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In the Mist of Research. (Itazura_Reborn x Doug Conner)

By now, the small town was nearly empty of life. The sun had set, the moon was rising, and the air had turned cool as it blew in off the sea. She would find the shop was closed up for the night, but the Pokemon Center was still lit up and ready to help anyone in need. She would ble able to see small Pokemon moving in the shadows, but none looked like anything she should worry about.
Jaina cursed to herself as she found that the shop was closed. There was no way she would be able to get lcothes form it now. She would have to wait until morning. But what was she going to do? She was naked and now all she could do was go to the pokemon center! Well, maybe they had some spare clothes that she could borrow. Putting her bag in front of her cunt she covered her breasts with one of her arms and walked in. Going to the nurse she blushed deeply. "Hello. I could use some help."
The nurse was busy with her work when Jaina spoke to her. "Just one moment and I will be right with you," the nurse said with a happy tone in her voice. It isn't until the nurse looked up that her tone changed. "Oh dear! What happened?" She quickly stood up and rushed around the counter to meet her, grabbing a blanket on the way. "Are you okay? You are not hurt are you," she asked as she threw the blanket around Jaina.
Taking the blanket Jaina quickly used it to cover herself, letting out a sigh of relief that nobody would be able to see her nakedness now. "I'm alright. I just got attacked by a pokemon. I wasn't able to keep any of my clothes." she said taking the ruined scraps that clung to her arms and legs and threw them in the trash. "Do you have any spare clothes I can use?"
The nurse led Jaina to one of the seats behind the counter and sat her down. "Oh my god! I hope it didn't hurt you." She quickly rushed into the back when she was asked about the clothing. She game back with a small bundle of clothes. "They are not much, but I can spare these." She sat down beside Jaina and rubbed her shoulders, trying to comfort her.
Taking the clothes jaina gave her a smile. "He didn't. Not really. My serperior was able to help but he got hurt." she said grabbing the pokeball that held her only pokemon. "Can you heal him while I get dressed?" she asked grabbing the panties and slipping them on.
"I sure can, and I am glad you are not hurt. Pokemon have become so much more violent lately." The nurse didn't seen to know about the other effect of the mist, or if she did, she didn't say anything about it. She took the Poke'ball from Jaina and handed it to her partner Pokemon Chansy. The egg shaped Pokemon packed the lone Poke'ball into the back with a happy song as she walked. "If you need to wash up before you get dressed, there is a shower at the end of the hall. And your room is still open to you, if you want it."
Jaina gave the woman a smile. "Thanks. I'll go clean up. Can you have the chansy bring me my pokemon when you are done with it?" she asked picking the clothes up and keeping her blanket wrapped around her. Walking to the shower she gently folded the blanket and put it to the side, leaving it where it would stay dry. taking the rest of the clothes she put them on top of it before taking the panties off. Luckily none of the cum the Heracross had left had gotten on them so they were still dry. Walking into the shower she let out a sigh of relief as she turned the water on, letting the warm water run over her pleasantly. After a good thirty minutes in the shower, cleaning off the rest of the cum, she got out. Wrapping the blanket around herself she walked to her room. Laying the blanket to the side she lay on her bed naked.
It wasn't long after that she would hear a knock at the door. From outside, a hi pitched "Chansy" would tell here who was there. On the other side, stood the happy nurses aid Pokemon holding a Poke'ball. She had a smile on her face and would wait for the Poke'ball to be taken, before returning to her job.
Taking the pokeball she leaned down and gave it a pat on the head. "Thank you." she said waiting for the pokemon to leave before throwing the ball to release he serperior. "Hey terry, how are you feeling?" she asked looking him over. All of his wounds had healed and he looked like he had never been hurt in the first place. "YOu are looking a lot better."
The Serperior stretched and twisted some, letting his body relax from being inside the ball. He looked at her, a little shocked to see his trainer naked. He looked away from her, not watching to seem weird for staring. Sure he had seen her naked before. He was nearly raised along side her, but this is the first time he felt bad about seeing her this way. He didn't know why, but she seemed different to him.
Seeing him look away from her Jaina put a hand on his neck. "Hey are you okay there?" she asked turning her head so he faced her. "I don't blame you for what happened. I know you did everything you could to protect me. Don't feel bad."
This confused him a little, as he really didn't know what HAD happened to her. He just thought it beat him and then left. His looking away from her was more on his part than hers. He had strange feelings for her, and it was odd. Sure he had mated with another Serperior on sever occaions when Bill needed him to, but he didn't feel like this. I lowered his head and put it next to hers as he closed his eyes. She was safe and that is all that mattered.
Wrapping her arms around him she hugged him close. "You are an awesome pokemon." she said continuing to hug him before letting him go. "Come on." she said laying on the bed and patting for him to get up next to her. "Why don't we get ready for bed. we have a big day tomorrow and I don't wanna risk missing the boat." she was more than comfortable being naked around the pokemon, even having him in the bed with her while she was naked. after all she had been with him since she was barely a teen. He was her closest friend.
Serperior watched her lay down and moved over to the bed and slithered onto her when she beckoned him. Her wrapped around her softly and coiled his tail around and in between her legs. His head rested next to her's as he closed his eyes. He was going to get to see a whole new region, and he was happy about that. New Pokemon, more powerful trainers, and lots more adventuring with his trainer.
Jaina let out a sigh of contentment as she rested her head on the pillow next to her pokemon's. The warmth of terry's skin against her's made it so she didn't need a blanket to keep warm, only Terry. Closing her eyes she drifted to sleep.

Waking up the next morning, Jaina opened her eyes to the brightness of the morning sun against her face. Looking at the clock she yawned. She had a full two hours to make it to the ferry. Gently she reached over and began shaking Terrance. "Hey, we gotta get moving soon if we are going to make the boat."
The Pokemon woke slowly, yawning with his wide mouth as his forked tongue flicked a little. His jaws opened wider than normal as he yawned, before slithering off the bed and raising up to meet her face. He watched her and awaited his orders. He wasn't sure how he could help, or if he even could.
Jaina smiled as he got off her. It had been a pleasant sleep, one they had actually shared many times before. "You know," she said putting her clothes, starting with the panties and a simple skirt. "We should do that more often!" There was no bra so she simply slid the shirt on. "God this is tight!" she complained. The shirt was so tight her bare nipples stood out against the fabric clear as day. "Well nothing I can do about it." she said grabbing her bag. "Let's get moving." she said slideing her bag on and motioning for Terry to follow her, leaving him out of his ball as they left the room.
Terry followed behind her, puling the door closed with his tail. He had been taught how many of the things trainers used worked and could even work nearly all he was taught about. Doors were nothing.

Up ahead the sounds of the morning rush of trainers to pick up their Pokemon could be heard. In the lobby were around 15 trainers, sitting standing in line, or using the computer phones. The nurse smiled over to her as she came out and gave a small wave. "You head off then?"
Jaina nodded to the woman. "Yeah I have to get to the ferry. I have a long trip ahead of me and I can't afford to miss it. Thank you for everything." she said leaving the pokemon center behind. it was a long walk to the ferry and by the time they had made it there it had been nearly thirty minutes. Looking at her pokegear she nodded. "We have enough time! Let's get moving!" she said entering the line. It moved quickly and within ten minutes they were at the counter. "Hello. One for Hoenn." she said handing the person her ticket.
The man at the ferry took her ticker. He looked at her and then at Terry and smiled. "I am sorry, but you will have to check your Pokemon until everyone is boarded or you are in your room miss. It is for safty reasons. We don't want anyone getting hurt or into battles why we are boarding." He waited for her to recall Terry before he punched her ticket to let her though.
Nodding she gave Terry a smile. "Sorry bud, we need to get ya in the ball for now." she said recalling him and putting the ball in her bag. "Alright he's up." she said with a smile. She couldn't wait to get going! Finally she was going to see the region that her grandfather had always been telling her about as a kid! She couldn't wait to get moving! "Is everything good?"
The man smiled again and nodded. "Everything looks good. You will be in cabin B 19 on deck two. I hope you enjoy your trip." With that the man raised the bar to allow her to pass. Once on the ferry, which was more of a ship than anything, she was allowed to wander freely.
Jaina wasted no time. Giving her thanks to the man she made her way onto the ship. it was a large one with lots of room, Bill had obviously spared no expense in sending her. It took her a little while to find her room, the ship had a confusing layout and she wasn't used to it. but when she finally made it she laughed, throwing open the door before releasing Terry. "We're finally going to Hoenn!" she shriek in excitement, throwing her arms around the serperior in a glomp.
The room wasn't too big, but just big enough for a single trainer and her Pokemon. I had a full sized bed, a bathroom with shower, desk, nightstand, dresser, and a port hole window. The bed was maid up nicely and the desk had a cup with a few pens in it and a small pad of paper laying on it. The rest of the room was rather plan to look at. Once released, Terry stretched again, but was interrupted by his trainer tackling him. This wasn't the first time she had done this, and each time he would just wrap around her in a hug as well.
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