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What's a RP craving you want so bad but can't seem to make happen? (SEE OPENING POST)

Not so shockingly, I’m here for interracial RPs by and large. And there’s nothing wrong with that; it’s a major kink for me and always has been. But I find it’s difficult to get partners who want more out of a story than “black dude with huge penis fucks white women into submission”.

I get it, there’s an element of stereotype usually present in interracial, and that’s okay to an extent; it’s when you get into the really derogatory or negative territory I can’t vibe. If my character is a horse hung brown hunk with rippling muscles, that’s not going to mean a lot outside the bedroom. Let me play a character who’s fully rounded and capable of growing and not just a big dick.
This, too, is a craving I have and have not had any luck finding a willing or available partner. I sent a message to see if we may make a good match
I'm craving some lesbian psychological domination with an awesome story tied to it, but anything regarding domination is so phallocentric that it turns me off.
Dark fantasy that does not involve werewolves, vampires, demons and the like. Something dark and gritty, maybe involving merceries, kidnappings, a black market...

I've been itching to play my old mercenary character.
pregnancy!! not so much the act of breeding, which is fun i guess, but playing out the pregnancy itself.

and playing a very thin woman with a focus on her size. i have been itching for both of these for ages (have looked elsewhere for partners, i know i'm new to BM) and haven't had much luck!
I think for me something revolving around a band. So like a band on tour and all the sexy stuff that goes down. Sort of involves multiple characters and multiple pairings. Sort of been looking at that either on Discord or in pm; Discord featuring nsfw images for characters and such. Not sure what it is about the idea that appeals to me and the fact of not finding anyone to join me on it but yeah that and it isn't fandom or canon oriented which for me is something else.
1. Story between a consort and their main lady-in-waiting set in China. Unashamedly inspired by the setting of The Apothecary Diaries here, but just thinking about all the drama and story-potential the ship has is making me so excited to try and search for it again.

2. Sapphic magical-girls is still a big-craving. Finding a play that is not overly-sexualized take on the genre is a hard-sell and find.

3. Honestly currently just craving some good old romance RP as well. Preferably something sapphic as usual, but something set in modern times since I have my fantasy fix covered really well.

4. Fandom RP based on all the angsty and extremely gay band anime I am into now. BanG Dream It's Mygo!!!!!, BanG Dream Ave Mujica, Girls Band Cry to name some.
I would love to do a free use RP that doesn't include BDSM or humiliation but I seem to be unusual in that regard.
Welcome to blue moon!

You might be intimidated by the elaborate request threads you'll find in the "roleplay requests by females" board. They're not just extensive write ups, but displays of proficiency with code.

However I bet you could make a thread where all you say is "I would love to do a free use RP that doesn't include BDSM or humiliation" and maybe include a single picture as a face claim and you'd still get a heap of responses.
I wrote previously that I would like a vampiric story, and with that box checked, I now find myself craving either a deeply romantic story, or a deeply dark and psychological one.
Getting my Warhammer 40k thing going. Barely anyone here's interested in 40k and that's alright, that's fair, can't force people to be into something, but three out of four times I've actually found someone who did show interest ended with me getting ghosted right after I've started the story. I do not understand it; they knew what they were getting into, they knew what I was interested in, heck, thanks to writing samples they even knew what kind of writing quality they could expect from me and still, poof, they just disappeared.

Ghosting... Eh, I've already shared my opinion on that topic.
So less of a full idea, but an idea for a scene sparked by a joke.

The term "healslut" made me think of a fantasy Cleric who heals by literally being a slut, i.e. having sex.

This led to the idea of a post-battle healing session turning into sex, which then developed further.

An adventuring couple, one a Cleric, the other another class, let's say Fighter. The Fighter was extremely reckless in the last battle, and got pretty beat up. The Cleric, being a worrywart, is constantly nagging them while they tend to the Fighter's wounds. She also gets more touchy the more she nags him. The tension builds and builds until finally, they just can't take it anymore, and kinky healing shenanigans ensue.

Could either be an eventual scene, or a jumping off point, either would work for me honestly.
I want something with a healthy mix of story and smut. The thing that jumps to mind is a doujinshi called "After Quest", featuring a pair of adventurers being intimate. A good alternation between adventuring and enjoying each other (as well as a nice healthy helping of romance and fluff) would make me very happy.
Lately really gotten into Project Moon-games. So far played Lobotomy Corporation and Limbus Company, and especially with the first one playing two OCs working for the Corporation, discovering abnormalities and trying to survive to the next day and not to loose their sanity while doing so. Slice of life mixed with a dash of horror and all that good stuff. With Limbus Company there's some ships I would love to do, but since I am newbie with the game so far these ships are based mainly on their base personalities and dynamics displayed in the Inferno-chapter.
I usually stick to original content/borrowing scenery from IPs, but nothing has worked its way into my brain like my canon ship ideas. I could just write it out as a fic myself, but part of the fun comes from witnessing my favorite ship first-hand. but canon × canon usually is only available in doubling and I'm terrible at that. I lose steam so fast and I usually don't have a good enough grasp on my partner's preferred character that I wouldn't be able to do them justice :') such is life I suppose
I think for me at the moment...double up. I don't know I just feel like at this point in my time rping the only way for my ideas or let alone pairings to come to fruition is through the help of another rper by trying to help them out with theirs. I like the idea but for some reason it isn't really landing somehow. Double up can be tricky as it requires certainly loads of conversation whether in pm or over on Discord but I feel also in the end it is worth it to see rps getting into motion whether through the use of images or not.

Otherwise I've been wanting to do something with bestial; kind of a play on bestiality but there is sentient life so the animal can think and speak. I'm particularly thinking of like Disney or animated animals in film or television. I've seen a number of requests geared at bestiality itself and guess for me it would be this with me rping a male character whether face claim, canon, or original.
Getting my Warhammer 40k thing going. Barely anyone here's interested in 40k and that's alright, that's fair, can't force people to be into something, but three out of four times I've actually found someone who did show interest ended with me getting ghosted right after I've started the story. I do not understand it; they knew what they were getting into, they knew what I was interested in, heck, thanks to writing samples they even knew what kind of writing quality they could expect from me and still, poof, they just disappeared.

Ghosting... Eh, I've already shared my opinion on that topic.
See, I love 40k. But your pitch isn't what I'm looking for, in my ERPs.

That said, good luck finding someone who both is into 40k and your pitch! :)
I would love to do a X-men: Days of Future Past story. Where our characters have to change the past to save the future. I know a lot of X-Men lore, but it’s a bonus if someone else does too. No big deal though. So long as the characters are mutants trying to save the future. That’s all that matters.
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