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In the Mist of Research. (Itazura_Reborn x Doug Conner)

The two Galvantula abusing her lower holes quicken their pace. It wouldn't be much longer until they unleashed their climax on her. The little Joltik wouldn't last long either, each one soon flooding her mouth with cum. The two Galvantula drive themselves into her lower holes and hold as their cocks pulsed with wave after wave of cum. When they were done, a shot of web would follow. It wouldn't do anything but hold the cum inside, but break down in less than two hours.
Jaina sat there panting as the pokemon finally finished with her. She was glad that the abuse was finally over, for the moment at least. She knew it was only a matter of time till another pokemon came and raped her again. Exhausted she hung there, unable to do anything but let the webs suspend her over the deck.
There was nothing she could do. The five Pokemon just moved off and sat there while she hung in the corner of the room. Her nipples and urethra dripped with Pokemon cum as the webbing kept that in her ass and pussy held deep inside her. As more and more of the ship broke down into chaos, a trainer rushed by and ducked into the room to hide. She hadn't noticed Jaina just yet as her back was to the darkness of the room
Jaina was motinionless for sometime as the sounds of panicked people filled the ship. She was just starting to recover her energy when another trainer ran into the room with her. Hope surged in her, maybe this was her way out of this web! As the girl hid Jaina tried to fight her bonds again. "Hey!" she whispered harshly trying not to attract more pokemon. "Help!"
The girl slowly turned around to see Jaina suspended from the ceiling. She gasped and quickly looked around, not seeing any Pokemon. She set about trying to pull the webs off Jaina. "Hold still. I will get your down." The webs proved to be very strong, but had started degrading, so they would snap under the extra weight of the woman's pulling. She would soon have Jaina down on the ground and unwrapping her. "What happened to you?"
Feeling herself coming free she began thrashing around, trying to break free of the webs. As she did she tried to explain what had happened. "I was attacked by a group of Joltik and Galvantula. I think they might still be here so we have to hurry. I don't know if they will attack again and I don't want you to be raped by them either."
The webbing would snap once it became weaker. This would allow her to move freely as the Pokemon watched on from the shadows. They had already filled Jaina with their seen and wouldn't attack her again now that someone new was in the room. However, the fresh girl was now their targets.

"We can't go back out there. There are Pokemon attacking everyone. I watched my best friend ravaged by her own team." The woman was clearly scared and hadn't heard that the room wasn't safe either.
Jaina put a hand on the woman's shoulder. "If we can't go out there where can we go? There are only so many places we can go on the boat and we sure as hell can't stay here. If we wait I know the pokemon that raped me will come after you. We got to get moving." she said keeping an eye out for the little spiders. It was only a matter of time till they would be attacked again and she wanted to be long out of there before it happened.
Hearing clearly that there were Pokemon still in the room, the woman moved slowly to the window and looked out. There was a small ledge under it that they could move along. "This way," the woman called softly as she pushed the window open. "We can move along this until we get the to deck again." She crawled through the window and onto the ledge.
Following behind the woman Jaina got out onto the ledge before slamming the window closed behind her. She had no intention of letting those things follow her. Not after everything that they had done to her. And she definitely didn't want the woman with her to get raped by them either. Pressing her back against the metal of the boat she shivered. She was still completely naked and it was cold against her back. "Alright let's get moving."
The woman nodded and started down the rail with Jaina behind her. The rail would lead towards the back of the ship and to the car loading bay. As they reached the back, the woman would be snatched off the rail from below by a large pink tongue. A Lickingtung had wrapped its tongue around her ankle and pulled her down to the deck below. It wasted no time in stripping her clothing off and licking her body all over as it held her down.
Jaina watched in horror as the woman was taken from the railing and pulled down. Looking at the pokemon that was in the process of attacking her Jaina's eyes went wide. There was nothing she could do to help the woman. She didn't have pokemon of her own and she couldn't take that thing on! Letting out a whimper she turned. "I'm sorry I can't help you." she told the woman before continuing on the railing.
By the time Jaina has reached the end of the railing, the pink Pokemon had stripped the woman bare and worked its massive tongue into her pussy. At the end of the railing was another deck that she could climb onto. This deck had a door way that led to stairs and down below the main deck where the cars were loaded.
Jaina tried to ignore the sounds behind her as she climbed down from the railing. Still completely naked she let out a sigh of relief as she opened the door and slammed it shut behind her. Not wanting to waste time she swiftly made her way down the stairs, going from landing to landing until she finally made it to the door to the car deck.
The car deck seemed to be devoid of any Pokemon. It would be a nice place to hide, but she wasn't the only one who thought that. Rummaged through the cars was the two men from before. They seemed to be taking this chance to search the cars and steal anything of value. The larger bald headed man stood up and spotted Jaina. "Well well, what do we have here? The little bitch from before, and she is all naked." He laughed as the other stood up.

"Seems you are in a pickle. I take it you had a rough time getting here?"
Jaina felt her heart drop as she saw the two men in front of her. She was instantly aware of just how naked she was, with her pussy still leaking some semen from the pokemon that had attacked her. And she couldn't leave. This was probably the only safe place on the entire ship and she had been through so much to make it here! "I don't want any trouble." she said crossing her arm over her exposed chest. "I just want to get away from the mist."
"What mist," the bold man asked, clearly not aware what was really going on. He tossed a bag back into the car as he turned to face her. "Why don't you come over here and let us protect you?" His offer may have been protection, but his grin showed he wanted something else.

The taller, more groomed man walked up by his friend and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Now now Bert. We can't have the little thing scared of us in a time like this. Come on over. Our Pokemon are just fine and can protect you."
Jaina took a step back from them, shaking her head. "No I'm fine now. I really don't want to be about pokemon right now. Someone has realeased a huge amount of the mist onto the ship and the pokemon are attacking and woman they can get their hands on. Some are even attacking the men." she lied hoping it would keep them from releasing their pokemon. "I saw a feraligator raping a man. It would be a bad idea to let them out."
The bald man laughed and took a few steps closer to Jaina. "You are a poor liar. The Mist drives male Pokemon to seek out and rape females, not males." He stepped closer as the taller man moved around to her side.

"Why do you think we are down here? There isn't any mist here," the tall man stated. "We made sure to scope this place out right before releasing it."
Jaina cursed as she backed away from the taller man. "Had to try." she said not knowing what she was going to do. These men did not look like they had good intentions for her at all. "You were the ones that released the mist? Why? What benefit could it have for you to do this?" she ask hoping to get them talking long enough for her to think of a way out.
"Money, what else," the bald man laughed out. "People pay good money for videos of these Pokemon rapes. The women being violated by the many species on this ship will make us tons of cash." He stepped close as his friend closed in as well. They were cutting off her escape. "No one wants to see people fucking anymore. So we have no need to tape our little encounter."
Jaina didn't know if she would be able to get away. With the men cutting of her escape there was nothing she could do. She doubted she would be able to fight her way out. She was a rather small girl and she was a researcher not a trainer. She had never trained for any real kind of fighting. As she continued to back away a horrible thought hit her. "Did you get any footage of me?"
"We won't know that until after we review out catch," the bald man stated. He was now close enough to smell the sex on her. "Smells like you had some fun up there took, so it is a good chance that we did." He laughed and reached out, taking her by the neck. "However, we didn't have any, so we will now." He pushed her against the wall and held here there as the thin man stepped up.

"Now you have two options. You can be nice and play with us, and we will be nice too. Or, you can fight us and we will just have to take what we want. The choice is yours, but you better make it quick."
Looking at the two men Jaina knew that she didn't stand a chance. She didn't have her pokemon with her and she couldn't trust herself with Terrance even if she did. They were stronger than her and she knew she couldn't fight back. And running wouldn't make a difference. She would just be running right back into the mist with the rape crazed pokemon that had already attacked her multiple times. Sighing she looked down at the ground, unable to look the men in the eyes with what she was about to say. "Alright. There is nothing I can do anyways. I'll let you have your fun."
The bald man smiled and ran his hand down her neck and over her breast. "Good girl. Since you are already naked, I am going to assume you have had a little fun already, so your pussy should be nice and wet." He undone his pants with his free hand and pulled out his nine inch dick. "However, my dick is dry, so why not give it a good sucking to make it wet?"

The thin man moved up behind her and ran his hands over her round ass cheeks. "Oh, these are nice. I can't wait to put my dick between then." He smiled an undone his own pants, pushing his length against her soft cheeks and slowly moving to slide himself against her. "So did you enjoy your Pokemon lovers?"
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