The fallen champion. [DonVoltonus x Himeko]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
Two months ago...

The townsfolk cheered and roared in joy as their new champion, Sinvious Dawnguard held onto his scarf as his icy blue eyes wondered over the crowd. Holding his sword tightly he looked at the portal that was now before him. "As your new champion I shall return victorious where no other champion has before me!" He roared as he unsheathed his sword and held it high into the air. This caused the townsfolk to cheer even louder as their words could be heard throughout the entire town. "Sinvious! Sinvious the champion will save us all!" They all cheered as Sinvious had lowered his sword and then rushed towards the portal before entering into the new world.

Current day:

Sinvious stood inside his makeshift cabin and looked around outside the kitchen window as he prepared his small meal. "Gonna need to explore again soon. But this time I think I'm ready for the mountains today. After getting my ass kicked and raped last month I think I can take anything on!" He grinned as he ate his meal. Sure he could have gone back to Tel'Adre and bought some food, but he wanted to earn his food and save his gems for when he really needed it. Yes, he was a cheapskate when it came to that, but gems were hard to get at times so he did whatever he had to to get it.

After his meal he grabbed his sword and scarf and left for the mountains. He managed to beat a few imps on the way and even some Cerberus he then came along a hidden path that had something that caught his eye. "I wonder what's going on over here..." He whispered to himself as he made his way around the back behind the demons and then came across strange cages that were mostly covered, but what freaked him out was there was moaning coming out of them. Before he could react or do anything he felt something heavy hit the back of his head as he felt his body go limp and then he ended up passing out.

Hours later...

When he finally woke up he found his hands were bound and he couldn't speak due to the ball-gag in his mouth. He looked around at his prison cell and noticed there were the typical bars but a small barred window that was too high for him to reach even if he had the use of his hands. His eyes shifted around the dark room and then paused at the bars to his prison. I wonder who's here... His mind wondered as he heard footsteps coming his way.
A succubus walked up to the bars, shaking her heavy, bare tits, looking him over. "Morning slut!" She grinned, flapping her wings, walking into his cell. "Time to give me breakfast stud, that's all you humans are good for."
"Mpfh!" He tried to protest as he had JUST now realized he ha no cloths on and his cock hanging for the world to see. He tried to make a run for it but was tripped by the bindings on his ankles and down he went, face forward too. He tried to wiggle his way out but due to the restraints it made it impossible for him to do so.
She kicked him over onto his back, crouching down onto his chest, tail coiling around his cock. "Oh chill out, all I'm gonna do is fuck you."
He looked at her with wide eyes and grunted in pain as he was kicked to his back. "Nnnn..." He tried to hide his moan by trying to cough but found it harder to do that. His cock was at the mercy of the succubus now.
She chuckled, rubbing her pussy against his thick cock. "Well, this isn't so much fun." She smirked, unhooking his gag.
The moment the gag was removed he coughed a bit then looked up at her. "And just what do you plan on doing with me once you're done?" He asked with a disobedient stare at her.
"Uhh, letting the next demon in line bang you?" She chuckled sliding her slick pussy down onto his thick cock.
"Nnnn... No one else is going to fuck me one I get free!" He spats as he could feel his cock, as if it had a mind of its own, betray him as it began to grow harder inside the demon's cunt. "Once I get free you will all pay!" He swears as his lower half begins bucking up and down causing his hardened cock to slide in and out of her pussy.
She smirked, bouncing her hips, leaning in close. "I can help you get out, if you take me with you." She whispered very quietly.
"And... Nnnn... Why do you want out? Thought all of your kind liked this lifestyle." He moaned softly as his cock throbbed inside the succubus, feeling his orgasm starting grow.
"Yeah, I still love fucking, but it's pretty dull here, I'd rather get some adventure." She muttered, wrapping her tail around his cock tightly to force down his climax.
"Interesting." He replies as he groans from having his climax denied. "So how do you think we can get out of here without whoever runs this prison knowing?" He asked lowly.
"You're gonna have to just endure until tonight, then I can break you out." She smirked, bouncing faster on his length.
"Okay, hope you make it through the day." She smirked, ramming her hips down, removing her tail from him.
"I should be just fine." He replies as his cock is finally released and is finally allowed to cum as his hot seed poured deep inside of her.
She smirked, her body absorbing his seed hungrily. She slowly rose off his with a smile, walking back to the cell door. "I hope you can last that long." She winked, leaving the room.
Panting he nodded to her. "I hope so too..." He replied as he felt his stomach was roaring in hunger. "Damnit... Gotta eat soon... But how...?" He sighed as he rested his head against the floor.
The floor shook as a 7 foot beast of a man entered, deep red skin and a thick, equine cock hanging between his legs. "So, you're the new toy huh? Wonder if you'll break as easy as the last one."
Sinvious whimpered the moment he saw the giant beast and tried to hide under his bed. His asshole quaked in fear as he knew what was coming and it wasn't going to be pleasurable at all.
"Get your scrawny ass out here. Suck me off well and I might let your ass go unruined tonight."
He reluctantly came out from under the bed and nodded as he got down on his knees. He took the cock in his hands and while trying to not make a face he opened his mouth and pulled the equine member into his mouth and began sucking him off.
The man chuckled, his cock drooling thick precum, his male scent almost overwhelming, like a wave of sex washing over him.
His own member was starting to harden again as he lapped up the pre that drizzled out of his cock and he could feel himself starting to dry hump the air. The smell was overwhelming as he could feel his head starting to grow light. He needed food and cum was going to be as close as he could get to something to eat. Which disgusted him to no end.
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