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FACT: Akuma loves James Earl Jones...
FACT: James Earl Jones is Epic

FACT: Mixing his movies results in epic lulz.
My_Apocalypse_Pony said:
Raziel99 said:
Pony doesn't answer my rp requests.

And sadly, I'm a fellow michigander
WARGARBLE I'm sorry i forgot about it.

It's ok. >.> i'm starting to feel like a stalker, though, considering how many I've sent in the past.
I get to see Mr. Sir today!!! :D

I hope he likes his present :< He mentioned he would like one of the things a few months ago so...yeah >>;
FACT: It is currently snowing in Hell. Anyone who has used the phrase, “When hell freezes over” begin to prepare for the worst….also to the asshole who caused this freeze with their contradiction- Nice job.
Info: Haven't heard from Jeff at all. Trying to keep optimistic but it's tough since I already have a cold.
Info: Quite tempted to skip lab because of stupid lewis dot structures. I used to know them and now I don't. >:
Info: It's cold in the library and no, I'm not working there for once.​
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: Haven't heard from Jeff at all. Trying to keep optimistic but it's tough since I already have a cold.
Info: Quite tempted to skip lab because of stupid lewis dot structures. I used to know them and now I don't. >:
Info: It's cold in the library and no, I'm not working there for once.​
Chem 131 (or whatever variant it is where you go, it's still first year chemistry)? I can help you
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
It's all good, Razi. Behold the powers of the internetz.

Info: THE DATE. IS ON. -poofs for nows-​
Well, if you ever need help, I'm currently am in chem 132 (naming and properties of organic and biochem) so just say the word if you need help.

as for the date, i hope you have fun :)
Info: Date was a success. And I'm now exhausted. This cold is getting to me. @_@ Alas!
Info: I am seeing Jeff tomorrow night and we are gonna watch the new Star Trek movie. :3​
Fact: Its snowing. In Alabama. IN DECEMBER. (For you Northerners, thats kind of a big deal down here, we don't usually get snow till about March, if it comes at all.)
Fact: I made a snowman, then some bitch knocked it over when my back was turned so I had to rebuild it. Live long my little snow person!!
Info: It's gonna snow tonight in MA.

And yeah, it's a big deal that we haven't gotten snow but the southern states and western states have. D<​
Info: Gotta do all my homework, which shouldn't take too long to do today.
Info: Potentially hanging out with Jeff tonight, not sure, but it's all good.
Info: Next friday is my last day of class this semester. x]​
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