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Mr Master said:
<comforts the sickened Beloved Aku>

*Nuzzles MM* Want to hear the funny thing? They put me on medicine to combat the infection in my lungs and it effectively killed my immune system. The box has a huge warning lable to beware anyone with an infectious disease since the medince increases chance of contraction. BRILLIANT!
Hmm maybe sniffing fiberglass wasn't a brilliant idea.... (I keed).
Fact: Went to the health club today ^^
Fact: People are annoying, in general people who keep talking about fucking you and you don't know them are annoying..
Fact: I ish happy for once & single for once...
Fact: My brownies are nummy.
Fact #2: I'm getting Irritated that my Roomie keeps getting assumptions of me.
Fact #3: My spaghetti sauce was missing a key ingredient that I didn't figure out till after I ate dinner o-o
Fact #4: I'm getting kind irritated at my friend who I feel like is getting a borderline obsession over my other friend to the point she's calling him hers >_>;;
So, my B-day was okay. Not good, not bad. Just meh. Doesn't help we were slammed with calls at work. Damn IRS opening their floodgates today :v

Night BM!
FACT: Aku's companion buddy gave her a yummy coconut egg custard for her B-day.

FACT: Aku is going to be one of two registered companions in the upcoming firefly larp. SUPER EXCITED!
Fact 1 : I don't need emo bitches seriously, if your going to be emo and complain that I don't talk to you enough GO AWAY..
Fact 2 : I've been fucking spacey lately, so if I'm talking to anyone over messengers or PMs that's the reason why
Fact 3 : Think I might have found someone locally, going to take it slow and steady not diving into things right away..
Fact 4 : I don't like drama anymore, seriously it's annoying!! >_< Sorry I caused a lot lol
Fact 5 : I went to the mall today and got four apps to apply for jobs there ^^
Fact: I was told by Godforbid that he holds me in high esteem and that if he could help me out with what they do to let him happy....he's so awesome
Fact: I had a dream involving BM, Robin Williams, Sailor Moon, Schizophrenia, A prince forgetting he was sleeping with someone, mermaids, my netbook, a curiously destroyed area of a dining room, Boys vs Girls, and magic.

me = WTF
Fact: I've been re-watching The Sopranos and suddenly noticed a mention of a "blue moon" in the opening theme's lyrics and had a giggle.
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