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..:Aɪɴᴄʀᴀᴅ Nᴇxᴜs:.. [Cʏᴘʜᴇʀxᴋ2 & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]

When Kenji began to bring Sugou into the picture she nervously rubbed her arms, glancing downwards at the ground as she remembered that horrid time in her life. She wondered how he knew about him until it was obvious that he was on the news after he had been publicized for his actions. Once he stated that he was no longer alive, Asuna lifted her head up to look at him before resting a dreary head on his shoulder.

“I didn’t expect Reggie to be doing that in real life. He seems like the type to not do anything like that due to his skittish nature. I guess my intuition is wrong.” Trystal tapped a finger on her chin thoughtfully as if she could find an answer, but she didn’t have anything to begin with.

“Right now, our focus is to stay alive and to defeat the boss to get onto the next floor.” Asuna tried to change the subject, not wanting to talk about those criminals. “Maybe Reggie had a point about the raids. We should probably get onto those soon so we can advance up to the next level. I’m growing anxious just standing here while havoc continues out there.” She frowned.
"True, Gotta agree." Kenji said as a message from Kayaba popped up, "Well, as of tomorrow, there's four of us in the guild. We're doing a heavy leveling run tomorrow morning. Get what you can ready."

He let Asuna lean on him briefly before he left her side, walking to the kitchen to get a small portion of the stew Asuna had made. He was tossing what to do about tomorrow and the raids around in his head. Kayaba would meet them along the way to officiate his joining of the Twilight Reapers so that meant Trystal's role as the main tank of the guild diminished by a large degree because of Kayaba's skills with a shield. He, himself, would be relocated to a leadership role more than a fighter one. Overall it was a cluster-fuck on steroids that he hated.

He jumped slightly when Toxin rubbed against his left leg. Being so focused on planning had allowed Asuna pet to sneak up on him. A first for him but not unwelcome. It served to remind him what was important to him. Asuna and Trystal were counting on him and he was a guild leader. He couldn't check out right now.

"You two can sleep in the second master bedroom right across from the top of the stairs. I have some planning to work out before tomorrow." He said, rejoining them with Toxin in tow, "We're leaving fairly early so rest while you can."
“Are you sure you want to be alone?” Trystal asked before Asuna placed her palm over her forearm. Trystal glanced up towards her eyes before Asuna nodded towards the stairway that leads to the bathroom he had just offered them to go.

“Please, if you need anything let us know.” Asuna spoke softly, almost meaning just her and not Trystal. She knew a lot was troubling him, but over these past few days she had learned to let him have his distance. He grew unpredictable sometimes when he caught one of his spells. Reassuringly she would shoo Trystal and the animals up the stairs before giving Caliban a lighthearted smile.

She wondered if he thought of her often, especially after their intimate moment.

Brushing those feelings aside, they trailed into the bedroom before closing the door. “I don’t want him to get into one of those moods when you guys are around.” Asuna confessed before tossing out a puff of exhausted air. “Besides, we should get some rest before tomorrow. We have to prepare mentally for this encounter. It has to happen, rather we like it or not if we ever want to see the real rays of the sun.”

Trystal bit the inside of her cheek before impatiently tapping on the floor. That’s something that Asuna noticed about her, was her eagerness and impatience. Soon she would spill out her thoughts, but for now she nibbled on the flesh inside of her mouth for comfort. “Alright.” She finally spoke, her eyes darting to the bed and then back towards Asuna. “It wouldn’t hurt to sleep, but it’s hard to when you don’t know when you’re going to die.”

“Stop thinking like that.” Asuna spat out, her cheeks slightly reddening from the negative vibe she was picking up. “Yes, it is hard to know, I wish I could know what would happen tomorrow. BUT. I. DON’T.” She sat on the bed before taking off her boots, her hair gliding downwards before she tucked it into the backside of her ear. “Try and think of something to get you through this misery.”
((Sorry it's so short. Was kinda blanking.))

He pulled up the list of players that were participating in the coming raid, a frustrated sigh leaving him as he did so. They didn't have a lot of tanks. Technically, only Trystal was a tank, and the raid party consisted mostly of axe and mace users. Some guy named "Eat.Dez.Nutx.3", whom he suspected he knew, was a severe glass cannon with a war hammer. The strongest player of the raid party was him, followed by Asuna and Trystal, which was disappointing since it meant they were be leading things. He groaned loudly before face palming as he went to his room. He had a basic plan now, fine tuning would come before the raid.

"That's tough for me since I'm mostly alone all the time." Trystal said as she paced the floor, hugging herself as Killua followed her.
“We don’t mean to make you feel left out or anything, Trystal.” Asuna said softly before standing up to follow her, placin a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Caliban and I have history together. We once knew each other in real life when we were younger. It was hard to remember but we actually just remembered it not too long ago.” Asuna hugged her tightly, feeling just how tense she really was.

“Huh, I never knew you two had history.” Trystal said, almost in an amusing tone. “I guess it explains why you two are always near each other.” She stated matter-of-factly.

“I mean, not only that but I just feel safer around him. Don’t you?” Asuna asked, slightly opening up to her in the way females do to one another.

“I do too, but not that I have the company of the animals they also surround me with added protection.” She smiled before looking down at Killua, petting her softly on her head to hear an approving purr. “Toxin is alright, too.” She giggled before giving him a pet.

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine. We’re here for each other. You should probably get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow. We need all the energy we can get. That goes for the animals too!” Asuna stated before looking at everyone in the room.
"Maybe.... But I don't do well sleeping alone." Trystal said, taking Asuna's hand and pulling her to the bed, "I would almost want to see if we could share a bed with Caliban."

Trystal snuggled up to Asuna as Killua shrunk to the size of a house cat and curled up in Asuna's lap. Toxin curled up on the foot of the bed looking at Asuna. There was a warmness that encompassed them all. It was as if they'd become a genuine family. Would was a soothing thing to Trystal.

<Next Day>

Kenji was forging some weapons and armor in the blacksmith shop connecting to the dungeon under the Guild house. He'd just finished a new axe and shield for Trystal and was just starting on a rapier that would be made with a Crystallite Ingot for Asuna when Heathcliff arrived in the same armor and equipment that he wore when Kirito beat him three years ago. Without a word, He sold him upgraded versions of what he already had but an astronomical price. He wasn't giving Heathchiff charity.

Blacksmithing was another thing that he'd made more realistic. It wasn't totally realistic but he has to actually form the blade into a blank before he quenched it. There waa no pings and he saw no cracks in the blade when he checked it so he was satisfied with it. He was working on sharpening the new rapier when he activated his player locator, which would lead Asuna and Trystal to him when they were ready to meet up with him.
Asuna said nothing to Trystal’s requests, gently holding her as they laid down in bed. The animals stayed near, cuddling up lovingly against their bodies as they slowly drifted to slumber. She didn’t want Trystal to know that her and Caliban were more than likely a… thing. But also, she couldn’t help but get jealous at her invitation, especially wondering what Caliban would think if she asked.

Her heart began to hurt with emotion, and that was when sleep seemed to be the best way to make it stop aching.

“Good morning.” Trystal poked Asuna’s nose before the girl jumped from the bed, shocked and looking around with wide eyes, until noticing it was Trystal.

“Don’t do that!” Asuna angrily tossed the blankets off from her body before swiveling around to plant her feet on the ground. “I’m on my guard and I don’t want to hurt you on accident, okay?” She warned her, who Trystal quickly backed up and placed her hands up in protest, meaning no harm. Asuna sighed before placing her thumb and middle finger at the bridge of her nose, pinching the skin.

“We should find Caliban, he’s in the blacksmith shop right now.” Trystal said as she walked towards the door. “We should start heading out.”

“You’re right. He’s getting ready for the sub battle.” Asuna replied, quick to follow behind her footsteps. It didn’t take them long to meet up with Kenji, the smell of burning infiltrating the air.

“Wow! Did you do this?!” Trystal excitedly yelled before running towards the shield and axe that seemed to be fitting for her style. “It’s beautiful! Is this for me?” Her eyes scanned around before seeing the rapier. “Look, Asuna! This looks like something for you!”

“I didn’t know you were really this well diverse, Kenji.” Asuna spoke in his direction, crossing her arms in a sign of being impressed.
"I made this too, was up all night doing it." Kenji said, pulling out a unique weapon in it's compact non-combative form that he then clipped on his back on a magnetic clip, "It'll be my main weapon from now on. The rapier needs some agility enhancement to get it to +55 but the axe and shield is good to go with +50 Stun and +60 Defense respectively."

He leaned against his workbench wearily as Toxin was instantly at his side, sparing Asuna a brief look as if to as if it was okay before doing so. His mind had been racing last night and it resulted in him not being able to sleep. No sleep meant he was doing work. Trystal and Asuna's weapons made them overpowered a bit but it worked out as they would be doing the most damage most likely. Shrugging, he petted Toxin as he looked past Trystal.

"Hey, Heathchiff. How long are you gonna play ghost?" He asked as Heathchiff skirted around the girls as he held his shield and sword in a passively defensive stance.

"I had not known you'd allow the other members of your Guild to join us." Heathchiff said, a calm if not uncertain tone in his voice as he felt outnumbered.

"Look at it this way," Kenji replied, scratching Toxin under his jaw with resulted in the wolf thumping his foot on the floor amusingly, "They're here to make sure I don't skin your ass alive for trapping everyone in the original SAO three years ago. Right, ladies?"
“That’s very nice, you outdone yourself.” Asuna grazed her fingers over the elaborate sculpting that was his weapon, admiring how much time and effort he placed into it. Her eyes caught glimpse of his before turning her hues away, smiling at Toxin as he was being stroked with love and care.

But, that happy atmosphere soon dribbled down to nothing as soon as Heathchiff strode into the room. With gritted teeth, her hand immediately drew towards her current weapon, fingers twitching as it begged to rid of him for good. Their eyes met, and she made sure of it to show her distaste in him. With brows furrowing, she straightened her posture. It would be immature to act so rash, she needed to be more formal, upfront.

“I believe that’s a misunderstanding.” Asuna replied to Kenji’s statement, and began to take a step forward towards Heathchiff until she was about a foot away. “It’s such a pity that this is how we meet. Why are you here, anyways? Shouldn’t you be off doing something, I don’t know, chaotic and selfish?” Her words were bitter, her tongue sharpened by the blade of her words.

“Asuna…” Trystal warned her, not wanting her to start a scene. Feeling safer, she stood closer to Kenji, her eyes darting back and forth between her and her enemy.

“Trystal, you do not understand.” Asuna whipped her head around, glaring at her own ally. Trystal sunk her head down into her shoulders until Asuna’s gaze softened. “Look, he’s the one who killed me!” Her finger accusingly pointed at him. “You’re lucky this is just a frail finger when I should just kill you!”
"Yuuki, lock it down until after we save ourselves...." Kenji said firmly, his Elucidator drawn and at his side as he coolly looked at Asuna, "I'm not happy about this either, but Heathchiff is here and will be a probationary "member" of the guild for now until he proves he doesn't need to be stabbed in the back."

Toxin looked at him, a slight growl in his throat as he knelt. He had no real intention of harming Asuna. It was just a precautionary action so he could break up a fight if he needed to. He doubted he could keep up with Asuna but he knew the combat system better. It would be hell if they really fought.

"It would seem you're hatred of me burns ever brightly." Heathchiff said, having a subservient stance as he held his ground.
Silence filled the still air, Asuna fixing her eyes on Kenji as he unsheathed his Elucidator. But, what stung the most was when he mentioned that Heathchiff would be a member of their group. Nothing, not even a peep came from her lips to warn of what would happen next.


Her wrist raised into the air, a backside attack of her hand, struck his right cheek. The sting that would linger would be a constant reminder of her discontent. Pivoting around, she would stroll away, her feet pounding the ground fearsomely. Toxin whimpered at Kenji but obediently followed his master, tail dragging in-between his legs.

When Asuna was far enough away from them, Trystal muttered, “Damn… I didn’t think she would break like that. Are you alright?” Her hand raised up to touch the reddened skin on his cheek, but quickly drew it back to her side so he had time to absorb what had just happened,
"I've been hit harder with far worse....." Kenji said, having barely flinched from Asuna's slap though he did feel more than a bit betrayed, "Guess we can cancel the group training and the sub-boss raid. So much for not hurting each other either."

He had half a mind to break the rapier that he was almost finished with but he left it in a weapons barrel as he sat on the workbench. His temper was flaring and he was tempted to kick Asuna out of the guild but he knew her reason for it was valid. He couldn't blame her for it that much. She had some pent up anger at Heathchiff. It would be best if she got it out. She wouldn't have him for it though.

"I'm out of here." He said, pushing off the workbench and heading up the stairs after handing Trystal her new weapon and shield, "Gonna go train with my new weapon."
“Kenji, stop.” Trystal said, grabbing his wrists to make him cease his actions of walking away. “Let her do her own things. I know she is capable of not being with us to train. It’s our lives on the line, remember? We need to do this sub-boss raid!” Trystal pleaded, begging him to keep the group continuing. “Besides, you can use that anger you feel right now to give it your all-in training.”

Asuna loosened her stance once she was away from their eyes, quickly resorting to crying in her palms of her hands. It broken her heart, to know that Kenji would do something like that to her. He was well aware of what she had been through, and she felt he was uncaring to her feelings. Why didn’t he talk to her about this instead of jumping it on her?

Though she didn’t want to admit it, she was sensitive to things like this. It would take her time to adjust, but now it just pushed her away briefly. Toxin looked up towards her and whined, nudging his head on her elbow so she would stop crying into her hand.

Sniffling, she wiped the tears away from her face before petting her beloved pet. “I’m sorry for making you worry, Toxin. I am just hurt. I shouldn’t have acted like that, but my heart broke.”
"She can do her own thing..... But I chose to let Heathchiff join because despite being the asshole who trapped her, me, and everyone who did and didn't survive the SAO, we need him as a player and support for you." Kenji said, pulling his wrists free as he unequipped his Elucidator, "If you want to train with me, fine, come on. Otherwise, keep Asuna company."

What he didn't say is that he was suppressing the pain he was feeling. It was the best he could do at the moment. He was constantly reminding himself that Asuna wasn't his biological family. She didn't mean to hurt him. It still hurt like hell though.
“I think Asuna needs time to herself. I will follow you.” Trystal said once her hand was pulled away from his wrist. She could tell that he was bothered, but she would’ve of have noticed if she had just met him. They had spent some time together, and this allowed her to get to know him and Asuna a tad bit better.

“You know this area more than me, and I know you had an area for us to practice in. Mind leading us the way?” Trystal asked before turning her head to catch glimpse of Heathchiff. “And you, are you going to tag along? Don’t worry, I will not bite. I personally do not have any personal resentment towards you besides almost killing me in the beginning.” She smiled, but it was sarcastic.
"Your call, just try to keep up." Kenji said as Heathchiff waved them off, apparently thinking that someone had to watch Asuna, "I'm not gonna slow down for you."

"Just refrain from dying." Heathchiff called after him.

They ended up at a mountain range that was very similar to the mountain range on floor 55 of the original SAO. True to his word, Kenji was pretty much leaving Trystal behind most of the time, besides killing some arctic Lizardmen. He was doing training with his new scythe, finding it functioned well beyond his expectations and it's transformation was very fluid. He was actually loving it.

"Huh, I really outdid myself with this weapon." He commented, throwing the scythe like a boomerang to slice a trio of lizardmen in half, "It's incredibly fast despite the lack of defensive power."
Trystal was impressed with how she was holding herself, dodging the creatures while doing damage with her axe. It was a perfect combination, dodging and inflicting damage. “Your weapon is very nice. I can tell you put a lot of hard work and emotion into it.” She commented as she whipped around, wiping the stream of sweat that was about to roll down her temples with her back of her hand.

“I appreciate the weapon you made for me. It’s beautiful, and I can tell you also took a lot of time and energy into it.” She held her shield close to her, almost feeling the energy rub off into her.

“Are we still going to go through with the sub-raid tonight? It’ll be a waste of a day to just not go.” She asked before swinging her axe onto a nearby board, inflicting damage that almost killed it.

Asuna continued to walk, even though she had the slightest clue of where she was headed or going. She had become so flustered that she turned off her locater, not wanting anyone to bother her or to try and come near. Solitude was her best friend, as well as Toxin.

“I wonder what happens to you when we defeat the game.” She softly said to the wolf as she stroked its fur before holding him closely. “I don’t want to die on here like I did last time…” Tighter she held onto the wolf, Toxin gently lapping on her forearm in comfort as she felt herself trembling slightly from her anxiety.

“I’ll be alright, I just needed to get that out.” Wiping away the tears from her eyes, she casted him a smile. “What should we do now, buddy? I don’t know if I want to go meet up with the group yet.”
An alert appeared on his HUD, a message from someone named Stella whom needed his help. He would have ignored it, if not for the fact this Stella used his real name and it shared Yui's data signature. Catching the scythe and collapsing it into it's compact carrying form, he took off up the mountain to a village with a teleportation hub that would take him back to the floor's main city. He would have forgotten about Trystal had he not almost run her over

"I get the feeling that's where we're going now. I also get the feeling that shit is gonna hit the fan..... hard" He told her as he accessed his administrative privileges and pin pointed where the message came from, "Got it..... Looks like Yuuki got the same message I did."

She looked up, staring at the large Darkness Dragon that had usurped the floor boss. She wasn't sure whom she was, Stella or Yui, but she realized she wanted to go home. This time, she was going to stay. They needed her, just as she needed them. It was time she stopped running. She prayed that they would come for her.
Trystal wasn't understanding what was going on, but with wide eyes she still followed him. "What are you talking about?" Trystal managed to blurt the words out as she was running to catch up with Kenji, her breathing scattered as her footing wasn't the greatest with the armor and weapons.

Unexpectedly a notification glowed in front of Asuna, pin-pointing an area on the floor's main city. For a moment she wanted to continue to be petty, ignoring whatever her teammates wanted. It took a second for her breathing to finally calm down and reassess the situation, thinking it over before realizing no one would pin-point an area for shits and giggles.

"They need us." Asuna spoke to Toxin, who instantly was alerted once he got the command. Without thinking she bolted towards the highlighted area, determined to put her feelings aside and to figure out what was going on.
Kenji really couldn't answer Trystal, since he wasn't even sure himself beyond all hell was about to break loose. The village, when they got to it, was devoid of life besides the quest NPCs. That struck him as very wrong as he rolled onto the stone slab that marked the boundries of the teleporter. What the hell was going on? He had no idea but he was gonna find out.

"I'm not sure.... But I feel like what we were dealing with before was the calm before the storm." He said as the teleporter started up as he pulled her up on the slab with him, "I just hope Yuuki's not in trouble."
Asuna caught up enough to see the backside of Trystal and Kenji. Her legs worked into overdrive as she raced to catch up to them. Before the teleporter kicked gears, her feet planted on the ground. No words were exchanged from her, just a straight head-forward glance at the emptiness ahead of her.

Some silence before she began to talk. “What is happening?” She asked, unsure of what Kenji saw that the others didn’t.

“Something about Yuuki.” Trystal replied, but she didn’t know what was happening either.
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