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Random Info About You

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Fact: had funky dreams last night XwX
Fact: is up WAY earlier than is normal for her
Fact: wants her pillow back *makes grabby hands*ngh~ ; w ;
Katch said:
Fact: needs to draw something more AKUMA-y

Saw you had a typo. You're welcome!

FACT: Aku can't wait for her 6 day vacation coming up.
FACT: Aku hopes she can convince Dub to take her out of town.
1. I saw Avatar too. It was pretty good, kind of reminded me of the Iifa tree part of Final Fantasy 9.

2. I finally found a petticoat that was actually functional and not some stupid cheap strip of nylon that can be found in the display window of adult novelty stores.
Fact: is enjoying some forbidden thoughts and warm fuzzy feelings XD
Fact: thinks it's later than it really is, hmm o.o
Fact: needs to finish this art piece~!! *fuss*
FACT: Aku is currently batteling a virus on her laptop courtesy of one of links she clicked last night to recruit for.

so, today in the ER, we had this 15 yr old guy come in for seziures. His family couldnt tell us why it was happening, and they had no clue. Apperantly they dont pay attention to their own son. So his family was in the way everytime I turned around to grab something, and I had to kick them the fuck out cause they were bothering him.

We still couldnt figure out why they were happening, so I was like


And quickly started checking off everything we could have did.

eventually we figured it out.

Turns out Hes allergic to eggs, and he had some pancakes earlier. Why? No one knew.
Fact: Being allergic to eggs would suck.
Fact: I'm allergic to nuts, which sucks as well, though not as much as being allergic to eggs would suck.
FACT: I'm allergic to dust mites, and I find it hilarious to explain to some of my friends that I can't visit their houses because they don't clean well enough.
missedstations said:
FACT: I'm allergic to dust mites, and I find it hilarious to explain to some of my friends that I can't visit their houses because they don't clean well enough.
I'm allergic to pet dander, going to visit friends who have pets is a nightmare. D:
Fact: The reason that Santa is always so jolly is because he knows where all the naughty girls live.
Fact: ^ finds the pet dander ironic XD
Fact: finds holidays nice, when you don't have to go out anywhere x_x dear GAWD traffic
Fact: misses people ^^ ;

Happy Holidays anyway everyone ^^
Fact: I would think being allergic to nuts would suck worse. I don't eat eggs all that much, and I would kill myself if I had to live without peanut butter.
Fact: Peanuts are not actually a nut. I can eat peanuts just fine. Peanuts are actually a legume, and they are more closely related to beans.

Trazz said:
Fact: Peanuts are not actually a nut. I can eat peanuts just fine. Peanuts are actually a legume, and they are more closely related to beans.


True, but nut allergies, and peanut allergies are typically seen together as far as I know.
Fact: I'm at work, and totally dying to get the next post in any of my rp's hehe
FACT: Aku's mother has once again gotten her kitchen supplies for Christmas....Aku thinks mommy's trying to tell her something.
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