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What's a RP craving you want so bad but can't seem to make happen? (SEE OPENING POST)

A Star Wars political thriller. With Expanded Universe/Legends lore. Something to do with Senators and secret links to the Rebels and a very watchful Imperial Moff who might one day need help defecting.

Or just gangster shit set in the Star Wars universe. Either/or works for me.
I've got a few of them, but I would say right now I'm caught between two of my plots. Neither got very far because life happened and they are too old for my partner and me to just pick back up.

The first one is about a case of mistaken identity freshman year of high school where MC does the cliche runs in chick love at first sight thing. Yay, something Sooo original. However, he sees her during lunch and asks her out, yeah not her it's actually a manipulative twin that spends the next four years cheating and hoarding him so her sister can't have her. Now he never caught on about her being the wrong twin. And the main plot begins freshman year college, three months after his evil twin breaks up with him. He ended up getting into a college house on-campus, but his roommate is none other than her sister, and he's still kind of salty at his ex. It's meant to be a slow burn where they start learning about each other and eventually find out that he had the wrong woman, and how evil her sister was even to her. etc

The second is about Two lovers separated as teens due to financial issues. They were neighbors, one had a farm the other a ranch, as they grew up they started falling for each other as one tends to do in situations like that. Only He was forced to leave before he turned 16, and her 18. His family couldn't afford the farm anymore and they were forced to part. Two weeks after the move he got into a horrible car accident where his mom died he went into a coma for about a year. When he came out of it he had no memory or anything about his life, and his dad dealing with enough turmoil just kept the farm life from him and told his son about select things about his mom. Years later (25-27 at this point) He hates his office job, it didn't do anything for him after he returned from the military, he seeks new employment out in the country and applies as a ranch hand, to his old flames ranch. Given the time that's gone by She doesn't even consider it to be him because it was puppy love, and he never contacted her after the move like he promised. (This was the only plot where I've ever really wanted the female to be older)

So yeah, those are the main two I want to do right now, but I'll take what I can get from other partners ^-^
I have some extremely niche tastes, but by far the most niche I've had is as follows:

Due to some weird timey-wimey shenanigans, dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasties have come back, bringing their diseases with them. Humanity declines to a post-apocalyptic state due to the unknown viruses and bacteria.

But never mind that. That was, what, a century ago? You're just a teenager in the city of Ambergrove, in what was once California. You've grown up here your whole life, and now is the time for you to transition from child to adult, and prove yourself to the community. By doing what?

By surviving outside the walls, of course. Where all the hungry, scaly/feathery things are.

All in an anime setting. That last bit seems to drive too many people away.
That actually sounds like an interesting concept, reminds me of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. With way less giant homicidal bugs, though! shudders.
There's a RWBY/Witcher crossover fic I've been wanting to do that never got off the ground. My idea is Team RWBY meeting 3 OC Witchers in the Witcher world (games are priority canon-wise) and I can't get a taker.
A three person RP for threesomes. I can play two characters, my partners might be able to but I realize the risk of failure increases the more people are involved. But I don't wanna burden myself or someone else with playing two characters. The struggle, of course, is finding people that work well, all three of us together. This is for my fandom and original stuff.
Second the threesome RP. It is on my 'bucket-list' of things I want to do in an RP at one point. But either you need someone who is willing to play two characters (what makes me feel guilty) or find two other people and often I already have a hard time finding one RP partner :'D
We share the third, no pun intended. But you have to be on the same wavelength. I LOVE MMF but only it should be deep, angsty, cute, psychology of characters etc and not just the sex (in fact the sex serves as character and bond building). Never managed to get a group going. Almost had a MMF Snowpiercer but no.
Night Angel Trilogy - Been craving this since I read the books it's hard to find people interested since the books are kinda dark?
Legend of Drizzt - Prolly just not looking in the right spots.
Dragonriders of Pern - That isn't strictly clean. Todd pretty much no longer cares what fan's do.
Star Trek - I have a strong pref for Klingons and Cardassians over the federation races.
A three person RP for threesomes. I can play two characters, my partners might be able to but I realize the risk of failure increases the more people are involved. But I don't wanna burden myself or someone else with playing two characters. The struggle, of course, is finding people that work well, all three of us together. This is for my fandom and original stuff.

I've been on a group binge as of late and for me at least, I have found the added complexity of a 3rd writer to be well worth it rather than one playing 2 of the 3. Yes it has yet another way to fall apart or potential disagreements, but it seems more natural and balanced to have 3 distinct personalities involved. I haven't found the 'fail rate' of 3 ways to be much less than 1x1 for the most part. In a larger group (which is more difficult still), it can be easier to set up 3-way scenes along the way as a sub-story so they become less rare.

There seems to be a resurgence in group plays going on so it might be something to consider if this is an itch you really want scratched.

Still a lot of it comes down to the quality of partner or partners and depending on how selective you are, one can be tough and two can seem impossible.
A Star Wars political thriller. With Expanded Universe/Legends lore. Something to do with Senators and secret links to the Rebels and a very watchful Imperial Moff who might one day need help defecting.

Or just gangster shit set in the Star Wars universe. Either/or works for me.
I hear you there! Then again, I'm prone towards wanting to mix various themes into Star Wars, especially with what was done with Rogue One. Mystery, intrigue, thriller, spies, murder, places that are like Rick's Cafe Americain ("Casablanca"), seduction, "sleepers," safe houses, and to add a little levity, folks like the characters we see in "Red" and "Red 2," are what I'd enjoy placing into a Star Wars setting.
I hear you there! Then again, I'm prone towards wanting to mix various themes into Star Wars, especially with what was done with Rogue One. Mystery, intrigue, thriller, spies, murder, places that are like Rick's Cafe Americain ("Casablanca"), seduction, "sleepers," safe houses, and to add a little levity, folks like the characters we see in "Red" and "Red 2," are what I'd enjoy placing into a Star Wars setting.
The best thing about Star Wars is that any story can be told in the universe. Suave secret agent foiling a dastardly evil genius? Star Wars let's that happen. Crime drama about an undercover cop getting in too deep? Yep, you can do that. Gritty war story told from the perspective of grunts? You guessed it, you can do it. My favorite pastime is asking, "What about this movie...but in Star Wars."

Also Rogue One is great. Probably my favorite Star Wars movie outside of the OT
The best thing about Star Wars is that any story can be told in the universe. Suave secret agent foiling a dastardly evil genius? Star Wars let's that happen. Crime drama about an undercover cop getting in too deep? Yep, you can do that. Gritty war story told from the perspective of grunts? You guessed it, you can do it. My favorite pastime is asking, "What about this movie...but in Star Wars."

Also Rogue One is great. Probably my favorite Star Wars movie outside of the OT
The challenge I find, is finding folks interested in writing the stuff - and yeah "Rogue One" was an absolutely wonderful step-aside from the epic adventure of the OT into the "Force 10 From Navarone" war movies where a small cadre is trying to do the bad-guys some damage.
The challenge I find, is finding folks interested in writing the stuff - and yeah "Rogue One" was an absolutely wonderful step-aside from the epic adventure of the OT into the "Force 10 From Navarone" war movies where a small cadre is trying to do the bad-guys some damage.
Yeah absolutely. I love the space opera stuff, but I wanna see something really out there. Murder mysteries, political thrillers, hell, you could even make a horror movie
An old anime fandom that is just not on the map anymore, it's just real hard to find someone who's interested and otherwise the few people who do find me don't...flow well ya know? Despite trying to find compromises and such.
An old anime fandom that is just not on the map anymore, it's just real hard to find someone who's interested and otherwise the few people who do find me don't...flow well ya know? Despite trying to find compromises and such.
Which anime is it?
Ranma 1/2, I'm a huge Rumiko fan in general actually.

Tbh I've gotten back into more recent anime, watched Demon Slayer but it was my childhood so it was kinda special to me lol
Ranma 1/2, I'm a huge Rumiko fan in general actually.

Tbh I've gotten back into more recent anime, watched Demon Slayer but it was my childhood so it was kinda special to me lol
It was pretty popular here. I have no idea how much compared to Inuyasha but I watched that and Maison Ikkoku on VHS as well as some old DVDs.

Demon Slayer is quite good, never got an RP going with that, though. People seem to fizzle out really fast.
I wouldn't know where to start with a Demon Slayer RP, never crossed my mind. Might be interesting.

I loved Inuyasha too, real fun series. Though the earlier we get in her work the wackier it gets. Nice Shuten pvp by the way!
I think the only time I ever got past the planning stage, it was a Giyu x Shinobu one. My partner went silent quite early into it!

The only other popular works I can think of is Urusei Yatsura which was also popular, and One Pound Gospel which was a short read. I will admit I'm not the person with the broadest knowledge of her works.

And thanks, I love Ōni in general so she was the best possible candidate for a pfp!
Would love a MMF or F with a few males but I wouldn't want to do a Group RP as it just seems impossible to me. Happy to share characters as needed.
Having one woman passed around within friends. All the better if she's actually friends with at least one of the guys.
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