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Fact: Dimmu touring with Korn? wtfh?
Fact: Craving an insane, bloody, savage mosh pit. I want to destroy like a Viking.
Fact: is pissed as fuck that I can't see any of the amazing summer concerts
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
metal-blood-fire said:
Fact: Dimmu touring with Korn? wtfh?

That's definitely a wtf moment since Dimmu is a black metal band and Korn is just metal...if that​
*Symphonic black metal. Yes, I'm that much of a metal freak. That, and when I read Shagrath was playing guitar in Chrome Division, a biker rock band, that was another wtf moment.
so, the hell. After events caught me up last night and I didn't get on BMR, I was looking forward to catching up today, but get this: I get home from work, and do my usual changing clothes, cooling off, etc., and all of a sudden the power goes out. It was 7:20 at that point (I don't have any obligations after work for the rest of this week, so I was able to goof around after work a bit), and the power company recording says it'll be back on by 9:20. Except when 9:20 rolls around, they've revised the recording to 12:30!

Now, I can't cool off, because it's hot and humid and there's barely wind blowing, and none through the apartment. I already spent much of the evening at a restaurant to stay cool. I can't sleep, because I have sleep apnea, and I have to wear a machine that pushes air into my lungs while I sleep or I basically wake myself up every 15-20 minutes struggling for air as the tissues in my throat relax and close my airways off. So I have to basically sit in the heat and wet and sweat and read something by flashlight, because no way am I lighting a candle and adding even more heat to the air.

Damn, it's a lucky thing I have plenty of porn around!

EDIT: Oh, incidentally... the power's back on now.
Fact: Also has sleep apnea, however her lackthereof breathing habits do not wake her up just make her feel more tired >.o;
Fact: I have to clean my oven tomorrow sometime. Fail D:
Fact: My main job is the ONLY company I've worked for that doesn't do shit for their employees on their birthdays >_> Even McD's gives goodie bags.
Fact: My other job that I only work 4 hours a week for gave me a $25 to a bar & Grill. This is win. :)
TakodaVega said:
Fact: Also has sleep apnea, however her lackthereof breathing habits do not wake her up just make her feel more tired >.o;
Well, then you're probably just rousing your brain out of the proper REM state, not waking yourself up to full consciousness. Maybe you should ask for a CPAPS for Christmas or something. And you can get used to wearing it by wearing a sleep mask; that's how I got used to wearing something while I was sleeping, and so it was easy to make the transition.

I swear, once I first got my CPAPS, the best sleep I'd had in years.
My hubs, I'm fairly certain, has sleep apnea. He's never been diagnosed, but I swear he does!!! And I've been begging him to get it checked out to find out either way and to just fix the problem. Because even if it isn't apnea, it's NOT normal. Every damned night he has several instances where he literally stops breathing. His lungs just... stop. No rise and fall, no breathy sound, nothing. Then, he'll gasp several times, almost as if he's choking before he resumes breathing once again. The first time I noticed this (a verrry long time ago), I was utterly freaked out. I shook him awake because I was afraid he wasn't going to start breathing again. Over the years, I've grown accustomed to this and now am no longer as fearful when it happens as I expect it now. Though when I'm awake and I notice, I always make sure he starts breathing again before I relax because if he doesn't... I feel the need to be ready. Hubs is also a HUGE snorer... something I've also grown accustomed to, lolol! And I think plays a part in this 'lack of breathing' nonsense. Also, when he wakes, he often times complains of headaches (which pass rather quickly with the help of an aspirin, but are there first thing when he gets up nonetheless). Plus, one of his brothers was diagnosed with sleep apnea a couple years ago and now sleeps with this mask-like contraption. So...... eeep!
That sounds an awful lot like sleep apnea to me. If he's concerned about the CPAP machine you might remind him that there are alternatives so if it is sleep apnea it's not like he's doomed to be hooked to a machine every night. This site is a good one when it comes to this.
Fact: I'm a very VERY light snorer. >> Says Mr. Sir.
Fact: My sleep apnea is nowhere near as bad as it was in High School/Middle school I think. o_O I used to need 10 hours of sleep to function properly now I'm down to 8. o.o;
Fact:~ Boss Mastah gave me an inspiration :3
psych80 said:
That sounds an awful lot like sleep apnea to me. If he's concerned about the CPAP machine you might remind him that there are alternatives so if it is sleep apnea it's not like he's doomed to be hooked to a machine every night. This site is a good one when it comes to this.
Oooh! Thanks for the link! I'm going to show it to my hubs. At the very least make him read it and what not. I'm sick of him not listening and treating this as nothing. I mean, it's mild to moderate, but still. The way I see it, you never know if it might worsen or lead to something else. So wonderful! Thanks! <3
Fact: needs to work on getting the store's wi-fi password locked. (Is tired of having slow ass internet connection because of moochers -.-)
my day with the little girl
"I'm hungry!" "I can't help you." "I know." 2 min later "I'm hungry!"
"I need help with the computer!" 2min later "I need help" 1 min later "I need help" 2 min later "I'm hungry" "you look like a girl you know"
"you really look like a girl"
"i'm hungry"
"i need help"

I mention lately that I hate kids -.-
Got my Arnold Palmer today
Carowinds tomorrow. FINALLY. It will be fucking hot and miserable as shit. I'm still excited.
Home in a week. YESH.
darkangel76 said:
psych80 said:
That sounds an awful lot like sleep apnea to me. If he's concerned about the CPAP machine you might remind him that there are alternatives so if it is sleep apnea it's not like he's doomed to be hooked to a machine every night. This site is a good one when it comes to this.
Oooh! Thanks for the link! I'm going to show it to my hubs. At the very least make him read it and what not. I'm sick of him not listening and treating this as nothing. I mean, it's mild to moderate, but still. The way I see it, you never know if it might worsen or lead to something else. So wonderful! Thanks! <3
I didn't think I had sleep apnea either, for a while, until my wife confirmed the stopping-breathing-at-night thing, which is the classic defining characteristic of sleep apnea. If he does that regularly, I'd say it's more than 90% certain he's got it. And he would feel sooooo much better getting it treated.

Many people don't like the CPAP, but I personally think it's pretty awesome. It's a bit annoying, I suppose, at times, to have to have power for it, but the machine isn't large, the modern mas isn't cumbersome like the masks of just a few years ago were, and since I got used to using a sleep mask to block out light back when I thought my chronic fatigue was because of light interference, I had little problem with wearing the thing.

Just have him go in for a sleep study, it's really just a night in a hotel room. He has to get hooked up to some gear, but then you can just go to sleep like usual. I'm not sure, but they might even allow you to stay over with. With me, they woke me up after about an hour because I'd already had a dozen apnea episodes in that time.
Mr Master said:
darkangel76 said:
psych80 said:
That sounds an awful lot like sleep apnea to me. If he's concerned about the CPAP machine you might remind him that there are alternatives so if it is sleep apnea it's not like he's doomed to be hooked to a machine every night. This site is a good one when it comes to this.
Oooh! Thanks for the link! I'm going to show it to my hubs. At the very least make him read it and what not. I'm sick of him not listening and treating this as nothing. I mean, it's mild to moderate, but still. The way I see it, you never know if it might worsen or lead to something else. So wonderful! Thanks! <3
I didn't think I had sleep apnea either, for a while, until my wife confirmed the stopping-breathing-at-night thing, which is the classic defining characteristic of sleep apnea. If he does that regularly, I'd say it's more than 90% certain he's got it. And he would feel sooooo much better getting it treated.

Many people don't like the CPAP, but I personally think it's pretty awesome. It's a bit annoying, I suppose, at times, to have to have power for it, but the machine isn't large, the modern mas isn't cumbersome like the masks of just a few years ago were, and since I got used to using a sleep mask to block out light back when I thought my chronic fatigue was because of light interference, I had little problem with wearing the thing.

Just have him go in for a sleep study, it's really just a night in a hotel room. He has to get hooked up to some gear, but then you can just go to sleep like usual. I'm not sure, but they might even allow you to stay over with. With me, they woke me up after about an hour because I'd already had a dozen apnea episodes in that time.
Yeah. I've been trying to get hubs to do a sleep study. So has his brother... the one who's been diagnosed AND obviously did a sleep study to get said diagnosis. His brother uses a CPAP machine and takes it everywhere with him. I've seen him hook the thing up at hotels when we've done 'in-law excursions'. Why he won't just up and do it is beyond me. Because honestly, it's ridiculously scary when he stops breathing. And it does happen several times. He'll snore and snore and then.... silence. No movement. Then, his chest starts to look like it's trying to work, but can't before he starts gasping and finally makes a strange choking sort of sound before his breathing resumes. He never wakes from it, which floors me. But, it is how it is.

I'm definitely pushing this article on him and am going to begin my nag sessions again about doing a study. He may or may not listen. But I'll feel better having pushed. One of these days though, he's going in for that study!
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