Random Info About You

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>: Poor DTH. I'm sorry, honey.

Info: Last night sucked bawls.
Info: Glad I scared the shit out of my friend by running to her car cause she thought it might have been stolen as a result.
Info: Need more people to go clubbing with who actually try to talk to me instead of ignore me because I'm upset.
Fact: My clubbing experiences have been terrible and overwhelming. Guys are too aggressive sometimes.

Fact: Drinking coffee. Black. The only way.

Fact: I have a love/hate relationship with my Droid. c: It's nifty, and for the most part I'm in love with it, but Motorola doesn't know how to make accurate touch screens.
I've never dealt with aggressive men. I've dealt with complete invisibility. My first experience clubbing was awesome. My second one was the complete opposite.

Info: Mac n cheese for dinneeeeeeeer.
Fact: I keep forgetting to click the page number and scroll down to the bottom then all the way back up before remembering the number are down there too.
Fact: I'm hungry.
Fact: I totally half assed my last two RP replys. Sorry guys. <33
Fact: This paint of mine is committing mutiny by clinging to my skin.
Fact: Frustrated so much.
Fact: Shaking.
Fact: I want to cry.
Fact: I want a punching bag too.
Fact: Your expectations are impossible to meet, and I feel I will never meet them, that I will never be as good as you want me to be no matter how hard I try.
Fact: Other things are getting to me too.
Fact: Feeling just so bad right now.
Rite? I'm getting an awesome one, too. I'm so excited for it. I'm sending the old one in to get repaired when I get the new one. The old one will be my backup laptop or something like that. c: My new baby's got lojack and fingerprint password technology shit.

Also, a webcam for the boyfriend. ;D
DamningTheHeavens said:
Fact: Certain people I considered friends don't really talk to me anymore.
Fact: This makes me sad
It sucks, but you're better off in the end. Obviously they aren't really your friends.

I'm deleting a bunch of old convos with people who aren't my friends anymore. It's just baggage. Needless baggage.
I have very few as well. And I'm ok with that. The ones I have I cherish like no other. They accept me as me and that's really all one can ask for. I also realllly like my alone time or my time I can get with just my new little fam (ie hubs and kids... and sometimes just hubs, hehe). Some people don't fully get that, but... ah well. <3
Fact: I'm at my friend's house!
Fact: Also about to post in my RPs
Fact: eating fruit. :3

OH and BMR is much better looking now. I feel at home again. ^^
Fact: can't keep doing these 12-17 hour shifts every week x.x
Fact: has lost 30 lbs since she moved into her apartment.
Fact: god help me :<
Vivid Fizz said:
Fact: I need to start an RP but I am having stupid block.
Fact: I wish my other RPs would get replies. I hate waiting sometimes. More so when I have nothing to do.
Fact: And I truly have nothing to do for two and a half hours.

Fact: This is why I hate my closing shifts at work.
Fact: Taco Bell is evil.
Fact: My manager is awesome for his closing habits.
Fact: A third person got fired this week tonight for drinking on the job.
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