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Random Info About You

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Kingschoolyou said:
Fact: My dog took a massive shit that no matter what you did, where you went, or how hard you tried to hide from it, everyone was down wind of it.
Fact#2: Penis.

Fact: Vagina!
Vivid Fizz said:
Fact: My friend just made me listen to Highwayman by Lorena something or other
Fact: It made me cry
Fact: I am going to rewrite it.

Loreena McKennitt?

Fact: Said 'song' is actually the telling of The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes circa 1906.
Fact: Her version omitted 2 verses
Fact: I <3 that song
Fact: Work is gonna be death tomorrow.
Fact: I get paid doubly so. Income tax and paycheck. Sweetness! :D
Fact: It's been an okay day.
Fact: It got better when the lady at KFC gave me extra Chicken strips. \ o /
Fact: I am writing purple prose tonight in my post.
Fact: Its fun! But probably annoying for my RP partners.
Fact: Blame poems put to music.
Fact: I have just caught my boyfriend masturbating and I am unsure how I feel about it.
Fact: To his face I blew it off as if it meant nothing.
Fact: I just need to know that I am more than just a warm body to him or something close than being a servant.
Fact: Now, I am questioning if I will ever be good enough - even though I'm trying as hard as I can.
Notte said:
Fact: I have just caught my boyfriend masturbating and I am unsure how I feel about it.
Fact: To his face I blew it off as if it meant nothing.
Fact: I just need to know that I am more than just a warm body to him or something close than being a servant.
Fact: Now, I am questioning if I will ever be good enough - even though I'm trying as hard as I can.

I wouldn't think to much of it, Notte > >'
It probably doesn't mean anything, he was just horny and you weren't there.
I think, anyway.
*urges Battlesheep into our RP*

Fact: I masturbated when I was with my ex
Fact: It didn't mean that he didn't satisfy me.
Fact: It meant that I was horny
Fact: I often masturbated to thoughts of him.
Fact: Got back from Clash of the Titans
Fact: Got a little pissed that they dissed the mechanical owl.
wrath said:
Fact: Got back from Clash of the Titans
Fact: Got a little pissed that they dissed the mechanical owl.

I wanna see that SOOOOO bad.
I should be able to go to it next weekend.
Notte said:
Fact: I have just caught my boyfriend masturbating and I am unsure how I feel about it.
Fact: To his face I blew it off as if it meant nothing.
Fact: I just need to know that I am more than just a warm body to him or something close than being a servant.
Fact: Now, I am questioning if I will ever be good enough - even though I'm trying as hard as I can.

Fact: I know from experience, that if you're the girl who turns into a control freak and tells him he can't masturbate, it will lead to relationship issues. Don't let insecurity cloud judgment, sometimes you just don't want to have sex, if you catch him masturbating into another woman's panties, then you can freak out but if he's just jack it it regular, let it go.
Fact: Her bank charged her a random $35 overdraft fee when her account had $26 in it. ._.
Fact: Got irritated already this morning
Fact: Is such a good person to get it fixed :3
Fact: Is also sicker than a dog.
Fact: Good Friday is only good because her Tax Refund came in from the feds =P
Fact: Sees no battle sheep :< oh ze wells.
Professional assure us that masturbation is just about quality time with yourself, and the relationship status is immaterial. It's normal and healthy, and reflects nothing on you; I think Battleship could have a point that perhaps he was horny enough to want an orgasm, but not horny enough to make it into a whole quickie. Also? It's often good for guys to come once or twice before having sex, as they can last a lot longer that way. Maybe he just wanted to have more stamina later?

Also, if it does bug you? You can talk to him about it if you can be nonaccusatory, and maybe come up with alternatives if you want to be involved. Maybe if he doesn't feel like sex but does feel like orgasm, you can help? Nibble on his ear while he masturbates? Or perhaps you could just play vouyer, if he wouldn't mind showing off? Maybe you two could perform for each other? Throwing out ideas. But as Anansi said, don't forbid, because that's a) not fair, and b) far too controlling.
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