I'm Coming Home ||| randomname98766789 x Iikaitlynii

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Tell The World


I'm Coming Home

The brain gives the heart its sight


The heart gives the brain its vision

This is a One x One between myself and Iikaitlynii. Our roleplay is based off the TV show The 100.

"I feel the sun on my face. I see trees all around me, the scent of wildflowers on a breeze. It’s so beautiful. In this moment, I’m not stranded in space. It’s been 97 years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on Earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors. 12 nations had operational space stations at the time of the bombs. There is now only the Ark, one station forged from the many. We’re told the Earth needs another 100 years to become survivable again. Four more space-locked generations, and man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that’s the dream. This is reality. Reality sucks.

Life on the ground wasn't exactly the most ideal way to live. Fighting amongst tribes, trying to survive day by day, worrying mountain men, esepcially living like savages; but it was the only way of life any of them knew anymore. It had been that way for almost a hundred years, for the whole lives of most of the people living, so they didn't know any other way. Their way of life was a bit simple, yet brutal, which meant their technology was severely limited; not that it was cared about or thought of.

Amelia was no exception to that. For being fairly young, just barely nineteen, one wouldn't expect, in the old world, someone of her age to have experienced so much violence, yet that was the way things were now. Currently she found herself out on a hunt. There were others as well but each had gone their own way to try and bring back food for their village. Despite the fact she was in the process of becoming a warrior, her village was still her home and she did her best to help her parents and brother.

So far she wasn't coming across anything, yet she tried to be mindful of keeping close to places that she could hide in case the a horn blew to warn about acid fog. That was the one down side to living in the region she did, they had to worry about fog that could kill them. Which legends spoke that it was a weapon of the mountain men, but no one knew anything for sure.

After about two hours of searching, and nothing to show, Amelia thought to just head back home, but an odd object in the sky caught her attention. It was falling towards the ground, and fast. She wasn't particularly close to where it was headed, but just close enough to feel the impact of when it landed. The force sent her flying back into the nearest tree. Her head and back took the worst hit, and she had a splitting headache. While unwise, she stood up far to fast and ended up bracing her hand against the tree as she felt her vision threatening to go black.


Life on the Ark had been rough for the past year or so for the young blonde named Clarke Griffin. Not only had she lost her father, presumably thanks to her friend Wells, but she was also locked away for having too much knowledge that could lead to a security risk if she were to tell anyone. That was actually the reason her father was floated. And the reason she wasn't? It was simply for the fact she wasn't eighteen yet and juveniles were locked away until they became of age and their case reviewed. Usually it ended up with them being floated, or in simple terms killed. The worst part was she was partly the reason her boyfriend Ryan was locked up because he always came to visit her, sneakily of course. She wasn't sure how he did it, if there was a guard he bribed or whatever, but eventually he was caught.

On that particular day Clarke was drawing a picture on the ground of her cell when the guards came in and she had cautiously stood up. The way they were acting put her on edge and made her think something was wrong. "No, this can't be right. I don't turn eighteen for another month," she had spoke but ended up freaking out and managed to get past the guards in her room. She didn't get very far though before her mother caused her to stop and quietly explained to her they were being sent to the ground; being given a 'second chance'. Clarke understood one of the reasons for this, but she really didn't get to say anything, or say goodbye, before being shot with something that caused her to go drowsy and loose consiousness.

Groaning slightly as she woke, Wells spoke something that she didn't quite hear. Though she was more surprised by the fact he was there and her anger towards him because of her father made her wish he wasn't. He should be back up in space, not coming with them down to earth. It made her wonder where Ryan was but between entering the earth's atmosphere and Jaha speaking on the screen, she didn't really have the chance to look for him.

A kid, Finn, got out of his seat to recklessly float in the air and made a comment about how Wells dad had floated him after all. Two others followed suit but when things got rocky, and they landed on the ground in a rough manner, the other two had not survived. Most everyone else seemed fine though and Clarke quickly got out of her seat. Before she could search for the one person she was interested in seeing, she ended up getting in an argument with one of the guys, Bellamy, about how they didn't know if it was safe to open the door. He didn't much listen though and opened it anyway. And after his sister walked out, and appeared fine, everyone else ran out in excitment.

Clarke felt excited, but after a few brief moments of stepping outside, she turned to look at all of the faces for one in particular. After months apart she wanted to see her boyfriend again. She wanted at least a few happy moments of a reunion before thoughts of how to survive started setting in.
Bellamy Blake


Upon finding out about the Council sending one hundred juvenile delinquents to Earth, Bellamy Blake needed to find a way onto the dropship. After pulling some strings, the twenty-three-year old was able to find a way onto the dropship: Pose as a guard. Someone was going to make an offer to Bellamy and it was a simple offer. Kill Chancellor Jaha and the deal was going down. Just as asked, Bellamy managed to steal a gun from the armory and shoot Jaha. Immediately, everyone on the Ark converged on him but with so much chaos involving needing so much manpower to escort the delinquents, Bellamy escaped and met with his source. Receiving the uniform, he was able to sneak onto the dropship unannounced.

Why did he need to do this? His sister Octavia was onboard. He had not seen her in over a year after the Ark found out about her. She was his younger sister. What was wrong with that? To converse oxygen, families were only allowed one child. If this rule was broken, the mother was floated and the child was taken into custody and floated at the age of eighteen. That’s exactly what happened but Octavia was not quite of age to be reviewed and floated. His only goal was to ensure she was safe. He was going to Earth, just to protect someone he loved.

The first person to the front door was Bellamy and he was eager to open the door. However, some girl tried to stop him from opening the drop ship door due to the fear of the air being toxic. Bellamy explained that if that were true, they would be dead anyways. Before opening a door, he heard a quiet voice call out his name. It was Octavia and he eagerly hugged her and was reunited. To him, she was really all he had left and being with her on Earth was what he needed to do. The smile was wide on his face but it ended after some kid pointed her out as the “girl that they found underneath the floor.”

Instead of letting his fiery sister have a few swings, he decided this would end better if she gave everyone something else to remember her by instead of the girl underneath the floor, but by being the first human to walk on the Earth nearly one hundred years. Watching her step out and express her happiness, he smiled broadly and slowly walked outside to greet her. He did not intend on telling her how he was able to get on the ship right now or ever for that matter. He knew if the Ark and the council actually arrived on Earth, they would kill him for his crime. That was just common sense talking and he wanted to spent time with Octavia and make sure she was alright. After their brief interaction, Bellamy decided to explore the area around them just like everyone else did.

Ryan Groves


Three guards suddenly enter Ryan’s room and order him to face a wall. This was it, he thought. There were no calendars in this prison but Ryan knew his eighteenth birthday was close. Seeing those wristbands made everything real for the young man knowing his execution was imminent. In a last second move of desperation, Ryan kicked the guard closest to him before punching the other in his jaw. The young man was tall and strong but was no match for three guards with weapons.

A hard blow to the back of his head followed by a stabbing into his neck brought Ryan onto the ground. His sight went black and he quickly passed out, unsure of his surroundings. When the dark-haired male awoke, his head was throbbing and the lights blinded him. A groan left his lips and he quickly pieced together that he was not floated but he was in a drop ship. A drop ship? What in the hell was he here for? And why were there so many other people? He attempted to move but he was securely strapped into a seat. Shaking his head, Ryan put his head against the cushioned seat until he felt a hand ghost against his own.

Waking up to the sound of a loud crash followed by screaming, Ryan heard Chancellor Jaha’s face being projected onto the wall, being told how the delinquents were given a second chance to live on Earth because they were seen as expendable and they did not know if Earth was safe or not. Basically, Ryan and the other prisoners were sent to Earth to die. They did not have a clue what to do or where they will go once landing on a place called Mount Weather. A handful of idiots unstrapped from their seats and ended up being violently thrown against the wall once the parachutes deployed because of the ship crash.

Suddenly, everything went silent and all the delinquents undid their safety buckles. Two of those floating idiots were dead and everyone climbed down the ladder towards the door. Everyone was excited, except for Ryan. Looking around, he did not see Clarke anywhere. If she was not on the ship with him, he would have rather been floated than sent to Earth for a ‘second chance’. Ryan’s love for Clarke actually made him a criminal. When she was taken from him, he refused to just accept the fate. He continued to sneak inside the room time and time again, bribing off some guards and even training to become a guard in the Sky Box so hopefully he had some time to figure out how to rescue Clarke before she was floated. When he could not make another payment, the guard ratted him out and he was arrested.

People said he was an idiot, losing his shit over a girl. Clarke was so much more than another face in the crowd to him. They have been best friends ever since they were kids and they have been dating for so many years, ever since dating was first a thing with younger kids. Everyone excitedly rushed out of the drop ship but not Ryan. He felt like death. As soon as he stepped out, he did not see Clarke until he started walking and saw her off to the side. It was the back of her head but he would know her from anywhere. “Clarke!” Ryan shouted, taking off into a jog until he reached the love of his life, wrapping his arms tightly around her, a wide smile showing on his face and the excitement now taking over.
While Amelia knew the lands well, the bump to the head must have screwed with her more than she originally thought because she couldn't really see to well. Her other senses still worked but they were pretty screwy because while she thought the direction she was headed was back towards her village, it must have been towards the crash because suddenly she was hearing voices that were not in her native tongue. Only warriors spoke English in these times and hearing it meant something was off.

Once she realized the voices weren't familar, after getting close enough to hear them, she thought to go a different direction because she was in no shape to fight now with her head throbbing and lack of sight. Turning too fast her vision suddenly went black and she felt extremely hot. It was bad enough to make her black out, at least for a few moments.


For a few brief moments Clarke had grown worried that Ryan hadn't been sent down with them for some reason. Had they floated him for some reason or maybe there were more juveniles locked up and he wasn't one of the ones chosen? All those thoughts worried her since that meant he would be floated before too much longer. Thankfully those thoughts didn't get too far before she heard a familiar voice close by.

A smile filled her face as she turned around and threw her arms around him. Even though they couldn't be sure that earth was safe yet, she was definitely glad to see that he was there. At least it meant if anything did go wrong they'd be together. While it may have been a slightly morbid thought, she'd rather die and know that he knew what happened to her, rather than him have not come down and never have a clue.

"I was worried you weren't here for a minute," she whispered after returning the greeting and was more than thrilled to actually have him standing before her. They had been friends for as long as she could remember and had been dating almost as long as that. She really cared deeply for him and knew that he felt the same way. Why else risk coming to see her while she was locked up even though no one was allowed to visit?
Bellamy kept a close eye on the nearby land. He wondered what uncertainty remained lurking in these woods. Radiation did not kill them, at least not yet. Before he could think, the young man heard a loud commotion about twenty yards away. Jogging towards the circle of delinquents, his brown eyes widened upon seeing what everyone whispered about. It was another human being. No, it was not one of them, it was not a juvenile delinquent sent from the Ark. This girl was… different. Why was she dressed like this? What are those marks?

Most importantly: why and how in the hell was she here? Did people really survive the radiation blasts long enough to reproduce? How long has this been possible? Bellamy had so many questions but he this girl could answer some of them. He did not know what to expect and his hand remained on his gun as he waited for her to wake up. By the looks of it, she had been harmed in the blast. “Who are you? What’s your name?” Bellamy questioned loudly whenever he saw her orbs open though he did have to admit, having dozens and dozens of people standing around you after waking up from a blackout was probably not a good idea.


“I was worried about you, too. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” To Ryan, Clarke was so much more than just his girlfriend. She was his entire world, his entire life. As long as he can remember being a kid, Clarke was always his best friend until their friendship sprouted into something more. Now, she was not only his best friend but she was his girlfriend. He would not have it any other way than this.

“I love you… I love you so much. I never thought I’d get to say it again. God, it’s been months.” Ryan whispered, still hugging her tightly to his chest. All the commotion going on occurred across the camp so Ryan and Clarke were basically in their own little world. After pulling back from the hug, Ryan beamed happily before pressing a quick peck kiss to the blonde’s lips though kept his hands on her waist. “You look beautiful as ever.” Ryan murmured, adding a sly wink at the end of his statement.

Everything was surreal. They were on Earth, and they were on Earth together. They were not floated and they got a second chance to be together. Ryan promised himself mentally to never let anything bad happen to Clarke if he could help it. He always wanted to protect her and keep her safe no matter what they went through. He wished to have protected her on the Ark somehow but that was out of his control but thankfully, they were reunited.
((I figured italics could be her speaking in her native language if that's cool with you))

Amelia wasn't sure how long she was out, though it couldn't have been more than a few minutes, but apparently it was more than enough time for people to surround her before waking up. Brown eyes barely had time to glance at her surroundings before she heard a loud voice. Immediately she tried to back away a little, but there were people behind her too. They moved back slightly but not enough for her to be able to get up and take off.

Feeling trapped she tried to let the questions sink in despite still feeling a headache. It wasn't so bad feeling while she was on the ground, but worried it would get worse again if she stood up. The questions were fairly harmless, at least for the moment, but who knew what else they'd question about if she answered and they knew she could understand them.

Looking at them all for a moment, they looked very odd to her, though that could have easily been said about herself from their point of view. Amelia had no clue that their clothing could have been considered 'modern' and that hers looked more 'tribal' or from that of a time that was hundreds of years ago in their history books. The brunette felt more than a little mistrustful, and likely for good reason considering there were a bunch of them that essentially fell from the sky.

"What do you want? Who the hell are you?" Amelia had a feeling they wouldn't understand what she was saying since they seemed to easily default to the English langauge. Hopefully if they thought she didn't understand they would see no use in bothering her, and go about whatever they were doing. But she kind of doubted that would be the case. They didn't seem to have weapons but she wondered if they would try to kill her. Frantically she looked around for her bow and arrows but must have lost them when she got hurt. At least her knife was still there in case they tried anything.


Clarke couldn't help but agree with his statement. Not only because he was her boyfriend and the only person she ever truly cared about in a romantic way, but he was the only person down there that she could really depend on and feel safe with. While she might have previously considered Wells one of her best friends, after her father being floated because of him she couldn't help but feel hatred. It never occured to her that there could have been another person at fault, though even then there was no way possible that it was Ryan, which is why he was the one person she completely trusted.

"I know, I love you too. I've missed you so much.." she responded and her voice was equally a whisper. The months apart, especially her being contained with no visitor privileges, were very lonely and boring to say the least. There wasn't much in the way to keep one entertained either so she had tried to think about happy times they had spent before she had been locked away.

Clarke couldn't help but smile as he complimented her. He always knew how to make her feel better, even when  things weren't good. Even now when there were many other things to worry about as far as surviving, he managed to help distract her from those worries. After he said that she took the opportunity to give a long, passionate, kiss which they had not gotten to do in quite some time.

After a few minutes of that she reluctantly pulled away as the reality of their situation was beginning to set in. They were together, and she knew that would help their cause of surviving, but they had many other people to convince to work together. Pulling out one of the maps that had been left on the drop ship she looked at it and ended up frowning. "We landed on the wrong side of the mountain.. Mount Weather is on the other side of a radiation filled forest," she spoke before looking up to Ryan again.
[ That's a wonderful idea! ]

A plethora of inquiries swarmed from the lips of those delinquents encircling the strange woman. On the off chance that people survived on Earth after the atomic end of the world, what else about the planet stayed obscure from the Sky People? Based on the brunette's clothing and absence of weaponry, Bellamy assumed their technological advances were primitive and nonexistent. The dialect she talked in was not comprehended or recognized by anyone. Yet she was the first life form on Earth they saw subsequent to the intuition no humans survived as they were taught in school. Because of cultural differences, they didn't expect to abandon her since too much information likely existed in her brain. A gathering of almost three dozen adolescents surrounded the mysterious lady with no plan of letting her pass.

"What should we do with her?" A female voice asked.

"Maybe she can help us." Another voice addressed yet not everybody saw this emphatically.

"Take a look at her, she can't help shit. Why don't we just kill her or utilize her for our advantage? She could be a part of something bigger, like a village or community.”

All through this time, Bellamy stayed calm. His dull cocoa eyes were practically frowning and glaring at the primal lady in deep thought, endeavoring to deduct his game-plan. Releasing her was unquestionably not happening yet executing her appeared to be similarly as stupid. The last voice he heard brought up a decent point. She should be an individual from some sort of bigger group and they would require some means to speak with them. Bellamy did not know whether to expect hostility or trepidation.

Playing his part as leader, Bellamy calmed everybody before talking. "We won't release her and we won't kill her. Let's grab her and take her into the drop ship. I couldn't care less that she doesn't comprehend us or understand English. We'll figure out something.”

The majority of the adolescents accumulated around concurred with Bellamy however some differed in opinions.However, Bellamy was more seasoned and exuded authority and certainty. Not many individuals would express a yearning to battle what Bellamy chose. After the choice became finalized, Bellamy called attention to two young lads to get her and escort her to the drop ship. They were tentatively approaching the girl, uncertain about what's in store as one kid went after her right arm and the other went after her left arm.


As indicated by a guide produced by the Council, the 100 were dropped onto the wrong mountain. Mount Weather was further East, over a radiation-drenched woodland. The rations sent inside the drop ship may last only a couple days if everybody shared reasonably. However, that was an abnormal thought to consider. How could you have been able to you control criminals and their food supply? In all actuality, a few youngsters on Earth were not genuine culprits but plenty of Ryan and Clarke's counterparts were dangerous and murderous. Therefore, Ryan would guarantee that Clarke never left the sight of his brilliant, chestnut eyes in light of the fact that losing her would be synonymous with the end of Ryan

The couple requested that a few other people go with them on their excursion to Mount Weather. Not a single soul desired to go and a large portion of the hundred were spread out somewhere else. Ryan and Clarke decided they wasted an excess of time and they expected to rapidly get moving. Remaining outside of the drop ship, Ryan helped with plotting the course to Mount Weather. Trusting the map was precise, they would discover a bit of an area outside of the radiation along a Northeasterly border before running into the passageway of Mount Weather.

It would surely be a more productive journey with a larger number of members however they did not have that luxury. From the metal drop ship, Ryan assembled a modest number of bags since they couldn't carry all sustenance and supplies with their hands and arms from the military base. It would be excessively impossible. Other than the packs, Ryan and Clarke did not have anything else on their person. Nothing for protection, nothing to eat, and nothing to drink. In principle, the trek would not take long and they under-prepared for what was going to happen.

After conclusive arrangements completed, Ryan went after Clarke's hand, connecting their fingers together while beginning their trip. "How have you been, Clarke?" Ryan asked since it had been numerous months since they could talk. A lone positive note from doing this alone gave them abundantly needed alone time without stressing over being caught or others irritating them. "I really missed you." Ryan included, dreading the last time Clarke could ever see him was while the Guards attacked her room and captured him directly before her eyes.
Amelia tried to keep her expression and demeanor neutral as they spoke of her like she wasn't there. Of course they believed she didn't understand them, which is why they could so easily take about killing her, which she wouldn't let them do without a fight. She doubted most of them were fighters and she could probably take them. Though that was easy to think when she had no knowledge of guns, nor had any idea that any of them had a weapon at all.

Amelia wasn't exactly sure what they meant by utilize her, but was pretty sure that couldn't have meant anything good. Especially when they spoke of her being apart of a village, which she was. The thought made her internally tense as she didn't want them harming her people.

Brown eyes looked to the last person who spoke and realized he must have clearly been the leader since everyone seemed to agree with what he said, or at least reluctantly agreed. And as the decision was made, she realized two people were coming towards her to grab her and take her to whatever the hell a dropship was. Maybe it was the thing that fell from the sky?

As they got closer Amelia suddenly felt defensive, more than she had when they were just talking. As soon as one grabbed at her arm she whirled around, twisting their own before throwing them into one direction of the group surrounding her. Then at the same time she kicked the other guys feet out from under him. Some looked more uncertain now after seeing that, while others saw it as a challenge to capture her like planned. Most likely because they now thought she was some sort of danger to them. Either way chaos began to ensue quickly.


Clarke wasn't too surprised by the lack of enthusiasm from the few people they had asked to go on the trip with them. Part of her had the sneaking suspicion that it was because of who she was and who her mother was, but she didn't let that get to her. Even though it just ended up being her and Ryan that were going, the blonde wanted to stay optimistic that things would go alright and that before long they would be back with bags of supplies.

While Ryan gathered bags to use, Clarke went about making a couple makeshift backpacks that way they wouldn't have to carry all of the bags by hand. She figured it might help make the journey somewhat easier, if only a little. There really wasn't much in the way of weapons but she did manage to find a couple of small pocket knives that might have accidentally been put on the dropship without any guards realizing. Snatching them up she figured they might be of some use to them.

After they were ready and had their course plotted, the two went on their way with their mission set. The familiar hand in her own made Clarke feel more comfortable about traveling through these unknown lands in hopes of getting supplies. They had no clue what earth was like or what awaited them, but at least she had Ryan and that sense of familiarity put her at ease a little even if she did feel the weight of survival on her shoulders. Much like her father she felt a responsibility to help others even if some of the one hundred were dangerous criminals.

"Better now," she finally said after some moments of thinking about his questions. "I didn't expect to leave that room until I was floated. And when they came for me I thought that was it," she admitted in a somewhat soft voice. That wasn't even counting the fact that she thought she'd never get to see Ryan again or at least get to say goodbye before either of them were floated. "I missed you too. I thought about you all of the time," she told him with and squeezed his hand. He was the one person she had thought about most while being locked up.

"I'm sorry you were locked up because of me," she added after a moment of silence and always felt like it was her fault. Had she not been locked up then he wouldn't have snuck into her room to see her all of the time and got caught.
Bellamy almost turned away from the scene until a loud thud sounded through the woods. Swiftly changing direction, the dark-haired male watched this slender girl kicking ass. The two boys he sent to grapple her were not pushovers. They were tall and strong but she handled them almost easily. Not only were the girl’s actions impressive, but she was instilling fear among the group. If a small woman like herself could fight so well, what should they expect from the burly, grotesque males they might encounter? Bellamy was stunned and essentially froze in position while watching the chaos ensue before his brown eyes.

A handful of the delinquents strayed away from the scene in fear while another handful of guys attacked her. No matter how much fight she has, Bellamy knew the numbers would eventually manhandle her into submission. It took almost five or six strong guys to grab her arms and legs before she was finally unable to strike, punch, or kick very well anymore. While they held her, Bellamy approached this primal woman and looked deep into her eyes. One thing was for sure, she looked pretty damn attractive. Bellamy wondered about the fun he could have with her later tonight.

Deciding he needed to check for weapons, he began touching her body over whatever semblance of clothing she wore. The only thing he found on her person ended up being that knife she kept hidden. “Bring her into the drop ship and take her to the highest level. I’ll be preparing the room for her.” Bellamy addressed the guys before walking forward in a brisk pace. In no time at all, he reached the highest level of the drop ship and began to assemble various ropes and restraints, trying to figure out exactly where he would keep her captive.


Upon hearing Clarke apologizing for himself being locked away, Ryan stopped in their tracks immediately. How dare she actually blame herself for this? Turning the blonde girl to face him, Ryan wrapped his strong arms tightly around her slender body and remained silent while pressing the most passionate kiss possible to her lips. They did need to get moving but Ryan would not allow Clarke to think like this. Their lips remained locked and Ryan’s tongue slithered into her mouth while massaging the inside of her cheeks until every inch had been explored by his tongue, passion and love simply exuding from his being.

“Clarke, don’t you dare blame yourself. You have nothing to apologize for. You didn’t force me to see you. You even told me to stop. I did this because I love you more than life itself. I cannot fathom a life where you are not beside me. If you were to be floated, I would have no reason to live. If I could not figure out some way to help you escape, then I would want to die with you. You have been my best friend ever since I was a kid. I love you, Clarke Griffin. Forever and always.”

After this little outpouring of love, Ryan took a deep breath to simply regain his composure and breath. This allowed him to restart another kiss, tilting his head slightly to the right while his tongue pushed back into her mouth. Both hands slipped within her long locks of blonde hair, stroking through her hair time and time again. It truly had been months since they were able to kiss so passionately. Their kisses shared after landing on the ground were chaste and quick but it was different this time. Ryan attempted to make up for all their lost time together the past few months.

When the kiss ended, Ryan pulled away from Clarke and both his lips were swollen from the kiss and his breathing was shallow and heavy. The male’s chest was starting to rise and fall rapidly after the kiss, keeping one hand tangled in her blonde hair while the other gently cupped the side of her face. A quiet sigh left his lips and Ryan pressed their foreheads together. “Now we’ve got that cleared out the way, let’s get moving again.” Ryan reached down and gripped their hands together again while walking further along the trail. Even after starting to walk, Ryan felt his breathing to continue heaving from the intense kiss they shared moments ago but damn, it sure felt good to kiss like that again.
Many of the people in the group backed away, much to Amelia's relief, but many of the guys choose to still come at her. While she probably could have handled many of them, at least a small handful, there was just too many for her to deal with them all. While it might not have been the best idea to use her fighting skills since it would just make her a more valuable captive for information, or make them think she was too dangerous and it would be best to just kill her, but she couldn't very well just let them take her prisoner without some sort of fight.

Eventually the numbers became too much for her and it took five, maybe six, guys to restrain her. While that might have been seen as impressive that it took that many, it just angered the brunette that they had gotten the best of her at all. And when the one who she presumed was the leader came back over an started searching her, it only caused her to try and struggle again. It didn't do much good though and he took the knife she had, causing her brown eyes to glare at him in anger.

Forcefully getting her up off the ground, she still struggled despite the fact she didn't have a whole lot of energy left. All it did was waste what title energy she did have and was still taken into what they called a drop ship and up to the higher level of it. While it wasn't unexpected, she was less than thrilled to see restraints which they would undoubtedly use on her. "If you think that will get me to talk your sadly mistaken"

Amelia knew he wouldn't understand her, which is exactly why she said it. It was more to taunt them all the while knowing they wouldn't understand her, yet she could comprehend what they said.


Clarke had almost expected such a reaction from him when she blamed herself, though she did not think he would sound so passionate about how it wasn't her fault. While she had to admit that he was right in the fact that she had tried to get him to stop for his own safety, but he still felt a tiny bit to blame for why he ended up in lockup. Of course she also understood they he could be just as stubborn as her and that he would've kept visiting no matter how much she persuaded him not to.

Both kisses did help quite a bit to distract her from the feelings of guilt among many other less than pleasant feelings that she had experienced over the last twenty-four hours. Some being fear, anger, worry, among many other things. In that moment they all seemed to disappear as she kissed him back equally as passionate, letting herself mold to him. There were moments when she felt the need for air but didn't want to pull away just yet.

When the kiss ended Clarke was more than a little reluctant to pull away, having enjoyed it far too much. Not just the kiss itself but the way his hand laced into her hair. She had missed him far too much and had almost completely forgotten about the mission they set out on until he had spoken of it again. When he did she did realize they needed to be on their way as not only they, but everyone else, would get hungry before too long and the rations would not last very long among a hundred of them. Well it was more like ninety-nine when you counted Octavia's brother and the two who had been killed, but either way it wasn't going to last more than a couple days.

"I don't think the history books give earth justice. It looks much better in person," she said admiringly while looking around at everything. They even came past a few patches of flowers that were the brightest color purple she had ever seen. It was more than a little beautiful and she wished to have more time to admire the sights but they had more important things to worry about at the moment.
Bellamy did not bother arguing about the language nor did he show any signs of irritation. The males carrying this woman sat her down into a chair before listening to Bellamy’s directions. “Tie her arms behind of her back, make sure they’re over the back of the chair.” Once giving this order, Bellamy tossed some rope to one of the guys. While one tied her hands together behind of her back and behind the chair, Bellamy took some rope and wrapped three or four loops around her midsection and the backrest of the chair before tying a tight knot at the back. Going up higher, right above her breasts, Bellamy did the same thing as with her midsection.

On her arms, another rope was tied around just above her elbows to keep her constricted even further. For the last action, Bellamy ordered two of the teenagers to cross her ankles together as he tightly tied a rope around her ankles before adding one final rope connection her bound wrists, running the rope to her bound ankles. While doing this, one of the delinquents decided to secure her legs even further, wrapping the rope around her thighs and underneath he seat of the chair.

When they were finished a few minutes later, she was tied up tightly to the chair. The ropes were tight and the knots were expertly weaved. Bellamy double checked everything before standing in front of her, holding the knife he found hidden on her body. His eyes flickered to her eyes then to the knife, realizing it must mean something to her considering how she acted when it was confiscated. “What’s your name?” Bellamy started, his arms crossed while the entrance to this level of the drop ship was closed, sealed, and locked. Bellamy did not want others to watch what was happening up here. He had no idea what he was doing next, he just waited for an answer.


Ryan could not resist himself after noticing these deep, purple flowers. Making a quick pit stop, Ryan plucked one of the flowers and tucked it nearly behind of Clarke’s ear, ensuring all strands of hair were tucked away, too. A small smile spread across his lips before relinking their hands together and continuing their journey. “You’re right. Earth is more beautiful than I ever imagined. I do have to say, the most beautiful thing I see out here right now is you. As magnificent as our planet looks, she has nothing on you.” Again, Ryan leaned down to peck a chaste kiss to her cheek. He felt it was a nice touch after placing a flower in her hair.

The forests were lush and green with flowers and plants blooming all around. Something was missing though. Animals. Insects. Creatures. No animals were trekking the ground, no birds were flying in the air, and no insects buzzed around their head. Judging by their geography, this forest should be riddled with wildlife of some kind. Ryan had no idea what to expect but their science textbooks expressed how woodlands were the prime location for wildlife and animals. Ryan felt rather disappointed, wondering if the nuclear apocalypse wiped out all the animals, too.

Nonetheless, they were still focused on the task at hand. Time hastily passed and the air was becoming cooler, signaling it might be nightfall soon. Eyes forward, Ryan brought himself and Clarke to another halt. His eyes widened and nearly thirty yards away stood a deer. They were looking at the side view of the animal but Ryan wanted to get closer. Without paying much attention, he accidentally stepped onto a twig, causing a snapping sound. “Shit…” Ryan breathed while watching the deer stand to attention before turning its head towards him.

When the head turned, the beauty ended. It had two faces and clearly mutated from its natural form. When the deer spotted, the two humans, it simply trotted off into the distance. “Do you think every animal is going to be mutated like this?” Ryan asked curiously, thinking ahead. On one hand, it was a good thing some animals might exist. They could be cooked for meat but Ryan feared these animals might be too tainted for food.
Still struggling Amelia was well aware of how useless it was by that point but still felt a little stubborn. Not only that but she was angry at herself for being stupid enough to be caught. She should have stayed where she was and waited for awhile before trying to get up and go, but no she had to try and move immediately which only led her right to these people whom she knew nothing about.

They tied her up just about everywhere and the only thing she could really move was her head she noted. The others left until it was just her and their 'leader' whom still had her knife. For a brief moment she wondered if he held it in front of her as some sort of taunt, but she quickly pushed that thought away as he asked the same question as before. The urge not to roll her eyes was great since it would only prove that she could understand him. So instead she waited a few moments, just starting at him with some annoyance before finally deciding to speak.

"Still asking the same silly questions? Don't you want to know something more important?" It was pretty clear by her tone of voice that she was taunting him in some way and she really only did so to hide that she actually felt scared. She didn't know these people or what they would do to her. While she didn't think they could be any worse than the stories she heard about Ice Nation, she was still in a situation she had never been in before and felt more than a little unease. Especially considering they might still kill her whether she cooperated or not. At least if she didn't cooperate it might by her time a little longer to try and escape. She wasn't interested in dying just yet.


Clarke couldn't help the smile that crossed her face. Ryan definitely had a way with words, and could be quite the charmer, which she did feel lucky to have him. He had a way of making her feel better, even when she didn't realize her mood wasn't in the greatest of places, and he did so with such little effort. It was moments like that which reminded her how deeply she cared for him and she really didn't know what she'd do without him.

"You sure have a way with words," she mused lightly but obviously meant it in a good way. The flower felt odd in her hair, as they really didn't have any on the Ark, but it was odd in a good way and enjoyed being able to see such vibrant colors. It didn't escape her notice either that there was a lack of animals, and insects. It made her wonder if they'd be able to survive down here because even if they got the supplies it wasn't like it would list forever and they didn't have anything to plant and grow either.

Clarke wasn't sure how much time passed but the air was starting to cool and eventually they came to an opening. For a moment the scene was beautiful. A deer stood before them and it was a vision Clarke couldn't have imagined in her wildest dreams. Yet after a moment it was ruined because Ryan stepped on a twig and the deer turned its head causing them to see that it was actually mutated before running off. "I don't know.. but at least it's a good sign that there's life down here." Hopefully not everything was mutated or else that might be a bad sign for them and that there still might be radiation down here that could be slowly killing them even at this very moment. Shaking away the thought they continued to press forward. It wasn't long before they came to another clearing but this time it was a river.

"How do you suppose we get across," she questioned thoughtfully with only the smallest hint of a frown.
Yet again, Bellamy trapped his upper lip between his teeth to prevent from showing his true emotions. For some reason, Bellamy felt some sort of gnawing feeling that this girl knew exactly what he was saying. Tone of voice always has been the same throughout the entire world. For the common man or woman, its rather easy to deduct tone of voice even in a language you do not understand. For that reason, Bellamy tried to analyze her tone and it sounded almost taunting and arrogant like she had the upper hand. That’s why he believed she knew what he said.

Before going any further, he ushered out the other delinquents that were remaining. Two of them would stand guard at the ladder, ready to help if Bellamy required assistance. Turning his attention to the captive, he tilted his head curiously at her before deciding to amuse himself. He truthfully had no idea what kind of material covered her upper torso or what kind of version of a shirt this was but he took her knife and sliced right through the material, barely nicking the skin of her abdomen with the tip to send off a warning shot, more or less.

However, Bellamy was not finished. He sliced through the shirt again until whatever material was covering herself would fall off the chair and onto the floor, leaving the girl topless in front of him with no way to cover herself though Bellamy wondered if modesty was a big deal in her world. Where Bellamy is from, the last thing a woman captive wants is to be exposed in front of the bad guy. “I guess I’ll just have to kill her anyways. I wonder what the slowest, most painful way to kill her might be.” Bellamy mused to himself but this was intentional. As he walked to a workbench and rummaged through a handful of tools, Bellamy ensured she could hear what he said though pretend he was talking to himself. If she reacted in a negative way, then he figured she could understand him.


According to the map, this river should not even be placed here. Nothing on the map marked it as such though it was a longshot to assume it was one hundred percent accurate. It’s not like anyone had been down to the ground to keep any updates. They learned in school how the planet changes sometimes due to weather and natural forces like storms and other things. With that thought in mind, Ryan narrowed his eyes while searching for a path across. It seemed almost hopeless until Ryan looked towards the sky and found some dangling group of vines from a tree.

A grin spread across his face while reaching up to tug onto the roots. It seemed stable enough and firm enough to hold his body while he tested, performing a version of a pull-up with the vines. “I think we found our answer. We can swing across. I’ll go first.” It was unknown if this would work and it was unknown what waited on the other side. Because of this void, Ryan decided he would go first. If something went wrong, hopefully Clarke could escape in time without being harmed. That was his thought process as he stood, ready to take flight.

Before taking the plunge, Ryan noticed something gliding through the air. Was it a bird? No, he never knew a bird to look so small and long. As it flew nearer, he noticed the item. A spear with a metal tip, going right for Clarke. His heart began beating rapidly, almost out of his chest. His breath hitched within his throat before taking off into a dead sprint, charge for Clarke and tackling her to the ground after shouting her name. They both landed onto the rocks with a loud thud. The spear did not hit its intended target. Instead, the Spear pierced through Ryan’s shoulder, almost going all the way through and he was already losing so much blood. His eyes were struggling to remain open while a loud ringing sounded in his ears. He felt unable to move and unable to think at the moment, his entire world threatening to go dark.
Amelia watched the rest of them leave and suddenly, before he even moved towards her, she felt more nervous and afraid. It didn't help matters any when he took her knife and used it to slice at her shirt. The first time it didn't fall away, but the blade nicked her a little which caused her to wince. And then when it actually fell away after the second slice, she felt a mixture of anger, fear, worry, among many other things. Unable to look at him she was beginning to feel a small amount of anxiety.

Over and over she tried to remind herself that if she had been captured by any other clan she'd likely be dead by now. Either that or they'd torture information out and then kill her. While she didn't necessarily believe her situation was much better, she wasn't dead yet, but did worry she would be the moment she became unuseful.

Already afraid, his words didn't add much to her fear but still made it worse nonetheless. She wasn't quite sure what his game was though, purposefully saying it loud for her to hear. After a few moments when it seemed clear he really was going to, or at least she thought so, suddenly talking in her native language seemed stupid. If he was going to kill her she wanted to make it abundantly clear that she wouldn't have helped, and wasn't going to help them. She didn't know what they wanted, not from just asking her name, but either way she didn't plan on being helpful.

"Go ahead and do it. Your getting nothing from me," she growled despite the fact she still couldn't look at him. Seeing as she wasn't yet a seasoned warrior, she didn't have the resolve to endure as much pain as they likely could, nor could she force herself not to feel modest over her lack of clothing to cover herself. She felt more than a little out of her element and the lack of clothing only worsened her fear.


Looking around, Clarke saw no bridge or anyway to get across walking. They could have swam, but neither of them had ever been in this sort of water before nor had the chance to learn to swim. It seemed unlikely they would get across, she thought, until Ryan piped up and suddenly pulled on a vine. Her frown slighted even more, but not too noticeably. Mostly this was because she wasn't sure it was completely safe. What choice did they really have though? They needed the supplies to survive and if this was the only way then they needed to take it.

Watching, she braced herself as it looked like he was going to cross and had not been paying attention whatsoever when the object came flying her way. It was only at the last second, as he yelled her name, that she realized anything was wrong. And before she had time to react he had already pushed her out of the way and they both landed on some rocks.

It took Clarke a few moments until her brain caught up to her and she realized how hurt he was and she found herself freaking out a little bit. It was no wonder that, in the history books, it said people in the medical field couldn't tend to loved ones. Probably because of reactions like she was having, she thought briefly. Over and over she tried telling him it would be okay. Carefully she tried to remove the spear, that way she could tie something around the wound. They needed to get back to camp. There wasn't much in the way of medical supplies but there was more there than they currently had with them.

After slowly removing the spear, which didn't do much to relieve him of any pain, she ripped a strand of her shirt off to tie tightly around his shoulder in hopes to stop the bleeding. While he was much bigger than her, she hoped she could get him to his feet to travel back.
Just as expected, the girl fell into his trap. Was Bellamy going to kill her right now? No, he was not going to kill her right now nor did he expect to kill her at all unless she gave no choice. If she was still on Earth, there were obviously more than her. She knew information about these people and the 100 knew nothing. Putting down all tools and the knife, the tall male turned to face his bound captive, eyeing her closely for a second. She did speak English and she did understand English. At least that much was taken care of. If they were forced to communicate with another group, at least they could understand each other.

“What is your name? Who are you? Maybe I won’t kill you if you cooperate.” Bellamy spat almost venomously, not taking kindly to this. Even though it was a harsh approach, Bellamy thought no lives existed on Earth before meeting her. It was certainly shocking and fearful to know. Bellamy was a leader and he must try to not show any fear but it was much easier said than done. Learning about the opposition and what can be expected would help alleviate those emotions. Unsure if she would actually cooperate, Bellamy grabbed her knife again, deciding to rip the blade through whatever remainder of clothing she might have.

When he finished, the brunette was completely naked and bare. It exposed her but also allowed Bellamy easy access to whatever he wanted. The handle of the knife trailed down her bare chest while a smirk grew across his face. “I might not even kill you at all. I might keep you around to relieve myself whenever I need. I think you would make a great slave for myself and all the others here at the camp. I’m sure we can make you somewhat useful.” Bellamy quirked, hoping the threat of a sexual assault and a life of imprisonment and rape would sway her opinion.


Ryan was unable to form comprehensive words at the present moment. The only thing in his mind was pain and fighting to keep his eyes open. A loud scream of pain left his lips at the sensation of the spear being ripped out. While Clarke tied something around the wound, it felt like Ryan could not breathe, gasping for air again and again. Groan after groan left his lips now as he doubled over, the blood already threatening to soak through the makeshift bandage Clarke used. It felt so hot outside and Ryan was thirsty and even hallucinating as the trees seemed to bend and there were about three of Clarke.

“God… I’m fucking dying.” He muttered to himself before forcing himself to stand up straight, leaning on Clarke for support. In a moment of sobriety and consciousness, he noticed how bad the situation was. “I think we should get back to the drop ship.” Ryan whispered breathlessly while moving slowly against Clarke. He might not have been injured anywhere near his leg but he limped because all this pain made him want to double over and he just felt so weak. He already started sweating bullets and began turning a mixture of pale with a good deal of redness showing, too.

It took them a couple hours to journey this far walking at a brisk pace while being totally conscious of the surroundings. How long would it take with Ryan on the edge of death. After only ten minutes, he slumped over and just fell down to the ground, landing with a thud. Even worse, his wounded shoulder slammed against the ground first and his eyes were closing. His entire body felt like spaghetti, unable to control anything. Everything sounded far off and he still felt so damn hot though he tried his best to stand to his feet again. Obviously, he was not doing good and almost all his clothing was soaked with blood. Ryan needed help soon or he might not make it but to him it would not matter. The spear was meant for Clarke but Ryan would never let something like that happen to her. Her life mattered more than his own in his eyes.
For a very brief second Amelia had wondered if that was the plan, force her to talk in English so they would know she could understand and communicate but that didn't last very long as he started asking her the same question again. It suddenly occured to her that maybe they wanted to know so they could attack her people. While she didn't have any fear for the warriors, she did fear for the people in her village. Particularly the elderly and children.

Amelia couldn't help but feel more than a little outraged when he cut away the rest of her clothing and implied she wasn't much use except for sex. Whether he had done so as a way to get her to slip up again and speak more, the anger was causing her to not think too clearly when you coupled that with suddenly feeling even more uneasy. The thought of one of them was bad enough, let alone a whole group of them doing whatever they wanted to her. The only thing that made the thought even worse was the fact she didn't have much experience in that area because of focusing too much on learning to fight. So his comment about being useful in that way still ended up being incorrect.

"I am Amelia of Triku. I will not help you against my people," she stated with a venom and also a conviction that she didn't actually feel. She feared her will wasn't quite as strong as other warriors and that she'd cave in the end, but she tried not to think about that. For a moment she had considered lunging forward into the knife to wound herself but sadly she couldn't even move that much. Her words weren't to show any cooperation nor did she think he'd understand the meaning behind where she was from but said them merely as a way to show defiance.

"Go ahead, do your worst. I suspect your people won't last long in my world," she spoke and was still trying to hide her fear behind some tauning, even if it probably wasn't working that well and was obvious that she was scared. But her words were true nonetheless. Triku was no joke, and Ice Nation was even worse. That wasn't even counting the myth of the mountain men, which she had never seen one and wasn't quite sure she believed, but there was still the reapers which many claimed were real. Not to mention the fog that could kill from even a small amount of direct contact. So no she really didn't believe they would last long. And if she was right about that thought then maybe she could get out of this situation alive and fairly unharmed.


Clarke knew how bad the wound looked even before they tried to get back up to go to camp. But she also knew it wouldn't get any better the longer they waited which was why they needed to get back to tend to the wound. Supplies may have been scarce but she was sure there had to be something that would help. The only thing she was worried about was if they would get back there, and if they would get back in time. It wasn't a thought she wanted to worry about but was scared of nonetheless.

Managing to get him up, the walk was slow to the point of being mentally excruciating despite the fact she knew he was badly injured. That fact only made her more scared and want to get back to the drop ship, but couldn't exactly go much faster than their current pace. She tried to be reassuring to him during his moments of being fully conscious and she hoped her fear didn't show through. When he stumbled after about ten minutes of walking at a slow place it made her fear worse that he was going to die, which she didn't know what she'd do if that would happen.

After a couple moments of him laying there Clarke found herself more than a little desperate along with scared. In an act of desperation she managed to pull him to his feet again, despite the fact that he was hardly conscious at the moment and did her best to support his weight with her own. Vaguely she couldn't help but think it would've been better to have the spear hit her. Had it been her then he could carry her back to camp, whereas she wasn't quite as strong as Ryan to pick him up. She wanted to yell and hopefully have someone from camp hear, but she was afraid that the people who attacked them would only hear and come to finish the job.
Now, Bellamy was beginning to lose his cool. Putting the blade delicately onto the workbench, Bellamy assembled a slender material of cloth and a gallon container of water. Drawing near the prisoner once more, the young fellow started to give his side of the story. "See, Amelia, you appear like a decent young woman and everything but you’re killing me, here. I don't comprehend what the hell a tree-ku or a try-ko or whatever the fuck you just told me that you are. I don't comprehend what the fuck "your people" implies. Shit. I didn't think any life existed on Earth yesterday so pardon me when I don't exactly see eye-to-eye with you on this fucking thing. You better give me information I can use. However, you don't appear to be too eager to help. That is alright with me, though. I'll teach you a couple fucking lessons."

Completing his announcement with a displeased episode, Bellamy grasped her head with one hand, holding her hair firmly and constraining her head in reverse, the back of her head level against the highest point of the seat. The material was immovably set over her mouth and nose while Bellamy fixed the top from the gallon of water. It may be a misuse of water however with data she gave, they may never run low on water again. Keeping the hostage still, Bellamy began to pour the water over the fabric. As an Ark Guard in-training, many classes were given on interrogation tactics regardless of the possibility that they were customarily seen as unethical.

The water just spilled and spilled out of the compartment, soaking the fabric over her nose and mouth. This streamed gradually for a matter of thirty seconds before Bellamy finally quit pouring the water. He kept the fabric solidly over her mouth and nose, adding weight to squeeze her nostrils together while covering her mouth to expand the drowning sensation alongside compelling her to be unable to breathe. Just before she went out or suffocated in the water stuck in her lungs and throat, Bellamy evacuated the material and ventured far from the scene as he watched her hack, spit up water, and do whatever else she should do.

While she was managing her issue, Bellamy fixed the top again and folded his arms over his mid-section. "How about we attempt this once more? How many people are still on Earth? How in the hell did anybody survive the nuclear explosions?" Bellamy did not know whether only one waterboarding endeavor would be sufficient to break the primal lady. If necessary, he would play out the demonstration over and over alongside different torment tactics he learned. Bellamy felt certain he could break Amelia and soon enough she would release information about the world they expected to know.


It was a long, tricky excursion. After almost two hours, a scarcely cognizant Ryan bumbled his way with Clarke towards the camp. Two young men from the camp were out strolling when they spotted Ryan and Clarke. They saw he was draining of life and Clarke battled to carry him so they each snatched one arm and eased the blonde from the larger male. It was now when Ryan drooped over again and his eyes shut while the blood kept overflowing from the injury. They could move much faster now and they finally arrived at the camp. Regrettably, people were asking what happened. Clearly, they were not the only ones on Earth and one of their own was assaulted. The partying and cheers ceased immediately.

The guys took him into the drop ship on the lowest level, propping him onto a table. Others assembled to offer some assistance if necessary while doing whatever Clarke guided them to do since she was the most experienced with anything involved with medical attention. While a great many people disliked Clarke a lot for who her folks were, everybody loved Ryan. He was a sweetheart on the Ark and he was an incredibly prominent guy in school. One delinquent put two fingers onto his neck to feel for a pulse yet he couldn't discover one. "I don't think he's breathing… " He got out before everybody just ventured away to offer Clarke room to work and do whatever she could to spare Ryan.

From Ryan's perspective, he was a distant memory. Eyes shut, with only obscurity and a glimmer of recollections. It was hard to appreciate or understand this moment and it was difficult to think clearly. Within his mind, he saw his parents and the Ark and for the most part, Clarke Griffin. From the first occasion when they met as youthful children to the day she was captured and each one of those times he sneaked to see her. His whole life practically spun around Clarke and attempting to keep her happy. It seemed as though he might die in view of his affection for Clarke yet in the event that you asked Ryan, it was a meriting demise. He would have done anything to keep Clarke alive and that is the thing that he just did.
Despite having never been tortured before, Amelia immediately tensed up when he walked towards her again and knew it couldn't be anything good. Especially seeing as he had something other than the blade in his hands. Gritting her teeth she tried not to give a reaction to his words or show fear, though her heart felt like it wanted to pound a mile a minute. She didn't get the chance to say anything in response, nor would it have mattered as she wasn't too inclined to help. Not when there first thought was capture and torment, but then again that might have been hypocritical thinking since she was sure her people would do similar things to a stranger.

Wincing slightly as he pulled her hair, Amelia felt her anxiety grow. That was probably the worst thing for her and only made her situation worse as the cloth was placed over her face and then water pouring out over top of that. Despite not being able to really move, her body thrashed in response to the lack of air and feeling that she was going to drown to death. Just that small amount of time was enough to leave her aching from trying to move. On top of that she was pretty sure her end was near.

When the water stopped, Amelia didn't see that as a good thing. Especially since he went on to cover both her mouth and nose to keep her from breathing. Unable to move, and with no way to stop it, she barley had time to let her life flash before her eyes before the darkness had threatened to take over. It didn't quite give her the release of blacking out because he pulled away before that could happen. Her head jerked forward as she coughed uncontrollably and water poured out of her mouth in small amounts at a time.

It took a few moments for her to gather herself, let alone have the questions sink in or give a response. "I wouldn't know. I don't exactly know everybody," she said with a slight growl. His second question was not even something she comprehended. While she had heard stories of the first commander and how things came to be, Amelia was pretty certain she didn't have an appeasing answer for him even if she wanted to be helpful. "Even if I knew what you were talking about, I wouldn't tell you." Despite her words, her confidence was already shaken a bit.


Clarke honestly couldn't have even have taken a guess as to how long it was before they arrived at the camp. Any amount of time felt like too much to her as she worried about the fact that he could very likely die before they get there. It didn't help that she wasn't strong enough to carry him and could barely manage to keep him upright while walking. It was one of the most difficult things she had ever done, yet it was the only thing she was wanting to do and get him back to save his life.

When they did arrive, and two of the guys helped take him into the dropship, Clarke couldn't have looked more shaken up and like a mess. The blonde was completely soaked in blood and honestly couldn't even begin to think straight yet she needed to since she was the one that knew the most when it came to medicine and medical attention. She was likely the only one who could help save Ryan and she had to or else she didn't know what she would do. The two guys took him into the dropship and set him up on one of the tables.

Clarke carefully removed the strip while having others round up any medicine there was. Unfortunately there wasn't a whole lot in the way of what would help his wound. There was some things to help with infection and even bandages but not much else. Despite all of the commotion going on around her, Clarke's sole attention was focused on the wound as she worried about stopping the bleeding.

Her heart sank at the mention of him not breathing but she refused to let him die like this. Even if he had saved her life she couldn't accept the fact that he might die, or might even already be. Stubbornly she tried mouth to mouth resuscitation, along with trying to keep his heart beating, seeing as she unfortunately didn't have the proper equipment to try and shock his heart back into beating again. "Don't you dare give up," she whispered softly while her mind frantically worked out a way to get him stable and out of critical condition.
Obviously, Bellamy did not feel pleased with how Amelia answered his questions. Neither of her answers were helpful and the girl still carried that same attitude. The young man felt his temper starting to bubble and boil but he knew her confidence was wavering. Around this time, Bellamy listened to chatter and noises outside the drop ship, able to decipher a couple screams. This worried him greatly, desiring to know what was happening. However, John Mbege climbed the ladder and pushed open the door, calling Bellamy over for a private conversation away from the captive as she was tied to the chair in the far corner.

Mbege explained how Ryan and Clarke went searching for Mount Weather but someone speared Ryan and he was not doing well at all. This only added to Bellamy’s anger, shooting her a daggering glare from across the large room. When Mbege dismissed himself, Bellamy sealed the latch shut again before storming towards the hostage. Clenching together his fingers into a fist, he sent a thunderous right hook into her abdomen. Bellamy did not hold back, intending to take all the air out of her lungs with one violent punch. Nostrils were flaming and Bellamy could tell these people were not friendly and they might already have a fight.

Wordlessly, he took the cloth again and forced it over her mouth and her nose. Taking the gallon carrier of water again, he poured the liquid all onto the cloth. This time, he held the water flow steady for almost twenty seconds longer than the first time. When finishing, he pulled it away so she could start coughing and hacking again. However, in the middle of a coughing fit, Bellamy pulled Amelia’s head backwards again and restarted the waterboarding technique until the gallon had been emptied. Out of spite, he hurled the empty container towards Amelia.

“You are going to start talking, bitch. How many of you are there? I promise you I will find each one and kill them all myself. I bet you have family, right? I will kill all your family if you do not talk to me.” Bellamy growled again, giving her another stare of death. If looks could kill, Bellamy would have murdered Amelia right then and there. He had no idea what to expect from here but whatever happened was probably not going to be good. The only weapons he had was the lone pistol he took from the Guard to shoot Jaha with just to get onto the Ark.


Only a handful of teenagers remained inside the drop ship while Clarke attempted to save Ryan. Honestly, the medical supplies were not plentiful and Ryan was still not moving. Another check of his pulse occurred yet nothing could be felt pulsating against his skin. When Clarke started to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, the others watched as minute after minute passed but Ryan did not move. One of the females, someone that was somewhat close to Clarke, slowly approached her from behind and placed a gentle hand onto the back of her shoulder.

Almost everyone knew about Ryan and Clarke’s story. Their relationship was something like a myth to some people. How could two people love each other so hard for so long while being so young? They were that one couple nobody thought would ever break up or be with someone else. That fact could not be truer but it seemed like their story was coming to an end. Ryan did not move an inch, did not twitch, and did not breathe. It looked hopeless and the others started to worry about Clarke as she kept trying to bring him back. It was unhealthy for her. She needed to just step away for a minute.

“Clarke… come here. Let’s take a walk.” The girl whispered quietly, rubbing the center of her back with her hand. Nobody knew how to deal with something like this and nobody knew what to expect since Clarke and Ryan were so deeply in love. However, almost ten full seconds after Clarke stopped trying to bring him back, something strange was happening to Ryan. First, his right arm twitched along with his fingers and then his legs twitched, followed by his eyes twitching lastly.

A couple seconds later, his brown orbs shot wide open and looked at the ceiling, a deep inhalation of breath being pulled into his lungs through his mouth. “Fuck.” Ryan grunted, feeling the stabbing pain into his side. Tilting his head over to the left, he did not quite register where he was or what just happened and he was still a little drowsy but he was definitely alive and when he saw that special blonde beside of him, he immediately reached a hand out for her. “Clarke?” He asked, unsure if he was just hallucinating.
Trying to get her breathing to return to normal she had no clue what the conversation could have been about when another guy popped up from the entrance. All she could think about was how exposed she was and that only made her feel more anger towards these people even though it technically was only one person that was the reason and only one person tormenting her for answers. Whatever was said couldn't have been good and she immediately flinched when he came back over.

The feeling turned out to be more than justified when suddenly she cried out in pain. Not only was it from the punch to her stomach but when he grabbed her hair as well. Had she not been so tightly tired up the brunette would have been thrashing around from lack of oxygen. Especially since it lasted far and he did it twice in a row which her lungs burned and ached worse than any pain she could ever remember feeling before in her life.  Whatever it was that was said must have meant her clan already attacked them she thought.

Feeling too weak to argue much she just breathed longer and tensed slightly at the mention of her family. She felt furious that he would drag them into this but it wasn't like she could retaliate in response. Even if he untied her right now she wouldn't have the energy to try and hurt him. "Too many. You'll never kill them all," she hissed defiantly but immediately regretted it as it hurt her throat and lungs.


Clarke wasn't sure what to think or do when it seemed clear that Ryan wasn't moving. It seemed obvious, at least to everyone else, that he was gone yet she couldn't exactly accept that. She couldn't seem to comprehend the fact that he was gone and never coming back or that she wouldn't  be able to talk to him or have him hold her again. At the moment she felt numb but also felt like she couldn't beathe. As if someone had hit her to the point where she couldn't breathe any longer. Barely registering the other woman maybe fresh air would be good as she couldn't really think.

Slowly she started to get up and move but a noise from one of the other people in the dropship caused her to stop and look back just in time to see slight movement. For a moment she thought she was seeing things and was just in too much grief to think clearly. How else was one to feel when someone they were close to forever was dead? Let alone if it was the love of your life. Thoughts had flashed through her head of happier times before either one of them was locked up and the memories just hurt her even more. But then suddenly she saw eyes shoot open and once again it felt like she couldn't breathe as she dropped again to his side.

"Yes I'm here. Right here," she whispered as relief washed over her and she couldn't help that some tears formed and fell from her eyes. "Don't move. Your badly injured."
Bellamy dryly chuckled in response. The burly, dark-haired male refused to show any signs of weakness or a lack of confidence. Despite the number of her people might be much greater, Bellamy refused to give in. In his opinion, he could slaughter them all with one hand if he tried. Looking at the girl, he removed the special knife she concealed and sliced through whatever material she wore over her legs. His intent was to completely expose her body to him for whatever dastardly deeds of torment he wanted to use. Plus, she was pretty fucking hot, too.

“Oh yeah? I’ll find out who your family is and who your closest friends are. I’ll find out and bring you their heads, you little bitch.”

Out of spite, Bellamy maliciously spit in Amelia’s face though it just seemed to sink into her skin because of how drenched she was from the waterboarding. Stepping back from the chair, he pondered the next method. Unsure at first, his eyes followed along the welded, drilled metal walls around them. The drop ship was put together expertly and held power. Plenty of wires were hanging from the side. At first, he thought about choking her but a realization registered.

In all likelihood, she might not even know about electricity. She would have no idea what he was doing. Reaching against the wall, Bellamy yanked out two blue wires and touched the tips together, creating a spark. This was perfect. She was tied to a metal chair and her body was wet. To test out his theory, he touched the wires to her abdomen for two seconds and released, gauging the damage and the reaction.


Once his eyes fully opened, Ryan finally registered his surroundings. Almost as soon as Clarke crouched beside of him, Ryan pulled her down onto the table against his body. Thankfully, she rested on the opposite side of his wound. Watching the tears fall from her eyes broke Ryan’s heart.

“I’m okay, Clarke. I’m okay. You saved me.”

A small smile grew across his lips because they literally saved each other again. His thumb was brushing against her cheek and his lips pressed another kiss to hers quickly and chastely. A rugged sigh escaped his lips and a deep inhalation of oxygen was taken. Ryan understood he was pretty damn lucky to be alive right now. The pain was growing intense again after the adrenaline wore off but Clarke’s presence made him feel better.

Out of respect, the remaining delinquents exited the room to give the couple some alone time. Ryan’s free hand rested in the center of Clarke’s back, slowly massaging her skin underneath her shirt. They were both soaked with his blood but that could be washed away. For now, he cared nothing about cleanliness and everything about living in this moment with Clarke.

“I love you baby. Are you alright?”

Now, Ryan was checking her body for any apparent injures. Even when he nearly died moments ago, his only worry was about Clarke because after he blacked out, he did not know if they were attacked again or if any harm happened to the blonde. At first glance, she looked fine except for being unable to tell if all this blood was his or some of hers as well. He would just need Clarke to confirm she was alright.
Gritting her teeth, Amelia tried not to react much when he pretty much cut away the rest of her clothing, and almost worse than that spit in her face. With how wet she was from the water it barely seemed to register any and she barley managed a glare through the pain. Either he was too confident for his own good, too stupid, or both, she thought when he seemed unaffected by her words. But she knew this small group of people, who likely had no fighting skills, stood no chance against a vast number of people who lived on the ground.

When he took the wires the brunette was at a loss for what he could've been planning. There really wasn't much in the way of electricity so she had no clue what that was and just the mere sight of sparks was a little bit frightening. That sort of pain was not something she could even comprehend and couldn't help the scream that escaped, causing her throat to hurt more. She was pretty sure it would leave a mark, perhaps welts. Breathing heavy she couldn't help but feel physically exhausted. Maybe it was stupid to keep saying things that would only anger him more, but if he wanted information then she might as well say things in a way that would prove they had no hope.

"There's what, fifty? A hundred of you?" She growled and while she had no clue just how many there were, from what little she saw it couldn't have been a whole lot. "You stand no chance against tens of thousands." The number may have merely been a guess but she thought it was safe to say there were that many warriors, and that wasn't counting the number of normal folks who farmed, and who worked for a living and the elderly, children, and even the other threats these people had no clue of.


Clarke couldn't help but feel a total sense of relief. Especially as she laid there beside him and actually felt his breath, which hadn't been the case just a few minutes ago. It seemed like a miracle and she truly had thought he was gone for a few moments. Enough time for her to be overwhelmed in grief and not know what to do with herself anyway. It made her scared to think that she could still loose him eventually, especially seeing as their were hostile people on the ground.

Smiling she knew he wasn't exactly alright, but was alive at least so she didn't argue too much about that. "I love you too. Yes I'm fine. Not a scratch on me," she joked lightly. All of the blood, she was almost positive, was his own. Her back my have hurt a little bit from where she landed against the rock when he pushed her out of the way but that was very minor in comparison to how his injuries were.

"Don't scare me like that again! I thought I lost you," she said and while it was fairly lighthearted of a comment, she meant every word of it and had truly never felt so alone as she had when she thought he was dead. Not wanting to cause him to move or cause pain, she just placed a light peck on his lips to show how much she cared and loved him.
Again, Bellamy did not care about anything Amelia had to say unless she was telling him useful information. Sooner or later, he wanted to break her. In fact, the young man truly believed he would do it soon. After she finished talking, he waited until she regained her breath just so he could electrocute her again. This time when he touched the wires together on her body, he held it for six or seven seconds, intending for her to be screaming in pain the entire damn time. Bellamy still had a few more tricks up his sleeve if this did not work though.

“Shut the hell up. I am not scared of your people and neither is anyone else. We will kill them all right in front of your eyes. I promise. If you tell me the information I want, then I might spare your family and your friends. All you have to do is tell me what I want to know. Where is your village? How do we get there from here?” His words may or may not have been a lie. In reality, Bellamy just wanted to find the village so they could strike back from the attack on Ryan. The Grounders proved to be rather dangerous and it was imperative to find out information about their enemy.

Without even giving her a chance to answer, Bellamy touched the wires together again, burning it onto her left thigh for another few seconds before switching to her other thigh. She was tied down so tight that she could not escape his torture and Bellamy was the only person that could possibly make the pain stop. After this round of shocking her, Bellamy tossed both wires back to the side and out of the way while crossing his arms in front of the dark-haired girl, waiting to hear what she had to say this time. It was a shame he had to mark up such a nice body, though.


“I can’t promise you anything, Clarke. I love you too much. Putting myself in danger to save you is something I would do again. To me, your life is more important than my own.” Ryan commented with a smile after Clarke pecked his lips. Plenty of guys claim they would die for the girl they love, right? How many of those guys would actually make the sacrifice when the time came? Needless to say, the number was small. Ryan was a real man because he would lay down his life to save Clarke without a second thought. He could not promise he’d never do something like that again. They both knew better.

“But I will promise to be careful. I will also never let you out of my sight. We didn’t know what to expect on the ground. I don’t think it is quite the paradise we hoped for but right now we’re both doing alright. Let’s just think about something else for right now, okay?” It would not do them any good right now to dwell on what happened. Besides, Ryan was feeling better thanks to Clarke.

One arm wrapped underneath Clarke’s neck and the other crossed over her nearest shoulder. His right leg wrapped around her closest leg so every inch of their bodies could touch. “It’s a shame we don’t have any working showers down here. I’d love to take a shower with you right now.” Ryan murmured in a quiet voice, just thinking about how fun that would be. On the Ark, they were actually able to do that one time and that was a tremendous experience though they had to be sneaky about it.
If she had time, Amelia would have either scoffed or laughed at his words. Clearly these people were arrogant and stupid, she thought, but no sooner than the thought left her mind did she end up screaming in pain from the shock. There was no way she could have guessed how long it lasted this time, other than that he continued to do it over and over. In reality it might have only been minutes but felt like much longer. Especially when he proceeded to do it even more without giving her a chance to say anything in response.

By the time it did cease, her voice was hoarse and weak to the point where she wasn't even sure she could speak. And she was pretty sure her eyes were red from how badly they hurt. For a brief moment she wondered if welts would firm on her legs and look similar to that of what warriors had for each person they killed. Frowning slightly things were looking more and more hopesless, even if she hadn't already thought they were. It didn't matter though since she had no reason to believe anything he said, nor did she want to give up her village. She'd much sooner send his people towards Ice Nation than lead them to her home where they could try to kill everyone. While there were warriors there, it was a smaller place that was mostly common folk who didn't know anything about fighting, or even understood English since only warriors learned that as a second language.

"My village...is one of an infinite many.." she spoke in a low voice. This time there was no tone other than pain. "Taking it will get you nothing other than war." Amelia doubted that would matter since he seemed stupid enough to believe they could survive an attack with however few people they had. And that wasn't even counting the fact they might already have a war since others would know by now that she was missing and put two and two together. It was getting to the point where she might not have been above begging, especially now that it seemed her village had specifically became a target.


While Clarke expected such a response, and did feel grateful to have someone that loved her so much he would die for her, she still couldn't begin to think about the possibility of him ever being gone because of saving her. Of course she would do the same thing though, even if he would make sure otherwise. Nodding, she supposed the best she would get was him being careful. They all needed to be really seeing as there were obviously humans who survived on the ground and they were clearly not friendly. The thought made her internally frown and was now more concerned about their survival but for the moment she was just too happy Ryan was alive.

"Or even a lake just to wash ourselves off" she mused but clearly liked the thought of a shower with him more. It would've been nice to clean themselves up of blood but that would have to wait until later. Especially Ryan who was still in bad shape despite the fact he was now awake. "Are you thirsty? Need water or food?" she suddenly asked and wanted to make sure he kept him his strength. Holding him tightly she closed her eyes while waiting for a response. It felt good to lay against him like that after nearly loosing him. The thought of him being gone made her want to do anything to prevent that.

"I love you," she added in a whisper.
It did not matter what Amelia told Bellamy. The male would not back down nor would he show any fear. To him, a war would only end with the hundred destroying her village and all the other villages. He simply scoffed when she talked about starting a war. “Oh yeah? They can bring it on.” Bellamy answered before wondering what more could be done with Amelia. His mind was spinning with a few ideas but he wanted to torture her just a bit further before doing something else. Taking a wet cloth from before, he approached Amelia and yanked her jaws open with his hands, shoving the cloth into her mouth. When none of the material remained sticking out, he forced her mouth to close before clamping his hand over her mouth. The only airway she would have now was her nose but he intended to take that away, too.

With his other hand, he pinched her nostrils together tightly and held them together. He repeated his again and again, bringing her to the edge of passing out before releasing for only a brief moment and starting again. “By the time I am finished with you, you will wish you cooperated with me. I will make your life a living hell.” Bellamy warned before releasing her for the final time and grabbing the cloth from her mouth and tossing it onto the ground.

At this time, he hoped Amelia was on the verge of giving up. She had to be in pain and she had to be tired. That was exactly what Bellamy wanted for this next stage to work. Untying a few ropes, the only remaining ropes bound her wrists together behind of her back and bound her ankles together. Then, he just simply pushed her out of the chair and kicked the chair on top of her body. Undoing his belt buckle from the loop, he folded it in half and suddenly whipped it over her leg where the welt from the electrocution showed from before. “If you’re giving me so much trouble, I think I enjoy at least a little fun. I’ve never fucked on the ground before. You’ll be my first.” Bellamy teased in a venomous tone, showing that he had every intention of raping her next. To build the emotion, he whipped the belt over her leg again violently.


“I love you too, Clarke. I don’t need food or water right now. All I need is you right beside of me.” Call it corny or cliché but Ryan truly felt that was all he needed right now. His appetite was nonexistent as was his thirst. The only thing on his mind right now was Clarke and keeping her close to his body. Hopefully he could be feeling better soon enough because he actually wanted to take her up on that offer of finding some lake to wash off in together. It might not be a warm shower but it was definitely something.

Nonetheless, his attention was all on the blonde right now. His eyes open and closed every now and again as he just simply tried to relax despite all that happened today. “You know, I’m holding you to that lake bath. As soon as I am feeling better and I can move, we’re totally bathing in the closest river.” Well, they might have to do some researching and make sure the water was not dangerous because they had no idea but she should hopefully get the point.

As he relaxed, Ryan slipped his hand through her long hair over and over again while his other hand rested on the center of her back. Their bodies could not be any closer together than they were right now. “What are we going to do about these other people?” Ryan finally questioned, referring to the people that were on the ground.
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