calm down is me :/
Fact: This doesn't always work.
Fact: I seriously am married to the most amazing man ever.
Fact: Hubs came home today with an unexpected surprise today.
Fact: Hubs bought me a new macbook pro..... BETTER than what I'd had originally!!! @_@
Fact: His gesture made me cry.
Fact: And my tears of joy made him happy.
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