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What's a RP craving you want so bad but can't seem to make happen? (SEE OPENING POST)

the turning of the seasons into colder weather always makes me crave wizarding world roleplays, without fail.

either good, developed ocs, or canon pairings, or throwing ocs at lesser-explored canons... i want it all. :c
Part of the reason I just joined was that I've had one one really good milf/son's bully RP in the last year and the rest just never go anywhere or fizzle out.

As for unquenched cravings, Harem is definitely one.

Chastity-cage based teasing too. Had a prompt where a son gets locked in chastity by his stern (excited-by-power) MILFY Mom and it leads to the rest of the family members (naive aunt, older twin sisters who are competitive) dressing tighter/with more skin and doing things that frustrate him even more.
Hmm that's a good one, but i am sure I have done loads of ERPs surrounding around that and some have , well , gone quite farther than that, but i dont honestly enjoy other family members...
Really craving to do Tales of Arise-- already a niche fandom but with niche(r) characters too, Law x Rinwell would make me really happy rn!
Idol-themed roleplay. Sapphic-kind ro be more exact. Currently on a mission to rewatch every Love Live! (while also watching translations of Link! Like! Love Live! stories) and I'm back at the idol-hell on full-swing. Would love to do a romance between two members of the same group, rivals or even a fan x idol with some wholesome vibes and some drama and conflicts sprinkled in.

Of course canon x canon Love Live! or Idolm@ster RPs are pretty high on my list of cravings as well. LL was what got me into roleplaying, but I have always had difficulties finding people interested in CC x CC RP based on it, let alone find people who know of it and want to do RP based on it.

Last but not least some gacha-game fandoms. Recently got back into Project Sekai: Colorful Stage and would love something relating to it.

Also been down-bad for Elegg and Anis (+ Blanc and Noir, though mainly to shipping them) from Godess of Victory: NIKKE... But the problem with that is that I only know of the characters and basics of the world, and have not played the game. So either need to invest to the world or do put on a search for something extremely casual and basic for them.
Also been down-bad for Elegg and Anis (+ Blanc and Noir, though mainly to shipping them) from Godess of Victory: NIKKE... But the problem with that is that I only know of the characters and basics of the world, and have not played the game. So either need to invest to the world or do put on a search for something extremely casual and basic for them.
Nikke is a fun fandom to RP but is definitely slim pickings here
Nikke is a fun fandom to RP but is definitely slim pickings here
Honestly would extend the slim-pickings comment to any fandom that isn't a mainstream series/movie/game, popular shounen-series or Mihoyo-gacha (at least based on my experience), but yeah not holding my breath of finding company for that here, especially with my (current) limited knowledge. Might download it and give the gahca an honest try so I can at least get accustomed of the world and lore.
I'd sell my last chocolate chip cookie for a mortal girl who finds herself as the sole focus of an ancient, gorgeous vampiress. Victorian/historical setting. Rife with societal conflict and religious imagery...
I'd sell my last chocolate chip cookie for a mortal girl who finds herself as the sole focus of an ancient, gorgeous vampiress. Victorian/historical setting. Rife with societal conflict and religious imagery...
Nothing like a good vampire goth mommy to fall for. Well, chocolate chip cookie is a certainly a close second.
Honestly would extend the slim-pickings comment to any fandom that isn't a mainstream series/movie/game, popular shounen-series or Mihoyo-gacha (at least based on my experience), but yeah not holding my breath of finding company for that here, especially with my (current) limited knowledge. Might download it and give the gahca an honest try so I can at least get accustomed of the world and lore.
Oh yeah it's tough for some fandoms.

If you have any qs about the game I play it so I'm happy to answer!
Just beat Fallout New Vegas again, and now I wanna write something in that setting. Immediate thought it something involving the NCR or Brotherhood. Or maybe even during the events of the show? Maybe an uneasy alliance between an NCR trooper and a Brotherhood of Steel member?
Something historical and interracial that doesn't involve cuckoldry. Like seriously I just want some good period drama romance!
Some shameless lighthearted, fluffy, story-driven smut with clean footplay and female-led relationships (up to and including gentle/loving femdom) as main kinks, without there being any degrading/demeaning/dirty vibes or abuse as subplot.

As for fandom-related stuff, I've got a few of my own.
  • A Pokémon line with a lighthearted, highspirited vibe fitting with the anime (especially if someone were open to playing as Jessie or Delia Ketchum opposite a male OC).
  • Someone open to playing as Kitana from Mortal Kombat--whether as the character proper or just using her as an OC faceclaim, be it in MK or transplanted into a different setting--opposite a male OC.
  • Someone open to playing as Ty Lee/Azula/Katara from Avatar or Videl/Female!Zamasu/Kefla/Caulifa from Dragon Ball Super opposite a male OC.

Whoever is reading this, in both your search for that specific RP craving and life as a whole...

I'd love to do a sci-fi western set on a dystopian world.

It'd basically be a universe where a single planet exists and that planet is controlled by a maddened God who's rusted down into a powerless machine.

It'd be inspired by Cyberpunk, Terminator, and Star Wars.
I'd love a gradual descent into depravity/extreme BDSM where the dom is pushing an oblivious sub little by little!

Alternatively: a pussy denial roleplay? Maybe a religious couple saving themselves for marriage, but it turns into an anything-but-pussy fascination and maybe even some orgasm denial...
So the new Superman trailer dropped

Now feeling the urge to write an original superhero RP with a Superman-esque character. Just an absolutely dumb, lovable country bumpkin that's actually an invincible alien.
Hero/Villain x Anti-hero roleplay with two ocs in the DC universe. I've got a female character in mind for it and too much time on my hands haha. Another would be a Greek God roleplay. The catch being is I enjoy breeding/risk of pregnancy roleplays that eventually lead to children far down the road. So it's not exactly an easy thing to find people for.
Gotten back into two fandoms I have had very little luck of:

1. Pokémon

At one point this was so over-saturated in my requests that I stopped actively searching for it for three years, until now that I've finally gotten my lazy-ass playing the games and watching the new anime. So far the pool of interested people have been pretty slim.

Basically a story-driven adventure with romance would be something I'd love to do with this.

2. Fate/Type-Moon

My favorite bigger franchise/fandom, which I have gotten a lot of interest for over the years, but never gotten anything that great out of.

Would absolutely love to do story-driven roleplay set in Fate-universe. Own grail-war, maybe a grail-war gone wrong like Strange Fake (anime hype!) or Apocrypha, or just explore possible ships in properties other than F/GO, which I enjoy and play regularly, but man it's so over-saturated among people who are looking anything Fate-related to the point I only have very few ships I am interested even lowkey searching for unforseeable future.

Also some lesser-known Type-Moon properties, such as Tsukihime, Kara No Kyoukai, Mahoyo and others would be fun too, and rarely see people even mentioning these.
I'm in the mood for some winter wish fulfillment. Cuddling up together next to a fireplace, being snowed in together... anything wintery really, something that makes me smile and might lead to a longer term story.
I haven't done any F/F play for years because I've found that every time I've talked to someone about doing a F/F roleplay they are uncomfortable with me, a biological male, doing the roleplay with them. I haven't pushed for it really all that much over the years,but after watching Arcane, I have never wanted to do a F/F based roleplay so much! Caitvi is such a perfect and beautiful pairing that i'd love to do in roleplay form, but I always get nervous I'll get rejected due to my gender. I get why many F/F players are uncomfortable with it, but for me it comes from a genuine place of loving the characters rather than a place of just pure lust if that makes any sense.
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