Emma Watson - The Gameshow Contestant (RoleplayMaster x ChrisGabriel)

After a half asleep ambling to the bathroom, Emma blinked at herself in the mirror, washed face and wet hands going down to stare at her sizeable boobs. "Well, not a dream.. at least that part." but she was soon touching other parts and hissing, as she used the toilet and washed up a little. "I will be damned." shaking her head, she was halfway to her clothes when she froze, realising she was not only naked, but there was a man in the room with her too!

"Curtis?" she asked, then ran to get something on. Returning, she gingerly tried to sit in an armchair, thinking hard about what she should say.

"Thank you." she finally sighed "I think I better visit the doctor I usually go when I am around here... What happened with me is more than just pent up stress and sexual frustration." She waited for his reply, eyeing the man if he was really a suitable boyfriend material, or she would be better off without that complication.
Looking at Emma as she mentioned the doctor, he frowned a little bit, not in frustration, but thought. The pills he occasionally gave her were not detectable in any way, so as far as a doctor could tell, her changes were all natural. Finally, he gave a nod and stood up, walking to Emma and taking her hands in his own. "If you think that's a good idea, you are more than welcome to. Would you like me to come with you, or did you want to go alone?" he asked, kissing her lips softly and looking into her eyes. Being completely open and trusting would help him appear as if he had nothing to hide, and look as a trusting, supportive boyfriend and nothing else.

"And when you get back, I can give you a massage if you like? And after yesterday's events, it will be a massage and nothing more. I doubt you need any more sexual relief for a little while." He smiled.
"I think I better make an appointment then. She maybe can start with the blood work and other unpleasantness in the morning at the clinic..." While she was not stopping him from holding her or kissing, Emma was not really responsive either. Maybe her fear that everything would start again stopped her, or she was just not in the mood... maybe shell shocked as the whole last week was realized in her now clear mind.

"While your help is appreciated, I think I would give you a call tomorrow, monday, when I am finished with the doc. Maybe we could go for a lunch?" being friends was definitely a possibility, maybe even with benefits, but she was not sure she would be making any appearances with Curtis as a possible future husband.

And Emma Watson really hoped that she was all fucked out to have any relapse for the time being.
"Of course... of course." Curtis said with a small smile. He wasn't too happy, as he was feeling Emma drawing back slightly from him, in a figurative sense, not a literal one. Giving her a small nod and a squeeze of the hands, Curtis pulled them away and looked around, trying to think. "I guess I'll be off then? I'll see you tomorrow for lunch." Curtis said. Walking off, he made it to the door and stopped, remembering something else.

"Oh! And don't forget about that gameshow! The paperwork has been signed and sent off. I believe it's on either the Friday or the Saturday, that they are expecting you." Curtis explained. "You'll need to pack some spare clothes and any necessities, any items they deem unnecessary for the show will be held by them for the duration of your stay... Anyway, see you tomorrow." Curtis said, leaving before she could say another word.
"Gameshow? What gameshow?" Emma asked more for herself, as the door opened and closed. Then she started to remember... something about showing the real her to people... but it was not really clear, she just remembered that she filled out something with Curtis... her Therapist's help, then signed it Charlotte Duerre, which was still her name, just rarely used... But had he put her real name on that paper? Emma shrugged and tried to keep herself busy cleaning up any mess that reamined... She also blushed and even had to stop for a moment as the memory of her orgasms resurfaced, making her swoon...

But she would be going to the doc, and find out what was her problem. Not that Curtis did not helped, for she definitely felt more fre and lighter in spirit, even if there was an added weight that was in the way a lot of time.

But she just realised next morning that her bra's no longer fit her. Going braless with big D cups, or maybe even bigger made the young woman really self conscious, aand blushing. At least people looked at her boobs instead of her disguised face...

The doc would need a day or two to get the lab work back, so she would be back for another visit, until then, she had a lunch with Curtis, and then spent an evening alone.. just to see if there was any relapse. Feeling all sexy but only the weeek long exercises moving her hands, Emma got herself off, and spent a night resting.

That the next morning she would take a shower and get affected anew by the drugs in her liquid shower gel was just making it more ... interesting. But at least she would not wash her hair until wednesday afternoon, before her dinner with Curtis, already having the doc's words that she just had elevated hormone levels, nothing really wrong...
When Curtis had Emma call him for dinner, he was pleased. Apparently, all was well with her, just as he had known. Accepting the dinner, he offered to make something at her home, so she did not need to go out and possibly get recognised. She seemed happy with that, and with how easy it was for her to accept, it made him suspect some of the other drugs were working too. When he found her hair nice and washed, he had known for certain.

Dinner was a pleasant event, smiling and talking about random pleasantries. He had asked if they were still together, and she was, again, quick to reply positively. Eventually, Emma brought the conversation over to the gameshow, asking what to expect. "Think of... Think of Big Brother. You'll be in a household, with other women, living together and hopefully making friends. Like any competitive show, making friends is essential for survival. You'll have challenges you complete, nothing bad. Probably just embarrassing dancing, or something like that. Stuff to make audiences laugh, that sort of thing. Audiences will vote for who stays and who goes, each week someone will leave the competition, and then when one person is left, they win." Curtis explained. It was very simple stuff, and nothing scary. Of course, that was very light in comparison to what Emma should be expecting, but she'd find out the truth soon enough anyway...

Friday finally rolled around, and the day began with a taxi being sent to her apartment. She hadn't called for it, the gameshow runners simply sent one her way. The driver waited as she packed her things. She wouldn't need much, and when she would arrive at the show, that sentiment seemed quite clear - everything but two changes of clothes, and her swimsuit bikini were taken from her. Even her spare underwear!

Paperwork was given for her to fill out. Not contracts. More like a questionnaire. The questions were as follows:

Favourite Food:
Least Favourite Food:
Sexual Orientation:
Biggest Fear:
Biggest Turn On in Partner (Non sexual):
Biggest Turn On in Partner (Sexual):

When the questionnaire was filled out, the final thing Emma needed to do was to do some establishing shots; stuff that the show would use to introduce the contestant to the public. All Emma had to do was smile and wave, or talk about something unimportant, like her greatest desire or favourite holiday.

"Okay, all you need to do, is walk through these doors here. Once you go through, walk straight ahead and you will find the bedroom, where you all will be staying. Everyone else is there, go meet everyone. When the show starts rolling, you'll know." One of the people running the TV show explained, opening a door and letting Emma in. As she walked inside, she would hear the door lock behind her.

The bedroom had eight beds inside, each with a name pasted across it. Furthest on the left was Emily, a fairly posh looking girl that seemed indifferent from everything going on around her. She was reading a book, coincidentally the final Harry Potter book. Next to her was Stacy, who seemed quite nerdy - not much skin revealed thanks to her clothing, thick brimmed glasses, and so on. The next girl was Joan, a fairly butch looking woman that seemed quite masculine for a female. The bed next to Joan was empty, and had Emma written on it. Which meant not only did Emma know she would be sleeping next to Joan, but she knew the showrunners knew she was Emma Watson.

The next bed had Lucy written on it, and two Asian girls were sitting on that bed, chatting to one another. The next bed had Zoe, and it was empty, so the two Asian girls were clearly Zoe and Lucy. The second to last girl was Lily, and seemed to fit the stereotype for being a goth - dark hair, quiet and not talking to anyone, tattoos, and so on. And the final girl was Lisa, a girl that Emma actually recognised as a previous assistant to hers. Unfortunately, her agent advised to fire Lisa when Emma's money started disappearing from her wallet. She had claimed she hadn't done it, but she was still fired. It was only a month later that Emma found that it was actually her agent doing the stealing, who had been fired on the spot. Emma and Lisa were still not on good terms.

As the bedroom door opened, all seven of the other housemates looked at the new girl at once. Some people were surprised to see a celebrity in their midst, while others did not seem to care. Lisa simply scoffed and looked back at her own book.
It took Emma considerable willpower to not just jump Curtis bones, or ask him for a little therapy session, but she somehow managed. The weekend cure somehow really worked, if not for too long, as she was definitely not calming down... Friday she was just about trying on her newly purchased bra's, when the taxi arrived, and she had to get a suitcase together with clothes. She was trying to look different than herself, not too much just to be less obvious.

Making friends, completing challanges and make the audiance laugh did not sounded that bad, it was just the time that got Emma having second thoughts "Weeks? How long this thing will be, again?" but she was not backing out enough to call them off, so she had to get into the Taxi. Felt a little bit early too get on a show, but after arriving she understood. It was just like any other filming production, controlled chaos.

Having to choose the two changes of clothes felt like anotherpoint for her to just leave... While she could easily get a jeans with a shirt, and a dress, with two panties, socks and stockings, she had problems choosing her bra's. All three was new, and she only had on them once before buying them just a day before... But one of them was more bad for the change of clothes, so she put that one back. And then the bikiny - which she did not had packed, as she forgot to buy one for her new curves - creating a fuss, but finally getting a promise to have one bought in for her later, when she would need it.

The paperwork was both easy and hard, making the young woman think really hard. Not realizing that they already had her used name written on her bed, she filled it out a little bit tricky.

Name: E. Charlotte Duerre W.
Occupation: Model
Age: 26
Favourite Food: Mexican
Least Favourite Food: Thai
Allergies: some cosmetics
Sexual Orientation: bi-curious
Biggest Fear: Corrupting children, perverting their dreams
Biggest Turn On in Partner (Non sexual): humour
Biggest Turn On in Partner (Sexual): tall, wide, solid body

after all, she could not just write 'fur covered muscles' ...

Then she had some photos made, but it was nothing for her.. just the fact that she had gone up three cups, basically doubling her breast volume made her really uncomfortable and not that profesional. Smiling an waving she could do, making sure not to shake her boobs or be too similar to her usual gestures. Favorite holiday was Christmas time, of course... But she had a little problem with speaking about her greatest desire, then remembere. It was of course that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities...

Then she walked through the doors, forgetting all about wanting to quit, only realizing it when she marched straight forward the bedroom... It somehow made her more self-conscious, holding her meager belongings trying to hide her breasts, and feeling like she was walking into the lion's den.

Waving at the other girls Emma was happy to be able to just step to her own bed and put down the clothes, 'accidentally' covering up the name, if possible. Or not so accidentally, if it was still doable.

"Uh... Hello, maybe you can call me Charlotte?" she hoped to get to lisa and not have her out her before she could tell her what she wanted to.

"Lisa... I am sorry if that someone we both know got you fired... rest assured he was fired too, I hope you got that letter of reference and introduction to land you in a good job..." she did not wanted to elaborate how she had no assistant after that incident, and still had none... Emma was even feeling lucky that maybe she could get Lisa back... But in the show she could not even speak about it, that won't give her equal opportunities. What is more, she promised herself silently, that she would try to help the girl win...

After all, Emma was not there to win, just to show another face to the people outside and inside.. she had the money to pay out the supposed winning to any charity. WEll, she did not really remmebred what was the contest about and what would the finalist get, but she do not even cared.
Lisa looked up as she heard a voice, finding Emma approaching and asking if she could call her Charlotte. How stupid could she be? Even Lisa, who had not paid too much attention to Emma's arrival, could see the stir that her appearance made with the other girls. She was famous, and had made next to no effort to hide her appearance.

"I work in a pub, serving drinks. Emma." Lisa replied, emphasising her name so she knew just what Lisa's feelings towards her were. She never looked at the woman, not caring to give her the time of day. "Trust goes a long way, and you have none of mine... I plan to make this a long, long show for you. Oh, I don't want you eliminated... but by the end of it, you will be embarrassed, humiliated, and broken for the public to see. Just like I was when you fired me. Now, fuck off." Lisa said, still looking at her book.

When Emma returned to her bed, she would find the butch girl, Joan, approaching. "So is it true? You're Ms. Watson?" She asked, seeming excited. She sat down next to Emma, a little too close for comfort. "I'd be happy to show you some things. It could be showing you around the house... or I could show you other things..." Her voice trailed off, her hand moving from her own knee, to Emma's.
The so called Emma was a little bit shocked at the angry words, not thinking that it would be making her life that much worse, but still. She was friendly...

... but not that friendly. Sitting on her bed, she lifted the hand with both of hers off her leg. "Joan, right? Yes, I am me. But would hope to be handled just like any of the others in this room, or outside in the real world. I am happy that you want to be friends, I want to be friends too, but I need my personal space just like you would in an unknown setting." She put Joan's hands back on Joan knees, then patted it, before standing up and pulling away, wandering around aimlessly before she sighed and went towards Emily. That the reading girl was closer to Lisa too, Emma tried to forget.

Standing next to the girl, she tried to make it a friendly question. "Hello Emily, what are you reading?" she hoped to get over the embarrasing meeting and signng of the boo, if the girl wanted to, and then maybe act normal around each other. It was not like that the book wasabout her, or anything. More like she palyed one of the characters, nothing big...
Joan stared at Emma as she walked away from her, annoyed and angry that she didn't seem to want to give her the time of day. Standing, she went and spoke to Lisa. Emma wouldn't be able to hear what they spoke about, but whatever it was, wasn't good.

Emily had wide eyes as Emma approached, incredibly nervous to meet this celebrity. "H-Hi um... H-Harry Potter. The uh... Deathly Hallows one." She replied, mumbling some of her words. "You're... You're Hermione!" She said in an excited whisper. It was unclear if she just didn't know Emma's real name, or was mixing up the character and the actress in her mind.

Before the conversation could continue, a TV in the room turned on. "Hello Housemates! Welcome to The Splatzone, I'm glad you could all make it. Your first challenge is going to be in the morning, so make sure you get a good night's rest. The kitchen is being served as I speak, so feel free to go there for dinner for now. Make sure to make friends... They will be your biggest asset... Until they're not." The woman on the TV warned, before the image of her disappeared.

In the kitchen, a large feast was waiting for them, almost like a buffet. And unawares to Emma, every dish with some sort of liquid component - a dip, a dressing, a drink, etc. - was actually semen of many different kinds. It would be hard to pinpoint the exact source of the taste, but it would be familiar. This was to get the contestants accustomed to the taste, perhaps tricking them so they associated the taste of semen with all these delicious courses.
"No, more like a look-alike... But I would be happy to sign your book either way, if you want, just please, do not think that I am she. I am Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson, but my friends call me Em." she was trying to get a glimpse of what was happening close by, even strained her ears to hear what that two was speaking about...

Emma very much hoped to get to know all the others too on their way to the kitchen and then while eating... it should be their lunch, depending on the time she was picked up and how much time it was to get in... But she shrugged, and decided hat if the TV people wanted it to be their dinner, she could pretend.

She was just curious if any of the others caught on, or had their own ideas about eating or not at the said time and place. How much individuality and how much peer pressure... Also, while chatting, she would be trying to discern if anybody had any allergies, favorite or hated foods... after all, she just had to answer those questions...
Dinner was a fairly simple affair, with everyone chatting about their lives and making small talk. Emily seemed starstruck with Emma. In fact, Lisa was the only one to treat her as someone other than a celebrity or a 'hot piece of ass', but even that treatment wasn't pleasant. Unfortunately for viewers, there was no real drama tonight, which meant nothing entertaining to watch.

Soon, the contestants were sent to their beds, and the drama finally started a few hours later. As Emma slept, she would be awoken to feel someone holding her body down, with a pillow over her head. She was on her stomach, so the celebrity was not being suffocated, but it did stop her from yelling for help, or even seeing who was attacking her. As she squirmed, trying to escape, a second person could be felt pulling down her nightwear, revealing her beautiful ass. The woman's fingers, which seemed very thick, explored Emma's pussy lips for a few moments, before suddenly attacking it. While a good fingering could feel very pleasurable, this one was very rough. Of course, there was still some pleasure behind it, but with the thickness of the three (four?) fingers inside her, pumping away at her for a good solid hour, Emma knew she wouldn't be able to walk well in the morning. Eventually, the assault stopped, and by the time she would be able to look around the room, every other contestant appeared to be sleeping.

The next morning, every contestant was awoken by an ice cold bucket of water thrown all over their bodies. For a few of the girls, much to Joan's pleasure, the water soaked their white clothing, showing off their impressive breasts through the now-transparent material. "Wake up ladies! Enter the main room to find out what is happening today!" A voice said cheerfully, and the contestants moved to the main room. It was essentially a setup with a large couch and additional smaller seating, meant for gatherings, discussions, and so on. A TV was there too, and soon, the host appeared on the screen

"Ladies! Welcome! I hope your first night here has been well? All night, the audience has been texting away, voting for the first contestant to be placed in a challenge. These challenges can be greatly rewarding if won, as the winner can get things like immunity, special gifts, special foods, or even a room away from the others for a night, with lovely things like a spa, massages, and so on. Some of these challenges will be performed by one contestant, fighting against the clock. Others, will be all of you fighting against each other. Some challenges will be all about winning rewards, while others can be about punishments. Win, and you can pass a punishment onto someone else. Lose, and you will suffer that punishment." The host warned with a cheeky smile. "Now, onto the votes... the person who will compete in our first challenge is... Emma Watson!" he announced. A few of the girls clapped, while others looked less enthused. "Come for me, Emma." He instructed, the slogan of the show that sounded quite sexual. As the pair left, the TV switched to the room Emma was walking to, allowing the other contestants to watch the challenge take place.

When the pair finally reached their location, Emma found herself facing an Asian man in a robe. He was silent, looking a little shy, but otherwise kinda cute. "Okay Emma, meet Ming. He's a young man of nineteen, and is now being given an opportunity of a lifetime." The host began to explain, and Emma would notice a nearby digital timer click on, showing ten minutes. It was waiting to be started. "This poor boy has been ignored by his female peers. He's been mocked by his male peers. All he needs is a bit of loving and nurturing. He's never been with a girl before, and so, this should be an easy task for you: make Ming ejaculate within the next ten minutes, or you lose. The prize? A free spa day with you and another contestant of your choice." The host smiled, and Ming dropped his robe, revealing probably the smallest penis imaginable to Emma. It would barely be able to be grabbed by a thumb and index finger while soft. While hard, it would eventually be a little shorter than her pinky. "Better get started, the clock already has..." The host warned, walking off and leaving the two of them alone.
At dinner Emma was making some inroads to get to know the girls, but Lucy and Zoe was just as removed from the others as Lily. Both the pair of Asians and the Goth differentiated between themselves and the others, something that not even Emma could bridge through. Or at least not in the time of a dinner, however long it seemd to be.

Emily took much more of her time to try to put her down in a friendly way, as the starstruck young woman kept seeing Hermione in her. It took Emma all of her skills and might to make her see how it was Stacy who looked and acted like Hermione, and that Emma was just an actress... While a good one and friendly, still, she was anything but Hermione.

To make it last, however, Emma had to step out of her comfort zone and start loosing some of her usual gestures, speaking more about art and literature than she ever had. She even went far out and talked about hair, makeup, and breasts, the latter something that made her blush and be evasive about whose was bigger among the eight of them.

Lucy and Zoe, the two Asians was almost ready to show their assets, giggling, thinking it was fun, but the Goth Lily brandished a two pronged big fork asking if anybody would like them medium or rare. Not sure if it was a pun or just a joke, Emma smiled instead of laughing out loud.


Not feeling the need to shower before going to bed, as she culd not even use her own shower gel, Emma was thinking how to get the amorous and vengeful off her back. They both acted like she was not accustomed to... Well, maybe she met people like that beforehand, but never had to stay close to them more than a couple of hours, and even sleep in the same room. She was still thinking how to make at least indifferent Miss Horny and Hateful whe nshe fall asleep.

Getting her sleep disturbed by a pillow pushing her head down on her bed made her cry out in distress, but it was muffled. She also found out that laying on her front no longer was as comfortable as before, her bigger breasts just hurt.. but soon, as they pulled off her shorts that she wore just because the communal arrangements, she was trashing and crying. Realizing it must be at least two people, she added wailing rape into her bed under the pillowy pressure when her ass was stroked and pussy fingered.

Air was starting to become an issue, when she felt her pussy penetrated. The feeling was pulling up images and memories from her last weeks, making her cunt moisten enough to let more fingers added... They felt differnt and more wide than any cock she had until then, leaving her gasping for air, weak in body, and feeling like a little slut in her mind.

A rough hour of almost fisting was not something Emma would call pleasurable without her drugs... She knew she wouldn't be able to walk well... As they stopped, she needed some time to gather her strenght, being light headed from the lack of needed air, and still having trembling muscles from all the squirming she had done. Being held down and raped that long left her pussy streched and Emma in pain. She still should have got up on trembling legs and stumbled out to the bathroom, or maybe make a scene, but she wanted to act different.. maybe just show those two that she was the stronger?

Or maybe she was just dead tired after her ordeal, not thinking straight. For she went back to sleep, turning on her back, and pulling the blanket over her naked legs, the shorts being removed or kicked off sometime.

And it had been stolen by the snickering Asians who woke up to the commotion, but just kept watching otherwise.


Waking to the cold shower made her sit up with a gasp, and then curl up from the pike of pain... Emma was the last to get up and stumble out to the other room, needing to go to the bathroom first. She was thinking through what to do, and if she should cry rape, but thankfully she was not really wounded, and it felt like a distant memory or really bad dream.

Wearing her only dress, she was just getting out after the others to hear the TV, getting closer to the girls as it was speaking about the rewards... While a room away from the others sounded good, but it was not her who voiced it, but Lily, the Goth, who spoke from behind Emma saying "A room alone far from the smell and noise would be good, even if it is for just one night." Emma was sure it was some kind of allusion to what happened.

She was contemplating if she should start with the accusations of being attacked and raped, or just ask for security to have someone lok over the tapes - it made her whiten and stress as she realized there could be a video about it somewhere. Then her name was called, and Emma had to look around with surprise before she caught the others stare and that it came from the TV. "W..what? Me?" she squeaked, more because it was her well known name, and she would be the first...

She walked with a noticable gait, but bravely, trying to be open and ready. But everyone could see how she got white in surpise and shock when standing there smiling at the Asian man, and hearing the words: "This should be an easy task for you: make Ming ejaculate within the next ten minutes, or you lose." Emma felt like fainting. Hearing the finishing words she was slowly backing away and frantically loking arund, as she recovered. "Okay... this must be one of those candid cameras... Of curse it is, this is a game show...But really? You ask me to..." her words was not more than her full uneasiness overflowing, making her more like mumble them.

Shaking her head and palming her face, she still sighed and turned toward Ming. "Sorry, Ming. It was just a big... shock." Emma said, as her eyes finally realised the nakedness and the size of the young man. Still, she tried to come out of it and maybe get some kind of succes, even if it was not making him come, but helping him with his self confidence.

Not that it was anything like anybody thought would make her vin, but Emma Watson used her full charm to chat up the Asian man, if he could understand her at all. Trying to overcome both of their flusters, and maybe get him to tell her about what he liked enough to feel aroused...
Ming stood silently, a sort of oblivious smile on his face as he waited for Emma to start. As time started winding down, she asked questions of him, but he did not reply a single time. Either he wasn't allowed to speak, or he simply didn't know how to speak her language. After a few more moments of her speaking, he made a gesture, pointing at his wrist as if a watch were there. The meaning of this gesture was obvious: Better hurry up, because time is running out. Looking her over, he made another gesture, grabbing at his own chest, and then nodding towards her. That gesture could mean a few things. Did he want to see her breasts? Did he want her to touch herself?

When the clock reached five minutes, the time disappeared, meaning Emma could no longer monitor how much time she had left. She would have to hurry, as any moment now, she could be told to stop...
Realizing that Ming was at least not speaking, Emma still tried to get a reaction out of him... After he started to gesture towards her breasts, she at least knew where she culdstart... if she wanted to.

With a sigh, she started speaking about breasts, even her own breasts, and slowly hold hers, then stroke hers through clothes... just to see the effect on Ming. Was he understanding her? Or just staring at her breasts, without caring for her words?

But when he tapped his wrist, she realized that she should be doing more if she wanted to win. Not just try and convince the audience that breasts are not supposed to be the most prominent problems for girls... and that while hers could look bigger now than before, it is all natural, and not like she really wanted them to grow.

She was already doing some less than indecent groping and gesturing, when the clock disappeared. But she had not bared herself, nor did she became too lewd... if one was hearing and understanding her words, it was not worse than a sexual orientation class for high schoolers... Maybe for horny teenagers, said a little bit dirty and occasionally flirtingly...

She just had to dee if it was ahaving any effect on Ming. Emma was also thinking if she really wanted to win this one, by making him cum... For that she had to do things she was not ready for...
Ming watched as Emma touched her soft, large breasts through her clothing, clearly appreciating the slight show he was being given. Biting his lip, his eyes were glued to her chest, and slowly, his cock grew. Not much, mind you, but enough that it could possibly be held in the smallest of grips. Unfortunately, that seemed to be as much as her clothed breasts would get Emma. If she wanted to win, she would need to touch him at the very least.
Gesturing the boy closer, Emma kept speaking about the breasts as motivation for males... and slowly opened her cleveage. One button after another, as he was taking a step after another. Emma was not showing her nipples, and nothing more than the others in the main room was showing, but for ther even this was a step forward... done this sugestively.

Biting her lip, she blushed, as the next step came almost naturally. She kneeled in front of him and speaking about sensitivity and sensations, and how similar it supposedly felt, she let Ming's small cock touch and stroke her breast flesh.

She would do nothing more if he was not close to shoot his load after a minute or two. But if it seemed like she had a chance to win, Emma would be popping another button, and opening her shirt to bob free her nipples, strking his cock with them while she looked up at him and said "Because you are worth it."
Sighing softly as her breasts began to get more and more revealed, seeing the nipples it seemed as if Emma was teasingly hiding from him. He had hoped for maybe a handjob, blowjob, or even full on sex, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. Nevertheless, it felt good, and he could feel himself getting close. A moment later, his penis began to shoot a hot, sticky load.

Thanks to Emma's motions, slapping the cock along her chest, it helped the semen cover more ground. On every upwards swing, semen hit in and around her mouth, and while it was sent downward, the cock shot cum along Emma's exposed breasts and neck. Panting softly, Ming wiped his cock along her breasts to clean it, and then put the robe back on. Before Emma could do the same, a person off camera told Emma to stand and face the camera, while the host began to speak.

"I hope Ming had fun, Miss Watson? You seemed to know what you were doing, but did you do it in time? The final time it took for Ming to reach his climax was..." he paused for effect. "Ten minutes, forty one seconds. Unfortunately, you did not beat the timer, and will now head back to your living quarters. Luckily, this was not a punishment round..." The host said, as Emma was ushered out. She was rushed away so quickly that her upper body was still covered in cum and her clothes were not on, by the time she reached the house.
Emma was still sputtering with surprise, the small man came too much and sprayng everywhere. While she tried to move back, he pushed forward, and because her position on her knees in front of him, she was unable to get away unmarked.

Standing up she felt dazed, the blood running out of her head... and into her pussy, which throbbed with arousal. Stumbling back to the shared common room, she was ashamed, trying to rush to the bathroom.

The Asian girls was giggling, trying to keep her from disappearing before the others had their say. It looked like the girls had played handball or basketball before... The goth girl was keeping to herself, except to stroke a finger across the breasts covered in cum, and tasting it, exclaiming "Academic breast with seasoning! Yummy!"
Lisa and Joan were sitting together, cracking up laughing as Emma made an appearance. They made no comments, but Joan was still checking her out. Emily stood, walking over to Emma and looking concerned. "C'mon. Get to the showers and wash up." Emily said softly, a hand on Emma's lower back as she guided her to the bedroom. There, Emily gave Emma her privacy as she stripped down and wrapped herself with a towel, before walking to the adjoining bathroom.

When Emma returned, a sight greeted her that was not too great. Every shirt Emma had, two holes had been cut in the chest area, enough to expose her breasts no matter what she wore. With the show's term of no underwear allowed either, this meant that Emma's chest would be completely exposed even when she was clothed. The bedroom was empty, as the others were eating sandwiches that had been laid out for them. One was waiting for Emma too, with Joan's long pubic hairs pulled out and mixed in with the sandwich filling.
Gaping at the gaping holes on her shirt Emma remembered how everything but two changes of clothes were taken from her, even her spare underwear, when she arrived. They still had to send her a bikiny...
She had her jeans with a shirt, a dress, two panties, socks and stockings, and two bras... She already lost her short sometime in the night, when they raped her... and now her dress needed cleaning on the front, her shirt and T-shirt she had slept in had holes, her bras nowhere to find... Well, she pulled the two shirt up anyway, the T-shirt backwards, the shirt normal way ... Still, her breasts pushed the undershirt through the upper shirt's holes, but at least she was covered... Maybe she would be better off not buttoning the outer one all the way, bunching up the material to cover the holes and her breasts - the undershirt would cover her cleveage in the front... Then she went and loked for her missing clothes all over the bedroom, before Emma remembered to clean off the dress from the cum. It had caked on it already, so she scrached as much off as she could.

She fully missed the sandwich time.

Just like she missed Lucy speaking with Joan and Lisa, mainly about the fun Emma seemed to have. The Asian girl let them know with flowery language that she knew about what happened in the night, and that she knew where Emma shorts disappeared. What she wanted was being pulled in the planning and pranking, but she shied away any form of assault.

Zoe was speaking with Emily and Stacy, basically sharing the same story with the two girls, just instead of pranking Emma, she mentioned Joan and Lisa... and Lucy as the possible targets.

Lily was just shaking her head and exchanging the manipulated sandwitch, putting it into any two sided one as one side, making the sight disappear... then she just left it among the remaining sandwiches.
The next few days were normal. The girls bonded and grouped up, finding their own friendship groups and conspiring against the others. Pranks were pulled back and forth, but nothing to the scale of Emma's assault. Soon, it was Thursday, the day before the first elimination. On Thursdays, the girls were granted visits if they medically needed it, which was the case with Emma and her therapist. Or at least, Curtis had managed to swing it that way. He had brought some horniness pills with him, and knew that would spice the competition up a little bit.

"Hey Emma, how are you doing?" The man asked with a small smile, bringing her closer for a kiss as they were still dating. Or at least, Emma had agreed they were still dating while under the impulse drugs. They were in a private room, which was given to them for one and a half hours. A massage table was set up behind him, as were the typical massage oils. One side effect Emma would not realise about this visit, is that the oil would soon soak up her shirts, and possibly make her breasts even more see through.

"There's no cameras in here, don't worry. Just strip down, get on the table, and tell me about your week. You can destress and just relax." He said soothingly, pecking her forehead.
"I need that, Curtis!" she was hurrying to get into a comfortable position to start emptying her heart... Disrobing was easy, as she only had on her dress, her full breasts tenting the material with some almost unnoticeable stains... She only had her sandal on underneath, for she was keeping her only remaining pantie hidden and safe for a time when she would need it.

Telling her Therapist everything, she did not even kept back how humiliated she felt, the rape, that was like a bad dream... the young man, Ming, and the cum spurting... how they stole her shorts, bras and paty and cut up her shirts... not that he could not have seen any of it. She was definitely close to her emotional breaking point.

Emma spoke about her problems with her kicked out assistant, the butch woman whjo was too lewd for her to even think about it... How she was bored with the everyday life in the house. Her new Asian friends...
As Emma was distracted with talking about her week, a horniness pill was slipped into Emma's ass, gently rubbing the hole so it felt like a massage and not an insertion. It worked differently to the sensitivity pill, as Emma would still function as a normal human being. She would just crave to be touched by others or even herself, to the point that she would masturbate or get fucked whenever she had the chance. She would, like with the sensitivity pill, would always be close to an orgasm too, so any sexual touching would bring quick relief in minutes, if not seconds. It would definitely be interesting too if another assault happened, as with this pill, it would take a lot of willpower not to let it continue.

As she spoke, the therapist listened, rubbing the oil all over her body. "Some people can be real bad." He said sympathetically. "But remember, if these people can do that to you, that means you are able to do that to them. Nothing will stop you from... sending them a late night message." The therapist insinuated. With the horniness too, it would be no surprise if Emma decided to sexually assault one of the other girls to help get her off.

When Emma's front and back were both oiled up, Curtis told her so and smiled down at her. Emma was on her back, looking up at him with a clear bulge in the man's pants blocking her view partially. "So... we still have forty five minutes until you have to go back... want to have a little fun?" He asked. While she was no doubt at least a little turned on from the massage, the pill would not start taking effect until around dinner time.
Breathing hard from the slow burning of arousal that was making her feel the best in the time she last seen Curtis, Emma smiled at her Therapist turned boyfriend. "Having fun sounds good, as I was not having any until you got me all slick..." the oily sheen gave her relaxed body a healthy look, but after his fingers touched her everywhere, she was also ready for it to continue. "We can't miss the chance for having fun for almost a hour, who knows when you can be back?"
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