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Nymphetamine said:

Life is life.
I'm used to pain. Though I do admit, I thought it'd be different. I am yet, too young to think everything will last and be perfect. Maybe he'll come running back, if not in a week, a month, a year or two, he wont at all. Just when he realizes he's wrong, I'll be here to laugh or take him back.

Honestly. I'm okay right now.
Really. I am. Which is strange.

Yay~! I'm loved. So are you. <3 :D
I've felt the break up pain recently, too. I'm sure most of the people know somewhat of how you feel.

Remember that you have a lot of friends here that love you. And also remember that you are beautiful. Hell, you could probably have whoever you wished.
Info: Work from 2-6.
Info: Wondering if Jeff might stop by but not expecting much. Just a so-so feeling. ^^
Info: Hopefully the daughter will keep her end of the deal and visit like she said. U8<
Info: Gotta get ready now cause it snowed last night and I have to clean off the car and such.​
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
That is so not "morning wood" That's: I have a boner and don't know what to do with it.​
Lies. Everyone knows what to do with a spontaneous boner. It's whether or not they are able to at that moment.
Raziel99 said:
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
That is so not "morning wood" That's: I have a boner and don't know what to do with it.​
Lies. Everyone knows what to do with a spontaneous boner. It's whether or not they are able to at that moment.
*makes fap noises to the rhythm of the mexican hat dance*
Misha Hiroki said:
Raziel99 said:
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
That is so not "morning wood" That's: I have a boner and don't know what to do with it.​
Lies. Everyone knows what to do with a spontaneous boner. It's whether or not they are able to at that moment.
*makes fap noises to the rhythm of the mexican hat dance*
Raziel99 said:
I've felt the break up pain recently, too. I'm sure most of the people know somewhat of how you feel.

Remember that you have a lot of friends here that love you. And also remember that you are beautiful. Hell, you could probably have whoever you wished.

Too bad only online peoplez think I'm purty.
Hahaha. Ah well.

Info: I smell like a Big Mac, so I must go scrub myself until I feel clean again.
Be back in a few hours.
Fact: I never know what to do with a person's attention, once I finally have it. Especially when I wanted it for superficial reasons to begin with.

"Hey, hey, Tom. Tom. Tom. Hey, hey, Tom! *sharp whistle, waving arms, jump up and down, etc.* Hey! TOM!"

*Tom looks and raises a questioning eyebrow*

"Yo." ^^; *lame wave*

The End.
This was posted by a friend on another board, and it's something I'm just having to deal with myself this past year or so, so I thought I'd share for those of us who could stand to kick-start our metabolism a bit better (HKitten, you are excepted from any of this):

The general thrust of the "random" thread had turned to advice on weight loss, and the general consensus was "move more, eat less (and/or better)." One good strategy was just cutting out sodas entirely, another was paying attention to what's in your food and avoiding high fructose corn syrup like the plague. All those help, as does a regular regimen of exercise. But one buddy put some interesting things about -scheduling- actually, and working your metabolism.

Another thing: there are ways to outsmart your metabolism, and while they alone usually won't lose you much weight, they might well be decisive in keeping your weight-loss regimen within the bounds of your capacity for self-discipline. Most people's metabolism naturally slows down at night, for example, so eating your "dinner" at midday and your "lunch" in the evening will make any given number of calories more likely to get burned off before you go to bed. Also, skipping breakfast will put your body into energy-saver mode for the rest of the day, so you should always eat something (a slice of bread or a piece of fruit will suffice) within an hour or two of waking up. Finally, the greatest benefit of regular exercise (from a losing-the-beer-gut perspective, anyway) is that it attunes your body to the expectation that major exertions could be required at any time. Metabolically speaking, routine exercise puts the body on perpetual yellow alert, so that it uses more energy even at rest.

Good advice!
Fact: i hate those mornings where the first thing you do, is to fall out of the and hits the table there then thinks it shall collaps on your weight and then after all the small things you have standing on it is falling down over your face, specialy those small pointy thingies <. <
so damn hate that > .<
Mr Master said:
reduction said:
Fact: i hate those mornings where the first thing you do, is to fall out of the and hits the table there then thinks it shall collaps on your weight and then after all the small things you have standing on it is falling down over your face, specialy those small pointy thingies <. <
so damn hate that > .<
Rough morning, huh?
*nods* but atleast was that only one morning, hopefully it dont come again :3
vampire seduction said:
I didn't know she could hurt me like this again.
Does she even realize?
Can she even know?
Would she care if she did?
-Huggle luffs-
Can we be emo-hurt-heartbroken buddies?
Fact: Hero is having a god awful day.

Fact: Hero was just in a car accident.
Fact: There was no damage but the other driver insisted on filing a police report.
Fact: Filing a police report and earning Hero a citation could very well mean Hero loses his job.

Fact: Hero is not having a good day.
The Decadent Aiyoku said:
I draw on the dressing room walls at JC Pennys in sharpie >_>"
FACT: That's stupid.

FACT: Akuma is on the verge of possibly breaking down. They're checking her youngest brother for a tumor in his brain.
FACT: Aku already lost one brother to lukemia earlier this year...
Awwe, I'm sorry! I wish I could do something for you. D:

Fact: I'm lonely.
Fact: Feeling very flirtacious! Somehow craving to flirt with ze womans~ <3

Fact: On another note, why does the world have to be so big? It sucks being so far away...bleh. >.<
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