The fallen champion. [DonVoltonus x Himeko]

He knew that most of the foods if not purified would cause for corruption, but at this point he was beyond starving. So he took the meat and greedily ate it until it was all gone. "Thanks." He said as he felt more invigorated.
He would feel his mouth suddenly grow quite full, his tongue growing out to six inches in length, turning smooth red and forking slightly at it's tip. "Now, I think you can do better."
As he noticed his new tongue he knew she had done this on purpose but there was no going back now. Once his stomach was full he took his new tongue and began sticking it in as deep as it could go, which was rather far now.
She moaned, claws scraping the seat beneath her. "FUck yeah, that's the ticket, focus on the from wall sweetheart, you'll find my spot."
He hummed a little bit to cause vibrations as he finally found her spot when her juices started to flow out more. "Mmmm... This.... Gooood?" He murred sending stronger vibrations into her went cunt.
Man did he have the need and urge to fuck again so he kept up his pace but going from humming lowly sending low vibrations to a higher pitched hum to increase the speed of the vibrations. He did this to not only continue to please the reptilian woman, but to also get off on so his climax would be more pleasurable.
She moaned, hips bucking sharply, her slick juices coating his face as she came. "Shit, usually it takes guys days to learn how to use a tongue like that..." She panted.
Panting slightly he winked at her as he lapped up all the cum that came out, which did help wash down the dry meat and also helped to fill his stomach more. "Trust me... I've had experience with this and being here in this world for two months has taught me many things." He replied as he got up and forced her down onto the ground before shoving his hard throbbing dick into her soaked pussy.
She moaned, wrapping her legs around his hips, quite suddenly pressing her slender tail into his ass. "I'm going to milk everything you've got."
"Nnn... Very well then!" He moaned loudly as he could feel his climax starting to build. And even as sore as his ass was from before, he was now a little more use to the pain as it turned into pleasure. As long as he was fed he could keep this up all day, though the more he fucked the less he found himself wanting to leave now.
She smirked, legs pulling him deeper into her gripping cunt, her tail rubbing on his prostate.
"Fuck... I'm gonna cum!" He screamed as his body twitched and shook while his ass quivered in both pain and pleasure. The taint from the meat spreads into his body for a bit corrupting him more.
The moment she gave him permission he shot his hot seed deep inside her womb and began pumping his dick in and out of her in a rapid pace, making sure all his cum was deep inside of her.
She chuckled, patting his head. "You're going to make a lovely little whore, once you're fully broken."
He could feel his face turning red as he looked at her in horror at what she said. "I was... Just doing what you told me to do for the food." He said, when it wasn't the full truth. The truth was he just wanted to fuck her badly.
"Sure you were." She smirked, sliding from under him and leaving him with his thoughts for the moment.
Once he was left alone again he sighed and made his way back onto the bed as he took deep breaths in and out, trying to wrap his head around what was going on. "Please don't let the next one be the owner of this place..." He whimpered softly to himself as he slowly drifted off to sleep for a couple hours before the next person came to his prison.
Lucky for him it was the succubi from earlier, carrying a folded cloak in her arms. "Hey! Wake up!"
"It's you!" He said quietly as he made his way to the cell door. "I don't know if we can escape this place, something about what one of the women told me that I'd make a good whore hit something in me... But if you can get me out of here then maybe I can do it still? I mean Urta's like a whore but yeah..." He said softly to her, yet for some odd reason he had a bad feeling something was going to happen should he try to escape.
"Don't worry about it, we're getting you out with these." She entered his cell, pulling a bottle out of the cloak. "You'll need a demon's cock to get out of here."
"Wait what?!" He almost yelled before putting his hands over his mouth. "Is there anyother way?" He asks as he looked at the bottle. Having a demon's cock would mean he'd be part demon, and who knew what else it'd do to him. He uncorked it and sniffed at it.
"Nope darling. You can get out in a cloak with your dick out, but I have no other way to get you out."
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