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Fact: I have only ever seen the first three Star Wars films(Episodes I-III).
PadanFain said:
Fact: I have only ever seen the first three Star Wars films(Episodes I-III).
Gah! You saw the ones with the worst plots and acting! I mean, the action is informed by 20 years of Hong Kong movies, and the CGI is clearly top of the line when they were made, but the parts that make it, you know, a story instead of a videogame? Worst of the series.

PS: Annakin is the whiniest, most easily-duped emofaggot (sorry, I couldn't resist) Jedi in the Republic. You wouldn't see Han or Chewie falling for that seduction by verbal evil crap. Hell, you wouldn't see Luke, and he's a headstrong, naive farmboy, not a former slave from a crime-ridden city who got fully trained by the Jedi Order!

Annakin. Feh. Bitchtits.
Mr Master said:
AkumaTsuki said:
FACT: Today blows.
Fact: Me too! Woke up an hour late. Was able to salvage it by my boss not being here, but still...

<comforts in kind>

*comforts with rape*
Sorry love.

FACT: Akuma is lucky she didn't wake up late since bosslady decided to come in early.
FACT: Akuma wishes she had since she thought it was Saturday morning.
Mr Master said:
PadanFain said:
Fact: I have only ever seen the first three Star Wars films(Episodes I-III).
Gah! You saw the ones with the worst plots and acting! I mean, the action is informed by 20 years of Hong Kong movies, and the CGI is clearly top of the line when they were made, but the parts that make it, you know, a story instead of a videogame? Worst of the series.

PS: Annakin is the whiniest, most easily-duped emofaggot (sorry, I couldn't resist) Jedi in the Republic. You wouldn't see Han or Chewie falling for that seduction by verbal evil crap. Hell, you wouldn't see Luke, and he's a headstrong, naive farmboy, not a former slave from a crime-ridden city who got fully trained by the Jedi Order!

Annakin. Feh. Bitchtits.

Mr Master said:
PadanFain said:
Fact: I have only ever seen the first three Star Wars films(Episodes I-III).
Gah! You saw the ones with the worst plots and acting! I mean, the action is informed by 20 years of Hong Kong movies, and the CGI is clearly top of the line when they were made, but the parts that make it, you know, a story instead of a videogame? Worst of the series.

PS: Annakin is the whiniest, most easily-duped emofaggot (sorry, I couldn't resist) Jedi in the Republic. You wouldn't see Han or Chewie falling for that seduction by verbal evil crap. Hell, you wouldn't see Luke, and he's a headstrong, naive farmboy, not a former slave from a crime-ridden city who got fully trained by the Jedi Order!

Annakin. Feh. Bitchtits.

'kay. They seemed alright to me...but then again, I've got nothing to compare it too. :mrgreen:
Mr Master said:
PadanFain said:
Fact: I have only ever seen the first three Star Wars films(Episodes I-III).
Gah! You saw the ones with the worst plots and acting! I mean, the action is informed by 20 years of Hong Kong movies, and the CGI is clearly top of the line when they were made, but the parts that make it, you know, a story instead of a videogame? Worst of the series.

PS: Annakin is the whiniest, most easily-duped emofaggot (sorry, I couldn't resist) Jedi in the Republic. You wouldn't see Han or Chewie falling for that seduction by verbal evil crap. Hell, you wouldn't see Luke, and he's a headstrong, naive farmboy, not a former slave from a crime-ridden city who got fully trained by the Jedi Order!

Annakin. Feh. Bitchtits.

PadanFain said:
Mr Master said:
PadanFain said:
Fact: I have only ever seen the first three Star Wars films(Episodes I-III).
Gah! You saw the ones with the worst plots and acting! I mean, the action is informed by 20 years of Hong Kong movies, and the CGI is clearly top of the line when they were made, but the parts that make it, you know, a story instead of a videogame? Worst of the series.

PS: Annakin is the whiniest, most easily-duped emofaggot (sorry, I couldn't resist) Jedi in the Republic. You wouldn't see Han or Chewie falling for that seduction by verbal evil crap. Hell, you wouldn't see Luke, and he's a headstrong, naive farmboy, not a former slave from a crime-ridden city who got fully trained by the Jedi Order!

Annakin. Feh. Bitchtits.

'kay. They seemed alright to me...but then again, I've got nothing to compare it too. :mrgreen:
They're OK, but the OT was groundbreaking for its time; the PT did a lot to demystify the Jedi, for example, with those damned midichlorians and nonsense, using Threepio for bad one-liners, introducing the first poop joke to the series, etc., so they engendered my wrath. And seriously, Lucas is a great broad-idea guy, and his technical prowess is amazing, but he can't write natural-sounding dialogue or direct actors for shit.

They're around 30 years old, and the action and effects are of their time, but they still hold up. See the OT, buddy. And for an experiment, you can try to imagine what it must have been like to see those films when those films were all the data you had about that universe.
I am the Force, the midichlorians inside of you.

*goes all hushed-creepy-like*
Part of me is inside of you. Do you feel me, Aku? Do you feel me inside of you?
vampire seduction said:
I am the Force, the midichlorians inside of you.

*goes all hushed-creepy-like*
Part of me is inside of you. Do you feel me, Aku? Do you feel me inside of you?

You know's things like that that make me want to reconsider you as a canidate for breeding....
AkumaTsuki said:
vampire seduction said:
I am the Force, the midichlorians inside of you.

*goes all hushed-creepy-like*
Part of me is inside of you. Do you feel me, Aku? Do you feel me inside of you?

You know's things like that that make me want to reconsider you as a canidate for breeding....
...because if you have to ask, you're doing it wrong.
Mr Master said:
AkumaTsuki said:
vampire seduction said:
I am the Force, the midichlorians inside of you.

*goes all hushed-creepy-like*
Part of me is inside of you. Do you feel me, Aku? Do you feel me inside of you?

You know's things like that that make me want to reconsider you as a canidate for breeding....
...because if you have to ask, you're doing it wrong.
:-o :lol:
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