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I'd say it would be better to stop by before the head choppage, an extra set of arms would be nice for the head chopping and the body disposing.
Hopefully my purchased lip rings and new gauge plugs should be here either by today or tomorrow. @____@

I'mma be gauging my ears to 6. I think they are 10 or 8 right now. xD
Fact: I am so fucking confused...
Fact: My own puppy is attacking me >_<
Fact: Wondering what the fuck is up with that...
Fact: Life is getting to stressful...
Fact: Some identity thieves are really stupid.
Fact: When you steal someone's debit information, don't use a landline to make purchases.
Fact: Furthermore, don't use YOUR landline to do it.
Fact: I am still going to go and kick some ass in New York. Once I get the address, would anyone like to help?
Fact: I often wonder what will happen when my grandparents leave...noneof my answers are comforting
Fact: One of my friends wants to get me a boyfriend.
Fact #2: I doubt she'll find one that is compatible with me.
Fact #3: Scottish Man and I are talking again - YAY :3
Fact #4: I haz job interview at 2 ^.^;
Fact #5: I am extremely mean to one of my characters to the point that it's ridiculous :<
Mr Master said:
Why are you nervous? You got the world on a string, baby... you got nothing to be nervous about.

*Holds up just the string* Oh noes! I lost the World.
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