Random Info About You

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Info: my Left 4 Dead game dosn't work >8U
Info: atleast my Left 4 Dead 2 still works....

Fact: i'm gonna play some Left 4 Dead 2
H a r r i e t said:
Fact; Dameon needs to remember the appropriate time to STFU and GTFO.

I'll totally grab your ass again.

And I'll do it in the movie theater, and then the Italian restaurant, and then the other movie theater.

I feel better about myself when I brush my teeth more than 2x a day
I need Assholes Finish First to come out before I stop giving a shit. Srsly Tucker, it's been 3 years, bro.
I'm ok with him being an asshole. At least underneath that he's intelligent and witty.
2AM_Club said:
I'm ok with him being an asshole. At least underneath that he's intelligent and witty.

See, but in the way of that? There's that whole "asshole" part.

I mean, Idi Amin could have been intelligent and witty, but I'm not sure it would have outweighed his flaws...
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
MM. Just because I did that to you, doesn't make me an asshole. You needed some hair gel.

It was the leaving that hurt. All I wanted was a few minutes of cuddling! <cries>
Info: You try and do something nice, yet you get negativity dumped on you instead. =/
Info: Makes you wonder if they even truly appreciated all you did for them.
Opinion: Something tells me a big Fuck No.
Fact: I'm FINALLY all caught up in my RPs now.
Fact: Closing shifts at Taco Bell are a bitch.
Fact: I have like 8 different games I need to play.
Fact: Those games include, Legend of Dragoon, Final Fantasy 7, 12, and 13, Silent Hill 2, Dante's Inferno, Final Fantasy Tactics, and God of War 2
Fact: I'm a sucker for old games.
Fact: I hope I didn't kill Zally with my OMFGHUGE POST.

Fact: Work sucks balls. I only work one day next week.

Fact: my vacation is next week

Fact; I'm still not packed completly

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