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Random Info About You

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Info: Puppy woke me up about 4 times last night crying.
Info: Ziggy thought it would be cool to try to climb my bureau at 4 AM and knock over my head board from my old bed.
Info: I dislike pets who interrupt my sleep. D:​
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: I dislike pets who interrupt my sleep. D:​
Indeed. Pets who interrupt sleep=graves in the backyard. Because when I say I don' wanna play fetch at 5 in the morning, I fucking MEAN it, dammit! >8U!!!!
Fact: cant remember what "fetch" means
Fact: i feel hurted somehow, wonder why though
Fact: and this cake im eating tastes weird...
reduction said:
Fact: cant remember what "fetch" means
Fact: It's a game where you throw something(ball, stick, frisbee, etc.) intended for your pet/animal to run after it and they bring it back to you so you can throw it again.
Fact: My friend just made me listen to Highwayman by Lorena something or other
Fact: It made me cry
Fact: I am going to rewrite it.
PadanFain said:
reduction said:
Fact: cant remember what "fetch" means
Fact: It's a game where you throw something(ball, stick, frisbee, etc.) intended for your pet/animal to run after it and they bring it back to you so you can throw it again.

Fact: now i know what "fetch" is
Fact: My dog took a massive shit that no matter what you did, where you went, or how hard you tried to hide from it, everyone was down wind of it.
Fact#2: Penis.
fact: is still wondering wth is going to happen this weekend
fact: is hoping that her birthday will NOT include celebrating it with certain people
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