Monster Hunter; Hunt-a-thon (Crimson x StarMech)


Sword Master
Aug 4, 2016
Val Harbor. A port town in the middle of the Desert Sea. It's also one of the many Hubs the Guild has for Hunters. As such, the port town is full of Hunters passing through, or accepting quests.

In the Gathering Hall, an experienced Hunter named Crimson, sat at one of the tables, drinking. He worse a full suit of Battle Armor, and a Kehzu Hood that was down. His weapon, an insect Glaive, Sect Heppa, made form Seltas parts. Hesat, looking at the hunters passing by.
[Just an FYI, I don't have a great knowledge of each stats of armor or weapons, so I won't go into detail on how effective they are against a monster.]

Meanwhile, a woman of spiky blue-ish hair was looking through the quest board, hoping to find a mission of her liking. She was wearing a Zinogre armor (Slightly changed so her blue hair wouldn't be covered by the white wig) as well as carrying a Charge Blade on her back. The armor did little to hide her curves, which were catching the eye of quite a few ill-intentioned Hunters.

By the looks of it she seemed like a bit of a rookie, but not too inexperience to not have managed to make a few things for herself.
StarMech said:

(No prob, I know most of the armor, and most of the Insect Glaives, because, ya know, if you look at my guild card in MH4U, I've done almost, over 300 quests with it, and only it. XD)

Crimson took a sip, when he caught a glance of a girl. A Charge Blade on her back, and the Zinogre armor didn't cover her curves. He'll be lying to himself if he didn't think she was beautiful. He didn't bother to do anything however. He was a Solo hunter, and as such, only went with other Hunters if he was asked, and if it's a quest he thought was interesting. He went back to his drink, a small part of hoped she'd talk to him.
Suddenly, everyone's eyes were set on a Running Felyne, who arrived with a little note who was soon delivered to the Guildswoman up on the reception table, who then placed it upon the quest board.

The blue haired girl gasped, quickly speaking with the other woman about the recently updated quest: An Azure Rathalos!

She then rushed to where Crimson was sitting and spoke. "Hey you. You seem to be doing nothing. Do you want a hunt?"
StarMech said:

Crimson took one last sip before answering her, not looking at her. "You mean that Azure Rathalos the Felyne posted?" He finished his drink and looked up at her, his face emotionless, like usual.

"Fine," He said as he got up. He picked up his Glaive, and placed the Kinsect in his arm, a Foe beetle. "Come on Bugsy," He said, talking to his Kinsect. "This young women here invited us to a hunt." He then looked at the girl. "Names Crimson, yours? And are you sure you ready to hunt this thing? Azure Rathalos' are tough."
"Name's Aiko" Said the blue haired Huntress as she placed her hands on each sides of her hips and huffed, "And don't take me for granted! I can pull on my own weight!"

She then headed to wards the Guildswoman to accept the missions. The paperwork was set and their transportation now awaited. "So, are you and your cute lil' Kinsect ready?"

(You can also set after, no need to just make small posts)

Crimson nods. "I'm not underestimating you, a Zinogre is tough to beat, and getting a full set is tough on its own." He pulled his hood over his head, only his chin with his beard is visible. He boarded the transportation and awaited the ride.

The location was the Volcanic Hollow, the Azure Rathalos had made it's nest there. Once it landed, he checked the supply chest, grabbing the map, some First-aid meds, a couple Rations. He reached into his pack, taking out a Demondrug, and an Armordrug, drinking them down. He then takes out a Psyhosyrum. He downs that as well, and points towards the general direction, the nest.

"There's our target." He said, walking towards the edge. He looked back. "Ready?" He said as he jumped down.
Packing herself with items as well, she and Crimson headed towards the area were the Monster was.

There it was, the Azure Rathalos, an enormous beast of blue hues stomping around the heated cavern. Its sharp claws and spiked tails being big signs of it not being a force to take lightly.

Aiko was crouching at a distance, wondering how to approach it. "Should we rush right away or do you have a plan?" She said while taking a paintball ready to mark it. Part of her wanted to just go and smack it, but she also knew that could lead to trouble.

Just as Aiko finished her sentence, she could see Bugsy fly forward and smack the Az. Rathalos in the face, grabbing Crimson's red extract.

As Bugsy was making it's way back, Crimson looked at Aiko. "Flash bombs ready for when it goes into the air and won't get down. Lifepowders at the ready too. If you need to, get back and heal, I'll be a distraction." Bugsy landed on his arm and Crimson dashed forward, sending Bugsy out to grab his orange and white extracts, buffing him up, and jumping over the Rathalos' attacks with finesse.
The Kinsect's move alerted the Rathalos, and it seemed more pissed than the usual. Immediately it rose to the skies, which gave Aiko the sign to launch a Flash Bomb near his face, dizzying the beast and dropping it into the ground.

She rushed forward and started slicing at it. Each strike just powering up her Charge Blade.

(I'll be honest, not sure on how we will lead to sexyness. If you have any ideas do tell)

Crimson landed after his last jump and started his barrage of attacks, all the while, peeking at Aiko. He couldn't help but think that she looked cute. The attacks she did showed off her curves even more.

He was so focused on her, that he didn't notice the Rathalos had recovered, and had hit Crimson with it's tail, sending him flying to the other end of the area.
"D-damnit" Aiko muttered as the Monster launched Crismon far away. She quickly switched his weapon into Axe Form now that it was charged, but the Rathalos surprised her with an areal summersault and smacked her right to the floor.

The blue haired girl dropped her weapon in the attack and lunged to grab it, but the wyvern stomped her still. It's claws keeping her in place.

Crimson got up and watched Aiko get pinned by the Rathalos. He sprinted forward and grabbed her Charge Blade, switching it to axe form and uppercutting the Rathalos, knocking him down. Crimson then threw a flash bomb to stun it for awhile. He then ran back to her and knelled.

"Aiko. You alright?" He asked, holding out his hand.
"I-I'm fine..." She said with a groan.

However, she looked down on herself to find pieces of her armor has been torn off of her body, revealing more skin. Her cheeks reddened as she tried to cover herself, but the Rathalos was still at large and they didn't have the pleasure to rest.

"Damn you. Bring it on!!" Even with this, Aiko rushed towards the Rathalos. Taking the chance of it being dazed and knocked to attack to it's leg until one vial-charged swing of her Charge Blade's axe mode sliced it right off!!

The monster roared in pain which felt incredibly satisfactory to the humiliated huntress.
StarMech said:

Crimson smirked as he watched her slice at the Rathalos. He unsheathed his Glaive and charged as well. Letting Bugsy deal damage to the Rathalos, grabbing it's extracts and buffind Crimson up.

Crimson then vaulted, and laid a barrage of aerial hits on the Rathalos. It let out one last Roar, before it finally died. Crimson let out a sigh as it fell, sheathing his IG, Andre sitting down, coughing from the hit.
Aiko heads to the dead body of the Azure Rathalos and carved enough materials out of them.

Her cheeks still red as she knew the destroyed pieces of her armor, thanks to the Rathalos, were showing a ton of her skin now; including almost her care ass and a lot of her chest.

"I'm glad is over...." She groaned.

She looked at Crimson and her face lit up more. Qucikly sitting down to cover her rear, she and Crimson had to wait for the Felynes to pick them up.

Crimson put his hood down and looked at Aiko. He noticed her blush and couldn't help but smile and chuckle. "What? Not like there's other Hunters around, no need to be all shy about it." He chuckled again, wincing from pain. "Tell y'all what, after some rest, well hunt a Zinogre so you can get more parts for repair."

He coughed again, and started taking off his chest plate. Underneath the armor and chainmail, there was a small gash in his chest, most likely from the Rathalos hitting him with its tail. He reached into his pack and took out some gauze, and unraveled it. He stopped again to wince at the pain, and cough, before groaning. "Never let a Rathalos hit me like this before. " He said
"Thank you..." Said Aiko, actually surprised. "N-not...mayHunters are this nice to me."

She then looked at his wincing and moved towards him, helping him apply the gauze. In the back of her mind, she also noticed he had pretty nice muscles.

"Hm..perhaps, we should try to wash ortselves, in case of any poison. The Felynes don't seem to be nearby anyways, probably waiting at the camp. I do remember there's a clean water pond somewhere around here."

Crimson nodded and struggled to get up. Once he was on his feet, he made his way towards the pond with Aiko. "The one thing I forgot on this quest, and it's antidotes. " He chuckled to himself. He looked at Aiko, trying to to peek at her exposed rear and chest."Why aren't most hunters nice to you? You seem nice, and cute. " He realized what he said and turned back, blushing. He raised his hood again to hide his blush.

Once they got to the pond, Crimson simply stumbled to it, and sat down, taking off the rest of his armor, and sticking his feet in the water. "After this, we should go to Yukomo, and have a dip in the hot springs there. "
Aiko blushes when he said she was cute. Which felt strange for her. usually she tried to block those comments from all those horndog Hunters who were always ogling her, but why not him? Was it because he also believed in her?

"Heh. You're one of the few people who have ever said that to me." She admitted. "Most wither believe I didn't have what it takes or just prefer to attempt a grab at my butt or something..."

She looked at the pond, enough of size for two to get in and deep enough to sink part of the body. Her cheeks became red at the thought, but it wasn't as he hasn't seen enough with all what the Rathalos destroyed. As such, she undid the rest of her armor pieces and got inside the water to wash herself.

In all honesty, my family wanted for me to just work a the Wycademy at some boring desk job, but I wanted to face the Monsters myself..." She told, "And I'll be honest. I've never been to the Yukomo springs, are they as good as they say?"

Crimson watched as she got into the pond, her armor off. He did his best to not stare, but it was tough.

"See, he said, slipping the rest of his body into the pond. "that's what I don't like about most hunters. It's the reason why I solo, they only care for themselves."

He sighed, feeling some of the poison leave his system. "The Yukomo baths are as they say. Really good stress relievers. Even if you don't have any, a dip can make your whole day feel better " He then trailed off when she mentioned the word; 'Parents'.

"Yeah.... Parents. Glad you didn't do that " He said, his head slightly down as he moved to the edge of the pond and leaned against it.
"Oh, I um, I didn't want to touch a touchy subject, I-"

It was then when she felt the slippery floor of the pond make her trip. Aiko slide to the end of the pound and accidentally falling on Crimson.

The huntress froze as the two were now so close to eachother. Her hand on his chest and the other on his shoulder. She could feel her cheeks burning as his hands were on her naked frame too, but why couldn't she move away?

"No, it's fine. At least you-" Crimson was cut off, when Aiko slipped and fell on him. He had closed his eyes for a split second, and the next, she was right in front of him.

He blushed, as he had his hands in her naked body, and she did as well. His eyes darted, not sure what to do. He wanted to push away, but a part of him didn't. Instinctly, one of his hands moved up her back, all the way to her face, where he cupped her cheek.

He then slowly moved forward, closing his eyes, and connected his lips to hers. His other hand wrapped around her back, pulling her to him.
Aiko's body shivered as his hands touched her naked skin. His hand cupping her cheeks, making her breathing accelerate. She could just feel her heart pounding, due to this simple Hunter...

He came closer, she could have moved away, but...she didn't want to.

Their lips met, and Aiko closed her eyes, kissing with Crimson and just letting her hand caress his chiseled chest as her other traversed down his back.
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