I left where they moved specifically vague so you could do what you want with it, and I figure she left 'home' immediately to head to wherever necessary. If the party started in Littleroot and I needed to meet with them, that's fine, otherwise, anywhere's good. My wishlist is pretty varied so anything where any of those might be found works
As for what her parents did...I actually didn't think too much about it...hrmm....maybe her mom is a fashionista or Contest competitor? Dad...photographer/journalist?
And the liscense, I figured she was either just getting it or literally got it the day before they moved and thus didn't have time to do anything with it, whatever was more convenient/interesting for you (the GM is part of the game too, after all, got to leave them things to do)! Anyway, post is fine for me and I'll get an IC reply up later this evening!
(I'd do it right now, but truth is I just crawled out of bed. This is why you don't start games of Civ after 6pm, they last all night!)
Oh, quick question; You described wild pokemon battling in the post, should I just treat that as 1 session of Training that Sera managed to get in before plot happened?
Oh, and do I have the supplies that I'd already purchased or was she not able to get a hold of the pokeballs and potions due to lack of a license?