..:Aɪɴᴄʀᴀᴅ Nᴇxᴜs:.. [Cʏᴘʜᴇʀxᴋ2 & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]

(Okay, just let me know if you are hoping for a certain reaction or scenario to play out since I am unaware of what you're aiming for.)

"It was my fault why you and daddy split up..." Her head bowed down as the pained reminder started to sink in. Asuna cupped her cheeks lovingly and rubbed her thumb around them, smiling softly.

"Don't say that Yui... Sometimes mommies and daddies don't work out and need to go their separate ways. We both love you very much still and so does Caliban. Isn't that right?" Asuna turned around to see that Caliban wasn't there, vanishing without even saying goodbye. She didn't understand what was with him, changing his emotions every second he got.

"Kanji, where are you? Why did you leave us?" Asuna sent the message to him as she typed it out on her screen.
(The reaction/scenario I'm aiming for is that Asuna and Yui goes after Caliban only to find him with Kirito. That being said, a boss attacks and Asuna is forced to decide whether to leave with Kirito(whom takes Yui by the hand and begs Asuna to come with him) or try to protect Caliban.)

'No time to explain. Stay in the safe zone with Yui.'

That was his reply to Asuna's question as he launched into a Mother's Rosario on a Dread Warlord. What he didn't realize is his message was marked with an flashing red exclamation mark, signifying that he was in a dangerous situation. He could handle himself in ordinary situations, but this wasn't ordinary. The monsters were way more aggressive than he was expecting. He couldn't explain it, and his mental state wasn't stable enough for him to be fighting.

"Where's Asuna?!" The unknown player called to him, recognizing Asuna's player gauge under his as he started to dual wield his Elucidator and Dark Repulsor.

"Wait..... You're the player that went by Kirito? Right?" Caliban asked, blocking a battle axe blow with a snarl on his face.

"Where is Asuna?" the player asked again, ignoring his question.
With eyes skating over the message she noticed that the text was in bold with a red exclamation mark, blinking harshly to tell the reader the player was in trouble. Her eyes hardened before standing up, gripping Yui by the hand tightly and running off into the distance in search for him.

"Mommy... where are we going?" Yui asked quietly as her little feet couldn't keep up with Asuna's. She stopped for a moment to kneel down, telling Yui to jump on her back before she took off again in a full sprint.

"Kenji's in trouble and we have to help him." She answered her question, her breathing rapid as her calves ached from the muscles working into overdrive. It was crazy how far he got from them in the short amount of time. The all too familiar figure stood with his weapon wielded in his hand, but who was the other player standing beside him? Was it that guy from earlier that Trystal was suppose to be watching? The closer she walked up she could see it was Kirito... was this real?

"Daddy?!" Yui gasped as her eyes widened, surprised just as much as Asuna was. Should she intervene and help the monster they were fighting? It seemed like they had it under control, but the air felt chaotic. As if something was lurking in these woods.
(Just to clear up a discrepancy I made, Caliban is dual wielding, not Kirito. The dual blades skilled was taken from Kirito for the remastered version of SAO so he's stuck wielding one sword.)

"Asuna! Yui!" Kirito cried, confirming Caliban's suspicion by his reaction, took two steps toward them before he was driven into the ground by Caliban.

"Hello, Mr. Fatal Scythe. What are you doing here instead of The Revenant Chimera?" Caliban quiped, jumping up and running as the boss disappeared again after it's failed sneak attack, "Look, Kirito, I'm gonna have a serious talk with you later. Most of which I can't use around Yui. Do youself a favor and get Asuna and Yui the fuck outta here before I kill you my damn fucking self."

Kirito didn't need to be told twice. He got up and ran to Asuna, taking her hand as he glanced back at Caliban. Why did it sound like he knew him? Whatever, he had to help Asuna and Yui. The other player seemed to be able to handle things. He'd be fine, especially since the boss brought back bad memories.

"He'll be fine. Let's go, Asuna." Kirito said, a deep-seeded pleading tone in his voice as looked at her imploringly, "We have to protect Yui."
The Fatal Scythe was bound to make a reappearance at any moment, Caliban out in the open as he tried to endure this boss by himself. Kirito's hand alarmingly gripped at her own, Asuna's eyes tinged with frustration as she pulled her hand back harshly.

"What are you doing?" Kirito asked in frustration, his brows narrowing to try and see why she chose to push him away like that. "We have to go, especially for Yui's sake."

"We're not going with you, and Yui is an indestructible object online, remember? She can only do self harm to herself or if the game master deletes her." She clarified his point, her expression as hard as a rock. "After what you did to me I...it's so unforgettable and I can never forgive you!" Her eyes started to well with tears, her heart racing as she is now confronting him about their recent past.

"Don't talk about this. Not here." He tried to hush her down as his hands lowered down in signal for her to keep things hushed.

"Then get out!" She spat at him, quickly throng her back to him as she ran to Caliban, the reaper looking monster appearing as a fog of black encompassed him.

"I can't believe it." He growled, clenching his teeth and fists together in denial. "I'm taking Yui with me."
Caliban's life gauge flared as he cried out in pain, going from 96% to 3% due to a critical guard break as he crashed through a pillar before hitting the roof and skidding to a stop close to where Asuna would end up. The defense buff from Jasper had saved him. It apparently gave him and Asuna a bonubuff called <<Final Stand>>, allowing them to randomly survive a deathbow with very low health. He tried to struggle to get to his feet but couldn't. The pain he felt was making movement almost impossible. The funny thing was, or at least funny to Caliban, the Fatal Scythe whacked Kirito with it's Scythe handle on it's way by, seeming to show discontent with his statement.

"Asshole..... Now I know why that Lisbeth chick reached out to me after she realized something was off....." He groaned, laying on his side glaring at Kirito as the Fatal Scythe spun is scythe, "Should've let that Skull Reaper kill me when I had the chance....."

"I'm staying with Mommy and Kenji!" Yui snapped, running after Asuna as she clung to a necklace she found for Caliban, "Leave us alone!! We don't need you!!"

(Talk about a slap in the face for Kirito. How about we have it where Kirito cheated on Asuna with Lisbeth. Asuna found out from Lisbeth because the latter came clean about it right after it happened and it drove a wedge in all of Asuna's friendships. Would that be okay with you?)
(I was thinking that since we were going to have Asuna locked away like before later in the RP that we could have Kirito do it. I was thinking about him cheating too.)

Asuna kneeled down on one kneee before grabbing a potion from her inventory, placing the ringed-glass tip onto his mouth to make him drink the liquid, his health rising to a little bit more than half of his health. "We're going to have to either run away or fight this! How did it get out?!" Asuna shrieked as the boss was whirling out of control, death surrounding its presence.

"Yui, why are you acting this way to me?" Kirito questioned, his face pained and filled with concern. "I've never done anything to you..." his lips frowned as he couldn't understand.

" Asuna screamed, her rapier tip pointing towards his gizzard, just an inch more and his skin will be pierced with her weapon of choice. "" Tears welded up in her eyes, the daunting past opening up once more. "I never did anything but love you! And that's how you repay me? To cheat on me? FUCK YOU!!!!" She wanted to stab him with everything she had, but instead she quickly retreated her rapier and pivoted around.
Caliban growled, shielding Asuna as the boss came at them. Bracing, he was surprised when nothing hit him and Asuna. Looking around, he was surprised to see Yui standing in front of them with a set of treasure hunter daggers. Not sure what to expect, he called out to Yui with the hope he could get him by him. She looked at him, but the bubbly girl he came to know wasn't there.

"Don't worry, I've dealt with this one before." She replied, her voice sounding colder and more expressionless as she smiled at him and Asuna, "Hope you don't mind Kenji, but I'm gonna protect you like you protected me before."

Kirito was confused and hurt.Yui had given Caliban the smile that he felt was reserved for Asuna and him. He'd wanted to undo everything that happened, but he couldn't. It had happened so fast that he'd gotten swept up in it. Feeling lonely and getting drunk with their friend Lisbeth wasn't the best choice he'd made, and he suffered for it everyday.
As the Fatal Scythe started to charge in Yui's way, a semi-transparent orb-like wall surrounded her, protecting her as an error about her head read 'Indestructible Object.' Asuna wanted to prevent her from doing the same actions as before but knew that she had this better under controlled than the three of them ever would at this level.

It didn't take long for the small girl to raise her daggers up, pointers directed at the boss before she ran into attack, dicing him up as red slashes painted over its body. The boss growled and snarled, not enjoying the fact that he was being defeated but he couldn't put up a fight. He was useless compared to Yui.

She bellowed as she struck him one final time, the boss wailing in pain before wobbling around, turning into a dust of blue pixels as his health bar read to zero. Asuna ran towards Yui, scooping her up into her warm embrace before kisses her cheek. "Yui, thank you so much. You did an amazing job." Her words of encouragement filled Yui's ears but Asuna couldn't help but wonder what was going on through her head as she witnessed this battle between her and Kirito.
"That's not the Yui we know...." Caliban said, a tone of warning in his voice as Yui looked at him, "Her tone of voice was off...."

"I'm..... Confused..... That name sounds familiar but I don't believe it's mine." 'Yui' said as she freed from Asuna after accepting her affections, "I don't know who I am...."

Caliban found himself hugging the girl as he opened his menu and accessed the tab behind it. The windows and holographic keyboards appeared as he started to rapidly input commands as he accessed Yui's data. The system was trying to determine what she was just as he started to recalibrate her data. This desolved into a race to determine Yui's fate. Thank god he had hacking skills as he threw everything at the system to slow it down.

"Sorry, she don't cross over today....." He snarled as Yui disappeared in his arms, "She stays here with me...."
"Wait, I'm confused..." Asuna spoke softly as shock riddled her core. The 'Yui' that stood before her began to disappear, Asuna's eyes widening as her hands tried to reach out and grab for the child. It didn't matter to her anymore. She looked like Yui so she wanted her. "Please, come back! I need my daughter!" She screamed aloud before she was gone from her sight.

"What do we do?!" Asuna collapsed to her knees, hands gripping at her golden brown tresses in disbelief. "I don't want to even be here anymore..."

Kirito was still standing nearby. He walked up behind Asuna before wrapping his arms around her, holding her tightly. "It's okay, I'm he-" He got cut off when Asuna quickly pushed his hands off from her, hastily rising to her feet.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She warned with a growl, her eyes glowering at his presence.
"Gaaaahhh.... Oomph!!!"

A sudden static discharge followed by Caliban's cry punctuated the air as Caliban slammed into Asuna. He rolled off of her as they skid along the ground and ended up against a wall. Convulsing slightly, he struggled to breath as his hand shot out to Asuna on instinct. In a way, he was more concerned for himself than her. Showed how quickly he came to care for her.

Kirito, still reeling from Asuna's stinging rejection, could only stare in confusion and hurt. Why couldn't she forgive him for his mistake? He paid for it dearly after it happened. Klein, Silica, Agil, and even Suguha had stopped talking to him. Though Lisbeth stayed in touch with him as moral support. Hell, he even discovered Lisbeth was pregnant with his first child. That should have been Asuna!

"She'll.... Return...." Caliban gasped, eyes locked with Asuna's as he finally stopped convulsing, "She'll.... Come back.... Soon....."
"What's wrong with you?" Asuna asked as she took his hands as he reached out for her. "Why do you keep having this spasms?" Her head cocked to the side, wondering what was wrong with him and how she could help.
Part of his issue was the shock of the system booting him out. The second was the head gear he had used let 50% percent of the pain sensation he felt in the game be felt irl. It was his way of letting himself know he was alive. Either way, he forced himself toward her, ending up in her arms as his body stilled. Not willing to admit it, he felt that he needed her greatly.

Kirito didn't like what he was seeing so he left. He wasn't sure what to do. There had been a vain hope that this game would bring Asuna and him together again. Now it appeared that wouldn't happen. He still loved her and wanted to be be with her. He was, in a way, lost without her.

"Neurological disorder..... Severe sudden trauma causes sporadic convulsions.... Similar to seizures but not quite...." Caliban said, sounding extremely weak as he looked at Asuna, "I'm still fully aware and can just barely move if I fight through the pain that hits me."
Gingerly she cups his cheeks, stroking his skin tenderly to reassure him that everything would be alright. "It's risky to be hacking into the systems like that. Please, don't do it so carelessly. It's not just about you now." She reminds me, letting him know that she is in the picture too. She wanted to make sure he was okay and well, never wanting anything bad to happen to him like before.

"We have to take this slow, okay?" She soothingly speaks, gripping his arms to try and help him up to his feet. "We need to keep moving. We need to search for Yui before it gets too dark. Trystal is probably worried about us." She huffs out a puff of air as she heaves upwards, trying to use her weight to push him up.
"Don't worry, Yui'll find us when she's ready." He said, having just enough strength to stand up, "Besides, I didn't actually hack in to the system. Someone kicked me out with an the anti-tampering system. Unfortunately, my administrative privileges outranks whoever kicked me. If I'm careful, I can find out who trapped us here."

He hated being so weak, but he had to lean on Asuna to get anywhere. They were given new weapons and armor. Asuna got a Transcendent Fleuret while he got a blueprint scroll for some sort of multi-form weapon. He needed a lot of things to make it, but getting them wouldn't be that difficult. It appeared he could use the blueprint one time to make one of two styles of scythe. He's definitely use it when he was ready.

"Let's go before Scythe boy decides to revive." He said, draping his left arm over her shoulder as they got moving.

His left wrist gently pressed against the swell of her left breast just beside her chest plate. This he endeavored almost too strongly to ignore. The fact that he was unintentionally coping a feel with his wrist disgusted and excited him at the same time. A miniaturized category 5 hurricane could almost be seen over his head from the amount of effort he was putting into it. He didn't embarrass easily, but leaning on Asuna was definitely embarrassing for him right now.
"Then was the Yui we had saw and you saw not her from the beginning?" She asked, raising a brow as the thought confused her mind. Asuna decided to shake the thought away, causing her head too much pressure just by overthinking the situation. It brought her happiness just to see him able to stand up.

"I just don't know..." She whispered, more to herself than towards him. "This feels so much different then the other time. It hurts more..." Her grip tightens on him as she finds comfort in him. As they were walking she felt something touch her side, wait... was the more of a grope? Her hues glances down, seeing it was his hand. Quickly her gaze looked back upright, wanting to pretend that this was never happening.

"So... Uh..." She trailed off, trying to think of something to say to distract the feeling. "Where are we going now?"
"It was her but I noticed her data was mildly corrupt." Caliban said, giving a shrug of indifference as he considered what he learned, "As for where we're going, we're back to see if Toxin and Killua have killed my moron of a friend yet."

Just as they returned to Colbalt Ravine, they met someone whom they thought was dead. Caliban, having recovered enough to stand and walk on his own, almost lost his shit as he recognized the player. Never would have thought he'd grace the game with his presence. Given he was the mastermind behind the original SAO death game, his reaction was understandable. Still he didn't react because Asuna was there with him.

"Heathcliff, What the hell are you doing here?!" Caliban demanded, trying not to get combative as Heathcliff looked and him and Asuna with calm interest.
As soon as Heathcliff was in eyesight Asuna gasped before standing as still as a rock. Her body wanted to tremble but it couldn't. It didn't know how to in this very moment in time. She was shocked that he even lived after Kirito ending everything back in SAO. Her digits shook as she reached for her rapier, unable to cope with the surging emotions taking control of her body. Asuna closed her eyes tightly before rushing like a bullet towards him, grasping out her rapier before holding the pointed tip towards his jugular, defensive mode kicking in.

"What the fuck do you want?" She spat the words at him as her teeth clenched in anger. His presence sent a trigger to go off, not knowing if she was able to control it or not. "I swear if you don't disappear from my sight I will kill you myself. I don't care if I have to go red for a while." She threatened, edging the blade closer to his skin as he quickly placed his hands up in defense.

"Woah, woah!" He halted, sweat beading at the top of his brow as he swallowed down the knot in his throat harshly. "I have no intentions of harm, Asuna! I'm just as clueless as you are. In fact, I am more than pissed to see that someone copied my intentions. Through the years I learned my actions were wrong and I even was jailed for it. I'm trying to figure out who is behind this. Please, get your weapon off of me!" He pleased, his eyes staring down at the rapier that could end his life.

Asuna furrowed her brows together, unknowing if she should trust him but regardless she pulled her weapon away before turning her back to him, flustered.
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't in insinuate me in having done this, you piece of shit." Caliban said, punching Heathchiff so hard he was imprinted in a wall.

"Ouch, I wasn't trying to." Heathchiff said, sounding dazed as he got himself free, "I merely want to prevent more loss of life."

With a huff of dismissiveness, Caliban put his arms around Asuna from behind. He was trying to comfort her while keeping himself from bashing the original SAO creator's face in. Holding her was like a calming tonic for him. Kept things in prospective for him as he placed his chin on her shoulder. Considering everything and Heathchiff's sudden appearance, he felt inclined to trust the older man enough not to kill him yet.

"Look, Heathchiff, I'm inclined to cut you a smig of slack." He said, finding Asuna seemed really tense and anxious as well as fit against him rather well, "However, should you fuck up, Flash and I will turn you into pixelated steaks."
“No need to get so hostile.” Heathchiff indifferently spoke. He folded his arms against to lay against his breast plate, looking down at the duo as they were shorter than him. Asuna quaked in rage. How could he have the courage to stand this close to her? Fortunately, Caliban was there to ease her. “Let’s skip the formalities.” His words began to churn furthermore. “I was in need of joining a team and rumor has it you guys got one.”

There is no way in hell we would ever let you in it!” Asuna attempted to lunge at him, her teeth snapping together in aggression, similar to a feral dog. Heathchiff would just chuckle at her nonsense behavior, obviously deeming himself the bigger person here.

“Asuna, I am sorry for what I have done in the past, really. I know it took a toll on you but I promise you that I have grown to become a different person.” He tries to reassure them, his hues darted back and forth to the two of them, waiting for Caliban to put in his two cents.
"First off, stop it, Asuna." Caliban said, tightening his arms around her as she lunged for Heathcliff, "I get that you loath him but It's ultimately up to me."

In the process of trying to restrain her, Caliban and Asuna ended up tussling on the ground. She almost got free a few times but Caliban still held on to her somehow. She was really trying to get to Heathcliff. It really impressed him but it wasn't gonna help the situation. Like it or not, they needed all the help they could get.

"Heathcliff, get the hell out of here before I fucking kill you!! I'll think it over!!" Caliban snapped before kissing Asuna heatedly while saying, "Asuna, Stop it, I need you here with me!!!"
Caliban was persistent with holding Asuna back, and for that his strength toppled over her incinerating rage. With every fiber in her body she attempted to lunge at him but her attempts had been exhausted. Breathing inconsistently she fell back onto his awaiting arms, her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch the breath tha was rapidly leaving from her.

"As you wish, Caliban. I must warn you that I will be visiting you again in a week for an answer." His tone was calm and as smooth as butter. "Maybe our next encounter will be more cherry, aye, Asuna?" With a small wink of his eye he departed indifferently.

When Caliban kissed her, despite it being as rough as her demeanor, she acceptingly kissed him back in the same fiery passion. Her hands entangled into his locks as she brought him closer to her, rubbing her body roughly against his own. It brought her a sense of comfort, knowing that in that very kiss he sucked away the pain and torment she was feeling.

Without saying a word she rose up from her position, if he would let her, and extended her hand outwards to him, signaling him to come with her, back home.
He let her go and took her hand. Her response to his kiss was unexpected but he took it in stride. Guess she was as drawn to him as he was to her. His eyes closed as he led her lead the way. He trusted her, she wouldn't hurt him intentionally. He didn't want to lose her for some reason.

"You gonna be okay, Asuna?" He asked as his eyes opened, his detection skill picking up Yui nearby.

Yui, still in her darker persona, watched Caliban and Asuna together from behind a corner. She was drawn to them in a way that confused her. She wasn't sure why, but she felt they could help figure out this darker side of her. She wanted to find herself again with them. In a way, she needed them more than she knew.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." She speaks through gritted teeth. Her emotions still played a role on her currently state but other than that she would be alright. "And you, how are you feeling after being kicked out of the system? I'm sure resting will serve you well. Don't forget about the food I just made, we still have to try it." Asuna reminded him as her stomach began to rumble.

After some time walking together they arrived at their current home. Trystal still was watching the cowardly boy as he stayed in a confined area, away from the animals. They still gawked at him with salivating jaws.

"Oh my gosh, I had no idea where you guys went! Look at outside, the sun is nearly setting!!!" Trystal exclaimed before eyeing the two of them. "You guys good?..." she asked, picking up the tension in the air.
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