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Ilovegoatse said:
Fact: Taking out that link. -facepalm-

C'mon guys, do you read the rules or something?
Fact: Did not know there was pedo in there.
Fact: Glad I got the link before it was removed.
Fact: Need to pay more attention and not be a stupid.

Fact: Just reread everything I sent from the beginning to make sure it's all clean. All I've used it photobucket, aside from one or two links to Dmitrys pieces, and he doesn't do that kind of thing.

Fact: Scared the shit out of myself and will be paranoid about linking things, checking to make absolutely sure, as I should be.
Nocturnal Pulse said:
Ilovegoatse said:
Fact: Taking out that link. -facepalm-

C'mon guys, do you read the rules or something?
Fact: Did not know there was pedo in there.
Fact: Glad I got the link before it was removed.
Fact: It says "shota" right there! Right in the image categories. Man, people. Realllyyy?
FACT: Only the blind didn't notice the clearly marked links for "Shota" & "Loli"

FACT: Prepubescent looking pictures/people even if they're of age turn me off hard-core.

FACT: My egg/dragy needs to be clicked-
AkumaTsuki said:
FACT: Only the blind didn't notice the clearly marked links for "Shota" & "Loli"
Fact: Only looked at the pics did not read below them, have not had the time to fully explore the site.
Fact: other than Hi :-D I should have moved the lawns, but I was just too darned lazy
fact: i am a horrible bitch and dont deserve the friends i have, that tolerate me and my outbursts.
Happy birthday MM!

Fact: There are way too many whores--- kiddies on the buses as of late.
Fact: My brother doesn't rinse his glasses out in between getting different drinks. >_0 Like he'll drink juice and then he'll get a cup of milk right after using the same juice-stained glass.

Fact: I rinse out my glasses in between cups of water.

Fact: He says, "Yeah, because you don't want to get your water mixed with other water, so you clean your glass with water." -_-; Exactly.
Fact: I don't rinse my glasses out, either.
Does that make me weird?
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