What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~


Jun 3, 2013
Under a rock

"What is life's greatest illusion?"​

Innocence. There was no such thing in Tamriel. Everything had a true nature; whether it was filled with greed or compassion, everyone had a way of things. There was no innocent nature, only naïve ways of thinking and an ignorant understanding. There was no innocence in justice; only the guilty and the wronged. Innocence was an illusion Man and Mer created to hide behind either being stupid or cheated. There was no innocence to be cherished or combated. Only what nature had provided you. It didn't take him very long to figure that out.


"Hey!" The Bosmer boy winced when a pebble hit his head, his golden eyes snapping toward the one who threw the stone. It was his master, Urlthor Oaken-Dawn, glared at him from the door, "Have you done anything at all today, boy?"
"Yes, I fed the cows and cleaned the stables, your weapons are polished and hanging on their racks, the taxidermy is dusted. I've done all my chores. I'm free for the rest of the day." The boy answered. Urlthor grumbled irately.
"Where's your damned whore mother?" He growled. The boy gnashed his teeth and clenched his fists.
"Mother is sewing your torn clothes. Like you asked her to." He said through his teeth. Urlthor huffed, not having a reason to beat either of them before storming off to curse and grumble. The boy cursed him softly in Bosmeri tongue, sitting back against the wall he was resting on.
A few houses away, a young Dunmer girl was outside washing dirty clothes in a wash bucket, watching the half-elf get chewed out, scrubbing the clothing article on the washboard. Her expression was blank, and her blue red eyes were half focused on the boy, her mind wandering elsewhere as she did her daily tasks. One thing she knew for sure they had in common, was they were both slaves. She knew little about him, and he probably knew nothing of her existence; slaves where normal in this city, almost every household had one; the wealthier ones anyway.
Sildriel made sure no one on the property was watching before practicing his Illusionary magicka, making a butterfly appear on his fingers before it vanished. He made a noise; he wanted to practice the more high end spells he had found, make a few of his own. But Urlthor and his own mother watched him like hawks, knowing that he was well gifted for being only twelve.
Sildriel's Magic was truly incredible for someone who had never seen other magic other than offensive magic, so without a second thought, the girl had moved closer to Sildriel, taking shelter behind a cart and watching him closely. Unlike him, she had no magical talent, not that she knew of anyway, since she had no proper training, she hadn't tried much other than wiggling her fingers and willing fire to come from them. Of course, it didn't work, but she did have a knack for going unnoticed, people just didn't seem to notice her as easy, even if she were just sitting out on a bench; she knacked it up to being just another unordinary slave.
"Sildriel.." The boy jumped and sat up quickly, looking to where the gentle sound of his mother's voice came from. The Bosmeri woman didn't look a day over twenty, despite the slight wrinkles and worry lines she had, her hair was a lighter shade of copper compared to Sildirel's and her eyes were red, heavy with years of slave work and torment. He didn't mind that he was called by his real name to his mother, but hearing it spoken and butchered by Nord tongue made him ill and nearly violent.
"I told you about using your magicka...Master Urlthor will beat you again..." She said, her voice sounded drained and weak. Sildriel made a face and folded his arms.
"It was just a butterfly.." He muttered dryly. Lilisina frowned and cupped his cheek gently.
"Please, little sapling...not in the open..." She implored. Sildriel made a small noise of defeat, not wanting to disappoint his mother.
"Yes, mother..." He agreed softly.
A frown came upon the child's face when the boy's mother showed herself, making the girl moved father behind the cart. She wished to see more of this boys magic, it was beautiful, and brought her a sense of peace. "Sildriel..." She whispered to herself, not wanting to forget his name so she could speak to him later on; if she got the chance.
When Lilisina left, Sildirel lookd to the cart where he felt eyes staring at him. He looked around before conjuring another butterfly illusion and sending it over to the cart before heading inside. The glowing insect sat on the cart and moved its wings up and down slowly.
Amaya waited until the boy had gone inside and the door closed before she reached out to the butterfly, her fingers passing through and dissipating the magic, leaving nothing behind. Remembering she had chores to finish, she scurried back to the washbin, scrubbing away at the clothes and then hanging them out to dry.

The next morning she waited outside early in the morning, watching the house the boy belonged to, busying herself with sweeping the sidewalk as to not get yelled at.
Sildirel was outside caring for the livestock; feeding the hogs and cows, making sure the chickens had feed and everything had water. He hated doing these useless chores, he wanted to go out and be free, go to Valenwood and migrate with the trees like his mother used to before she was sold by the Altmer. He just wanted to be himself.
Again, Sildriel could feel eyes trained on him, just like the day before, and just like the day before, the young Dunmer girl watched him from afar. It looked as though she expected something from him, like she was waiting for him to do something.
He looked to where he felt the staring and noticed a little Dunmer girl watching him. He made a noise and did a small bit of illusionary magicka for her; a blue glowing snake moving through his fingers.
Amaya watched Sildriel, her sweeping slowly coming to a stop as she watched him preform magic. The two were very close in age, but neither often got the chance to act it, so when a small smile showed on her face, the scene almost seemed normal; then the girl turned a pale shade of gray, her smile vanishing instantly as she quickly turned her head away from Sildriel and returned to her work; the two had been seen from the window by Sildriel's master.
Sildirel blinked and cocked his head before choking as he was jerked back by his shirt, "What did I tell you, boy?!" Urlthor spat, dragging Sildriel inside. He threw the boy to the ground and grabbed a thick oak rod, beating Sildriel hard with the strength of a veteran behind his swings. Sildriel didn't let any sound come out, not wanting to give Urlthor the satisfaction. He protected his head as best as he could, curling up into a tight ball.
Amaya listened to each hit land with a solid thud, wincing every now and again as she slowly and numbly began to sweep again, keeping her eyes focused downward, she bit her lip hard, face flushed hot in her upset state.
After a while, the beating stopped when the Nord couldn't feel his arm. He kicked Sildriel hard in the stomach before stalking off. Lilisina rushed to her son and picked him up carefully, taking him to his room to help treat his pain.
Tears ran down Amaya's cheeks as she death gripped the broom, but she still didn't speak a single word.
Nearly a week after Sildriel's beating was around the time she saw him again. Making sure neither her master nor Sildriel's was in sight, she set stood up from the garden where she was pulling weeds, and quickly made her way closer to Sildriel, hiding behind a bale of hay for a moment longer before emerging from around the corner.
"I want to see it again." She blurted out in a hushed tone, then her face flushed.
"Your magic, I mean." She gripped the hem of her grimy shirt, looking around to make sure they wouldn't be seen, before looking back to Sildriel.
Sildriel blinked at her, frowning a bit, "My magic...?" He repeated. He grinned and rested his arms behind his head, "A cute girl wants to see my magic?"
"I-I'm not-!" Her face flushed more and she shuffled her feet, looking around and then looking back at Sildriel, lowering her voice. "I've never seen magic like that, it's really cool.."
She shook her head, tussling her short, snowy white hair. "It's beautiful... I'd like to see more of it, if you'd allow me to- but I don't want you to get into trouble like last time... Maybe once everyone's asleep, I'll meet you here?"
The young Dunmer smiled widely, a sight that wasn't common among the salves. "I do." She nodded, then took Sildriel's hand and pushed a small bottle into it, no bigger than his palm. "It's not much, but it should still work the same; potion of invisibility."
She took a step back, ready to leave, before she stopped herself. "My name is Amaya." She said, slowly walking backward toward her own home.
He made a noise. Amaya, huh? What an odd name for a Dunmer. He moved inside, hiding the invisibility potion in his trousers before heading to Urlthor's library to do some research on such an odd but pretty name.
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