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Random Info About You

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Fact: I really like Hahvy's new signature! Awesome job harriet. <3
Fact: I had an awesome day yesterday :3 So far, a productive morning.
Fact: Mmmm, strawberries.
act: I realized what I might have done wrong last time. I washed them but didn't dry them and left them in their little plastic crate thingy. It has holes in the bottom but it still seems to collect water and I left the strawberries sitting in it.
Fact: Did something else with the strawberries this time, anyways.
Ivy Walker said:
Fact: Mmmm, strawberries.
act: I realized what I might have done wrong last time. I washed them but didn't dry them and left them in their little plastic crate thingy. It has holes in the bottom but it still seems to collect water and I left the strawberries sitting in it.
Fact: Did something else with the strawberries this time, anyways.

Fact: Ivy makes me want to go strawberry picking.
Fact: I've been so busy the last few weeks and I really need to catch up on my post.
Fact: I got AIM IM on my phone YAY
Sweetly_masked said:
Fact: I have to go for some blood testing today...I'm just putting off WHEN do to my fear of needles.

Fact: Needles aren't so bad. >.> Picture it as sexual penetration with your skin...
Fact: Thus why I like spending the night at my mothers.
Fact: she's also doing my laundry O-o
Fact: is starting to wonder when her apartment complex is going to run those checks through o-o; Mainly for the reason that uh. I wanna know how long it takes to process into her checking account. (note: It would be rather nice to know that I could put a check Wednesday and it not post till Friday or later ._.)
Fact: Laundry is in order for around here now. yes. >>'
Fact: Start the other job next week.
Fact: Sometimes it's flattering their little come-ons. Other times, I just want to make them choke on, if I had cake and I shoved it down their throat...and refused to give them milk...
"Wut? Wash it down with your cum! If it's supposedly 'good enough for me' then it's gewd enough for you!"
Fact: I'm feeling intense today...
Fact: I need a nap.
fact: has a doc appt at 1:30pm
fact: it's her last 'baby' appt before the baby gets here
fact: TWO days and counting
fact: is going to miss everyone while i'm away T_T
i know!!!!!!! *weeeeeps*
but when i'm back, i'll have piccies to share! heee!

fact: got her fed tax return.... muahahaha! YAY! (now if only the state would get here, lol)
FACT: Akuma's new soup Baby was born last night. He was a healthy 8.5lbs. The parents keep laughing whe she says she's preparing the soup stock...poor naive peoples.

FACT: Akuma is counting down the days till DA's baby too...mmm soup.
darkangel76 said:
LOL, aku! <333

You laugh, but I am completely serious. Auntie Aku is also couting down the weeks till her NikNik has her baby. I fully intend to keep that one around a few years before making a will be delicious.
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