What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Everything had been easier before Lucifer had fallen, and if Michael were being honest, he missed his brother desparately. He never wanted to fight his brother, let alone kill him. Which brings the archangel to where he is now, sitting on a stool in a vessel he had made himself, drinking down his probably 3 thousandth shot of the night. He was trying to let himself loosen up for a night, hoping that maybe a little debauchery would do him good. This was like, the 70'th bar he'd been to, and he was feeling tipsy, but not drunk enough yet.

When the bartender cut Michael off, he gave the man a small smile, setting probably a thousand dollars on the counter and leaving the bar soundlessly, only to fly to the next one, which to his surprise, one Dean Winchester was sitting at the bar, beer in hand. Even drunk he coukd never mistake the brightness of that soul. The archangel would be lying if he said he wasn't comforted at the feel of his true vessels so near, so he went to the bar, ordered as shot for himself and Dean. He let out a breath and said to the man next to him... "Rough night, huh?"
RE: What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Dean didn't recognize the man beside him for an angel and shrugged as he took another swig of his beer. "Rough year... Heck, I feel like I've died and been brought back a thousand times." He said, giving a half laugh at the accuracy of his explanation. "You?" He asked then blinked in surprise when the man bought him a shot. "Hey, thanks man but you didn't have to do that. I'm not big on taking hand outs."
Michael let out a low chuckle. "I can understand that. I'll probably end up in hell if my brother has anything to say about it. Probably deserve it too. It's my fault he's cut off." He explains, silently praying Dean is drunk enough to not recognize he's illuding to lucifer. The archangel was just drunk enough to admit to himself that he has a little crush. Nobody had talked to Micheal like Dean had ever. He was viceroy of heavan after all. Michael chuckled again. "Its not charity. maybe I just wanna be friends?" He replied, and nothing could be both closer and farther from the truth. He wanted Dean a little bit more than a friend, though he wasn't interest in him being his vessel any longer.
Dean glanced at Micheal, noting that the story sounded familiar but didn't connect it to actually being Lucifer and nodded. "Well, all you have to do is talk to him right? Or let yourselves smack some sense into each other, that's how me and my brother usually deal with family crap." He replied then nodded simply at his words about being being friends, not really understanding but not caring as he took the shot.
Michael sighed softly. "If only it were that easily, Man. I doubt Luke even wants to talk to me anymore.. and us fighting? Well, Lets just say that would not be good for anyone involved." He mutter, taking his shot. He held out his hand in a gesture of a shake. "I'm Micah, by the way." it wasn't entirely a lie, either. In some cultures, he was called Micah.
Dean nodded. "I see. That sucks man. In the end, family is really all you have." He said as he took another swig from the beer he'd been drinking. He looked over and shook his hand. "Dean." He replied.
Michael sighed. "Yeah, I know man, and that's what sucks. I've spent my whole life following my dad and taking care of my siblings.. and now.. it all seems pointless. everybody's at war, my younger brother Gabriel ran away.. and luke probably wants to kill me. Life sucks. I wish it could be like it was before Dad died." He admitted, running a hand through his short dark hair. when Dean shook his hand, a quiet feeling of rightness swept through his grace. He smiled just a little, letting out a soft sound. "Its nice to meet you, Dean."
Dean raised an eyebrow. Gabriel...? He wondered, not many people had the name Gabriel... the only one he knew was... He shook the feeling off and nodded. "Nice to meet you as well." He ordered a couple of beers for the two of them.
Michael smiled, taking the beer as it was offered, taking a sip. He was even more drunk than he thought, as the ber actually tasted good to him. He much orefered stronger liquour to the taste of beer. "So, tell me about yourself?" He asked softly in the loud bar, sway to the soundnof Led zepplin coming from the speakers of the juke box. He wondered in Dean was drunk enough to want to have sex. He knew he was, and even the great Viceroy of heaven couldn't deny Dean winchester was a sexy ass man, and he was meant for him.
Michael raised an eyebrow in curiousity. "Sounds interesting." He replied, not pressing. Maybe Dean would tell him about his adventures some other time when he didn't hate him. "That your car I saw when I came in? That black impala? Looks like she's well loved. A beautiful car." He added, changing the subject in hopes of getting Dean to go with him back to the motel.
Dean smiled proudly at the mention of his car and nodded. "Yup, that's my baby. My dad gave her to me. Built her from the ground up actually, we got in a nasty crash that would have totaled her if she was a modern car, but I built her back to the beauty she is now." He said, a little light lighting up his eyes as he talked about his baby.
Michael couldn't fight the little smile that came to his lips when Fean spoke fondly of his car. He was glad the man had some bit of joy in his life, however small. "Sounds like you really love that car." He replied softly, a blush painting his cheeks from both looking at Dean and from the alcohol, which had finally gotten to him. He finished off his beer, gladbthe music had changed to something Dean didn't look to pleased with. "You wanna get outta here? I've got some good scotch back at my motel room we can sip." He offered, hiding his nervousness of rejection.
Dean raised a curious eyebrow and thought a moment before shrugging and nodding. Even if this guy did have some alterior motive for getting him alone, Dean figured he could handle him (maybe the alcohol was giving him a bit too much confidence in his abilities). "Sure." He said, standing up and paying for the beers he'd bought.
Micheal beamed a little at the fact he actually said yes. Dean had never said yes to him before, so it was a small victory for the viceroy, despite his reasoning having drastically changed. He paid for the drinks he'd bought, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and walked toward the door and out to Dean's car. He didn't have need of one. "So, i'm staying at Sunnyvale motel. room 222." He told the other, hoping to bum a ride, as Michael wasn't much of a walker, and he didn't want to give away who he was. Dean would kill him. Well, not literally, but he would be really angry and sceptical..
Dean raised an eyebrow at Micheal as he followed him to his car. "You don't got a car?" He asked but shrugged and opened the driver's side door, nodding to the passenger's side. "Well, get in then."
Michael smiles sheepishly. "I didn't think it would be such a long walk from the motel." He muttered, mojoing up a classic '65 camaro to sit at the motel to act as his car. He was partial to the model. He took the handle of the impala's door, silently praying this ended well. He may have ulterior motives, but it wasnonly because he had a crush.
Dean nodded and climbed in the car, closing the door and starting her up, getting that little smile at the sound of her purring to life before he drove off and headed towards the motel, following Michael's directions.
Michael hid his smile as Dean's pleasure from his car, strapping himself in and just trying to relax. He hoped that what he had observed of the elder winchester would hold true with them. He needed that stress relief, and Dean was the onlynperson the angel would ever thonk of making love to. The drive to the motel was fairly quick, but it would have been alot longer for him to walk. When they got there, Dean would see Michael's 65' Camaro. He let out a happy sound at seeing his car. "That's my car there, Dean. She's my baby also."
Michael smiles. "Yeah, she is." he replied softly, stroking the hood with a fond smile before showing Dean to his room, which was quite clean, and held a 60 year old single malt scotch on its small table. "Make yourself comfortable, Dean." he added, taking his jacket and shirts off in the hot room.
Michael went to the cabinet, grabbing to small glasses. "Scotch? Its single malt." He offered, pouring two glasses and offering one to Dean. He was really nervous. now that he had him alone, he wasn't sure how to proceed. Should he just kiss him? He shuffled, blushing, wondering what that might be like, and silently praying the elder winchester beat him to it.
Michael sighed inwardly, sipping his scotch. "It's a nice night, cooler outside then in here." He muttered, opening a few windows. He cursed himself for being such a wuss and not just kissing the man in front of him. He took in a breath as he finished his scotch. "You must be popular with both the genders... You're so handsome.." michaels voice was so softbas he spoke those words, he didn't think Dean heard him. He blushed deeper, hoping the other woildn't reject his subtle advances.
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