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Random Info About You

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FACT: Aku finally caved and went to the Doctor after having blue lips every night since Saturday.
FACT: Aku has an infection in her lungs and is now on nebulizer treatments every 4 (or if need 2 hours) along with several other lovely drugs and injections.
FACT: Aku hates needles. Like to the point where seeing them given on TV freaks her the fuck out.
Fact: I just had my mom offer me a anywhere for under 800....I'm trying to figure out what she wants...
^^^ Thats rather weird...

Fact: I taught my cat how to say "I want a kiss" it's so cute <3 If I could record it I would.
Fact: my mom dropped my digital camera in the toilet, thats the forth one. I think she hates that I take 10000000 pictures of myself and she can't find any proof they are naked ones (there never are, she is paranoid).
Fact: I still live with my mother and am damn proud of it.
Fact: I have vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and a big glass of milk. <3
Fact: Reading science journals out of boredom again.
Fact: I now also have brainfreeze.

My_Apocalypse_Pony said:
Fact: i want to have a tea party. with a fancy tea set

FACT: If Pony was here (and Aku wasn't sick) she'd invite Pony to a fancy tea party with blossoming tea and 4 different tea sets to choose from.
Fact: Today is one of those days I feel like I'm going nowhere. Today is a hopeless and lonely day.

1) Hopefully I will get access to my college's MS Academic Alliance again
2) MS AA is badass; lets you DL a bunch of free software if your school has it. Put it this way: Last year I DLed XP Pro; Vista Business; Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Datacenter and Standard Editions ($4000, $3000 and $1000); Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition ($4000) ... and that's just the major stuff.
3) I hope that I can get squeezed into the System Security class. If so, I'll get to grad this year with an OCC Cert in System Admin ^.^
4) I love my job ^.^
Fact: I am secretly pleased that my boy's hd got wiped after his gf convinced him he didn't need me to help him...he gave in to her racism and is suffering for it.
My_Apocalypse_Pony said:
AkumaTsuki said:
FACT: If Pony was here (and Aku wasn't sick) she'd invite Pony to a fancy tea party with blossoming tea and 4 different tea sets to choose from.
Fact: that would make pony VERY happy <3

FACT: Aku is a bit of a tea whore/snob with her different flavors and tea sets and lives for any excuse to use them.

FACT: Aku hasn't been in the chat since New Year's Eve.

FACT: Dub has this big elaborate plan for Aku's B-day this weekend since she is too sick to do his original plans, but Aku isn't sure she's going to be able to handle the new weather proof plans.
SAT: -Breakfast
-Museum ((Was supposed to be zoo, but since it's raining)
-LaiLais Dumpling House for BrownCoat Shenanigans
-Koby Japanese Steak House
-Some Surprise
This isn't even going into Sunday's possible plans or the Big Surprise next weekend. Gah not breathing!
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