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Nekrosilisk88 said:
Battleship44 said:
Mr Master said:
Start a new thread with a poll.

Not really worth a whole new poll, this is considered to be a random fact. Whether people like Gambit or Shikamaru is random. I don’t see why I cant just leave it here, it’s not really worth moving.

because it is an opinion, and it would start a chain of not so random fact, versus, what's usually here which is wtf did that tie into what was posted previously.

Point granted. But in all honesty I don’t think it will escalade enough to make a new poll for it regardless, if it does then obviously I will make a new poll. My expectations though? It’s not gonna go past this page even, it was never meant to be taken seriously to begin with.
Fact: I haz an rp dilemma.
Fact: Said rp dilemma involves having rps that need postings but not looking forward to (as much) to responding where as the ones to get excited about are either halted/stalled or dead.
Fact: this makes me sad.
Fact: If Nekro wants a sig he should comment in my Sig Thread or send me a PM. :)
If it was worth asking people's opinion, turning it into a whole thing, it's just as easy to make its own thread, you don't need to hijack this one and clog it up for the people who don't give a rat's ass about Gambit or whoever this Shikamaru person is.

And no, that's not asking for an explanation of Shikamaru.

You've just spent more time and effort refusing to do that than it would have taken to make the damn thread. Congrats.
Fact: Yes. It eats my posts but tells me they are made anyway. I look back and they're not there. Greedy Bastard.
Fact: I have been stuck on this one picture of my character Vivian.
Fact: I suck at drawing backgrounds.
Vivid Fizz said:
Fact: Yes. It eats my posts but tells me they are made anyway. I look back and they're not there. Greedy Bastard..

Really? xD I have a diffrent monster problem , one that tells me I didn’t post, so I try again and find out that I posted twice. It lies to me.
Gambit would win. Far more people know who he is. Though, admittedly, I don't mind.

Fact: I am air drumming and singing yet again to The Count of Tuscany by Dream Theater. Sheesh. Who knew a twenty minute song could be so addicting?

Edit: I've been doing it for the past few hours actually, switching between that song and the twenty-four minute The Odyssey by Symphony X. Progressive rock owns my soul, it seems.
I’ll admit this for the sake of irony
I’m actually a big fan of Shikamaru XD
Fact: is a Naruto dork, I watch every episode.

Fact: An actual poll and thread is posted now, thanks to MM’s help XD
*hugs ruby* you're far from heartless, my darling! <333

fact: thinks ADF needs to read more x-men. <3
fact: is also guilty of shortening nekrosilisk88's username to nekro. XD <3
fact: has no siggy either.
fact: woke up too early and cannot fall back asleep! WAAAAHH!!!
Fact: The Female cat had kittens.
Fact: Queen B is coming over X_X
Fact: I had fun at the hookah bar last night o_o
Fact: Apartment hunting is a bitch <_<
darkangel76 said:
fact: thinks ADF needs to read more x-men. <3

No thank you! If I was going to get into comics that is definitely where I would start, but I have way too many dorky ways to sink my time already.

Fact: I am currently enjoying an interesting hot chocolate mix made with dark chocolate, cinnamon and cayenne pepper. It is delicious.
well, it would be a sure fire way to know more about gambit, lol! XD

fact: is in a pretty decent mood considering how hectic the morning has been.
I actually know a pretty decent amount about him. I've read up on him a few times for potential roleplays, but never followed through as I was never sure how to write his speech correctly. Coincidentally my main OC, a gypsy/rogue, has a lot in common with the guy, so I can definitely relate.
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